The Father Of Deep Cut

By Shiverfan

3.6K 116 56

You're a lonley man who has never had any Real experience with kids. But one night you stumble across three l... More

Meet them
Flu season...great
Family time
Preteen secrets
Fathely confrontation
New York Baby!
It's the perfect Christmas
Growing up is hard to do
Temper Tantrum
Getting and Giving
Snow Day
Here comes the Storm

Play Date chaos

159 6 4
By Shiverfan

Today was a pretty normal day. It was about 10 in the morning. The kids were still asleep so you thought you'd try to get some work done. But that got cut off quickly when you heard your phone ring. You picked it up seeing that it was from your boss. He wanted you his kids? Hesitantly, you accepted. But oh God was that a bad choice you made. As you clean the house and get it ready, you hear foot steps coming downstairs. You see Frye, rubbing her eyes with her eel blanket in her arms. She lets out a yawn before looking up at you. "Hi sweeite." You smile. "Hi daddy." Frye yawns as she walks over to the counter top and sits on it. "Why are you cleaning?" Frye asks. "'ve got a little play date soon." You smile. "What's" Frye asks. "It's where you hang out with other kids that may be your friends." You smile. "B-but daddy. I don't have friends..." Frye murmurs. That sentence broke your heart, and you were determined to fix that. "Well that's gonna change today." You smile. "Out of my way I was here first!" You hear from the stair case. "Nuh Uh! I was!" You hear another voice yell. "Boys and girls, what are we doing!?" You call. "Big man is being a bastard!" Shiver snaps. "Don't say that word, Shiver." You say sternly. "Shiver won't let me have the tv remote even though I was already going to get it!" Big man spat. "Finders keepers." Shiver smils, sticking her tounge out at Big man. Just then the door bell rang. You quickly rush to open it to see...not 1 not 2 not 3 but 6! Freaking 6 kids standing at your front door. Your eyes go wide as you look at your boss. "Heheh...maybe I should've told you I let them bring friends?" Your boss chuckles. You sigh as you pinch the bridge of your nose. "Are you still up for this? I'll pay you 400$." Your boss sighs. You sigh as you nod, letting the kids into your house. "Thanks! I won't be gone for long!" Your boss smiles as he leaves. You look over to your kids to see absolute terror on their faces. Makes since...all the new kids were doing were screaming, fighting and yelling. Poor Shiver, you totally forget about her sensitivity to loud sound. "Alright everybody quiet!" You yell. "And why would we listen to you?" One of the kids, Umi, asks. "Yeah. Our dad just dropped us and are friends off here. He never said we had to listen to you." Another kid, Dillan, chimes in. "Well I am the man of this house, and if I'm being correct this is MY house." You say sternly. "So?" Umi asks before being smacked by Frye. "DON'T TALK TO MY DADDY LIKE THAT!!" Frye yells in anger. "Oh yeah!? And what are you gonna do about it little megamind?" Umi grins. Frye lets out a loud shout of rage before repeatedly beating on Umi. "HEY HEY! BREAK IT UP!" You shout as you and some of the other kids help separate Frye and Umi. "I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL!!" Frye yells as tears stream down her face. She tries to break free of your grasp and go back for Umi, but you were stronger. "Hey, calm down." You whisper to Frye. "LET ME GO!" Frye screams. " about we separate you two for the remainder of the day? Would that work?" You ask. "As long as I don't have to stare at her ugly face." Umi huffed. This just pissed you and Frye off. "FUCK YOU!" Frye screams, causing everyone to gasp and you to cover her mouth. "Frye! Look at me! We do NOT say that word!" You say sternly. "Do you understand?" You ask. Frye pulls free of your grasp and storms up to her room, slamming the door shut. "Why would you say that to her?" You ask Umi. Umi shrugs in fear, she had no idea what you were going to do to her. "I want you to sit on that couch until your dad comes back." You say sternly. "And why would I-" Umi begans. "NOW!" You shout. Umi quickly rushes over to the couch with fear. You decide to go check on Frye, leaving Shiver and the oldest other kid, Zip, in charge. As you go up to Frye's room your heart breaks to hear loud sounds of sobbing. You slowly open the door to see her under her blankets. "Oh sweetie." You sigh, closing the door behind you and walking up to her. "'s okay." You murmur. "E-e-everyone's so m-mean daddy!" Frye sobs as she grabs on to you. You pick her up and rock her back and forth. "I'm sorry sweetheart." You murmur. "W-why doesn't anyone w-want to be friends with m-me!?" Frye wails. "There are people out there who would love to meet you, baby." You whisper. "I want to meet those people daddy....p-please..." Frye sobs. Your heart cracks into more and more pieces, you felt so bad. "I promise that I'll do everything in my power to make that happen." You murmur as you kiss her forehead. "Now I know why you have your cute little forehead." You chuckle. "W-why?" Frye sniffles. "So me and your siblings can give you lots of kisses." You smile. Frye laughs as that and hugs you tight. "I love you daddy." Frye sighs. "I love you too." You smile. But the tender moment is broken when you hear the loud sound of shattering glass. Yiu quickly put Frye down and run downstairs. "What did you guys do!?" You ask in horror as you stare at glass table the living shattered. No one said a word. "Shiver and Zip! I thought you were supposed to be watching them!" You yell. "Sorry dad..." Shiver whimpers. "Sorry is not going to cut it Shiver! Do you think apologizing will fix my table!?" You yell. "No..." Shiver whimpers. "Who broke my table?" You ask in anger. No answer. "I'll ask again. Who Broke Mg Table?!" You ask with more anger. Everyone looks at Big man, who's little face couldn't look anymore more terrified. "Why!?" You ask. Big man rubbed his fins together nervously. "I-I was accidentally pushed into it...but I don't know by who." Big man whimpers. You anger slowly sizzled down a bit upon seeing Big man's cute little scrunched up face. You couldn't stay mad at him or any of your kids for that matter. "I'm calling your dad and you're all going to leave my house. Understood?" You ask. The other kids nod.
Once your boss arrived the kids left, leaving you relieved. "I will never baby sit your kids again." You snarl as you shut the door. Were you gonna be in trouble? Probably, but as long as those rats weren't in your house, you were okay. "Phew...they left." Big man smiles. "Are they actually gone? Let's go!" Frye cheers as she runs down the down the stairs. "I the other kids. Look I wasn't trying to-" Shiver began. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay. Calm yourself sweetie. It wasn't yiur fault. Even though are table is shattered." You sigh. "We should clean that up." Shiver smiles.

After a full afternoon of cleaning up broken glass, it was about time you got time to yourself. But of course, Big man wouldn't let that happen. As yiu tried to watch YouTube peacefully on your phone, Big man wadded in with his blank bage blanket and sat on your bed with you. You didn't have the heart to tell him to go play or something. He just wanted to relax with you. So here you were with Big man snoring softly on your arm as you watched video after video. But then got a call from...a unknown caller? You pick the phone up, and what you hear on the other line makes you freeze in horror.

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