Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: B...

By ilikepizza107

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The world has long moved on since the defeat of Master Hand and Crazy Hand. However, a new evil has risen... More

Introduction: Let's get things straight
Chapter 1: Mario
Chapter 2: Snake
Chapter 3: Meta Knight
Chapter 4: Robin
Chapter 5: Logan
Chapter 6: Fox
Chapter 7: Link
Chapter 8: Captain Falcon
Chapter 9: Ness
Chapter 10: Zero Suit Samus
Chapter 12: Little Mac
Chapter 13: Sonic
Chapter 14: Roy
Chapter 15: Ryu
Chapter 16: Sheik
Chapter 17: Luigi
Chapter 18: Mega Man
Chapter 19: Villager
Chapter 20: Marth
Chapter 21: Luigi
Chapter 22: Duck Hunt
Chapter 23: Dark Pit
Chapter 24: Pit

Chapter 11: Mewtwo

312 13 1
By ilikepizza107

  What's the matter, Meta Knight? I asked Meta Knight telepathically.

"Mewtwo, I just was informed from Ness that Lucas is nowhere to be found and Snake has been turned into a trophy!" Meta Knight said.

  Snake's dead? I thought in disbelief.

  Meta Knight...let Ness and I try to go look for Lucas? I asked him.

"That's fine. I'll go get him."

  No need. I already called him. I told Meta Knight.


I teleported Ness and myself to the place where Ness had last seen Lucas.

"He was lying on the ground here." Ness told me.

 Dark Pit was thrown off of the train, right? I asked Ness, and he nodded.

"Yeah, I did it myself." Ness said.

  Look. There's a trail of grass that has been flattened. Maybe Lucas caused it. I said in Ness' mind, and he smiled.

"You're right, Mewtwo. Let's follow the trail." Ness said. I led the way, gliding next to the trail of flattened grass.

  This is a pretty flat area. If there is an enemy, they'll be able to spot us easily. I warned Ness.

"And vice versa." Ness pointed out.

  True, but still...I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched. I said to Ness.

"Yeah, but do you always feel like that?" Ness asked me.

  Most of the time, yes. I admitted, However, every time I felt like I was being watched, I was.

"Even if we are being watched, we'll take them down." Ness assured me.

 The trail ends here. I said, pointing out the spot where the trail stopped.

"There's a forest right there. Maybe he's inside that."

  Maybe. Let's go. I said, and we both walked into the forest. There was a big, grey building about a hundred yards away from here.

"Hey! Lucas could be in there!" Ness said.

  I don't have a good feeling about this, Ness.

"Well, I'm still going to go in."

  Fine, I'll go too. I said in Ness' mind, rolling my eyes. We entered the building and saw an elevator, wide open.

"That's weird. Oh, well. Let's go!" Ness said, charging into the elevator. I followed, feeling very uneasy about this place. Ness pushed the only other button in the elevator: the second floor button. The elevator rose up, and soon the door opened.

"Lucas! I'm so happy to see you again!" Ness said, running out of the elevator. I exited the elevator, and looked around. There was two tubes; Lucas was in one of them.

"Commencing copy." A computerized voice said. The two tubes whirred, and smoke filled both of them.

"Lucas!" Ness shouted, looking at the tubes in fear. I stood behind Ness, waiting. The two tubes stopped whirring and the smoke inside started to clear. The tube containing Lucas opened, and Lucas fell to the ground, losing cautiousness. Then, the other tube opened, and out came a had Lucas' hair style, in fact, it was Lucas, but this one had black hair, shirt, jeans, and shoes. The copy Lucas laughed an evil laugh, and charged at Ness.

  Confusion! I thought, and used my Confusion move. The copied Lucas spun around and fell to the ground, unable to move for a second.

"Mewtwo, who is that?" Ness asked me.

  Most likely an evil copy of Lucas. Dark Lucas, to be specific. I'll grab the real Lucas, and then we need to get out of here.

"No you don't!" Dark Lucas shouted.

  What?! I thought. Dark Lucas laughed.

"Yes, I can read thoughts like you, Mewtwo." Dark Lucas said.

  Don't make me laugh. I said in Dark Lucas' mind. Ness, take Lucas and yourself to a safe place. The elevator, perhaps. I said to Ness in his mind.

"Okay, Mewtwo." Ness said, picking up Lucas and running to the elevator.

"Oh, well. I didn't want to mess with the small fry, anyway." Dark Lucas said to me.

  You sure talk a lot. Let's see what you can do in a battle. I said to Dark Lucas. Dark Lucas charged and tried to land a dash attack, but I just warped behind him and punched Dark Lucas hard. Dark Lucas skidded back and growled.

"PK Fire!" Dark Lucas yelled, and shot a PK beam at me. I used my Confusion move, and the PK beam was reflected to Dark Lucas, who created a PSI Magnet around him and absorbed the blast, which healed him.

  You're pretty good, for a copy. I said in Dark Lucas' mind.

"That's how I was created to be!" Dark Lucas said.

  Who, exactly, created you? I asked.

"That's for me to know." Dark Lucas said, "However, he is in the Dark Legion."

  The Dark Legion again! I thought.

"C'mon, then, let's see the power of the so-called 'mighty' Mewtwo!" Dark Lucas taunted. I lunged for Dark Lucas, landing a dash attack. Dark Lucas was launched straight above me, and counterattacked with a mighty downward kick. I flew back a little and started charging up my Shadow Ball.

"PK Fire!" Dark Lucas yelled, and I quickly stopped charging my Shadow Ball and blocked the attack.

  Nice try. I said, and started to charge my Shadow Ball again. Dark Lucas charged at me, and I released a fully-charged Shadow Ball at him. Dark Lucas flew back and hit the wall before falling to the ground.

"I'm not done yet!" Dark Lucas shouted, standing up.

  Fine with me. I told him, and charged again. I landed a dash attack on Dark Lucas before sending him up in the air with a quick up Smash attack. Dark Lucas shot into the air and started to fall again. Then, at the last second, he attacked me with another downward kick. I fell to the ground but quickly got back up. Is that all you got? I taunted.

"You haven't even seen what I can really do!" Dark Lucas shouted, and charged at me again.

  Take this! I shouted, and used my Disable move. Dark Lucas froze in place, unable to move. I used a quick side Smash attack that sent him flying. Dark Lucas unfroze and landed on his feet, growling. Dark Lucas jumped into the air once. What's he doing? I thought.

"This!" Dark Lucas said, having read my mind. "PK Thunder!" He yelled, and a ball of blue lightning shot out of Dark Lucas.

  That's all? You made a blue ball come out of your brain? I said to Dark Lucas. Dark Lucas smirked and directed the thunder ball to himself. Covered in electricity, Dark Lucas slammed into me, which launched me into the air. Dark Lucas landed on his feet and I plummeted down and hit the ground hard on my back.

"How was that, Mewtwo?" Dark Lucas said, then laughed. I shot up from the ground, hurt a little but okay.

  Wow, Dark Lucas, you almost had me that time. I said to Dark Lucas telepathically. I saw Ness quietly tiptoeing behind Dark Lucas, about ready to deliver a final blow.

  Please work! I pleaded.

"Please what work?!" Dark Lucas said, then spun around. "Oh ho ho ho! Nice try, Nessie-boy!" Dark Lucas said, then smacked Ness back into the elevator with a side Smash attack.

  Ness! I thought, then growled. That's it, Dark Lucas! You've crossed the line! I shouted at Dark Lucas, and started to charge a Shadow Ball. Dark Lucas started to run to me, and then my Shadow Ball finished charging. I jumped into the air, above Dark Lucas, and fired the Shadow Ball at the two tubes, which destroyed them.

"Noo!" Dark Lucas cried, and he started to dissolve. Dark Lucas looked at me with hatred, anger, and ferocity. "Listen up, Mewtwo! Times are changing. The Dark Legion member continue to grow stronger by the week. Soon, you won't be able to handle them anymore. The Dark Legion will surpass all challengers!" Dark Lucas shouted, and disappeared.

 Good riddance. I thought. Ness, are you okay? I asked Ness.

"I'm...fine..." Ness managed weakly.

  No, you're not. Let's see...there! I said, and found two heart canisters. I grabbed them and broke one on Ness, and then on Lucas. Now how do you feel? I asked Ness.

"All better, now! Thanks, Mewtwo!" Ness said, then started to gently shake Lucas. "Lucas, wake up, buddy! We gotta go!"

"I'm up, I'm up." Lucas said, standing up slowly, then yawned.

  Boys, we need to get going. Whoever else is in this building is probably piping hot right now, and will maybe send out and entire army. I told the boys in their minds.

"We're on it!" Ness and Lucas said simultaneously.

  Good. Grab onto my hands; I'll warp us out of here. I said, and the boys obeyed. I concentrated on the base that the rest of the Smash team was in, and warped to it.


"Whoa, what happened here?" Ness said rhetorically. I answered anyway.

  No idea. The whole base was torn apart, light fixtures barely hanging on their cords, the stone in the base was cracked and missing some pieces, and most importantly, there was blood on the walls and nobody to be found.

"Oh, no, blood..." Lucas said, then threw up.

  This base is—was—the most secure in history. How could someone find it? Unless...there was a traitor from the inside! The traitor could still be here, we need to go now! I thought.

"What do we do?" Ness asked me.

 Do you remember where Mario and the others are? I asked Ness, and he nodded.

"Yeah." He said.

  Alright, think about that place. Then, both of you grab my hands. I ordered. Ness and Lucas grasped my hands, and I saw the place that Ness was thinking about. I closed my eyes and we warped.


We emerged outside of an entrance to a cave.

  Is this the place? I asked Ness, and he nodded.

"Ness! Lucas! Mewtwo!" Someone cried. I looked inside; Marth was calling us. "C'mon, don't leave me hanging!"

"Coming!" Lucas shouted, and ran inside the cave. Ness and I followed suit. Inside the cave was Fox, Link, Falco, Mega Man, Little Mac, Mario, and Captain Falcon, all sitting around a fire.

"Wow! Quite the hideout you got here!" Ness teased, and everyone (except myself) laughed.

"So, what brings you here?" Captain Falcon asked us.

  Long story. I told all of them telepathically. 

"We've got plenty of time." Link said.

  Fine. I said, and began to tell them everything that had happened.

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