RWBY and JNPR Watch The Proje...

By CeruleanLancer

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Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project Freelancer. The teams loved the Recollection Trilogy but it's... More

Mini-Series: MIA
Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation
S10 Extra Scenes


1.3K 23 6
By CeruleanLancer

Author's Note:

Carolina vs Tex makes me think of Annie vs Mikasa. By the way, if you're like me and hate Anime. Watch Attack on Titan, Deathnote, and The Promised Neverland. All 3 have dark incredible stories without the ridiculous anime bullshit we anime haters hate!

Also thanks to Xenozip for pointing out an OOC moment with Yang last chapter.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E15- Three's a Crowd

"I'm worried about her." Pyrrha sighed, "But at least we know she survives."

" Three's a Crowd" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"That's obviously referring to Carolina." Blake stated.

"And Eta and Iota. Both A.I. that Sigma picked out to become metastable with." Jaune added.

Open to the Mother Of Invention's Freelancer training room. F.I.L.S.S. is heard in the background.


F.I.L.S.S: "A new challenger has arrived. Today's match-up is agent Texas versus agent Carolina."

"Tex vs Carolina." Yang's eyes glowed, "I'm hoping for an awesome fight."

"It would be an incredible match, but the odds are against Carolina." Pyrrha sighed, "Not to mention we already know she loses."

Yang sagged, "Oh yeah, Delta made that pretty clear. Tex is going to destroy her and it won't be fair at all."

"She'll be extremely unfocused and unable to fight. Maybe passively defend on instinct but little else. At best I think she'll simply be unable to keep up." Pyrrha explained.

"It's going to be embarrassing, and likely push her over the edge." Blake added. "Who knows what she'll try next."

Carolina, accompanied by York, enter the training room.

"What's York doing?" Ruby asked.

"Probably offering moral support." Jaune guessed.

Tex is seen in the center of the room as a rack with weapons is deployed. Carolina and York stop as another weapons rack appears in front of them.

York: "Okay, just pick a piece of equipment you know how to use already."

"Yep, coach York." Yang chuckled.

"I think the last thing Carolina wants right now is a backseat fighter." Ruby commented, recalling when she tried helping Weiss during her fight with the boarbatusk.

Weiss nodded, "Even if he offers good advice, she won't want to hear it and it will likely anger her more." She blushed and avoided Ruby's gaze.

Carolina begins to arm herself with various items, not listening to York.

York: "Or, just grab everything and anything, that works too, I guess."

"Every time she competes with Tex she goes overboard." Pyrrha shook her head.

"No moderation, she goes all in." Yang nodded.

"Yeah if you go full force all the time it gets exhausting!" Nora added.

"You don't always go full force?" Jaune shot Nora a bewildered look.

Nora giggled and nodded.

Cut to North Dakota, South Dakota, Maine, Washington, Wyoming and Sigma overlooking the training room. Cut back to Texas, who is arming herself as well, on the training room floor. Omega appears next to her.

Tex: "Hey, I've got this one Omega."

Omega: "(growls) Next time..."

"He looks a lot scarier than he did before." Jaune commented. "Sounds scarier too."

Ruby snickered, "Well yeah, I think his old voice would have been too funny."

Jaune chuckled, "Yeah I can see that."

"It would take me out of the scene." Blake admitted.

Cut back to Carolina and York. Carolina checks her weapons.

F.I.L.S.S.: "Agent York, please clear the floor."

York: "In a second F.I.L.S.S! Now at first the voice of the A.I sorry, A.I.s', it will feel like a tickle, okay? Just focus on that and it will get clear. Trust them. I know that'll be hard, but I promise they'll help."

"This reminds me of Delta's advice to South when she first implanted him." Ren commented. "He told her to concentrate on one thing, like York is doing here."

"She got used to him pretty quick I think?" Ruby frowned, trying to remember.

"She did." Jaune assured, "But that was one A.I."

"Carolina hasn't shown any problems so far." Pyrrha pointed out.

"I don't think the A.I. have said anything yet." Jaune noted.

"Yeah..anyway! I like how Carolina checks her pistols." Ruby commented with glee, "It's a small detail but she checks both! It's annoying when people are so dumb with their guns." Yang chuckled, shaking her head.

F.I.L.S.S.: "Agent York, clear the floor, please."

York: "In a second F.I.L.S.S!"

FI.L.S.S.: "Clear the floor or enter the match, York. Your choice."

Yang laughed, "That'd be a cool fight."

"She didn't mean it as a threat but it sounded like one." Ruby added.

Tex's weapon rack retracts as she cracks her neck and fists.

York: "For the record, I would stay to support you, but she's really damn scary."

Carolina glares at York.

York: "Okay, maybe you're both pretty scary. Gotta go."

"Getting in between those two.." Pyrrha shook her head, "It would not end well for him."

York leaves the training room floor as Carolina watches him. After a brief moment, her new A.I's, Eta and Iota, appear next to her. They are identical, albeit one is gold and the other is teal. After sharing a glance, the two A.I.'s merge and disappear.

"I'm gonna guess the left is Eta and the right is Iota." Jaune pointed.

"Seeing that, I can imagine all of the Meta's A.I's combining." Ruby added, clasping her hands in a gesture to mimic the A.I. merging. "You know?"

"Yeah, like how they all jumped into the Meta's head in season six." Jaune nodded, recalling the scene.

Cut to the observation room, York enters behind Wyoming.

North Dakota: "Anyone wanna bet one of them gets killed?"

"Foreshadowing!" Nora gasped, "Is this why everyone thinks she's dead?"

"I doubt that happened here." Blake shook her head, shooting down Nora's theory.

"Anyone wanna bet one who'd win in a fair fight?" Yang asked, mimicking North.

"Not really, Tex would still win." Weiss answered confidently.

Pyrrha sat up, "I have to agree, to put it simply. Tex is fast, effective, and very strong. She does not sacrifice speed for strength. That may be her biggest advantage besides her robotic body. Not to mention Carolina's lack of control around Tex."

"What if she had control?" Jaune asked.

"Then Carolina would stand a great chance, despite Tex's advantages." Pyrrha said instantly. "Both are incredibly skilled fighters. However, while Tex focuses on hand to hand. Carolina is skilled with all kinds of weapons. From a stun baton to dual smgs as well as hand to hand combat."

"What about Tex being a robot?" Ruby asked.

"C.T. and the leader were still able to do some damage to her, and she got hurt during the training match against Wyoming, York, and Maine." Pyrrha explained.

Yang nodded, "Yeah, for as much of a badass Tex is. She takes more hits than Carolina. I think Tex would still win against her, but Carolina has a shot."

"But only if her mind is clear." Ren stressed, "A clear mind during battle is very important."

Washington: "Are you kidding?! I'm hoping one of us doesn't get killed just by watching!"

Blake chuckled, "It's bad that that could happen."

Yang laughed, "Yeah, I'm guessing they've been waiting for this fight too."

"And they know how destructive both can be." Pyrrha added. "I don't think 'waiting' is the best word for it."

Jaune laughed nervously, "Yeah, 'worrying' is probably better."

Cut back to the training room. Carolina's weapon rack retracts as she and Tex slowly walk towards the center of the room.

F.I.L.S.S.: "Round begins in three, two, one, begin. Good luck, ladies!"

Pyrrha chuckled and shook her head, "She's so sweet."

Carolina and Tex: "Thanks. I won't need it."

Tex and Carolina yell as they charge at each other. Cut to the Director and Counselor walking into the training room observatory.

Director: "What the hell is going on here?! No matches have been authorized for- No! Allison!"

The Director, noticing Tex in the training room, rushes to the window.

"He's genuinely worried!" Pyrrha held a hand to her mouth.

"He panicked.. Play it." Yang ordered, a sense of dread enveloping her.

Jaune was about two steps ahead of her.

All of the A.I units begin to repeat 'Allison' upon hearing it said by the Director. In the training room, Carolina slides onto the ground, and clutches her head in agony, as do Eta and Iota. Carolina yelps in pain and clutches her head as she writhes on the floor.

Pyrrha winced, "It's worse than I thought."

Yang warily eyed Tex, Don't fight, please. It's over.

Back in the observatory, all of the Freelancers, except for Washington, also double over in pain. Wyoming rips off his helmet and throws it to the ground.

York: "Allison! Grr Allison!"

North: "Allison!"

Theta: "Allison!"

Maine: *howls in pain*

The group gasped, unable to speak. A sense of unease and intense apprehension instantly settled onto the group.

Ruby jumped back in her seat, "What's happening!" She shouted when words returned to her.

"Delta.. Delta didn't mention this." Ren stared at the screen in horror.

"What's wrong with them?" Weiss asked, worry stricken on her face. Theta, so childlike and in pain.

"It's their A.I." Jaune took a breath, "Everyone with A.I. Is being affected."

"Tex isn't." Ruby pointed out.

Jaune shrugged, "I- I don't know I guess because she's Allison... are you guys ready?"

Nora hesitantly nodded, "Yeah."

Cut to an undisclosed area, where the Sarcophagus begins to make loud growling noises. The two soldiers guarding it back away cautiously.

"It's even affecting whatever's in there." Ruby grimaced, "It sounds like it's being tortured."

"It sounds furious to me." Blake said, eyes locked on the box.

Cut back to the training room once more as Carolina screams in pain, sounding as if she was tearing her throat apart.

Nora covered her ears, Ren held her, Ruby looked from Pyrrha to Carolina in shock, Yang winced and shook her head, Weiss yelped in shock, Blake's eyes were wide as she backed away from the screen. Jaune paused, not able to bear hearing anymore. His head pounded, he could still hear her screams. It was impossible to think of anything else. His mind replayed it over and over from the moment he paused.

Tears glistened Nora's eyes as she looked over to Pyrrha. Pyrrha, unaware of the many eyes on her. Stared at that screen. She held her hand to her mouth to keep from making a sound.

"P- Pyrrha?" Jaune snapped her attention away from the screen.

"Sorry, I-" Pyrrha started but was interrupted by a hug from Nora. "Nora!" She gasped, "What's-" she stopped when she felt Nora's tear streaked cheek pressing into her neck. Pyrrha untensed and put a comforting arm around Nora. "It's okay Nora, it's okay, it's not me."

"But it sounds like you.. Pyrrha it's like we- no we did. We just heard you scream in a way I never want to hear again." Jaune shook his head, tears threatening to spill out.

Ren took a deep breath as he pat Nora's pack.

"I'm sorry you heard that." Pyrrha started.

"Don't apologize." Yang growled, unwilling to let Pyrrha take the blame. Yang directed her fury at the screen, glaring at it as if it was a Grimm.

Pyrrha's eyes widened and she nodded, "I- I hope all of you understand that I have never.. I have never screamed in that way before. Or been in so much pain."

Nora sniffed, "I know it's not you Pyrrha, but it.. I don't want to hear it again." Ruby sniffled.

"You won't." Pyrrha's eyes blazed, "Nora I will make sure you won't."

"I will too." Nora, Ren, and Jaune said at the same time with equal determination in their voices. Pyrrha smiled at her team.

Ruby shook her head, unable to comprehend what she just heard. Unable to think. An uneasy silence fell over the group, Nora shakily moved away from Pyrrha and sat up.

Weiss cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "I suggest we take a break. That was.. very hard to hear."

Nora shook her head, "No, I don't want to take a break. This is fun, watching the show with all of you. I don't want to leave with that..."

"I don't want to take a break either." Yang nodded, "Nora's right."

"But I also don't want to hear P- hear her again." Nora explained.

"You can wait outside." Pyrrha suggested, "It's my voice and it's less distressing to me. If you don't want to hear her. I can tell you what happened."

Nora nodded, "Thanks Pyrrha.. are you going to be alright?"

Pyrrha smiled, "It's shocking to hear myself scream like that. But it's just me, it's fine." It's like hearing her scream. We have such similar voices, though she sounds older. Pyrrha continued to smile.

Nora nodded again and stood up to leave followed by Ren,

Yang hugged Ruby, "Hey Jaune, can you turn the volume down a bit please? thanks."

Jaune nodded and did so as Nora and Ren left the room.

Pyrrha held out a hand, "Wait- what about the rest of you?" She asked "I don't-"

"It's fine Pyr." Jaune cut her off. "We can handle it."

Ruby gave her a nod as Yang clamped her hands around Ruby's ears. "I won't hear a thing!" Pyrrha chuckled despite the scream recurring in her head.

Weiss nodded, "And I don't want to miss anything. This is more than just a tv show. Our voices are in there somehow and for some reason. For all we know.. that scream could.. I don't know. It could be important." Weiss growled in frustration. "We know nothing! And what if that scream came from.. I don't know." She huffed as she ran a hand through her hair.

"It's important that we don't miss anything." Blake summarized. "Though given your skills, I doubt we'll hear that scream come from you. There's nothing to worry about.

Pyrrha let out a sigh in relief, "Thank you, I.. I wasn't expecting this."

"None of us were, it just came out of nowhere." Jaune shook his head. The scream replayed in his mind. "You guys ready?"

The group nodded, with a little hesitation, Jaune hit play. But paused immediately when the door burst open.

Nora charged in and sat down with a huff, "No! I'm not missing it. Weiss right. It's important. That's your voice Pyrrha." She stuck her finger in Pyrrha's face. "Someone, somewhere, somehow, got you to scream like that. Maybe an alternate Pyrrha or something crazy but I don't care! We can't and shouldn't miss anything because you or a different you got hurt! And how dare I leave like a baby!" She finished with a shout as she crossed her arms. Ren sat next to her with a relieved and slightly proud smile. Weiss gave Nora a knowing smile.

"Nora, you're not a baby for wanting to leave." Pyrrha assured with an amused grin.

"I was and will be if I don't sit this through." Nora crossed her arms and glanced over to Ruby and Yang. "Ren?.. can you uhh..."

Ren wordlessly covered her ears. Nora sighed in relief, "Thanks Ren!" She shouted, "Woah! It's like I'm underwater!"

Pyrrha chuckled again, this will be fine. With them.. it doesn't matter what we see or hear.

"Everyone ready?" Jaune asked, the group nodded and with scattered yes's, Jaune turned on subtitles then hit play.

Carolina groans in pain and tears off her helmet, letting out a pained scream.

Group wince, Nora and Ruby while unable to hear her scream. Could only imagine, and that was almost worse than hearing the real thing.

"It won't last much longer." Pyrrha assured. Hearing her talk seemed to calm the group. Nora and Ruby included as Pyrrha shot them reassuring smiles.

Carolina: "Make them stop! Make them stop, the voices! Make the voices stop!"

Tex approaches Carolina and offers her a hand but she swats it away.

Pyrrha sighed, shaking her head. "Even like this, she won't accept help."

The others remained silent, unable to comment. They could only hear Pyrrha in pain.

Cut to the training room observatory, where the Freelancers' slowly begin to recover.

Counselor: "Director, we should sedate Carolina, immediately.

We have no idea how much damage two A.I. could-"

Director: "No. She made her decision. Let her be."

Yang growled, "That bastard!" Her arms tensed.

"Ah! Yang!" Ruby struggled.

"Sorry sis!" Yang whisper yelled into her ear.

With Yang's outburst and the momentary end to Carolina's screaming. The group was able to move their thoughts away from Carolina and focus the shock and horror into anger at the Director.

"He was panicking less than a minute ago." Weiss growled, "Why the sudden change?"

"Why panic in the first place?" Blake asked.

"Tex, anything to do with Tex and he freaks out. Maybe he was worried she would get hurt?" Yang suggested. "Doesn't matter, look at what he's doing now."

"He's making sure she regrets her decision." Blake scowled.

York: "Come on, somebody help her!"

Carolina continues screaming.

Tex: "What the fuck is going on?! Somebody get down here!"

Pyrrha let out a relieved sigh, "I've never been more appreciative of Tex than I am now."

"Me neither, she's as angry at them as I am." Yang smirked.

The Director leaves but turns to acknowledge the Freelancers.

Director: "You are all dismissed."

"This is like the training incident. But much worse." Jaune shook his head.

Cut to the training room, where Tex approaches Carolina, who is struggling on the floor. Still groaning in pain. Tex slowly begins reaching for Carolina's neck. Omega can be heard whispering.

Omega: "(whispering) Yes, end her! Do it! You know you want to! Do it! Do it!"

"She- what?" Yang gasped.

Tex stops herself.

"He had her.. she almost.. she was going to strangle her." Weiss's mouth hung open in shock.

"He sounded so.. happy. Excited." Jaune's hand shook. How can someone.. no it's an A.I. Omega is pure rage, like the Grimm.

Cut to Carolina grabbing her head in pain.

Tex: "Sorry kid, this is for your own good."

Tex punches Carolina, knocking her out. The screen turns black.

"Three's a crowd." Blake laughed mirthlessly, "That sounds like a cruel joke now."

"Carolina was in so much pain, she broke." Pyrrha stared blankly at the screen.

"Yeah." Jaune looked away, "Let's just say it was very convincing."

Pyrrha winced, "Please, it's Carolina. Not me."

Jaune sighed and nodded, "I know..I know.. so Carolina." He let out a breath. "We know she recovers."

Pyrrha nodded, "She does, though I have to wonder. If it was that bad for her.. what about Maine?"

"It had to be worse, so much worse." Yang shook her head.

"I wonder if that's what the headaches are." Jaune commented, "Sigma training his brain to handle more minds at once."

"That's as good a theory as any." Blake grimaced again. "That would also explain why he wanted to use Carolina as an experiment."

"But it only happened after the Director panicked." Ruby frowned, "And it happened to all of them. The only reason Carolina had it worse was because she had two A.I."

"She's right, everyone was in pain but they recovered quickly." Jaune rubbed his chin, "Why did he panic?"

"Again, because it's Tex." Yang shrugged.

"Because to him, she's Allison." Ruby countered. "He doesn't see her as Tex. It's the same as him seeing the Alpha as himself. Not a separate person. It doesn't change anything but.. he panicked because he thought Allison could be hurt."

"But why would she be hurt? It's a training.. match." Yang trailed off.

Pyrrha sighed, "Carolina may have taken things too far. Maybe he was worried she would try to.. try to kill her. Not on purpose but, she wouldn't hold back."

Yang shook her head, "You think she'd go that far?"

"Maybe." Pyrrha shrugged. "The way he showed no care for her, it seemed vindictive."

"Back to the A.I." Ren leaned forward, "They all said Allison and caused their freelancer pain. That shows that Allison remained with all fragments, not just Epsilon."

"She was that important to him, to the Director." Ruby sagged.

Yang nodded, "She was a part of him, in every way."

The sisters couldn't help but think of their father and Summer.

-Professor's SS-

Glynda Goodwitch sat still, with bags under her bloodshot eyes. She actually looked her age for once, a huge weight seemed to be on her shoulders. No tears or sadness could be discerned. Only shock, pure horror and shock. One the others in the room recognized. It was the look she got every time a former student died. While not a secret, Glynda Goodwitch liked to keep up with her former students. Status, team, mission reports, and.. obituaries.

Port put a hand on her shoulder and remained silent while Oobleck began making an unsweet herbal tea. Ozpin sat in silence, staring out his window. "Miss Nikos is with her team is she not?"

"Yes professor." Goodwitch answered curtly, "Miss Nikos is in no immediate danger."

Ozpin nodded, "I thought so, It is foolish of me to remind all of you that that scream was not our dear champion. But nonetheless it was not her." I have no doubt I'll hear it again one day. From the real Pyrrha Nikos, there's no telling what will happen when we merge Amber's soul with hers... she could refuse, but I doubt she will. She's a born hero, destined to do great things. But our world is not made for heroes, not anymore. A part of me wishes that she would refuse, but I'm not a hero anymore.

Oobleck handed Gynda her tea which she drank, her muscles relaxed shortly after. "Thank you Bart."

"Yes, thank you Barty." Port nodded, "Our esteemed headmaster is right. That lass is tougher than any student I've had the great fortune of teaching! She can make the Grimm scream, not the other way around."

"Yes quite right, her determination and skill are nearly unmatched. I doubt she will ever have the misfortune to be in such pain, not to mention she has the power to avoid it. These things are impossible to be certain of but I believe this to be true." Oobleck took a giant swig of his coffee.

Goodwitch nodded, "I know, but as I'm sure all of you know. It is hard to hear a student scream like that."

The other three nodded.

"It certainly is." Ozpin took a deep breath, though I have grown used to it I fear.

-Cinder's crew SS-

"She's overdoing it a bit much." Mercury sneered, "Ohhh! The pain!" He laughed.

"It's giving me a headache." Emerald added, clutching her head.

"Can't stand the cryers." Mercury added.

Neo mimicked crying with her fists and made a pouting face.

Mercury snickered, "You're more fun than Emerald."

Neo shook her head, did the same crying motion, the pointed at him. Mercury growled, "What? Jealous that you can't-"

Cinder held up her hand, silence reigned. A glint shone in Cinder's eye as she smirked. "Emerald, do think you could inspire a scream like that in the Nikos girl?"

"I-" Emerald frowned for a split second, unsure. "Yes!" She stared up towards Cinder with pure devotion in her eyes.

"Good." Cinder smirked, "Then it will be a scream heard around the world."

-Ironwood SS-

Letting her have the A.I. was one thing. Letting an unruly soldier deal with the pressures from others at the fault of their decisions. Ironwood scowled, but he crossed the line, letting her suffer for simple vindictive pleasure. He turned to look out on the city below him. His control over his men is laughable. He should have known Carolina would want a match, to injure or kill Tex.

In a way it reminded him of Harriet. Ironwood frowned, I need to keep her anger in check. But I can never be as cruel as the director. I can never throw away emotion with my semblance. He smirked. I have enough resolve on my own.

Fade in to the crashed Pelican in Valhalla. Carolina can be heard speaking.

Carolina: "Nothing. Nothing! A dead end! Damnit, not again!"

Nora sighed in relief, "Oh good, back to the reds and blues.. well Carolina but meh, same thing."

Yang nodded absently, Junior was a dead end. Beating him up was a nice way to blow off some steam.

Carolina angrily punches the ship, causing Church to appear.

Church: "Hey, watch it! I'm still in here!"

" OUTPOST 17B: VALHALLA. PRESENT DAY." Appeared on the screen.

Washington: "Response teams beat us to the crash, plain and simple. We knew the chances of finding something here were slim."

Church: "Okay, well, what about the bases?"

Washington: "Blue base was swept clean. As for Red base, any evidence that might have been there was completely destroyed during the construction of some kind of giant, holographic projection room."

"Good job Lopez." Blake mumbled.

Weiss gasped, "Lopez! He could have found and saved some evidence. Knowing it was important."

Jaune frowned, "... evidence they can't understand."

Weiss sagged, "Oh.. right."

Yang burst out laughing, "That's just wrong, if they have to look for evidence somewhere else because they can't understand him."

Church: "Man... those guys are really starting to find creative ways to ruin my life... mother fuckers."

Carolina: "This is our third wild goose chase, Wash! Even after she's gone, Texas is still finding ways to screw me over!"

"She's blaming her?" Ruby threw her hand up at the screen.

Washington: "You can't blame her for this! Time isn't on our side, Carolina. Any trails he left behind likely went cold years ago."

Yang nodded, pretty much all trails her mom left had gone cold years before she even started her search.

Carolina: "Are you suggesting we give up?"

Washington: "Of course not. I was just-"

Carolina: "Good. Then go spread the word; we're leaving."

Washington: "But... we just got here."

"They need rest." Ren nodded.

"She's going to push them too hard. Pushing herself is one thing, but she can't expect the others to keep up." Pyrrha commented.

"Especially with how she leads." Ruby added, Jaune nodded.

Carolina: "What's your point?"

Washington: "Well, don't you think we're pushing these guys a little too hard? This place is pretty much home to them. They may not be ready to leave it so soon."

Church: "Yeah, I'm real choked up about it."

Ruby frowned, "What's his problem? Wash cares more about the others than he does."

"He wants to find the director, just like Carolina." Yang answered.

Carolina walks towards Wash until they are standing face-toface.

Carolina: "Despite what those idiots may think, this is not a road trip; this is a mission. And I will see it completed. Is that understood, agent Washington?"

The two glare at each other for a brief moment.

Washington: "Yes, boss."

Washington turns and walks away.

Blake smirked, "The way he said it changed, he's not resigned anymore. That was openly aggressive."

"The return of passive aggressive Wash oooh." Yang whooped lightly.

Church: "Man, what the hell happened to that guy? Didn't he use to be a badass like you and Tex?"

Carolina walks up and somewhat violently removes Church from the Pelican.

Church: "Ow! I meant badass uh... just like you! Just like... just you... only you. Nobody else!"

Ruby giggled.

"He's whipped." Yang laughed.

Pyrrha chuckled, "As York said, she's pretty scary."

Cut to a radio playing music by a small hut with a garden next to it, where Lopez's body has been used as a scarecrow. Sarge and Simmons approach the hut.

Sarge: "There he is! Spanish Inquisition! Someone's been torturing him!"

Weiss's mouth hung open, "Is. that. A. Scarecrow! Why is he a scarecrow!"

"I think the more important question is, who did that to him?" Jaune asked.

"Who else? It's gotta be Donut." Yang grinned. "His armor got unlocked because of Filss remember?"

Jaune nodded, eyes widening. "In the extra scene, yeah."

Simmons: "Huh... I don't think so sir. He kinda looks like a scarecrow."

Sarge: "Savages! And they've erected this fence as a warning for civilized people to stay away!"

"That's a bad fence." Jaune commented, "It's just spokes in the ground. Anything can get in."

Ren nodded, "A barbed or a low voltage electric fence would be best to keep unwanted animals out."

Jaune nodded.

"Ugh." Nora groaned, "Gardening talk."

Simmons: "It actually looks like a garden. Wait a minute, is that compost? Sustainable farming? Environmentally friendly housing? Oh no..." Sarge: "What?"

A figure in pink armor approaches Sarge and Simmons

Donut: "Oh, hey guys! I thought I heard voices!"

"I'm guessing he rubbed his neck with aloe vera." Yang quipped.

"And then he hung Lopez!" Weiss huffed.

"I wouldn't be too upset." Blake pointed to Lopez's right hand.

Weiss's eyes followed her finger, she laughed. "Well, at least he's not dead. And he got an insult out."

Sarge: "Donut?!"

Donut: "Hi, Sarge! Long time, no see!"

Simmons: "I thought you were dead!"

Sarge: "Y'know, we sure seem to say that a lot these days."

Donut: "I almost was! That jerk Washington shot me in the stomach but then my armor locked up on me. Kept me alive for a while until it unlocked again for some reason. It was horrible! Do you know what removes blood stains from this armor? Not a lot I tell you. I laid there forever wondering how I was going to get all that dark red outta this light red. You know?"

Yang laughed, "It's good to have him back."

"Yeah wow, he's been gone for over two seasons." Jaune's eyes widened.

"He's been busy." Ren gestured to the garden.

Jaune nodded, "And look! He repaired the wall too."

Simmons: "How did you survive? When your armor locked, you would've just bled to death!"

Sarge: "And when did you get all, new age-y?"

Simmons: "Uh-oh..."

Sarge: "What?"

Simmons: "Sarge, think about it. Medical attention, fringe holistic lifestyle choices, you know what that means..."

"Doc?" Ruby asked.

"Has to be." Blake nodded.

Sarge: "What?"

A figure in purple armor walks up behind Sarge and Simmons.

Doc: "Wow, look what the cat dragged in! And by dragged in I mean spit out like a hairball, hey guys!"

"I'm more surprised to see him than Donut." Jaune commented.

Sarge: "Simmons? Is that Doc behind us?"

Simmons: "I think so."

Sarge: "Simmons. Get my gun." Simmons: "You're holding it, sir."

Nora giggled.

Sarge: "Oh. Right. Simmons, I'm going to need you to commence Operation: Point my gun at Doc."

Simmons: "But sir, Operation: Point my gun at Doc was just a code phrase for Operation: Point my gun at Grif."

"This reminds me of operation traitorous Simmons." Nora giggled again.

"Plan eleven was to run him over with a steamroller right?" Ruby asked.

Nora nodded, "And Donut couldn't follow orders!"

"No steamrollers exist in Blood Gulch." Ren pointed out.

Nora crossed her arms, "Sheila could have been a good substitute."

Sarge: "Drat! Fine. Switch to Operation: Point my gun at Grif!"

Simmons: "Yeah actually sir, that one was... just what it sounds like. Sorry."

Sarge: "Double drat!"

The screen cut to black with the radio song playing until the episode ended.

"Man.. what an episode." Yang let out a sigh.

- Non-Canon SS-

So a while ago I made the mistake of showing the teams the sponsor scene where Donut is revealed to be alive wayyy back in season 8. So here's their reaction as if they never knew he survived.

"DONUT!" Nora screamed, "Yes! He's alive!"

"What!" Ruby shouted.

Yang began to clap, Nora, Ruby, and Jaune followed suite.

"I can't believe it.." Weiss gasped, "I'm actually not annoyed that he's back."

"Me neither, his death had meaning in season seven. But it doesn't matter that he came back." Blake nodded. "It doesn't make what Washington did any less meaningful."

"This is just what this episode needed!" Ruby grinned, "I'm so happy he's back."

"What an entrance too." Yang laughed, "This whole time he's just been having fun farming with Doc and Lopez."

"If Donut can survive a grenade to the head, he can survive a bullet." Nora added.

Carolina's scream.. Jen Brown is an incredible voice actor. It feels so real, it's the kind of scream that not only hurts your throat. But hurts your head, if you or I screamed like that, our head would pound. Before I rewatched this episode, I thought that they would talk a little about how horrible her scream was and they'd relate it to Pyrrha then move on. But once I rewatched the episode, and continued replaying her scream. I realized it had to be more, much more. As I wrote, even I became unsettled from it.



So I thought this episode was amazing. Cinder's backstory was great. While it did heavily take after Cinderella, I mean obviously. I didn't mind at all. Also goddamn this season's soundtrack is incredible. More rock, clearer vocals, and all around much more badass.

Also Salem knows how to use her pawns well, of course she wouldn't punish Cinder more than she needed to. I still think Hazel is a colossal dumbass, unless they show that he has questioned why he doesn't hate Salem as well. They need to better define why he hates Ozpin, not Salem. The "Salem can't be beat" thing is so fucking dumb for him. That's more a Watts reason for serving her. I don't want a Hazel redemption, nor a Cinder redemption... but a TYRIAN redemption... yeah I'm kidding, I don't want that either. (Unless the writers become mad lads and somehow pull it off)

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