Chapter 1

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Sitting at the airport, Lexa is sitting alone as she looks around on edge. The Children's Services worker in Jamaica's job is to make sure Lexa has a plane ticket to New York and to make sure she gets on the plane. Due to her worker getting Lexa onto a discounted flight, Montego Airlines flight 828, Lexa frowns close to crying as her mind replays the events that early morning. The police picked Lexa up from hearing all the yelling, screaming and swear words along with things smashing. To say the least, the police and Children's Services stripped her from her mom's care for good.

Her mom's parents have agreed to take Lexa in, but in their home in New York. Since the police finally stepped in, Lexa hasn't spoken a word to them or the kind lady who is her worker. If Lexa must be completely honest, she has never gone to school or been taught to read. Letting out a scared sigh, Lexa feels tears build in her eyes. She's six years old and is terrified of the world.

Watching a young girl and boy play games with their family, they are laughing and goofing off. Lexa wishes her life could be so carefree. Staring at the family, Lexa catches the eye of the blonde woman. Seeing her stand up, the woman walks over towards her. Stiffening up, Lexa immediately flinches as the woman kneels in front of her.

"Hello, sweetie. My name is Michaela, but you may just call me Mick for short. May I sit with you?" Mick asks with a smile. Seeing Lexa flinch but accepts she sits down beside her but leaves a chair in between, "May I know your name?"

"Lexa." Lexa whispers frightened and slowly.

"That's a beautiful name." Mick admits hearing Lexa's answer, "Where is your family?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Lexa looks around as the chatter around her gets too loud. Covering her ears as she tries to calm down, Lexa immediately spots Mick kneeling back down in front of her. Seeing Lexa's tears as they fall, Mick decides to break the little girl's bubble. Pulling Lexa into an embrace, Mick sits down on the floor and rocks Lexa side to side.

"Let her go!" A woman appears next to them, causing Mick to look up.

"I'm sorry. Lexa started to panic and started to cry." Mick apologizes from on the floor with the little girl curled up on her lap.

"Well, what do you expect? She's been abused and got taken out of her mom's care." The woman snaps, "Wait, how do you know her name?"

"She told me." Mick explains, "Why?"

"She never talks to anyone." The woman sighs, "What flight is yours?"

"828." Mick replies.

"Good. That's Lexa's flight." Mick nods feeling Lexa slowly relax in her arms. For the moment that Mick hopes the lady would be kind and ask her to keep an eye on Lexa – it immediately shatters, "Make sure Lexa gets on the plane. I'm leaving." The woman drops Lexa's tiny backpack on the floor and roughly passes her Lexa's ticket.

As the woman leaves without another word, Mick looks over Lexa's seat number to only smile seeing that Lexa's seat will be across the aisle from her, her brother Ben and her nephew Cal's. Feeling Lexa slowly relax, Mick's thoughts go all over the place. Holding her until their flight is called, Mick snaps out of her thoughts as Lexa hides her face into her shoulder as she keeps her ears covered.

Struggling to keep Lexa in her arms, Mick slowly gets to her feet with help. Thanking the person, Mick goes to set Lexa down to get Lexa's bag but Mick notices it's Cal holding Lexa's bag and Ben helped her up.

While Cal goes forward a few feet, he waits as Ben gives her a worried look.

"I'll explain on the plane." Mick states sadly as the family and Lexa heads to check in. Handing their tickets in to board, the steward lady greets them causing Lexa to cry softly and let out a scared squeak. Hushing Lexa gently, the steward nods understandingly.

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