The Lost Sister ✓ [COMPLETED]

By ValerieWinks777

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Luna was only 10 years old when her sister, Star, ran away from home. Desperately, Luna and her parents searc... More

Ch. 1 *We Were Inseparable*
Ch. 2 *Santa Carla*
Ch. 3 *Boardwalk*
Ch. 4 *A Blank Canvas*
Ch. 5 *Looking For A Job*
Ch. 6 *The Dark Haired Girl*
Ch. 7 *I Left You Behind*
Ch. 8 *...Star?*
Ch. 9 *The Lost Boys*
Ch. 10 *I Was Worried About You*
Ch. 11 *Just Friends*
Ch. 12 *The Truth*
Ch. 13 *Hudson's Bluff*
Ch. 14 *Vampire*
Ch. 15 *My Permission*
Ch. 16 *Dinner At The Emerson's*
Ch. 17 *Girl's Night Out*
Ch. 18 *Making Friends*❣️
Ch. 19 *Beach Party*
Ch. 21 *Under The Moonlight*❣️
Ch. 22 *Behind Blue Eyes*
Ch. 23 *The Beauty Of The Night*❣️
Ch. 24 *Someone In The Shadows*
Ch. 25 *First Date*❣️
Ch. 26 *You Remind Me Of Someone*
Ch. 27 *My Gift To You*❣️
Ch. 28 *Sunlight*
Ch. 29 *Nowhere To Go*
Ch. 30 *Cornered*
Ch. 31 *Preperation*
Ch. 32 *The Battle Begins*
Ch. 33 *Head Vampire*
Ch. 34 *Family*

Ch. 20 *Happy Birthday Star!*

257 8 5
By ValerieWinks777


"So," I swallow my bite of cotton candy, "it's Star's birthday day after tomorrow."

"Oh?" Marko raises an eyebrow, "you do realize that birthdays don't matter, right?"
"Of course they do," I point out, tip toeing around a group of kids who take up a big portion of the pathway.
"Vampire or not, it matters."

Marko chuckles softly. "You're one of a kind, Luna."

We all met up here at the boardwalk, but at some point, Star went her own way, David and the other two guys went to Max's videos store.
And me and Marko decided to get some candy.

Honestly, it's a good thing Star is out of earshot.
It gives me a chance to talk about plans for her birthday.
I want to throw a party in the cave, but to do so, I need help.
That and I need permission from David.

"She hasn't had a proper birthday since she was young," I say, a little saddened by that truth.
I think about all the moments, when it was Star's birthday.
I think about where she was during her birthdays, what she was doing, if she missed us...

Mom and Dad would always throw her a party. With homemade cakes and gifts...
I miss those times.

"And?" Marko stops walking breaking me from my train of thought, "what's your plan?"
I look at him. "I'm gonna get birthday supplies. Oh and," I tap him on his chest, "I want you to get her a present."

"What?!" He says, "oh come on! I don't even know what she likes!"
"Don't fret, I'll help you," I smile, nodding towards the little arts and crafts stand.
Star has pierced ears, so perhaps a pair of earrings will be nice.
Marko can pick them.
I have something else in mind to give Star.

Marko looks literally like this is the last thing he wants to do.
But I'm not letting him off the hook that easy.
We all are gonna get Star a gift.

"Come on," I flutter my eyelashes, giving him my best puppy dog face. "Be a good friend."

For a moment, he wants to resist, but soon he exhales deeply, caving in.
"Alright find, I'll pick something."

"Yay!" I hug him, "thanks!"
I don't notice the hitch in his breath, or the way he tenses from my touch.

I pull away, and we scan the display cases.
"Anything in particular that you like?" The man asks me.
"It's mostly up to him," I nod at Marko, smiling softly.

He kind of smiles too. Though it's faint.
"Oh, is this a gift for your girlfriend?" He asks.
My chest tightens.

He just labeled me as Marko's GIRLFRIEND.
I'm not his girlfriend! We're just good friends.
I open my mouth to speak, but Marko's voice speaks before I can.

"No, it's for my friend's sister," he looks for a moment, until he picks out a metal sea-star shaped set of earrings. "I'll take those ones."

I glance at him from the corner of my eye.
His face is completely blank as he takes the earrings and gives the man money.
He isn't affected by what was just said.
And he shouldn't.

But...why do I feel a little sad?

We take our leave and walk towards where we all agreed to meet.
I look at Marko. "Don't lose those."
"I won't," he looks at me, "am I good now?"
"Yeah," I reply, noticing David coming straight towards us.

His eyes locked entirely on me.


"Hello kids," I approach Luna and Marko. "Mind if I steal her for moment?"
Luna has been running around to different spots of the boardwalk the whole time we've been here, what's on her mind, I wonder.

Luna's eyes shape into a small glare, and Marko glances between me and her.
Soon, Marko takes slow steps back, eyes not leaving Luna.

Do I sense some feelings going on?
He doesn't stand a chance.
She'd never like him, or any of us for that matter.
Poor boy, he shouldn't torture himself like that.

When Marko is gone, I turn towards Luna, hands in my pockets.
"What's up?" She asks, impatient in her tone.
"You've been busy," I point out, "what have you been doing tonight"

She licks her lips before pursing them.
It's kind of cute, honestly.
"I've been making birthday preparations."


"Yeah?" I cross my arms, "and for who?"
"For Star," she says, "it's her 21st birthday tomorrow."
"Technically, she isn't turning 21," I point out, giving her the 'We're vampires,' look.

She sighs, annoyed at my two cents.
Star's birthday, huh?

I stare at her in silence for a moment. She wants something, I see it in her eyes, but she's too shy to ask.
"Anything you need?" I finally ask.

She nods. "Yeah um, can we throw the birthday at the cave?"
"Of course," I smile, "I wouldn't want it any other way."
"Thanks," Luna says, before her eyes fall on Paul whose trailing behind a tall blonde chick.

"I'll see you later," she waves, taking off after him.
I stand there.
We haven't done a birthday in years. What harm could it do?

Beside, the more I show that I'm kind to Luna, the closer I get to Star giving in to the Mating Bond.
I turn on my heel and go to my bike.

The only missing piece of the puzzle is Michael.
Star needs to kill him, but she's fighting against her inner vampire taking over her.

I wish she'd stop being so stubborn and accept it.
Suddenly, an idea hits me.
I know the perfect gift to give her.
A certain gift that'll show her that I'm not giving up.

*Star's birthday*

"Paul! You're doing it wrong!" I sigh, rushing over and grabbing the decorations out of his hand that he keeps screwing up on. "Let me do it."
"Okay okay! Jesus, you're high strung," Paul jumps off the broken fountain, grumbling under his breath as a stoic Dwayne walks past him to me.

I sigh, untangling the mess Paul made.
How he managed to do that in thirty seconds, I have no idea.
"Need any help?" Dwayne peeks over my shoulder at my busy hands.

I shake my head. "No thanks. How is everything over there?"
"It's all set," he says, putting paper stars that I made the guys make around the broken fountain. "When is the birthday girl coming?"

"Soon," I reply as I lower my foot to get off.
Dwayne helps me down.
"Thanks," I brush my skirt off, exhaling. "Alright, everything looks pretty good. Great job."

Paul exhales deeply, hands thrown behind his head. "I did it all myself, so I'd say it looks pretty good."
He wears an overly coated ego smile, and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Whatever," I push him lightly, and he chuckles.
They aren't so bad.
To be honest...there like goofy older brothers.
Well, two of them are. Dwayne is more like the mature older OLDER brother, and David is like the dad to them.

Speaking of the devil himself, David appears.
He holds a little black box in hand with a crimson red ribbon tied into a neat bow on top.

His gift, I assume.

"She's coming!"
Marko runs to us, completely panicked.
Oh! Time to hide!

I fight to keep my giggles contained as I hide behind the couch with Paul.
Dwayne dives behind the cave wall.
Marko hides in Star's room, confetti bowl in his arms.
And David hides in the shadowy corner of the cave.

In a single heartbeat, Star has entered the cave.
Wait for it...
She looks around. "Marko?"
Wait for it...


We all jump out suddenly, blowing birthday whistles and throwing confetti in her face.
"Surprise! Happy birthday Star!"

"What..." She trails off, shock on her face before she starts to laugh softly. "You remembered my birthday?"
"Of course I did!" I hug her, putting a seashell necklace around her neck that I made yesterday. "You're my sister."

"Luna..." She looks like she's about to cry, but she wipes at her eyes before any tears fall. "Thank you, thank you so much."
"Happy birthday Star," Paul smacks her in the back gently.

"Happy birthday," Dwayne and Marko follow, before David approaches her.
He touches her cheek softly. "Happy birthday my love," he kisses her cheek.

She grimaces. "Thank you, David," she mumbles, her face shaping into an uncomfortable expression.
I step in. "Come on! Blow out your candles!"

I hand her a little one layer vanilla cake with blue and pink sprinkles and four candles lit on top.
Star holds her hair back and blows them out.

We all clap.
"Whatcha wish for?!" Paul asks, but I shake my head.
"Nuh-ah," I wave a finger in his face, "if you tell, it won't come true."

"Oh that's bullshit!" Paul says, but I laugh along with Star.
Hopefully David doesn't make her too uncomfortable tonight.
Luckily, I'm here though. That way I can step in between David and Star if things become to uncomfortable or awkward for her.


We all ate some cake, and now Star's opening her presents.
Dwayne got her a gorgeous black and red crop top with a black flowing skirt.
I'm a little jealous honestly.
Paul got Star a CD of a rock band tht Paul is completely fan-boying over.
Marko gave her the sea-star earrings we picked out.

And now... it's my turn.

I pull out a frame wrapped in newspaper.
"Happy birthday sis."
I was hesitant to give this to her, because the mention of Mom and Dad always hurts her.

But she needs to know that we're always there for her. That we'll always be her family.

She opens it, and gasps softly when she sees what's inside.
It's a picture of when we lived in Leavenworth.
Mom and Dad are standing behind us, arms wrapped around each other's waist.
A five year old me stands in the front, smiling so wide that I reveal my missing tooth.
And a nine year old Star stands next to me, smiling softly with her hand on my shoulder.

She stares at the photo in silence for several moments, hands squeezing it so tightly.
One finger trails down Mom's face.
"I haven't seen her in so long," she says through a shaky breath, before giggling at Dad, "I forgot that Dad used to wear his shirt tucked in like that."

Tears are streaming down her face.
Everyone in the room has fallen silent.

I can feel David eyes glaring at me, but I ignore it.
Star needs this...she needs to see her family.
She looks up at me, before getting up and pulling me into a hug, tears running down her face.
"Thank you," she whispers.

I squeeze her. "We love you," I whisper quiet enough for only her to hear.
She nods, pulling away as more tears flow.

David stands up. "I have a gift for you, as well," he hands Star his box. "Happy birthday."
Star wipes her eyes dry, gently pulling the ends of the ribbon and lifting the box.

A gorgeous red substance locked withing a heart shaped glass-- attached to a small chain--gleams in the cave sunlight.

My jaw drops.
But Star stares at it in complete horror.

I want to ask her what's wrong, why is she so horrified at this rather STUNNING necklace, but before I can Marko leans in and whispers in my ear.

"It's a Blood Necklace," he says, "mates give them to there partners. If there partner is ever in danger, it'll glow red."

"But whose blood is it?" I whisper back.

"It's my blood," David says, eyes locked on Star like she's his prized possession.
He takes a kneel, pulling out the exact same necklace around his neck.

Star's eyes widen.

He takes her hand. "Now you carry of piece of me, wherever you go," he kisses her hand, "my Mate."
My eyes widen.

Everyone is completely silent, glancing at each other.
"Is this a common thing?" I whisper-ask Marko.
He leans in. "The Blood Necklace is basically an engagement ring in the vampire world. It's a way to let the other partner know where there mate is, if there okay, and to show to anyone that they belong to the one whose blood is in that necklace."

Realization sinks in.
"So," I whisper, "while Star wears that necklace, she belongs to David?"
Marko nods. "If your mate dies, the necklace turns black and becomes powerless. Meaning, you're set free from the Mating Bond."

Oh shit...
That's why she looked completely shocked.
Until one of the two dies, they are connected by bond.
By blood.

The look of horror is still on her face, while David only smirks at all of us.
They're Mating Bond just got deeper...

And she has no control over it.

(Shout out to JamieWood821!
I asked permission to use the idea of the necklace in my story. So all credit goes to her)

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