So you do? (HYUNCHAN FF)

By STAYclown4ever

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„ do realize that you should have never come here in the first place?" I took a deep breath „ This... More

Info (please read)
Quik question!⚠️
Moon bin..


395 39 26
By STAYclown4ever

"I knew that you could manipulate this human boy, you are a truly masterpiece Yeonjun."

Hyunjin POV:

"Dad Why do I have to come back?"

"Just do it and don't ask questions, me and your mother will tell you the reason once you are back in LA.
Don't waste time hyunjin, there is something important we have to tell you."

That were his last words before he hung up.
So many questions but no answers...

The door opened revealing Chan with a sad smile and a mug.

The said boy walked inside his room closing the door after him.
This could be the last time I see his face..
"I got you your tea. How are you feeling?"
I moved to the side so that Chan would have enough space to sit next to me on his bed.

"I feel like shit."
Chan sat down next to me pulling the covers over us again while handing me the mug.
He didn't say anything, no reply, just silence.



"I need to go back to my mansion to...pack my stuff."
Again a tear rolled down my face.
All I do is cry, cry and cry... I should grow up.
Did I seriously thought that I could stay here forever?

A laughter escaped my mouth.
"You are right."
I felt a warm, big but soft hand moving up and down my thigh.

Chan POV:

I have to do it now.
It's now or never...

I got up from my bed pulling the blanket off us which led to hyunjin dropping the mug filled with hot tea all over the floor.

"Get up."
I couldn't look at hyunjin that's why I turned my back towards him still gripping onto the blanket with one hand.
"Hyunjin, get up."
........ nothing, he didn't move an inch, I could feel his eyes staring holes into my back.

"For fucks sake get up!"
A hand gripped my shoulder turning me around with a swift movement.
I swore myself that I wouldn't look at him while I do all of this....

His eyes glossy and red just like his cute little nose.
The hurt was written all over his face.
"Chan, what are you talking about?"

I took a deep breath closing my eyes.
"I want you out of this house now, get your stuff and go away."

The grip he had on my shoulder tightened while he started to shake my shoulders violently.
"Why?! Did I do something?"

Don't make this harder for me than it already is, please.

"You showed up and everything went downhill, Minho almost got killed and now vampires are after us because of you!"
I slapped his hand away walking straight out of the room.
In the living room I saw Minho and the others with a shocked expression.

"Chan did you seriously-"

"Yes I seriously did it Minho."

30 minutes ago~

I poured the boiled water inside the mug and sat down next to Minho on the couch.
"Aren't you going to bring him the tea?"
Minho asked eating a piece of a pear that jisung cut for him.

"I'm letting the teabag steep before taking it out and... I've got an idea."
Jisung walked with to the living room with another plate of cut up fruits.
"What idea?"

"Hyunjin won't go so easily and even if, he would eventually come back."

Everyone seemed confused not understanding my intention.
"Your point?"
Seungmin asked while he leaned forward to snatch a piece of the pear jisung cut for Minho to eat earning a death glare from jisung afterwards.

"There's only one way to make sure he'll leave and never comes back.
I need to get him angry, soo angry that he won't ever come back."

I stood up brushing my fingers through my hair.
"He endured enough, hell I can't even count how many times he could've already died because of us!
It's only for his own good."

Seungmin stood up too, facing me.
"First you sleep and cuddle with him in the same bed and an hour later you are going to fight?
You'll look like a psychopath."
He isn't wrong but I'll manage it somehow.

"Do you really think that this is a good idea? Will you be able to let go?"

"This is not about me, jeongin. I'll be fine."

Back to present~

The moment I walked inside the living room I heard my bedroom door slamming shut and loud footstep's echoing through the hallway.
Within seconds hyunjin stormed the stairs down with his cat and a few pieces of clothing he had left here.

He didn't spare a look at any of us before he got his shoes on and walked out slamming the door behind him.
Silence filled the living room. He seriously is gone now... forever.

He is gone now for good, you did nothing wrong Chris.. yeah everything is good.
That was what I thought before the front door opened again expecting to see hyunjin but my hopes died quickly.

"What did you do?"
Felix asked storming inside the living room with changbin beside him.
"Why is hyunjin leaving and not talking to us?"

I turned around walking the stairs up towards my room.
Felix called after me nevertheless I ignored it and kept walking.
Jisung, jeongin and Minho eventually will tell them everything that happened but I just don't want to talk about it, at least not now.
I know that my nerves won't keep it.

Everything in my room has his scent on it.

Even if he's gone there will always be something left behind.

Hyunjin POV:

I didn't care, not anymore.
"Hyunjin? Where are you going?"
I heard Felix his voice but I could care less so I got inside my car not even once sparing them a glance cause I know that I'd break down if I would.

That's why I drove off.
I slammed my fist against the steering wheel out of frustrating.
Everything was going so well and I thought Chan opened up to me but in fact he just wanted me to leave.
While I saw him as a friend or even more, he saw me as a threat.

Maybe I have been born to suffer.

~~~~~~~~~~1044 words~~~~~~~~~~
POV: he texted you 'hey little girl'.✨

Anyway do y'all remember the guy that used to stalk me? I dream of him literally every fucking night.
Now I sleep with a tiny light since Tuesday last week.
Dude is even scarier in my dreams.

Btw chapter is short ik

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