The Last Phantomhive

By chu1luc

20.8K 727 122

What if Midoriya was not Hisashi's real last name and descended from the most feared and respected Earl of En... More

Rise of a Phantomhive
Aftermath and 'Mission'
A Phantomhive Means Business
Hero Training and An Encounter
Prelude to USJ
The Unforeseen Move
Phantomhive Family Tree
Preparations and Gathering of Aristocrats
Prolouge to Sports Festival
The Guarddog's Entertainment
To Plan Carefully

The Funeral

1.7K 63 6
By chu1luc

It had been a while since Mitsuki heard from Inko, but she has a new life in England now, she can control her own life.

That was when the phone rang.

"Hello Inko. What's happening?"

"Is this Mrs. Bakugou? I'm sorry, but I represent the Phantomhive Estate." A British male voice said.


"I'm afraid I have terrible news. Inko and her husband Grand Duke Phantomhive have been assassinated. The manor was attacked by a traitor to the family. Their daughter is the sole survivor." The voice in sorrow said making Mitsuki feel ice cold.

"Wait, I thought Hisashi's name was Midoriya."

"No, it was to protect his family, but a rat leaked information to a traitor in the family. Hisashi's cousin lusted after the family headship for a long time. Somehow he learned of Inko and Young Mistress." The voice explained.

Mitsuki was stunned but tears still welled up.

"H-how's Izumi? Is she ok?"

"She's alive and well. We were able to Rescue her. And Hisashi's cousin has already been a fugitive for a while. Apparently he'd been a double agent for a dangerous villain. His sentence had already been carried out. Though with this predicament, Young Mistress may have to take over at a tender age. She requested that you come over to the funeral."

"Ah, I see. I'll get a ticket-"

"Oh, no need, we'll send a plane for you. They'll be ready as soon as you arrive. The funeral will be on Sunday."

Today was Thursday so they had time.

"Of course, I understand. Thank you."

Mitsuki ended the call.

Sitting down.

Then she broke down in tears.
At the Phantomhive household, Izumi was on a balcony in a black Lolita dress.

"Did you tell Mitsuki?"

"Yes, Young Mistress."

"...........I know I'll be expected to take over soon. Is it possible for me to be homeschooled here? I would like to be able to run the buisness soon."

"Of course."

Izumi was smart, Tanaka knew that. If Izumi was able to skip some grades, she could graduate at an early age.

Masuru had arrived home to see his wife crying, asking her what was happened.

"It's Inko and Hisashi. They're dead."

Masuru couldn't believe his ears.

"How about Izumi? Is she alright?"

"She's alive, but shaken. We were invited to the funeral on Sunday. They said they'll send a plane for us." Mitsuki spoke solemnly.

"Alright hun." Masuru said as he made some calls.
Katsuki went to his home to find his mother and father packing suitcases.

"Huh? Hey old hag! We going on vacation or something?"

"Don't talk to your mother like that! And no, we're heading off to England."


"Hisashi and Inko are dead. But Izumi's survived. They were attacked. We're going to their funeral."

Katsuki went silent at this.
Katsuki thought he would not see Izumi again until now, but he now found himself in England.

Everything was completely different and more diverse.

And before he knew it, he was at a manor of splendor outside London.

At the front of the manor was a black haired male. A tall, handsome adult with black hair, reddish brown eyes, pale skin, and black fingernails. He dressed in a butler's outfit, which consists of black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest; on is his shirt cuffs and tie is the Phantomhive crest. He also sports white gloves, a pocket watch, and a chained silver lapel pin bearing the Phantomhive crest, which is traditionally worn by the house's head butler.

Next to him was another black haired male, a tall, bespectacled, and handsome man with short, black hair and golden eyes. He dresses in a dark suit and wears white gloves.

"Greetings. You must be the Bakugou Family. I'm Sebastian Michaelis, head butler to the manor. Young Mistress told us you would attend the funeral. Our deepest sympathies, we were told you were Lady Inko's dearest friends, and we feel for your loss."  Sebastian bowed.

"And I'm Claude Faustus, another butler. Young Mistress in on the balcony of the salon. Would you like to see her? She's still shaken from what happened."

"Thank you. Yes, we'd like to see her." Masuru said as his family followed Sebastian and Claude.

"Young Mistress? Who is that?" Mitsuki asked.

"Izumi Phantomhive of course." Claude said.

"Phantomhive? But her last name is Midoriya." Masuru said confused.

"Actually, the late Grand Duke Phantomhive had to Disguise his last name to protect Inko and Izumi. His real name is Hisashi Phantomhive. The Phantomhive's are one of the Seven Great Families, and they run the Funtom Corporation." Sebastian said.

"Funtom? Isn't it one of the largest multi-field companies in the world?" Mitsuki asked.

"Making candies and toys for children was their base in the old days since the 1800s, now it covers many fields including entertainment, the arts, food, museums, libraries, cosmetics and perfumes, and theater with the Funtom Music Hall. There are also vintage soda/candy shops across England and control of the Roze Company, the largest jewel and diamond industry after the last head died and put the Phantomhive as the inheritors after saving his life before. And just 10 years ago, Duke Phantomhive opened up affordable housing and apartments, a new affordable healthcare branch. In the last century, the Phantomhives also became big contributors to Weston College, Britain's finest school that stresses the importance of traditions and customs. Originally it was an all-male institution with the job of raising young boys to become the sophisticated gentlemen of Britain through an exclusively boys' dorm life and their individual high-level educational curriculum. But then quirks started to appear and more women showed high promise of success. Now Weston is a gender-inclusive school with Eight Houses with the company's help." Sebastian explained.

"Amazing! And is Izumi the next head now?"

"For now, she's still Lady Phantomhive, until she graduates and she becomes Grand Dutchess." Claude said.

Katsuki was listening to the side a little confused, but he felt a strange mix of inferiority and anger.

As they made it to the salon balcony, they spotted Izumi on the balcony. She was staring at the rose garden in a black Lolita dress.

"Izumi. Are you alright?" Mitsuki gently asked, but then Katsuki marched up to her.

"Deku! You decide to up a leave and then-" as Katsuki walked to Izumi, only for her to turn her head and stare at him.

But that's what stopped him in his tracks.

She now had a cold, hard stare.

"Katsuki. I see you and your family have made it." She said with a mature tone for her age.

"..............Um. Izumi, we heard what happened and we are so sorry. We'll be here for you. If you want to move in with-" Masuru said trying to break the tension.

"I appreciate the thought, but I'm staying here in England. There's no one else to inherit the Phantomhive name. Although it ended his life, papa wanted me to live away from the quirkist society in Japan. He thought I would be miserable there." Izumi shook her head gently.

"Quirkist?....Ah......." Mitsuki wondered until she realized what Izumi meant. Quirkless are seen as useless in Japan, but that would mean here in England, they don't face that.

But then Katsuki had to open his mouth.

"Heh, probably because he doesn't want people to know a useless De-OW!" He started until a maid with a cane hit him over the head.

"Still young, yet you let yourself be engulfed in such prejudice due to quirk status. Disgusting." A maid appeared from thin air. She had slightly wavy neck-length ice-blue hair and large amethyst eyes. She dressed in a lavender-and-white maid outfit.

"Owowow...." Katsuki rubbed his head.

Mitsuki was surprised but still a little angry that Katsuki was acting out of turn.

"I'm sorry, Izumi. Katsuki's supposed to know better." She said.

"The problem is neither him nor yourself. It's society. Japanese society clings to quirks too much, they forgot their ancestors who created their country were quirkless themselfs. By rejecting them, they reject their own origins. Power and fame blinds them and they ignore the cries of those who really need help." Izumi said as she drank Camomile and Honey tea.

"I agree. It's why most quirkless moved here in the first place. The Queen herself doesn't allow such a thing. Afterall, she's quirkless herself." Sebastian said.

Then the door opened to reveal Hannah.

"Lady Izumi, dinner is all set. Would you like our guests to join us?" She asked.

"Of course, they'll be staying here until after the funeral." Izumi said.
At dinner, it was a  bacon wrapped filet mignon with scalloped potatoes, croissants, and miniature steamed lemon pudding with treacle sauce.

Katsuki was seated away from Izumi who was just minding her own buisness.

Before they knew it, they were all in respective rooms for their stay.

The next two days, Izumi was already looking at preparations for her parents' funeral with Sebastian and Claude.

" Invitations sent out? Even to the Queen?"



"Ordered from Undertaker, and we just got a call. He's already finished preparing their bodies for the event and made their adjoining tombstone. And as he was a close friend of your father's, he's arranging the burial plot, no charge. We also found a minister to officiate the event. All that's left is to pick out their outfits for the event."

"I see.......I believe they should be in the outfits they first met in." Izumi said.

"Lord Phantomhive's army suit and Inko's best dress?"

"Yeah, mama's best white summer dress. It's perfect. And what better to signify papa's importance to the Queen and Country?"

"Of course."

Masuru and Mitsuki were a little concerned about Izumi's behavior. Before she was always smiling, and often followed their son like an excited puppy.

But now, she acted like a different person. Like someone replaced her with a robot, cold and unfeeling. She had not made one comment on heroes, or quirks for that matter.

They were not alone.

Katsuki was not used to a quiet Izumi as she often praised his strong quirk more than anyone else. Now she alienated herself from him, spending more time with her servants as the funeral drew near. She only acknowledged him as they were passing by in the manor.

When she didn't one time, he felt angry and attacked Izumi, only to be halted by Hannah who picked him up by the scruff of his neck.

"Please do not attack the Young Mistress or damage anything in the manor."

"I'll do what I-" Katsuki yelled only to be interrupted by Izumi.

"Katsuki, I would appreciate it if you don't damage anything in the manor, or on my family property. That Vase up there, costs more that your house." Izumi said as she looked up from a book containing her family tree.

"Besides, I'm not ignoring you on purpose. I've been occupied. Since my parents are gone, I'm under pressure to run the Funtom Corporation and probably have to take cram school so I could take over the family headship as soon as possible. Power comes with responsibility after all."

Katsuki was still a little mad, but at least he got an answer out of her.

The day finally came......

A group of children were watching many black cars drive up a white church.

"Hey, what's going on there?"

"There's a lot of cars. Is it a wedding?"

"No." A new voice said, he is a lean man with long gray hair—a part of it is tied in a single braid on the right side of his head—black fingernails, and a jagged scar across his face, neck, and left pinky finger; he has more scars all over his body. His eyes are hidden under his hair and dressed in a black robe, a long crooked top hat, and a gray scarf strapped across his chest and knotted by the hips. He wears black earrings; an emerald ring on his left index finger; a band of prayer beads around his neck; and, formerly, a chain with seven mourning lockets around his hip.

"I don't blame you children for being curious. But they are honoring a huge event of two people."


"Yes, it's the most important event of any person's life........

Their funeral."
In the church was packed with soldiers, nobles, and politicians Hisashi worked with. Even her Majesty was there.

"Everyone, we are here to celebrate the lives of Hisashi Phantomhive and his wife Inko, one who has defended England since his youth, the other, a warm, loving woman lucky enough to hold his heart. Sadly, they were both cruelly taken from us by Hisashi's jealous cousin, Ikari, who's greed became his end. They both did their part in protecting and raising their only child, Lady Izumi. She would now like to say a few words."

Izumi, dressed in a black mourning dress, stepped to her parent's Coffins.
Her father dressed in a blue British uniform, bearing many medals, a black cape, and the Phantomhive crest. Her mom was dressed in a beautiful, long white, off the shoulder, flowy summer dress trimmed with green lace at the sleeves.

In both the Coffins were white lilies, green eyes daisies, pink tulips, and white roses.

"To be honest, I did not know I was a Phantomhive until a week ago. I suppose papa was doing all he could to protect me until he believed I was ready. And even if I realize I could not be a hero like other kids, mama was my only support, along with papa. When I learned papa was a hero to people here, that he helped people without using his quirk, it gave me hope. He helped me realize I could still make a difference without a cape or mask. Though I do not know how to run a company or be a noble, but once I'm ready, I'll do my best, for mama and papa." Izumi said her part before putting a lisianthus in Inko's hands and a blue Azalea in Hisashi's.

After a few others eulogies, everyone gathered at the Cemetery where Hisashi and Inko were placed side by side. Their tombstone a pristine white with etchings of the Phantomhive Family Crest.

Hisashi Phantomhive
'The Queen's Faithful Guard, Beloved Father, Son, and Hero'

Inko Phantomhive
'Beloved Mother, Daughter, and Friend'

'Together in Happiness and now in Peace'

Those like the Queen and Izumi threw a handful of dirt onto their Graves.

The next day, Katsuki and his family were to return to Japan.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Masuru asked.

"Yes, I am the Last Phantomhive. So I need to learn the ropes. I don't want to disappoint the country or my Queen. Other wise, I won't be able to face mama and papa." Izumi said as the plane for Japan was ready.

"I'm sure you'll make them proud, honey." Mitsuki said, completely understanding.

Then Izumi looked at Katsuki, who had a frowny face.

"..........Katsuki......I wish you luck."


"I wish you luck to be a hero." Izumi clarified.



"I don't need luck. I have a powerful quirk, I'm not weak." Katsuki said.

Mitsuki was about to reprimand her son, but Izumi halted her with a raised hand.

And she maintained a straight face.

"So what if you're a Phantomhive? So what if you're an important noble here? So what if you're important to the Queen? That won't stop me. I'll show you that I'll be the next Number One hero! I'll be even more famous than All Might himself, or than you will ever be!" Katsuki said.

Izumi didn't say anything else, but she still saw Katsuki and his family off on the plane.

"Lady Phantomhive. Why let him vent like that?" Ash asked.

"That's how Katsuki is. He can't express himself normally, I'm guessing because of his quirk, auntie's influence, or maybe both. But that doesn't change what I have to do."

Then she looked at Sebastian.

"Have you arranged classes for me like I asked?"

"Of course, we even arranged a fencing lesson so you can learn to defend yourself. And it is fitting. Your great grandmother, Marina Phantomhive, was an exceptional swordswoman."

Izumi nodded as she had to prepare for her new life.

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