Angel of destiny|| d.belikov

By purple2495

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Katherine Hathaway thought her life would always be the same, if only she knew how wrong she was. More

Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20

Chapter 13

574 30 3
By purple2495

Dimitris revelation to his mother brought him new concerns, all surrounding the woman he had grown to care deeply for.

To him she was perfect, scars and all, she was strong, smart, beautiful, kind and caring, she is everything he could have imagined loving and yet there she was.

Katherine Hathaway had managed to work her way into his cold locked heart, he had once said that duty would always come before love, before devotion to anything but moroi, but now, now he wasn't so sure. His charge was the princess, one of the people that Katherine cared about, but each time he put his mind to it, he came up with the same conclusion.

If at any point there was a situation where both the princess and Katherine were in danger, he was sure he would throw himself infront of Katherine instead. Consequences be damned.

But duty dictated that two dhampir could not be together, they couldn't reproduce, they couldn't give anything to each other, so many years ago, years after St Vladimir and ana died it was dictated that moroi were allowed to be together and a dhampir was allowed to be with a moroi but under no circumstances were two dhampirs allowed to be with one another.

Maybe in the future that would change but right now she was a student at the academy he worked at, yes she was of age, yes it was legal, but nobody would ever look at either of them the same way ever again.

He shook the thoughts of her out of his mind, though lately that seemed to be getting harder and harder.

Just two days ago the phone call with his mother made him realise how much he cared about Katherine, his Katerina, his little fighter, she brought out a side of him he thought had be long forgetting, his playful side, the side he thought had died along with Ivan. But no, she brought it back out and he loved it.

He sat out in the novice training areas early in the morning, no one was around, only a handful of guardians were stationed around the area, given that it was a weekend these shifts were always the ones that people dreaded, with the students not in class it usually have those who weren't on duty time to relax, most of time Dimitri would take these shifts as he had no need to relax, had no one to spend his time with.

However lately a few of the guardians were into taking him to the bars, Celeste Mathews and Mikhail were often the ones to drag him out of bed and into the bars. Sometimes some of the novices would be there but it was an unspoken rule for the guardians to tell on the novices unless they did something dangerous.

Which is why it didn't surprise him that he was now seeing many drunk novices just now returning from their nights out. It made him chuckle slightly until he watch rose run over to him

He frowned a little as he liked at her
"Can I help you miss Hathaway" he asked

Rose pouted "you call my sister a pretty name, where's mine" she mumbled as she looked up at him making his frown deepen

"I call your sister by her own name miss Hathaway, now given your drunken state I suggest you return to your quarters before somebody who is on duty finds you" he muttered putting some space between them only for her touch his arm gently making him tense

"Dimitri" she whispered

"Guardian belikov" he growled "that is my name"

"But comrade" she whispered his frown now ever more prominent

"I believe, guardian belikov asked you to leave him alone, now he's polite, I am not, fuck off rose, go and sober up before you do something you regret" Katherine snapped as she came to stand by Dimitri, she took roses hand off Dimitri and pushed her slightly

"You don't deserve him" rose glared at her

"I do not know what your talking about Rose" Katherine sighed

"Yes you do, I see how you look at him, how he looks at you, all while you both pretend" Rose growled "it's always you they choose, first mikhail chose you as his best friend and now he chooses you"

Katherine froze at the mention of mikhail

"You do not get to say anything about him, he was there for me when you weren't, when you decided to up and leave for what, to protect liss, exactly what where you protecting her from rose, the only danger to Lissa was you" Katherine growled

"Me" she muttered

"Yes you rose, you took out of the safety of the academy. Where there are guardians watching her, morning, noon and night, your not trained, your not even like any of our other novices, hell rose you can't even beat me and I'm injured for god sake rose, grow up, until you grow up and learn that not everything is about you then you are not fit to be a guardian, get to your room now before I inform Alberta and anyone else that is here that you are a danger to yourself and to Lissa, you are drunk, sleep it off and think of what you've bloody said here" she growled and pushed her towards her quarters and watched her stumble away from them.

Katherine stopped and sighed as she rubbed her face gently

"Katerina I swear nothing happened, she just..." before he could say anything else she stopped him

"Stop Dimitri, I know" she whispered softly "she does this, when I finally have something good she tries to wreck it. She did it with mikhail, tried to make him believe that she was the one that always put everyone else first. She manipulates people to her gain, she's more like my mother than she is our father" she muttered as she looked at him "it's okay I know you didn't do anything, and if you did your free to do so Dimitri, you have your own free will"

Dimitri looked at her before he looked around and grabbed her gently pulling her close to him "I do not want free will, I do not want your sister, we both know who I want" he whispered

She looked at him before she gently pulled out of his arms "they come first" she whispered as she kissed his cheek gently "I know what you want, I want it too, perhaps in time we will be able to have it" she muttered as she began to walk away

Before she disappeared she smiled at him "you changed my life Dimitri belikov, you should know one thing about me. I tend to fight for what I want, consequences be damned" she smirked before she rounded the corner disappearing from his eye sight

In that moment he knew what she meant, and god did he love it, he knew that they couldn't be together, couldn't love one another. But they were going to, they wouldn't do anything while it was illegal but god damn would they love from afar and when the time was right they whorl seize each other.

Dimitri belikov was a man, a god to many but now he was also a believer. A believer in love, Katherine Hathaway was embedded in his mind and nobody would take her away from him.

Lil Dimitri snippet before we get to the drama. And boy is it big.

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