Devoted To You (completed)

By kdotdot_

105K 5.5K 3.3K

a zatima story . More

sequel alert .


1.2K 91 39
By kdotdot_

sometimes i put two "Ns" sometimes i don't, y'all know who she is lol


Suite 4022 - Babygirl Taylor🎀

After some stern talking to from her father, Fatima finally came to her senses. She broke down and agreed to the caesarean which in turn forced her to kiss her dreams of experiencing the natural birth of her first child away. She laughed a little, remembering how vocal Zac was about getting her pregnant again.

She missed his voice.

God would give her the chance, she prayed.

Fatima cried during the procedure not because it hurt but because she had to do it without Zac. He had been by her side since the beginning of everything special in her life she could remember. She knew there would come a day when one would have to live without the other but why so soon? the thought would creep into her mind but it wouldn't last long. Fatima would calm her nerves simply by rubbing on her belly and Baby Taylor would kick every time, reminding her everything would somehow be okay.

Once the procedure for the epidural was done and rendered successful, Fatima prayed herself into a much needed and highly appreciated nap.


Mama Carol has been keeping everyone updated on Fatima and the baby while they went on the hunt for Zac. It had been 2 and a half hours since he was declared missing and they've heard nothing.

Fatima's dad grew more worried and highly pissed after talking to his friend, Deputy Frank Roberts when he was informed there had been no call into their station or any ones surrounding them about a crash. When he asked if there was a search team available for dispatch, they were told no because they would be searching where Danni believes she saw while she and Zac were on Facetime. She didn't know for sure. Upsetting everyone, they simply said they needed more information.

Mr Barron feared that would happen. He made a few calls and within minutes, at least 60 guys arrived to the location he pinned in a group chat that had been made by one of the members in the search crew.

"How long have they been down there?" Danni mumbled as she and Diana waited inside a squad car along the dirt road that was hidden from the main road and exit from the bridge. They saw how the overgrown tree limbs and bushes were tethered as if they had been ran through but once the search team went down, Deputy Roberts and a few other guys from his squad blocked off the area for a mile going both ways, while the few others aided in the search.

One of the 4 officers looked at his watch then at Dani, "About 45 minutes"

They nodded to each other before he asked if there was anything they needed. As bad as Dani wanted to tell him to send a team of trained professionals to come do this shit, she kept her mouth shut knowing it wasn't his fault.

Diana looked up at the sky, "It's getting dark..those are rain clouds, heavy rain clouds" she said softly behind Dani. "I know Mama Di" Dani sighed and laid her head on Zac's mother shoulder "They're going to find him and he's gonna be okay" Dani turned her attention back to the sight before them.

"Tima and the baby are doing okay" Diana said, in the same still voice "He has to see his daughter be born" her whisper broke a little at the end. "Mama Di, they are going to find him, we have to believe that"

Just then a crack of lightning flashed across the sky "Oh God" Diana cried out, knowing they would have to call the search off if it decided to rain. Dani didn't fight the tears flooding her eyes as huge rain drops began falling on top of the squad car. As the drops increased in size and speed, the crew slowly made their way from the soggy tree line.

"Lord you can't take my baby from me! Not like this"! Diana yelled out before she dropped her head and cried into her hands. Once Dani laid eyes on Preston, she jumped up and ran straight to him. His white Polo shirt was filthy, there was rips in his sleeve and dirt covered him. It covered them all. Dani reached for his arm, seeing some blood "I'm fine baby" he calmly said but the strained look on Dani's face didn't change "Where is he??" she spat out but before he could answer, Cameron walked up behind him. Both his fist were clinched tightly and his mouth was balled up. Dani's heart dropped noticing the tears in his eyes and she heard Tiffany yelling and screaming on the phone in his ear.

"Oh my God! Preston what did y'all find?!" Dani asked in a panic as the rain began to pick up. The thunder roared louder as another strike of lightning lit up the sky.

"OKAY!! CAN I HAVE EVERYONES ATTENTION PLEASE?!" a female officer yelled over the megaphone after giving everyone enough time to regroup. They were all glad Mr Barron warned them to be mindful of weather and some came prepared to keep searching but this type of weather so close to a body of water wasn't the best idea.


A series of somber moans sounded around them.

"What about the guy!?"

"Yeah! Where's Zac?!"

"RIGHT! That's why we all here!"

"PLEASE! SETTLE DOWN PLEASE" the office said

She cleared her throat, looking over at Mr and Mrs Taylor who had been ushered over to stand beside her. She gave them a sympathetic look before pulling the megaphone back to her mouth


Before he could finish, the crown grew quiet as the thunder sounded. "THIS HAS OFFICIALLY BECOME AN ACTIVE MISSING PERSON CASE".....



Suite 4022 - Babygirl Taylor🎀

Fatima lay with her hand placed perfectly on her belly as she slept. Her mother had closed the curtains as the storm began to roll in, only deepening her slumber.

...darkness...white clouds that look soft to the touch but she couldn't reach them...she looked around, feeling lost as she didn't recognize where she was...the cry of a baby, a baby that was hers. she instinctively touched her midsection, gasping as she felt nothing. her eyes filled with tears..they gathered and gathered but never fell...she looked up at the sound of footsteps and the clouds disappeared..

"there goes mommy" that deep, rugged voice said instantly drying her tears.

she wasn't able to see his face but he knew those arms as a pink bundle with curly brown hair lay perfectly within them

"i'll be back" he said, he continued to lightly bounce her "i love you" he said as he leaned in to hand the bundle to her

"i'll be back" he repeated..


The building slightly rumbled and the lights flicker, scaring both Fatima and Carol out of their sleep.

"You okay baby?" He mother quickly asked, getting up to her feet. "Uhh" Fatima frowned, as she looked over to the the steady beeping machines. She rubbed her belly as everything looked fine.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay" she said, still thinking about the details of her dream. Just then
Carol's phone alerted a news notification and she quickly jumped to it.

"Mommy, can you help me to the bathroom?" Fatima asked, sitting up and removing the sheets from her legs. "Sure baby" Carol said, putting her phone down. She quickly made her way to the other side of the bed to grab Fatima's hand. "It's so dark in here" she complained, having her mother walk her towards the window to pull the curtains back. The sight of the nearly black sky sunk Fatima's heart but she remembered her dream.

"Good Lord," Carol gasped, immediately thinking about Zac. She briefly walked away from Fatima to grab her phone just before it rang.

"Hey..yeah what's-" Fatima looked over to her mother, knowing her father was on the other end.

"Yes" she looked up Fatima with the same pair of soft eyes she uses when she has bad news.


Carol held her hand up to stop Fatima from talking, "Come on..let's go to the bathroom" she said, silently ending the call as her husband told her to.

"Was that daddy?" Fatima asked, completely ignoring her mother. Carol didn't say anything, she just grabbed her arm but Fatima snatched it away.

"Not until you tell me what that was about" she sighed "Is it Zac?"

"They found the jeep but they didn't find Zac" Carol said regretfully. Fatima's eyes fluttered as she tucked her bottom lip into her mouth. "How is that even possible? I saw him in the jeep on facetime..shit, Dani did too! Who is playing with me right now?!"

"Fatima please calm down baby" Carol warned inching her closer to the bathroom

"How can I when my husband is missing and nobody gives a fuck but me!?"

"Fatima! That's not true! There was a team of people that came to help-"


Carol just sighed, knowing this was going all bad. "Baby, there's been a tornado warning issued for us and the 5 neighboring counties. They had to call the search off until it clears up or in the morning, whichever comes first" Carol began to cry in front of her daughter for the first time since they've been there. She commanded herself for as strong as she has been.

"It's going to be okay baby..we've been praying and we know God is gonna bring him out of this, safe and sound for you and his baby girl.."

Fatima stood in complete silence as her mother went on. Even though she agreed, she barely listened.

Placing her hands on her belly. The soft little kicks she felt were almost instant. They made her smile. She began to take deep breaths, like she and Zac practiced before wobbling away, into the bathroom without saying a word.


The sound of thunder that caused the Earth to shake underneath him, helped him regained consciousness. What the fuck, Zac thought because forming words hurt.

Confused why he felt soaking wet, he tried lifting himself off the wet forest floor but couldn't as the feeling of intense pain made him groan out. Zac's whole body was so sore, it throbbed. He grabbed his chest, quickly ripping his shirt, gritting in pain when he moved his left arm too fast. He had enough broken bones in his life to know it was broken. He tried moving his legs and feet but the pain from his left ankle told him that wasn't a good idea.

Where is my jeep he thought, simply confused. He remembered driving for food,  seeing a black vehicle in his rear view and impact from it nearly knocking him off the bridge. Everything else was a loose blur.

"Fatima" he was able to choke out, patting his pockets for his phone before remembering he was on it moments before the crash "Shit" he cursed knowing it was gone just like his jeep.

Suddenly, the thought of not being there for Fatima and missing the birth of their daughter pained him so deeply, he couldn't explain it if he tried.

Using his good arm, he did a lift and scoot to get him across the ground to a huge oak tree close by. "Fuck" he groaned as his back came in contact with the tree. He wasn't too sure but his back felt as if it was hurt in some type of way too.

"God" he called out as the rain fell around him, "I know I don't talk to you as much as I should and I'm sorry..But please" Zac began to sob, "You gotta get me back to my girls. I gotta broken arm and bum ankle" he shook his head, his tears as his tears freely fell.

"You have to get me to them man" he cried out into his hands as the rain fell harder.

Out of nowhere, a pair of bright headlights nearly blinded him as they slowly made their way over the broken tree limbs scattered across the wet ground.

The rain got even harder and the wind started to pick up just as the car stopped moving. It didn't even look like a road was there, he had no idea where he was but he prayer whoever was behind the wheel of this car had every intention on helping him get back to his babies.

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