You swim? Grayson Hawthorne X...

By MillieKnowsNoOne

104K 1.8K 780

Grayson Hawthorne X OC Lieta Mae Cege, half sister to Avery and Libby Grambs. She is the daughter of Ricky Gr... More

Character Introduction
The moodboard people wanted


1.2K 21 7
By MillieKnowsNoOne

Grayson's POV:

"Grayson. Gray. Gray." I was shaken awake, as I blinked rapidly. My back was killing me, as I stretched. The floor was not the best place to sleep, but I would rather succumb to a deadly disease than leave Lieta alone in her room.

"What?" I asked annoyed, as I saw Jameson above me.

"You're insane." he stated, extending his hand out for me to pull myself up. I groaned, pulling myself up with Jameson's help. The thing that worried me most, was that Jameson's smile wasn't sincere in anyway. It was covering for worry.

"What's wrong, Jamie?" I questioned, brushing my suit off. It had folds and wrinkles in places, where they weren't supposed to be. He just shook his head, angling his head towards Lieta, who was still laying next to us. She hadn't woken up just yet and I was desperately hoping she would wake up soon. The doctors had checked up on her during the night and said nothing was worrying them and I would just have to wait till she's back upright and talking.

"Are you worried about her?" I questioned, he shrugged.

"Yes, but also you." he told me, as I raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you worried about me?" I asked.

"Everyone knows you're love sick, Gray-"
"I'm not lovesick." I interrupted him, though he continued.
"Let me finish,", Jameson sighed, "Everyone knows you're lovesick, but I think you're becoming overly worried about Lieta."

"I'm not overly worried." I stated, though he shook his head again.

"You slept on the floor." Jameson mentioned, as I groaned.

"Well I'm sorry my girlfriend was shot." I rubbed my temple, as Jameson smirked.

"You asked her to be your girlfriend?"
"Other way around." I muttered, as Jameson snorted.

"Of course she had to ask." he laughed, though I just glared at him.

"We're having lunch. Come on." he stated, as I shook my head.
"I'm not leaving her."
"Gray, you need food."
"Do not."
"Do too. Now come on." he headed for the door and waited beside it. My eyes travelled between him and Lieta. I didn't want to miss her waking up. I didn't want her confused and alone.

"We'll tell John to get you, if she wakes up." Jameson sighed. I finally nodded and followed him out the door.

"Call me if she wakes." I told John, as he nodded. I followed Jameson down towards the dining room, where almost the whole house seemed to be eating.

"What happened to the suit?" Xander asked, as I shook my head.

"He slept on the floor." Jameson replied. Everyone nodded and looked down, not questioning my actions. I sat myself down and grabbed the bowl of cooked potatoes. The conversations were slow and mostly quiet. Avery was the most quiet along with Libby. We all seemed to be awkwardly avoiding the topic, which was plaguing our minds.

"How is she?" Avery asked quietly, as I shrugged.

"Doctors aren't worried. She'll supposedly wake up soon." I told her, as she sent me a weak smile. I tried to send one back, however it backfired, as I probably looked slightly depressed.

We all quietly ate for the next ten minutes, as my phone rang. Confused I picked it up to see John calling me.

"Everything alright?" I questioned quickly, as he hummed.

"All good, Lieta's just woken up, if you want to come and-" I hung up on him and quickly stood up, rushing outside. 

"Let him go." Jameson stopped Avery from following me, as I sprinted through the hallways and up the stairs. I made my way past all our rooms and made it to Lieta's room. I rushed into her bedroom and looked over to John, he hid a smile, as he pointed his head towards Lieta.

"You're awake." I stated, looking down at Lieta.

"Seems I am." she mumbled quietly, as I lowered myself down next to her. Carefully I stroked some hair behind her ears and felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards into a smile. John made his way past me and closed the door behind himself. I looked back from the door to Lieta.

"I- you took a while."
"For what?" she said quietly, as I shook my head.
"Waking up." I stated, as she gave me a weak smile.

Lieta's POV:

"Waking up." Grayson stated, as I gave him a weak smile. I hated worrying him. Yet I also couldn't believe he had sprinted into the room just because of me.

"I thought you were gone yesterday." he croaked out, as my already weak smile dropped.

"I'm here, Gray. I'm here." I rushed out, as he only nodded. He took a deep breath, taking hold of my hand. I felt his thumb caress my knuckles, as he laid his head on top of my hand. For the next couple minutes, I just laid there, as I listened to Grayson's shaky breaths.

"Grayson?" I questioned, as he looked up. His eyes were slightly red and I wasn't sure if he had cried or not. I smiled at him, as he gave me a weak one.

"Want to cuddle?" I questioned, though he shook his head.

"I'm not hurting you." he said pointedly, as I raised an eyebrow, my face laced with confusion.

"You wouldn't hurt me." I laughed, though he shook his head.

"The doctors need to change your bandages and then you can't have heavy weight on you for at least a month.

"That doesn't mean no cuddling." I stated annoyed, crossing my arms though quickly regretting it, as a pain shot through my shoulder.

"Ow." I groaned and put my arm back.
"Careful." Grayson said softly and stood, taking a pillow from my sofa in the corner. I watched him fluff it up and carry it over. He replaced the hard cushion under my shoulder for the one he had just fluffed up.

"Thank you." I smiled, as he nodded.
"I'll get the doctors." he stated, as I watched him leave the room.


"You'll be able to take these pain meds every six hours, don't take them more than that. You'll need help showering, as the water's not allowed to touch the bandage. I'll be back every two days to change your bandages, if you somehow get them wet, call and we'll change them." Doctor Smith said, as I nodded.

"Sounds good." I mentioned, as he sent me a smile.

"I'll hopefully see you in two days." he nodded and left the room. Grayson who was standing in the corner of my room, looked a little preoccupied.

"What's wrong?" I sighed, as he looked towards me.

"Nothing. Should I get Avery?" he questioned, as my eyebrows furrowed.

"For what?"

"Don't you want to shower? Would you rather I go and get Libby?" he asked confused, as he tilted his head in thought.

"Grayson, Im not sure how or when I'll shower yet." I said awkwardly, making Grayson raise an eyebrow.

"Why not?"

"Grayson. Would you want one of your brothers washing you?" I asked annoyed, as realisation dawned on him.

"So? How do you want to shower?"
"I'll figure it out." I huffed and pulled my legs up to my chest.

"You can't just not have a shower." Grayson stated, as I groaned.

"Well that's tough." I muttered, making Grayson raise an eyebrow. I watched as he made his way towards me. I was expecting him to crouch down and tell me how ridiculous I was being, though instead he looked down at me and just waited silently. For something.

"What?" I asked annoyed, though he just stood there. The silence was loud and I wasn't liking it.

"Grayson, why are you standing there?"
"Tell me how you're going to shower." he stated again, as I got annoyed.

"I'll figure it out. Probably in a bikini." I stated, as he shrugged.

"Then I'll help you."

"You'll help me?" I laughed, as he shrugged again.

"I've seen you in a bikini. It's not that big of a deal." he stated and came closer.

"You are not washing me." I scooted away from him, as I winced. My shoulder had moved some weird way and apparently that made it hurt. I blinked and looked back up at Grayson, who looked somewhat hurt.

"I don't mean it in a rude way.", I told him quickly, "It's just- I don't know, it feels like a bit of a far step. Even if I'd have a bikini on."

"Really? I've dressed you."
"Fair point." I muttered, making Grayson let out a laugh.

"So? Can we get you showered?" he questioned.
"I've still got clothes on."
"I never said you didn't need to get changed." he shrugged. I rolled my eyes and sat up. Carefully I pushed myself up with my right arm, as Grayson watched me walk towards my wardrobe.

"You may need to wait a while." I let out an awkward laugh, as I watched Grayson shake his head with a small smile.

"I've got time." he nodded, seating himself down into my chair.


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