right in front of you- Jeremi...

By jak_20_21_

168 0 0

Lyra River grew up beside Isabela 'belly' Conklin and her brother Steven. Along with two brothers Jeremiah an... More

Summer time.
Summer time madness.
summer time ice
summer time dress
summer time party
summer time forgiveness
summer time forth
summer time awkward
summer time kiss
summer time fun
summer time dream
summer time ball

summer time birthday

9 0 0
By jak_20_21_

"Where's Lila?"

"Shouldn't you know, you two been attached to the hip since we got here."

"Hey guys!" I walked in smiling at Belly. "My sweet, sweet Belly. Happy sweet 16!" I sat behind Jere sitting comfortably on the couch as he laid in between my legs. Belly gave him a look making me confused, Jere grabbed my hand leading it to his hair. I smiled playing with it before handing out Belly's gift. "Here." She grabbed the bag smiling at me, pulling out a box. "Open it." She opened it smiling. She showed everyone.

"It's a L+B charm."

"Jere might of told me what he got you so I thought I could add to that charm."

"I love it."

"Hey. Why don't we take my car and practice driving before we have to pick up Taylor from the bus station." He grabbed my hand standing up, I smiled at the two.


"I'm riding!" I jumped up next to him, I almost missed the look the disappointment on Belly's face. Almost.

I put in ear buds as I sat in the back, I knew Belly didn't want me to come with, so I'm going to pretend I'm not here. Until we got there, I sighed against Jere as Belly jumped up and down slowly. "Twenty bucks she calls you 'Jeremy' again."

"I don't... I think she learned from the last time."

"You think?"

"That's how she flirts with you." I said to him as Belly ignored us.


"Of Taylor? God no."

"Good." He wrapped an arm over my shoulder pulling me more into him. "Here she comes." She and a bunch of balloons.

"Happy birthday." I watched as the two hugged.

"Thank you."

"Belly, you little tart."


"You finally took my advice. This outfit is snatched."

"Oh my god."

"Isn't Belly looking like a snack."

"Always." I said a little uncomfy catching Taylors attention.

"Oh hiii." I knew her smile was fake as she hugged me.

"Hi, Taylor. How was the bus ride?"

"Long, hey Jeremy."

"Let me get your bag."

"You're such a gentleman, Jeremy."

"Jeremiah." I corrected.

"Who?" I rolled my eyes and mumbled never mind before getting into the passenger seat. Assuming Jeremiah was driving back home. Jeremiah got in while Belly and Taylor talked a bit.

"Thank you, for correcting her. It was a nice attempt."

"I know I'm not Taylors biggest fan, but seriously."

"I know... and speaking of... we're making a stop before going home."

"Okay." I buckled up as they got in. "Let's-a-go."

"Such an adorable dork." Jere said squeezing my thigh before driving. We stopped at an ice cream place they got a banana spilt. I sat next to Jere as they sat across from each other. "Wow"

"Mmm. I live. I would literally eat this everyday if I could. Lye want some?"

"No, I'm good."

"Buzz kill."

"Hm. Whatever you say."

"Okay. Here open your present." She handed her a bag smiling at her, "I think it'll look so hot on you." She pulled out a bikini I let out a soft chuckle. "Do you like it?"

"Okay, Belly would never wear that." Jeremiah pointed out.

"If you haven't noticed, Jere, Belly is different this summer. I hate to say this but, Taylors right. You would look hot in it."

"Actually, I really like it. Thank you, Taylor."

"You're welcome. Okay so, what's the plan for tonight? Where's the party?"

"Well, Susannah always plans a big lobster dinner."

"Boring no. It's your birthday. We have to go out."

"No, no, no. These dinners are really, really fun."

"And Susannah had the idea to make it Midsommar themed so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything."

"Don't you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?"'

"I am. You're here. Lye's here."

"Hello? Am I invisible?"

"And I guess Steven. And Cam's coming too."

"Yay, I'm so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who."

"Taylor." Me and Belly snapped, Jeremiah looked confused but also as if he knew who she was talking about.

"I'm just excited to officially meet Cam Cameron. But I do have an idea Jere is thinking of right now."

"What how did you know?"

"I know you." I said looking at him smiling.

"Oh is that a fact?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Then what was I thinking oh so wise one."

"You were gonna say we should go to Nicole's big blowout at her place tonight. Maybe after dinner."

"Damn, you do know me."



"Who's Nicole?"

"She's our big sister. For the deb ball. She's super nice and just really cool and fun..."

"Ugh, I'm like, melting right now." I rolled my eyes, of course if it's not about her she don't care. "Can we go back to the house. I want to change into my bikini and jump in the pool."


"Shotgun." I said standing up, Taylor frowned making me roll my eyes again.

"Will you be in a bikini?" Jere asked as we walked to his car.


"Then I'm definitely joining. Don't let Taylor drag you down okay?"

"I won't. It's Belly's day."

"Good, you shouldn't." He kissed my head opening my door.

"Awe, thank you kind sir."

"Of course m 'lady." He closed the door as I got in. Once he was in we were on our way back to the house.


After I changed into my bikini I walked to Belly's room smiling as she had on hers. "Cute, Bells."


"Conrad is going to lose his mind when he sees you in this bikini."

"No, I doubt it. I honestly think he couldn't care less."


"No, seriously, he didn't even get me a present this year."

"Bells... Need a hug?" She smiled and leaned into my arms. "His a dick for not liking you back. Now come on, let's go swim."

"I mean, she's, like the hottest girl I've ever met." We heard Steven say as we walked outside.

"We know you're gossiping about us over there."

"Yeah, you wish."

"Well, Lila maybe."

"Shut up." I sat on the edge of the pool before lowering myself in. Jere not taking his eyes off me grabbing my hand to lead me more into the water.

"You say the nicest things to me."

"Oh, shush." I splashed him lightly.

"You do not want to start this." He splashed back lightly. I copied his actions with led us going back and forth for a while.

"Let's play chicken." Taylor suddenly suggested as she splashed me and Jere. Breaking our splashing we look at her.

"No. Not chicken."


"I was like ten the last time we played."

"Oh, come on, it'll be hilarious."

"Hey, I'm down. Come on, Steven." Jere agreed, I nodded my head at the idea. Belly excused herself as her phone dinged. Probably her dad.


"Dibs on Jeremy."

"It's Jeremiah." I stated again, but she ignored me. Jere gave me a sympathetic smile I knew he didn't like the name. "Oh, great, that means I'm stuck with Steven."

"That isn't fair." Jere said.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Taylor's so much lighter." Steven said quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry I'm so massive? I wouldn't want to break your delicate little shoulders."

"No, you're just taller than her is all. That's..."

"You're such a complainer, let's just switch."

"Fine. Fine."

"Let's take them down, Lila." He went under letting me climb on his shoulders. When he came up I tried not to fall, he had a good grip on my thighs which was good because I would've fell immediately at the nervousness.

"You guys ready?"

"Ugh, Steven. Why are your shoulders so slippery?"

"Uh, maybe it's all that oil you slathered on your legs."

"Uh, maybe if you had some hair on your chest, I wouldn't be sliding all over the place."

"Okay. Let's just go." Me and Taylor put our hands up preparing. Belly came out laughing at us before counting down.

"Alright, three two one." We grabbed hands pushing each other until she slipped off his shoulders. Jere jumped a bit surprising me before a smile found my face. He reached out his hand, immediately placing mine in his laughing.

"God, that was so your fault. That was completely your fault."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

"Still the champs?"

"Still the champs."

"Hey guys." Jere turned around making me face Nicole and Conrad.

"Oh hey, Connie. Hey, Nicole."

"Hi. Happy birthday, Belly. Are you guys playing chicken?"

"Um, yeah. It was Taylors idea."

"Hey, I'm Taylor."


"She's my best friend from home." Belly stated.

"Just visiting for the weekend."

"Ohm that's cute."

"You guys want to play a real game?"

"yeah." I sat on the edge of the pool conversating with Nicole as they played volleyball. Jeremiah kept winking at me when the ball was near my legs. I'd laugh and roll my eyes.

"So what are you wearing to the ball?"

"Um I would show you, but I'm currently hiding my dress."


"Because my date's Jere. He's been trying to see it since I brought it here. Gave it to his mom to ride."

"I wanna know what my future wife is wearing to our wedding." Jere butted in not taking his eyes off the game.

"Wedding? Future wife?"

"That's just Jere being Jere." I groaned as my head bonked hers hard and a volleyball bunked mine. All I heard was Taylors laughing. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Are you?"

"No." Jere swam over as Nicole got up with help from Conrad.




"No shit." He got out lending out a hand. "Thanks."

"I'm so sorry." Belly apologized for Taylor. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm-I'm totally fine. Y-You guys keep playing."

"Let's go inside." Conrad suggested trying to lead her inside.

"Conrad, it's okay."

"I'm so sorry, Nicole. You too, Lye. Feel better, okay?" I looked at Taylor putting on a fake smile.

"Yeah, thanks Taylor." She rolled her eyes as Jeremiah also me inside. He grabbed an ice pack out the fridge as I sat on his bed. "How do we always end up with me you, and an icepack on a bed?" He laughed at my question as he walked in the room. He placed the icepack on my head. I winced pulling away from it before relaxing into it. "Always taking care of me."

"I'd do anything for you, Lila."


"Because your my special girl."

"Uh-huh. You have really nice eyes. It really makes you irresistible."

"Oh yeah? You are irresistible. Make it hard for me sometimes."

"Hm. I should get ready for Bells party then go to a party. Please don't leave my side."

"Never." I stood up slowly with Jere's help before walking to my room. I got dressed and put my flower crown on smiling at myself in the mirror. I walked down seeing Cameron here.

"Hey Cam!" He smiled lightly as he greeted me.

"So, Cam. You mind if I call you Cam Cameron?" Jere asked throwing an arm over my shoulder.

"I also was gonna ask that."

"I know which is why I asked. I know you too well, too."


"Yeah, man. Feel free. That's funny. You too... Lye?" I nodded my head smiling softly.

"And he's Jere."

"I'm glad you came, Cameron. I know your mom, Denise, from the club. I have heard a lot about you."

"Thank you so much for having me, Susannah. My mom says hi."

"Awe so adorable. Good job, Bells." She laughed pushing my shoulder away. We all sat down at the table to my right it Laurel and to my left is Jere and Steven next to him. Then Conrad, Cam, Belly, Taylor and then Susannah on the end. Laurel passed the cake around Cam looking at it curiously.

"Cam, have you ever had miyeok-guk before? It's a Korean birthday tradition.

"No. Looks so good. Thank you."

"Belly told me you're vegetarian, so I didn't put any meat in it."

"Thank you, Laurel"

"Why don't you eat meat, Cam Cameron?"

"Uh, the meat industry is, like, the number one contributor to global warming."


"And I just, I like animals."

"Just don't come for my leather jacket."

"I'm pretty sure you mean pleather."

"Ooh." We all laughed at the two before Steven spoke up.

"You know, uh, actually, Belly eats meat. So, you let her kiss you with those lips?"

"Guys. Stop."

"No, I don't judge people for eating meat. It's just, like, a personal choice. I don't care."

"So you don't mind if, uh, like, her lips touch a dead animal, and then those dead animal lips touch your lips, right?" She kicked Jere as he spoke up, I snickered into my hand. "Ow."

"I don't mind at all. Um, in fact..." He leaned over kissing her quickly, I can tell she was a little embarrassed.

"Aw." Steven and Jere pretended to retch at the sight.

"All right, all right. Belly's allowed to kiss, but that's it."

"Mom, please. No. You're so not funny. No more wine for you, okay?"

"I'm sorry. I just don't understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub."

"I was like two years old."

"Two? More like six."

"Six." I looked around the table letting them get the banter out.

"Shut up, Steven."


"Aw, I remember that. God, that feels like a lifetime ago."

"I remember when I visited last summer, and you and you dared him to pee in the fireplace, and you stunk up the entire house for days. Do you remember that?" Taylor shot back.

"I blamed the neighbor's cat." Susannah spoke up laughing.

"We were drunk. We were drunk."

"On like half a White Claw."

"She got you there." After we all ate, they boys got ready for Nicoles party. I looked at the girls as they talked.

"You know, um, I'm thinking maybe we should go to Nicole's party."

"Yes. Oh, my God. I love you. I'm so excited."

"Ohhh I thought we were already going? Cuz I told the boys.."

"Guess it's settled. Tonight is gonna be so much fun."

"Yeah, I just hope it's not a disaster like the last party I went to."


"You went to one party for like minutes. It barely even counts."

"Yeah, and I embarrassed myself in front of everyone."

"Wait really, when?"

"Um let's see, Steven pushed me and then I got elbowed."

"I don't remember Steven pushing you."

"That's because you were flirting with Jeremiah."

"Yeah what's up with that?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"You two have been at the hip since we got here."

"We have?"


"Okay, so, you made people notice you. Enjoy it. Don't spoil it."

"I mean, I guess it was pretty badass having a black eye for a day."

"Oh, we should totally wear these to the party." Taylor spoke as she grabbed the flower crown off the dresser.

"Wh... I mean, Susannah got those as, like, a fun thing for my birthday dinner. Isn't it weird if we wear them out of the house?"

"No. It's hot." Belly grabbed my hand as Taylor grabbed hers. "Look at us. We're hot-ass bitches."

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