Start Over

By y2kstalli

40.7K 2.1K 2.5K

Megan and Beyoncé's relationship is becoming distant due to their busy schedules. Will they be able to rekind... More



834 36 45
By y2kstalli

June 14th, Thursday 2020
1:00 pm
Beyoncé Knowles

"Fuck me." I whine as Megan grips my hair while thrusting into me relentlessly

Megan suddenly stops making me give her a confused look. She lays down on her back while looking up at me.

"Want me to ride you daddy?" I whisper as I sit on my knees slowly inching towards her

"Yeah. I want to see them pretty titties bounce in my face." She tells me while flicking my nipple making me squirm around

"Okay." I rasp out as I climb on top of her

One I get on top I hover over the strap and I align it with my entrance. The dildo is so big I don't know if I can take all of it from this angle but I'll do what I can.

"You got it babygirl." She encourages me

"Okay.." I hesitate

I rarely ride but Megan really enjoys when I ride. She said it's because she loves seeing my facial expressions while I'm fucking myself. I slowly slide down onto the silicone, letting out a pornographic moan as it fills me up. I close my eyes taking it all in as I slowly grind. I run my hands through my hair.

"You okay my love?" She asks me

"Yes. I'm so good." I reply as I slowly lower myself down a little more

"I can't take it all." I whimper

"Yes you can. I don't want to even see an inch of this dick. I want you to cover it all, sit down on it." She demands

"I can't, it's too thick daddy" I rasp out

She rests her hands on both sides of my ass cheeks then she pushes me all the way down. I swear to God I immediately felt so fucking full, the dildo was grazing my cervix but it didn't hurt at all, if anything it felt like I was in heaven

"Fuck!" I moan loudly

"You're a big girl, you got this." She tells me then she kisses my lips softly

I bite my lip then I slowly bounce up and down. My titties bounce right along with me at the same rhythm.

"Ughh fuck it's so deep." I whine loudly

"You're so good babygirl." Megan whispers as she grips my neck softly while I continue to bounce up and down slowly

6:45 pm

Today is our first day on tour for the first time in a while and I'm really excited to see my fans again. Megan and I walk into the venue as Blue follows behind us with her phone in hand. Blue is slowly developing her own sense of style which I think is so fucking adorable.

"Why is it so loud in here, my gosh." Blue says as she takes off her AirPods

"Because people are yelling." Megan responds in a duh tone making Blue chuckle softly

I hear loud screaming as we walk pass the fans outside. I look down so I can avoid everybody. The fans scream louder and they wave at us.

"Blue!" I hear a bunch of fans scream

Blue looks up from her phone then she looks directly at the crowd and she smiles while waving. She

"Hi guys!" Blue says sweetly while she continues to wave at the people

"Mom say hi." Blue adds on as she nudges me softly

"Alright." I reply then I look up from the ground and I wave at them

They immediately start to scream, it sounds like they are gonna pop a vocal chord or something. I tap Megan's hand softly as we continue to walk. She looks over at me before leaning down and kissing me softly.

"Ew stop that! It's gross!" Blue exclaims

"Shut up." I say jokingly before kissing the top of Blue's head

Megan looks at the group of people and she smiles before waving at them. When I tell you they lost their entire shit, screaming, crying shit probably even throwing up it was insane. I chuckle softly then I walk past Megan, taking Blue's hand and we walk backstage.

"Those people are so dramatic." Blue says while laughing

I nod in response then I open my dressing room door for her. Blue walks inside first then I do the same and Megan follows behind us. Megan closes the door behind us and I sit down in the makeup seat.

"I signed a child's vinyl, it was such an adorable experience." Megan says sweetly

"Oh my gosh why didn't you get me, you know I would've been happy to sign the kid's vinyl as well." I pout

"Sorry baby I forgot." She apologizes

Blue sits on the table and she kicks her feet back and forth while holding her phone up. Megan leans down and she kisses my forehead.

"I'm going to go get ready, I love you." She tells me

"I love you more baby." I reply to her then I kiss her knuckles softly

Megan smiles once more before saying bye to Blue then she leaves my dressing room, closing the door behind her.

"Hi grandma." Blue says in a sweet tone

"Hey Blue how are you sweetheart?" Mama's voice echos through Blue's speaker

"I'm great grandma, how are you?" She asks

"I'm amazing, what's up?" Mama asks

"Can I talk to Ru and Sir?" Blue asks

"Of course one second." Mama replies then I begin to hear shuffling around

"Hewwo Blu Blu!" Sir says as he waves into the camera

"Hi sir, how are you big head?" Blue asks him

"My head ain't big, big teeth!" He exclaims through the phone

Blue gasps playfully and she uses her hand to cover her mouth while rolling her eyes.

"Shut up, how are you?" She asks him

"I'm otay, how are you Blue Blue?" He asks her

"I'm good I missed you guys so much." Blue says sweetly

"Move!" I hear Rumi's voice getting closer to the speaker

"Hi sissy!" Rumi says sweetly

"Hi Ru Ru, how are you?" Blue asks Rumi

"I'm good! How are you?" Rumi replies

"I'm good I miss you guys much, do you wanna speak to mommy and mama?" Blue asks

"Yup!" Rumi squeals

I smile widely as Blue hops off the counter then she walks towards me. Blue passes me the phone, scooting past my makeup artist.

"Hi my beautiful babies." I reply

"Mommy!" Sir immediately runs to the camera snatching the phone from Rumi

"Hi mommy!" Sir squeals

"Hi babyboy, I miss you so much." I reply as I try to look into the camera while my makeup artist is doing my makeup

"Why you putting marker on your face?" Sir asks me making me chuckle

"No stupid it's paint!" Rumi corrects him even though she's wrong herself

"Y'all both are wrong, it's called makeup my loves." I say softly

"Ohhh" Sir responds

"That's what I said!" Rumi sasses me

After a few more minutes of us talking, they had to go because my mom is taking them to the waterpark. I hand Blue her phone back then she puts it in her pocket.

"I want to perform with you guys." She tells me

"No." I respond quickly

"What? Why not?" She pouts

"You're too young Blue." I reply as I fix my hair

"But everyone loves me." Blue replies as she crosses her arms

"Plus I can dance and I know the choreography! I studied every step in rehearsal." She protests

"Blue just give it some time. You can dance but you're just not ready yet baby. You're so young and this world is so cruel babygirl. People love to criticize Megan and I, but I refuse to let them do that to you my sweet princess." I tell her

"Okay." She says quietly

"I want to make sure you're ready for the stage." I tell her

"I'm gonna perfect my craft so I can prove to you that I'm ready." She responds

"You're already doing amazing." I tell her then I kiss her forehead

"Thank you mommy." She tells me

"We're about to go to rehearsal do you want to come with us?" I ask her

"Yeah. I want to watch you guys!" She exclaims

"Alright princess." I reply as I get out of the chair

"You look pretty mommy." She tells me

"Thank you princess." I say while pushing my curls out of my face then I adjust my sunglasses

August 12th, Thursday 2020
7:00 am
Blue Ivy Knowles

I lay in bed next to my friend Nydia with my feet on her lap. I had to leave tour because I have to go to school. I wish my parents would just let me do homeschool like most celebrities kids because I do not going to school, I would prefer to be out traveling with them. Nydia slept over last night so we could go to school together.

"Do you want these?" I ask Nydia as I grab my old Dior sunglasses from my nightstand

"Fuck yeah!" She exclaims as she gets out of the bed

"Don't cuss so loud my auntie will call my mama, and my mama will actually fly over here and beat my ass." I tell her as I laugh softly

Nydia is my mama's friend daughter so we became really close with each other. Nydia is two years older than me and she's in fifth grade. I nod then I hand her the sunglasses. She smiles widely then she puts the sunglasses on.

"Aww you're scared your mom will not you're so innocent Blue Blue" she jokingly teases me

I playfully roll my eyes then I flip her off making her laugh.

"Are you ready? I think my driver is here." I say as I peek out the window

"Driver? You're too rich for your own good." She jokes

"Shut up, your parents are rich too." I reply while picking up my backpack

"Your parents are billionaires, literally Beyoncé and Megan." She says like she's so shocked

"So? They are just my parents. They aren't that special." I reply as I laugh softly

"Anyways yeah I'm ready." She replies as she hops out of bed

I put my bedazzled white belt on then I adjust my loose curls. Nydia leaves my bedroom as her cross bag wraps around her torso. I quickly put on my black Louis Vuitton sunglasses, my small diamond necklace and my diamond earrings before following after Nydia.

"Auntie I'm leaving now!" I exclaim

After a few seconds Solange comes out of the bedroom, her curls bouncing with each step she takes. She hugs me tightly then she kisses my forehead.

"Be safe." She tells me

"Okay, I love you." I reply

"Love you more sweet angel." She tells me

"Do you need lunch money?" She asks

"No mommy gave me a lot of money before I left." I tell her as I pull out a hundred dollar bill

"Okay. Well have fun baby." She responds

"I will." I reply then I follow after Nydia

We leave the house and we close the door behind us.

11:30 am

"Why do you have two moms Blue?" Alexia, an annoying white girl asks me

"Because I do." I reply as I continue to do my work that I didn't do in class

"It's weird." She replies

"Leave me alone." I tell her

"No. You think you're so cool because your parents are famous but you're really not. You're actually ugly and annoying." She says as she touches my curly hair

"Don't touch my hair." I warn her

"Or what?" She asks while raising her eyebrow

"Alexia I'm serious get away from me." I warn her again

"You're just mad because your moms are gay and weird." She says spitefully before walking away

I sigh softly then I close my textbook before getting up and following after her.

"Don't ever talk about my parents again." I say seriously

"Or what? What are you gonna do?" She replies while getting in my face

"Get out of my face." I say calmly

She gets closer in my face almost close enough to kiss me. This girl is the one who is gay.

"I said get out of my face." I say again but louder

"And I said or what? What are you gonna do?" She says as she rests her pointer finger on my shoulder

I take a deep breath then I take a gaze at her finger that's lingering on my shoulder.

"Move yo hand." I say hearing my southern accent coming out

I don't even live in the south so I don't know where my accent came from I guess my family's accent rubbed off on me.

She doesn't move her hand instead she presses harder. I throw my backpack down then I take my diamond necklace off and I place it inside the bag.

"What are you doing?" She asks in a shaky tone

People begin to crowd around the monkey bars, where we are located. Alexia looks around with a nervous expression on her face.

"Come on, you want to fight? Fight me then." I respond in a loud tone

I take off my sunglasses then I throw them not caring where they land, I can always buy another pair if I need to. Alexia hesitantly places her backpack down then she nods.

"Touch me again, I dare you." I say seriously

At this point everyone is bringing out their phones and I guess Alexia thought she had no other choice but to do what I said. She hesitantly rests her hand on my hair and I immediately start to swing hitting her directly in the face.

"Don't talk about my fucking parents ever again!" I yell while punching her until she falls to the ground

She tries to swing back but the punch doesn't connect. I straddle her then I begin to punch harder, the audacity of her trying to hit me in my pretty face. She screams loudly then she grips my hair and she finally punches me.

All I hear is the crowd of people yelling "fight". After a few seconds I see a teacher coming over but that doesn't stop me, I continue to punch until I feel someone pull me off her.

"You people are always so aggressive!" Alexia yells

You people? My parents taught me about micro aggressions and racism and they always told me white people tend to say "you people" in replacement of a slur. This girl wants me to beat her up again.

"You people?" I say as I wipe the blood off my lip

I go to a primarily white school with only ten black people in the whole school and that's including Nydia and myself.

"bizarre fille noire" Alexia says in French

Good thing that my parents made me learn French since we are always in Paris. This girl really called me a "weird black girl". I snatch my arm away from the teacher and I get into Alexia's face again.

"va te faire foutre salope" I respond harshly making her gasp

"She cussed at me!" Alexia exclaims while wiping the blood from under her eye

I roll my eyes then I walk back to my bag and I pick it up before throwing it over my shoulder. I look around for my sunglasses but they are nowhere to be found, oh well. It was worth it, she shouldn't have said anything about my parents. But they are gonna beat me so bad when they find out especially my mama. Thank God they are in Cuba right now.

"Come on Blue." My teacher says

"I'm coming." I mutter while following after her

We finally make it to the principals office and I hesitantly sit down on the chair in front of the desk.

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" The principal asks

"No I'm fine. Thank you." I say politely

She didn't hurt me, she just made my lip bleed a little bit but you should see her she's the one who needs a nurse.

"This is so unlike you Blue." He says sounding disappointed

"She was bothering me first." I protest

"That doesn't give you the right to fight her." He responds

"Alright." I shut down as I cross my arms

"I'm going to call your parents." He tells me

"They are in Cuba." I reply

"Well I'll leave a message." He responds

I nod in response then he types some number into the phone then the phone immediately starts to ring. I anxiously bounce my leg up and down as the rings get louder and louder.

"Hello?" My mom answers the phone

"Crap." I mutter once I hear her voice

"Is this Beyoncé Knowles?" He asks

"Yes, who's this?" Mom responds

"This is Principal Brown at Blue's school." He replies

"Did Blue get hurt? Is my baby okay?" She panics

"Blue is fine ma'am." He says

Principal Brown pushes the phone closer to me signaling me to talk.

"Hi mommy." I hesitantly speak up

"Blue are you okay?" Mom asks me

"Yes mommy I'm fine.." I trail off

"Blue got into a fight with another student." He tells my mom

"What!?" Mama exclaims making me jump

I'm terrified of what they are gonna do when they get home.

"We will be suspending her for two weeks." Mr Brown tells my mom

"Two weeks?" Mom and I exclaim in sync

"Yes, two weeks." He responds

"Beyoncé we're about to go out there." I hear mama's voice in the background

"Alright listen, I'm gonna ask your aunt to pick you up and when I'm done with this show I'm going to have a talk with you Blue Ivy." She says sternly

"Yes ma'am." I reply

Whenever my parents say my full name they definitely mean business and it terrifies me each time. After a second the phone hangs up and Mr brown looks up at me.

"Can you just call my aunt so we can get this over with." I reply as I put my necklace back on

I touch my ear to feel that one of my diamond earrings is gone. Oh my god my parents are literally gonna kill me. I sigh softly then I close my eyes before sitting with my knees pressed against my chest and my eyes closed.

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