RWBY and JNPR Watch The Proje...

By CeruleanLancer

81.8K 1.2K 554

Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project Freelancer. The teams loved the Recollection Trilogy but it's... More

Mini-Series: MIA
Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation
S10 Extra Scenes


1.1K 23 14
By CeruleanLancer

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S10E11- Out of Body

"So a non-freelancer episode?" Jaune asked.

Ruby and Nora nodded.

" Out of Body" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"Out of Body, hm that's probably a reference to Out of Mind." Blake commented.

"I'm betting it's because of Church." Ruby giggled, "Caboose is putting him in the Mongoose."

"Carolina is not going to be happy when she finds out." Pyrrha chuckled.

" ANCIENT ALIEN TEMPLES. PRESENT DAY" appeared on the screen.

Cut to Tucker, flanked by Simmons and Grif

Tucker: "So, uh, how do you feel?"

Cut to Carolina's Mongoose which springs to life at the questions. Church's voice speaks through the Mongoose.

Church: "I feel like running over each, and every one of you."

Ruby, Nora, Jaune, and Yang burst out laughing.

Yang began to clap, "As soon as the mongoose turned on I lost it."

"It's like that one horror movie." Jaune laughed.

Ruby continued to giggle uncontrollably.

"The situations they put themselves in." Weiss said, unable to keep the tiny grin off her face.

Tucker: "So pretty much the same as before."

Church: "Yeah. Pretty much."

The group laughed again.

Grif: "Y'know Simmons? I think I'm gonna let you call 'Shotgun' on this one."

"How courteous." Weiss rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

Grif runs off

Simmons: "Fuck that!"

Simmons also runs off. Church's AI form appears on the windshield of the Mongoose.

Church: "Man, this sucks!"

"I bet." Yang laughed, "Even though the Mongoose's are cool, he downgraded."

"The floating ball was way better." Ruby nodded.

Tucker: "What are you complaining about? You finally got your own body."

Church: "My own body? Tucker, I'm a fucking tonka truck!"

"I don't know what a tonka truck is-" Ruby snickered, "But it doesn't sound good."

Tucker: "Okay, yeah, but you could literally pick up chicks with this thing!"

"Everything about this scene is perfect." Yang commented.

Church: "Oh, yeah, because every girl just dreams about settling down with Optimus Prime - HONK!" Church flashes as the Mongoose's horn goes off.

Ruby, Nora, and Yang burst out laughing yet again.

Church turns around as Caboose stands up from behind the Mongoose.

Church: "Caboose! Don't do that."

Caboose: "Sorry."

Pyrrha giggled.

"Church honks with the mongoose." Ruby snickered.

Weiss shook her head, "Optimus Prime?"

"Probably a kind of car." Yang shrugged.

Sarge runs in front of Tucker

Sarge: "Alright, places people! Here they come!"

Sarge runs away as Church vanishes

Caboose: "Don't forget to shout 'Surprise!'"

Tucker: "Caboose, shut up!"

Carolina and Washington run over the hill to where the Blues are.

Carolina: "Tucker, bring Epsilon over here. I've got some questions for him."

Yang snickered, "Church can pull up over there himself."

"Of course she would need him for something now." Weiss facepalmed. "Their plan is doomed."

"It was a good plan." Ruby shrugged sheepishly.

Tucker: "Goddamnit."

Cut to the Elephant, where Carolina speaks to Wash who is inside using a computer.

Carolina: "Any luck?"

Washington: "I think so."

The screen displays the Project Freelancer emblem which spins and reveals several pictures, among them, Church's former Monitor body.

"So that pad should have all of the data on the director's crimes." Blake commented.

"And maybe information that could help them find him." Ruby added. "I wonder why the leader didn't turn over the evidence."

"He sounded skeptical about finding the right people." Jaune pointed out. "Maybe he didn't think that was enough?"

"I don't know, but for whatever reason. C.T. and the leader wanted that artifact." Blake frowned.

Washington: "Alright, data pad accepted. Looks like we're in business."

Tucker runs up behind Carolina

Tucker: "So, uh, what do you need Church for?"

Carolina: "I just told you."

Tucker: "Oh... yeah, but I mean you could talk to me instead! 'Sup girl?"

Weiss rolled her eyes. "Typical."

"He should open with another great pick up line." Yang snickered, "Hey baby, are you my big toe? Because I want to bang you on every piece of furniture in my house."

"Why Yang?" Ruby groaned, Weiss rubbed her temples. Blake rolled her eyes as Yang snickered.

"Carolina would not appreciate that line." Pyrrha grimaced.

"No one would, you somehow thought of a line worse than Tucker's falling from heaven." Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose.

"I think it's wayyyy better." Yang drawled.

Carolina: "Why on Earth would I ever want to do that?"

"Good question." Weiss nodded.

"Hey he got her to question him." Jaune grinned, "He's distracting her."

"I don't think that's his only goal." Blake chuckled.

"He's trying to hit two birds with one stone." Ren added.

Tucker: "Well, you know, we're a perfect match. We're both super good-looking badass rebel loners, and we've got the same color armor! Greenish-blue."

"His armor is not Greenish-blue." Blake narrowed her eyes.

"They are terrible with colors." Nora added. "Even Donut even though he's technically right and wrong at the same time."

"Tucker doesn't know what color his own armor is and no one knows what color Grif's is." Weiss shook her head.

"Cyan and orange." Blake answered.

"... Also we shouldn't neglect the fact that Tucker is also not a rebel loner." Weiss added.

"But he is awesome sometimes." Jaune raised a finger, Weiss nodded begrudgingly.

Carolina simply stares at Tucker.

Tucker: "Uh, aquamarine? Turquoise? Hey, what the fuck color is this anyways?"

"He just said it, his armor could also be a shade of... hm I think I see their point." Blake frowned.

"Yeah, Aqua and Cyan both work." Ruby nodded.

Washington: "Listen, it's important that we figure out what's on C.T.'s data pad. It might be our next clue to finding the Director."

Tucker glances at the screen.

Tucker: "Hey I know that thing!"

Washington: "Wait, you recognize this artifact?"

"Shouldn't he recognize it too?" Ruby asked. Blake nodded, "He should, he's seen it before."

"It shot a laser at him!" Nora shouted.

"And he knew it was with the reds and blues.. unless." Blake shook her head. "Doc."

"Doc? What does he have to do with this?" Weiss asked.

"He might have convinced Wash that he was crazy and seeing things." Blake sighed.

"Ohh yeah!" Ruby laughed. "Wash is kind of touchy about that."

Blake nodded, "Because of Epsilon, after he.. dealt with South's body-" Ruby squirmed uncomfortably "-Caboose and Church thought he was crazy too."

Tucker: "Hell yeah! It was the biggest pain in the ass!"

"That describes Church in general." Weiss commented.

Ruby shrugged and nodded, "Yeah, but to Church everyone else is a pain in the butt."

Caboose runs up behind Tucker

Caboose: "Ah, it's Church! Yeah, he had lost a lot of weight."

"He could float because he lost so much weight!" Nora gasped.

Carolina: "What?"

Tucker: "Oh yeah, Caboose transferred Epsilon from a memory unit into that thing a long time ago."

Carolina: "Where is it now?"

"Oh yeah what ever happened to that thing?" Yang asked.

Ruby raised an eyebrow "You don't remember? Church threw it at Tex and she-"

Yang laughed, "And she started beating him with his own body!"

"Which shouldn't be physically possible." Weiss added with a chuckled.

Jaune blushed, "Well actually it kind of is.. you know if they uh grab your arm and slap you with it.." Jaune mimicked the motion, awkwardly grabbing one of his arms and swinging it. "Cardin- uh"


Jaune coughed into his hand, "So uh, yeah." He rubbed the back of his head.

"..." all eyes remained on Jaune.

"Someone say something please." Jaune whispered/begged.

"I should have broken Cardin's legs." Pyrrha growled.

Tucker: "I dunno, who cares?"

Carolina: "I do."

Tucker: "Oh. Well in that case, uh, Caboose tell her where it is."

"It should still be in that facility." Weiss commented.

"And they drove from the desert to it so it shouldn't be far." Ruby added.

"But what would be the point? I don't think it can lead them to the director." Blake frowned.

"Any lead is a lead, no matter how much of a stretch it is." Yang explained. "When you've got nothing you really really have to strain to find something."

Blake nodded, understanding.

Caboose: "Right. Yes. Okay. Right. Yes. I will do that... yes... right... now."

Cut to the Reds, standing not far away.

Grif: "Well Sarge, You've always wanted to watch a Blue die. Looks like your going to get your wish after all."

"Carolina hasn't seemed that annoyed with Caboose, If she were to kill any of them it wouldn't be him." Pyrrha commented.

"It'd probably be Tucker." Jaune added with an apologetic grin, as if Pyrrha was Carolina.

Sarge: "Actually Grif, it's always been my wish to watch you die."

Nora giggled.

Grif: "Oh, right."

Sarge: "Yep. Every night after you boys would retire to your bunks, I would climb up to the top of the base and just wait. Hoping I would see a shooting star. So that I could wish for your violent, and unbearably painful demise."

"That's dedication." Nora grinned.

"And lunacy." Weiss added.

"He said it as if he was a parent." Jaune added, "Like 'every night after you boys would go to sleep.' You know what I mean?"

"Like in the stories you used to read me." Ruby turned to Yang who nodded, remembering.

"He's a hopeful parent." Nora leaned her cheek into her clasped hands.

"In that scenario he's hoping for the death of one of his children." Weiss pointed out.

"Also in that scenario Sarge is Simmons's father, Simmons would be happy." Yang added.

Grif: "Okay, you can stop now."

Sarge: "I even even had a little jingle to go along with it."

Grif: "Please don't."

"Please do!" Nora begged.

"Here we go." Weiss chuckled.

Sarge: "(singing) I just wish that Grif was dead!"

"Solid start." Yang commented. Weiss nodded.

Grif: "I hate you."

Nora giggled.

Simmons also starts singing

Sarge: "(singing) Put a bullet-"

Sarge stops, noticing that Simmons had also started singing.

Simmons: "(singing) Put a bullet through his head!"

"He knows the jingle too!" Nora cheered.

Grif: "What the-? Simmons how do you know that song?!"

Simmons: "Oh, it's been in my dreams for years! Now it all makes sense! Oh thank God!"

Grif: "What?!"

Simmons: "I thought I was crazy when I woke up with that rifle in my hands!"

"Subliminal messaging in his dreams." Ren commented.

"That's creepy." Ruby added.

Sarge: "Heheheh, well ain't that the power of music!"

"Music is powerful." Weiss nodded.

Ruby nodded and sniffled a little, recalling the song from last episode.

"So Weiss." Yang sat up, "Now that you accept it, what do you think about being in the show?"

Weiss let out a sigh, "I.. I think it's... well I'm flattered to say the least. And I feel foolish for being so stubborn for so long." Yang nodded sincerely.

Ruby leaned forward, "I'm glad you're the singer! I mean I hope you don't only sing sad songs but you sound amazing either way."

Weiss smiled, "Thank you, so far I- or at the least my voice has been mostly used to sing chorus parts. Except of course for the song at the beginning of season nine in a different language."

"The chorus at the end of Pray was chilling in the last episode." Pyrrha complimented.

"Pray?" Weiss asked.

Pyrrha held up her scroll, "I just checked the names of the songs. Pray and Forever."

Weiss looked down, "Hm, Forever.."

"The sad song." Ruby winced.

"Weiss you should totally steal that song and sing it." Yang urged.

"Yeah!" Ruby perked up, "At your next concert."

Weiss frowned.

"It's very moving." Ren added, "I'm sure you will stir the audience."

Weiss shook her head, "I've only ever been forced to do concerts." She looked up, "However.. if I ever choose to sing again.. I may learn Forever. It is a beautiful song."

Grif: "Simmons! Why didn't you tell me about this?!"

Simmons: "Oh, shut up. It wasn't even loaded."

Cut to Carolina.

"Aww I wanted to hear more of the song." Nora whined.

"Only two lines? That's not enough." Ruby pouted.

Nora gasped, "Let's think of more!" She said with the air of a kid who just thought of a dangerously stupid thing to do.

Ruby nodded, "Yeah!"

"What about the show?" Jaune asked, only to be ignored.

Yang hummed " I just wish that Grif was dead, put a bullet through his head .." She ran a hand through her hair, " Grif should. . uh no hm, what should the next verse be?"

Weiss sighed, shaking her head. " I just wish that Grif was dead. Put a bullet through his head. When I wake up next day, take his life away." She sang, in almost monotone.

"That was quick." Yang complimented.

Weiss gave her a smile while bowing her head, "Now can we move on?"

Carolina: "How can you just leave an ancient alien artifact on the floor of a warehouse?!"

Caboose: "Okay, hold on, I mean, to be fair, you know, we had already broken it."

"To be fair." Yang agreed with a laugh.

"I like Caboose's honesty." Pyrrha smiled. "Even if it's unintentional."

The screen behind Washington flashes repeatedly and an error message appears stating: "DATA CORRUPTED END OF FILE ERROR CODE 32165206.35"

Washington: "Uh-oh, that's not right..."

Carolina: "Ugh! I can't believe we came all this way for nothing!"

"All of C.T.'s hard work." Blake shook her head.

"And another dead end for Carolina." Yang leaned back.

"I wonder what other leads there could be, they could try asking Filss." Ruby commented.

"And go to the facility where the artifact is?" Jaune asked.

"I don't think Filss will ignore the director asking her where the director is." Blake pointed out.

Ruby nodded, "Because she still thinks Church is the director."

"If they can't ask Filss, why not try asking Vic?" Jaune asked.

"Vic? Yeah! He's a part of the project he might know!" Ruby gasped.

"All they have to do is go to Blood Gulch, he's in the caves." Jaune continued.

"And we'll finally know if Sister is actually dead or not." Yang added.

Blake laughed, "I forgot about her."

"She's probably just pregnant." Weiss scoffed. With Lopez's baby, against all logic and reason.

Carolina runs off. Wash turns to the other Blues.

Washington: "You guys are not making my life easy right now."

Tucker: "Do we ever?"

Washington: "Good point."

Weiss and Blake chuckled.

"I think fair is fair." Nora commented, "He made their lives hard for a while."

Cut to Carolina followed by Wash underneath one of the temple structures.

Washington: "So, what's the plan now?"

Carolina: "There's an island nearby that I want to visit.

Shouldn't take more than a day or so."

Washington: "That old fortress?"

"What are they talking about?" Ruby asked.

"Probably the base from last episode, I didn't know it was an island." Jaune commented.

"Hm, maybe there's more information that was left there." Blake nodded.

Washington: "Carolina, I'm not sure there's a-"

Carolina: "Wash. Trust me on this?"

Pyrrha frowned, "She sounds.. sad."

"Like she could choke up, but is keeping it together." Yang added.

Pyrrha nodded.

Washington: "Right. You should probably listen to your instincts."

Carolina: "You stay here and keep the sim troopers from causing any trouble. I won't be long."

"That's a lot to ask." Weiss chuckled.

"She calls them sim troopers, not the reds and blues." Pyrrha frowned.

"She doesn't respect them." Blake explained.

Cut to Carolina, driving away on her Mongoose. Wash can be heard addressing the group.

Washington: "Alright, everyone move into the temple. It'll be getting dark soon."

Tucker: "Hey, Wash, where exactly is she going?"

Washington: "She lost something. I think she just needs some time to try and find it again."

"Ohh cryptic." Nora leaned forward.

"The only thing I can think of that she lost at the fortress was a friend." Ruby winced.

"How is she going to get there? She only has a mongoose?" Yang quickly interjected.

"They can drive through water, remember?" Nora asked with a giggle. "The best way to travel." Ruby giggled, Yang grinned.

"It's hard to imagine Carolina doing something so.. wacky." Pyrrha chuckled.

Fade to the Freelancer training floor where Carolina makes her way to the center. The Chairman's voice is heard in the background.

" Carolina in the Morning" by Trocadero plays.


Chairman: "(voice over) Dear Director, the loss of military equipment is a severe infraction."

"He wastes no time in getting to the point." Weiss smiled.

"Immediately, almost no formality." Yang laughed, "I like it."

Chairman: "I should not need to remind you that all UNSC property,"

Carolina reaches the center of the training floor. She is soon surrounded by two rows of rotating green targets.

Chairman: "-especially our more experimental technologies,"

Carolina readies herself and begins to expertly punch and kick the targets, turning them red.

Chairman: "-must be kept from the hands of our enemies at all costs."

Pyrrha hummed, "Interesting training method. It could train reaction time, spatial awareness, balance, and more. Simple yet effective."

"A lot of the freelancer technology reminds me of Atlas Academy." Weiss commented.

Pyrrha shrugged, "It would be nice to have something like that here."

"I wonder if Ms. Goodwitch can use her semblance and you know, swish swish." Ruby, holding an invisible wand, swished and flicked.

"I should ask her." Pyrrha noted.

Chairman: "In these trying times, vigilance is paramount."

Cut to York, who oversees Carolina's training, whilst unarmored and with a coffee mug.

Weiss smiled, "As soon as the chairman said vigilance, they cut to show York watching over her."

"What's he keeping vigilance for?" Nora asked, "Spies? thieves? Assassins!?"

"What?" Weiss turned to her.

"It'd be best to just ignore it." Ren shook his head.

He yawns as North, also unarmored walks up behind him. North pats him on the shoulder. Making him jump.

North Dakota: "Still training at this hour?"

York: "Yeah. She's been like this ever since we got back from the last mission."

Pyrrha's expression darkened, "She's pushing herself harder."

"I bet the director really was not happy about them failing again." Ruby grimaced.

Pyrrha nodded, "And York is keeping vigilance over her, he's worried about her."

North Dakota: "You gotta be kidding me, she's always been like this."

York: "Well, yeah. I mean- She never did know when to stop. But now it's like she doesn't know how to stop. Always training. I guess the leaderboard beckons."

York and North look at the leaderboard. Tex is still number one, while Carolina is number two.

"Hm it sounds like he also recognizes the ridiculousness of leaderboard." Pyrrha noted. "And as for Carolina, she's going to push herself into oblivion."

Blake blushed, "I know the feeling."

Yang nodded and frowned, if I was her friend, I wouldn't know what to do. What I did with Blake wouldn't work, showing her that she can't even beat me would convince her to train even harder.

North Dakota: "You know you don't have to watch over her."

York: "Could say the same to you about South."

"North is such a good brother, and South let him die." Ruby growled.

"I can't understand how she could do that." Jaune shook his head.

"She was once worried about him dying. He took like six bullets for her and she was worried." Yang scoffed, "Then he gets an A.I. before her and she hated HIM for it."

"The director manipulated her, I know that's no excuse but he is partly to blame." Blake reminded.

"Her issues are her own, the Director just used them." Yang rolled her eyes, "I don't think any blame should be deflected from South."

North Dakota: "That's not really an answer."

York: "So what are you doing awake?"

"He's avoiding the question." Ren noted.

North Dakota: "Theta. Couldn't sleep. And if Theta can't sleep-"

York: "Ah, one of the side effects they don't tell you about. Having someone else's voice in your head sure does take some time getting used to, doesn't it? Delta's always running these probabilities."

"Theta couldn't sleep?... That is so cuuuute!" Yang cooed along with Weiss.

North Dakota: "Well that seems annoying."

York: "He says it's fun. You know, did you know that statistically, you are as likely to get hit by lightning as you are to die in a Pelican crash?"

North Dakota: "Seems like it would be higher considering our line of work. Guess I'm due for a few lightning bolts."

"You know it's weird seeing them without armor, and kind of cool." Jaune commented.

"It reminds you that they're real people." Ren nodded.

"And look at York's shirt." Ruby smiled, "Property of Grifball, that's cool."

Jaune's smile fell "It is.. but I just thought of something, Imagine how hard it is for Maine at night."

Blake grimaced and nodded, "Probabilities and not being able to sleep is a lot better than dealing with Sigma's manipulation."

Yang sighed "I wonder if Tex has Omega yet, having him around can't be fun either."

"And the same for Wyoming with Gamma." Ruby shook her head.

"Most of the A.I. are mean." Nora added.

The two Freelancers laugh as F.I.L.S.S is heard announcing the results.

F.I.L.S.S: "Round complete. A six-point-three percent increase in efficiency that round Agent Carolina."

Carolina: "Run it again F.I.L.S.S."

F.I.L.S.S: "Resetting training room floor for next round."

Carolina begins to take out the targets yet again.

York: "Is Theta up late often?"

North Dakota: "You're wondering if he gets scared a lot."

"Aww I hope not." Weiss flinched.

"Whether Theta is fear or innocence, you can't deny that he's also precious." Yang smiled.

York: "Yeah, guess I am."

North Dakota: "Well, it happens. Mainly at night. He likes when I walk the halls. When we were kids, my dad would have to drive South around in the car to get her to fall asleep. It's kinda the same thing."

Yang and Weiss cooed again.

"Dad had to do that for you too Yang." Ruby turned to her.

"Yeah I remember." Yang nodded nostalgically. "Whenever I'm driving I feel alive, but if I'm a passenger it's hard not to fall asleep."

"A few of my sisters are the same way." Jaune grumbled jealousy.

"Sometimes it's easy to forget that North and South grew up together." Blake commented.

"It makes her betrayal so much worse." Ruby growled.

"People change." Blake looked down.

York: "I wonder if they're all like this, the A.I.s. You know, jittery, nervous, no, not nervous..."

North Dakota: "Anxious."

York: "Yeah. Anxious. It's like Delta always thinks that something bad is always about to happen. I don't get it. What do they have to worry about?"

"I think they know something is wrong about their existence." Ren commented.

"They remember the Alpha." Jaune added.

North Dakota: "Uh, Pelican crashes, lightning strikes... Hey, maybe they know something we don't."

The lyrics of "Carolina in the Morning" play but are essentially inaudible.

Cut back to Carolina who continues to attack the targets. North yawns.

York: "Why don't you just pull him for a night? Get yourself some sleep."

North Dakota: "Pull Theta?"

York: "Yeah."

North Dakota: "He gets even more scared when I do that. I feel obligated to help."

"I'm glad Theta has North." Yang smiled.

York: "I see why they picked you."

North Dakota: "Yeah..."

York: "Well, he has to face his fear at some point. If they want to be human that's a good place to start."

"Fear, hardship, becoming human is hard." Nora whined.

"Nora, you're already human." Ren assured her.

"Am I though?" Nora asked, "How do I know I'm not an A.I. Church didn't!"

"Can't argue with that." Ren chuckled

North Dakota: "What can I tell ya? I guess some things are just harder to face than others."

York: "Yeah. 'Night North."

North Dakota: "Don't stay up too late. You need your rest."

North walks away.

F.I.L.S.S: "Round complete"

Carolina: "Run it again."

F.I.L.S.S: "That last round showed a three-point-six percent increase-"

Carolina: "Just run it again!"

Pyrrha sighed.

"Eventually she won't be able to think." Blake commented, "I can't believe I did that to myself. Watching someone else makes it seem so obvious."

"It's hindsight, and the maturity to look back at yourself and think about what you would do differently." Ren smiled.

F.I.L.S.S: "Resetting training room floor."

Carolina attacks the targets once again. She completes it extremely quickly.

F.I.L.S.S: "Round complete."

Carolina: "Run it again."

Cut back to York who lays back into his chair.

F.I.L.S.S: "Resetting training room floor for next round."

York: "I think we all could use some rest."

The screen cuts to black.

"York said they all need rest, then he drinks coffee." Ruby snorted.

"Ironic." Jaune chuckled, imagining a '2 hours later' screen in his head.

"I'm glad we could watch this together and rest." Pyrrha smiled at the group, "After the breach we all needed it, you four especially." She nodded to team RWBY.

QUESTION: What do you guys think about how I write RUBY? Good, bad? In character? Annoying? Does she add to the reactions? Etc.

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