Forbidden Desires

By MissCarolineShelby

17.5K 524 54

After traumatising events, you move to Birmingham and take up work with Shelby Company Limited. You fall for... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 5

909 23 5
By MissCarolineShelby

Two hours later, at Arrow House...

Luckily for you, Tommy had left you with his car when leaving the library abruptly last night. It was dark already and, according to Arthur, there was no time to drop you off at your house.

Along with his car, Tommy gave you his address and, after some nagging, you had Linda spell it out to you and give you directions.

His house was outside Birmingham and, when she referred to it as Arrow House, you knew straight away where it was. The house used to belong to a politician who was famous in Birmingham for all the wrong reasons.

He was a criminal just like Tommy himself but, in the end, was poisoned by a very jealous wife.

With that story in mind, you knew your way around and, at around midday, you pulled up in front of the large mansion.

Just as you parked the car and turned off the engine, you were greeted by a woman dressed in black. She was a maid and probably in her late forties.

"May I help you, ma'am" was what the woman said, recognising Tommy's car. You clearly did not look like a threat to her so she approached you without concern.

"I am here to see Thomas Shelby" you told her while stepping towards the front door while she tried hard to hold you back.

"Mr Shelby does not wish to be disturbed today" she then told you while reaching for your shoulder, which was a manoeuvre that frightened you just a little.

"Please don't touch me" you cautioned her gently as, suddenly, you heard a familiar voice.

"It's fine Frances. Let her in, eh" you heard Tommy say from the hallway and, as you walked into the large foyer, you watched him walking down the stairs wearing nothing but black suit pants.

His otherwise naked chest was covered by a large white bandage, wrapping around his right shoulder as well and, just as he spoke to you, he was smoking a cigarette.

"What are you doing here Love? Shouldn't you be at the gambling den?" he asked surprised to see you and whilst you were worried about him having been shot, you did not address it just yet. You were here to confront him and this was what you were determined to do.

'Is it true?" you thus asked instead while your eyes were glued to his chest.

'Is what true?" Tommy asked before reaching for your hand gently, but you pulled away from him with the request not to touch you.

"Alright. No touching" he determined before he asked you to follow him and you nodded in agreement, before doing so quietly, keeping your distance from him until, eventually, he led you to what appeared to be his reading room.

Without saying a word, you sat down on the large red lounge in the middle of the room while Tommy poured you and himself a glass of whiskey.

"Now tell me Love, is what true? Why are you here, eh?" he asked again while handing you the glass and you took a quick sip before placing it on to the small coffee table in front of you.

"Are you just using me to find my stepfather? Is that why you asked me all those questions about him the other day?" you asked almost reluctantly, wanting it to be nothing but a lie.

"What gave you that idea?" Tommy chuckled before taking a seat next to you. He placed his glass on to the coffee table as well and then pushed his cigarette into the ashtray in front of him.

"Linda told me everything" you told Tommy as a few silent tears escaped your eyes.

"I doubt that she told you everything" Tommy chuckled again.

"Why? What makes you say that?" you wondered while Tommy slowly wiped away your tears, using his thumbs.

"Linda does not know what I know" Tommy then told you while caressing your cheeks.

"What is it that you want from me Thomas?" you then blurted out, taken by the gentle nature of his touch. You were overcome with emotions and just needed to know what he truly felt for you.

"I want you" Tommy responded gently while attempting to kiss you but, again, you pushed him away. You did not believe him.

"Bullshit. You want to recover the money my stepfather owes you. Linda told me" you cried while trying to turn away from Tommy but he would not allow it.

"Look at me" Tommy said almost desperately and you did so reluctantly.

"Initially, yes, this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to use you to find your stepfather" Tommy admitted before making yet another admission to you. "I also wanted to fuck you from the moment I first laid eyes on you. I thought that you were a whore and I thought that, somehow, I could buy you. Because this is the kind of man I am. I use people and pay women to fuck. I don't do romance" Tommy then said while, again, reaching for your face gently but you would not have any of it.

"Get your fucking hands off me" you spat after having heard his admissions but Tommy would not leave it alone.

"I am not finished yet Love and need you to listen to me, eh" Tommy requested. He was not done talking yet and, for some reason, you continued to listen.

"I wanted to use you, yes...but that was before I fell for you and before I wanted to be with you so fucking badly that I no longer care about the money" Tommy then said much more reluctantly before, eventually, telling you what happened last night.

"Arthur killed your stepfather last night. He did beat me to it and, yes, this is also the kind of man I am. I have done bad things Y/N, but you need to understand that this doesn't change the fact that I am falling in love with you" Tommy finally admitted and your chin dropped. You weren't sure whether you should be more surprised by the fact that your stepfather is dead or by the fact that a man like Thomas Shelby just admitted his feelings to you.

"You killed my stepfather?" you asked first, thinking that this is the issue that would need to be addressed first.

"No, Arthur did" Tommy said almost bluntly and without regret.

"But what about the money then? You will not be able to recover it now that he is dead. I do not understand Tommy. And why Arthur?" you asked and the truth was that you had so many questions.

"Like I said, I no longer care about the money. What he did to you is what matters to me. He hurt you and this is why I allowed Arthur to kill him. Vengeance can be a powerful thing and Arthur had his own motives for putting a bullet into his head" Tommy told you while making a third attempt to reach for your hands and, this time around, you let him.

"Oh my god" you then gasped and you weren't sure whether it was hatred or relief that you felt.

"I am sorry Y/N. You probably should not have gotten involved with me. These are the things I do" Tommy said honestly and this time around you chuckled through your tears.

"My mother warned me about men like you" you admitted, seeing that she had warned you about the gangs in the region as well as the men who run the factories there. Of course, your mother had different motives for this, but you did not know this.

"Your mother is a wise woman then and, in case you did not know, my brother used to be in love with her but she chose your stepfather instead" Tommy said, explaining his brother's motives. "Needless to say, you cannot tell Linda any of this. For all she knows, Arthur shot a man simply to protect me" Tommy then explained and you nodded.

"Does Arthur know about me and what my stepfather did to me?" you asked, wondering what Tommy had told him.

"Yes, he knows about you, but I did not tell him about the abuse. He was devastated when he found that, not only, did your mother marry your stepfather in the end, but also did she have a child with someone else whom he knew nothing about" Tommy then explained before telling you that Arthur was now determined to find out who your father was.

"My father is dead, Tommy. So why does it matter to your brother now? He is married to Linda" you pointed out.

"Closure I suppose" Tommy determined. "Your mother broke his heart which is also the reason I wanted to hide my feelings for you from him" Tommy explained, causing you to chuckle.

"Why?" you asked, thinking that this kind of behaviour was childish.

"Because it feels a little inappropriate, eh. My brother was in love with your mother and now I am in love with you. You are her fucking daughter..." Tommy explained and you were quick to interrupt him.

"You and your brother just shot a man and you are worried about being in a relationship that might be seen as a little inappropriate? Jesus Tommy, it is not that we are fucking related" you laughed, causing Tommy to nod reluctantly before, once again, caressing your face.

"I suppose" Tommy chuckled. "So, do you forgive me?" he wanted to know and you smirked.

"That depends..." you teased.

"On what?" Tommy wanted to know, causing you to bite your lower lip seductively.

"Well, do you remember how we spoke about taking pleasure in intimacy last night? That was before your brother interrupted us..." you said, causing Tommy to furrow his eyebrows.

"Yes, I remember" he responded and you smirked again.

"Good, because that is what I want you to do. I want you to show me pleasure and, if you do, I may forgive you" you told him nervously and with blushing cheeks.

"You want me to show you pleasure, eh?" Tommy chuckled while running his thumb over your lower lip.

"Yes, although perhaps we should wait until your wounds have healed. Linda said you were shot, so..." you began to say while Tommy stood and reached for your hand.

"Trust me Love, I am fine. Come on" he interrupted you mid-sentence before pulling up from where you were sitting.

"Where are we going?" you asked nervously.

"To my bedroom, unless you want one of the maids to watch?" Tommy teased and you nodded nervously.

"No, I do not" you told him.

"I did not think so" Tommy chuckled before showing the way.


You followed Tommy upstairs and he let the way into his bedroom which was specious and beautifully appointed.

There was a large cedar framed bed in front of a large window and the crisp air startled you for a moment before, eventually, you began to enjoy the breeze.

Tommy approached you after, for a moment, you glanced towards the large bed. He could tell that you were nervous, so he caressed your face gently again after approaching you and then you stood there, silently, just staring at each other.

Tommy's hands then moved to yours and you could feel his fingers rubbing up and along yours as he was holding your hand. Your heart was pumping out of your chest and you were nervous, because even though you did not want to leave. you were not sure what was coming next.

"Tommy, I need you to go slow'" you whispered out just before Tommy slid his free hand along the side of your face and you looked deeply into each other's eyes as he stepped in a bit closer.

"Don't worry Love, I am not a man who likes to rush things" he reassured you and you certainly appreciated his patience.

Tommy then tilted his head slightly and leaned in. He placed a soft closed lip kiss on your lips and your initial reaction was to back away, but the intensity of the moment kept you frozen in place. Your mind was racing at speeds you couldn't even comprehend and you were beyond scared and extremely nervous about what he might do to you.

Tommy then leaned in again and, before you could even make up your mind, he kissed you again. This time, when your lips touched your mouth opened. Your tongue met his and you kissed deeply, softly and slowly, just feeling each other out.

You got so enamoured by kissing him that you forgot all about your surroundings and started to slide your hands up and along the outsides of Tommy's arms. Tommy pulled in tighter up against your body and you could feel his erection pressing against you.

"God, I love kissing you" you told Tommy as you felt a tingling inside of you that you never felt before. Your body was trembling and your pulse was rapid.

"Good, because I love kissing you too Love" Tommy said after he pulled away from your kiss and started to lightly kiss up and along your neckline instead.

"Is it alright if I keep kissing you here? And then, perhaps, here too?" Tommy whispered against your skin as his hand slowly travelled from your face, over your neck and then all the way to one oof your breasts.

"Oh god yes" you moaned as you were so turned on by hearing his words that you felt yourself getting wet.

You pulled him in closer and Tommy's hand slid up and down the sides of your ribs as our passion heightened. You had no idea what you were doing, or where this was going, but you were turned on and you was liking this.

Eventually, Tommy's hand came to rest on your left breast, over your blouse and you gasped as his palm caressed your chest until, eventually, Tommy pulled his hand away slightly.

Without breaking your kiss, he started to unbutton your blouse, flinging it open as he got done with the last button. He then dropped it to the floor and continued with your bra, slowly loosing the back before disposing of it as well.

"You are beautiful" Tommy then whispered to you after pulling away from you and whilst you felt the need to cover up your breasts, you restrained yourself from doing exactly that. Instead, you took up some courage and quickly wiggled yourself out of your skirt as well, leaving you standing there, in front of Tommy, wearing nothing but some heels and your panties.

"Fucking perfect" he then said and you giggled in response to his comment while kicking off your shoes.

"Oh, please..." you moaned as Tommy's head dipped down onto your lower neck again. You were not sure what you were pleading for but it must have been something.

"Lay down for me Love" Tommy then ordered gently as his warm lips and tongue whirled along your skin and you gave him a quick nod before stepping backwards and laying down his rather large and comfortable bed.

"Fuck" you exhaled as your head met the pillow.

"It's aright Love, I will just touch and kiss you slowly until you get used to it, eh?" he said reassuringly from where he was still standing.

He was perfect in every way and you were mesmerised by how handsome he was even despite several scars which he clearly had inherited from being shot.

After not too long, Tommy then joined you on the bed. He kissed you again gently before, finally, telling you to close your eyes but you shook your head. You were not ready for that.

"Remember, I will stop whenever you say stop, eh. I will not force you to do anything Love" Tommy then told you again and, this time around, you nodded nervously.

"Promise?" you asked after he gave you another tender and loving kiss.

"I promise" he then responded and, with that, you closed your eyes and tried to concentrate on the feeling of Tommy's gentle touch while trying to ignore the growing desire to feel his weight on top of you.

It was confusing to say the least but also god damn sensual.

Slowly, Tommy began to run his fingers over your arms, then your stomach and then all the way up to your now naked breasts. In between, he kissed you passionately on the mouth before nibbling on your ear and neck.

All these sensations were driving you insane and, after as little as ten minutes or so, you could not relax anymore. You were getting more and more comfortable now and you were also getting aroused by his caresses.

This man, who you had met less than two weeks ago, was slowly earning your trust all while fuelling your need and, with that, you could not keep your eyes closed any longer. You had to watch what he was doing to you. You had to see the movements of his muscles now that you could.

'Tommy' you thus whispered slowly and he responded immediately.

'Do you want me to stop?' he wanted to know but you shook your head.

'No. I want to watch you' you told him, earning you a quiet chuckle from Tommy.

'Then by all means Love, open your eyes" he said and so you did before, abruptly, looking down on yourself.

You could not remember when your nipples had popped to attention but you saw them now, standing proud against the dark circles around them. They bobbed up and down with your panting breath. You could hardly bear the anticipation of what his hands would feel like as he touched them knowing that, clearly, he would have noticed your arousal by now.

Tommy was not looking you up though. He was much more timid than that. He took his time and smiled while gazing into your eyes.

Your eyes met his and your mouth wanted to speak but nothing came out. You swallowed and tried again.

"What is it Love?" Tommy asked as your skin caught underneath his powerful grip, but nothing came from your lips. You remained silent.

"Tell me what it is that you want me to do" Tommy then told you reassuringly and, after a heart-stopping moment of tension, you nodded and tried once more.

"Could you, uhm..." you began to say nervously as you felt a jolt of desire race through you.

"Could I what?" Tommy smirked just as you dropped your hands down to your breasts and squeezed them. It was a brief release but the contact was just fanning the flames of lust.

"Could you touch me here?" you asked shyly and with blushing cheeks causing Tommy to lean down and kiss you once more.

You could sense him smiling against your lips and, when he traced his mouth over your neck and towards your ear, goosebumps suddenly began to cover your naked skin.

"It would be my pleasure..." Tommy then whispered, adoring your shyness and, just he nibbled on your ear momentarily again, a loud moan escaped you.

Then, Tommy looked at you again and traced his way across you until his large hands were covering your breasts. Tearing your eyes away from his, you gasped at the image in front of you. Your supple flesh fit perfectly into his hands and you immediately got lost in pleasure.

"Like that?" Tommy teased as he began to knead them and rub his fingers over your nipples.

You let out a moan and now you really needed him, needed to feel those lips on yours again. You reached up for him but he was already stooping down to kiss you. You felt a tiny puff of indignance that you were so easy to read, but then your lips were meshing with his and you forgot all about that.

You ran your fingers into Tommy's hair and kissed urgently up at him. You loved making out with him so much that you would be content to just lie there, together, kissing for hours. He was gentle with you and you were developing strong feelings for him.

"Keep going" you eventually demanded as Tommy flicked one of your nipples with one of his fingers and you hummed your pleasure into his lips.

Then, without warning his mouth was gone and you gasped in a deep lungful of air as he started to kiss a trail around your mouth and chin and into your neck.

"Keep going Tommy. Please" you said again as your core twitched in surprise as you felt a rough hand move across your stomach. His fingers trailed lines of fire down your body as he caressed your smooth skin, drifting down, and down, tantalisingly closer to the heat between your legs.

"Keep going" you shuddered once more in anticipation.

"Where do you want me to touch you Love? I need you to say it" Tommy then teased as the sensations of his kisses at your neck and the touch of his soft hair underneath your fingertips now drove you absolutely crazy.

"Down there...In between my legs...please" you gasped, even though you had never been touched there before.

"Be specific" Tommy grinned as he reached the area just below your navel and his hand slowed even more; tracing some swirling pattern across your skin there.

"Tommy...please" you begged. Your hips bucked up off the mattress involuntarily as the hand stopped completely just as it reached your thighs. You growled in frustration and lust and Tommy simply smiled.

"Tell me Love, where exactly do you want me to touch you?" Tommy teased as you squeezed his head in your hand. You then pushed him back and locked your eyes with his.

"Fuck Tommy" you said as you reached up again and grabbed his hair tightly. You saw his grin widen briefly before he spoke again.

"Tell me..." he mused, causing you to bite your lower lip.

"I want you to kiss my breasts and touch my pussy" you then blurted out, blushing as you did and this caused Tommy to smile.

"Then why didn't you say so, eh?" he teased before dropped his head to your aching breasts and you gasped at the jolt of electricity that forked down your body as he nipped at a nipple before softening his mouth around it.

"Holy fucking Christ" you screamed as the warm suction, the friction of his nose on your chest, the feeling of his hair between your fingers; all of the sensations bleeding into one another. But all of them a distraction. His hand tickled and edged its way downwards still, hovering over your hot core.

"Please! Tommy!" you then gasped in desperation. Enough was enough and, as he kept teasing you still, you grabbed his hand and forced it down, beneath your panties, just as you bucked upwards again. His fingers parted your lips and now he could feel just how wet you were.

"You are soaking wet Love" Tommy observed and you moaned loudly at the contact and fell back flat against the bed. His fingers pressed on firmly into your sex as his other hand caressed your hair and cheek. Your mouth opened as your moan turned into a deep sigh. His left thumb dipped into your mouth and you bit down on it as his right hand moved through your wet folds, one thick finger pushing inside of you. Your eyes closed and you moaned around his thumb. Fuck, this was intense.

"And so fucking tight" Tommy then groaned as, eventually, he pulled his head back from your chest after sucking and nibbling on your breasts. He smiled at you, quietly this time, and your hips gyrated and thrust against his touch, but he never slowed his steady rhythm.

'Tommy' you moaned as you gripped his forearm as an intense wave of pleasure pulsed out from your clit all the way down to your toes. You could feel the strength locked away in the muscles of his arm and you knew you was utterly at his mercy. It was absolutely terrifying and enticing at the same time but you couldn't concentrate on that feeling, the lightning racing around your body was too distracting. You opened your eyes and felt another gush of heat from your pussy as you looked up into Tommy's staring down at you.

You trusted him, more than any other man before as blue eyes filled with lust and a burning intensity looked down on you. God, you felt like you could cum just from looking at those beautiful things. It was insane.

"You never had sex, did you?" Tommy then said, almost gently. He assumed as much but you never quite told him how far you had gone with anyone before.

'No and I swear that I have never been touched like this before either' you then said and gasped as his finger slid up your wet crease again and then slowly circled your pulsing clit.

"Did you ever touch yourself?" Tommy then asked and you shook your head again.

"Only briefly, a few times, but it never quite felt like this" you panted and Tommy smirked and, every time you felt like you were getting used to his ministrations, he changed his rhythm or set a different part of you on fire. He was playing your like an instrument; learning your reactions to different movements and sensations, drawing out a sharp pulse of pleasure from your body before moving on and building another layer to it.

But then, his hand was gone from your pussy and the air was a mild shock against your exposed core. You strained your neck down and watched as he suddenly plunged his finger back into you. The sensation was shocking but the wet sound of your pussy greedily pulling him in was what drew another ragged moan from your lungs. One excruciating heartbeat of feeling filled and then he withdrew again.

"Oh god, I am...fuck...I don't know what's happening to me" you moaned as another obscene noise filled the room. You felt like you were losing your mind. With every thrust of pressure inside your there came an accompanying sound and you could not tell which one turned you on more. You could hear just how aroused you were; your pussy exposed, and probably dripping, with your legs spread as far as they could.

"You are feeling pleasure Love. Allow your body to relax into it" Tommy said as, once again, he began to build a steady rhythm, getting a little faster but still pausing momentarily before fingering you again, and again. His other hand caressed your breasts, your nipples, your neck, your shoulders; your skin, welcoming his swirling movements. His touch was gentle and caring, just as he had promised. But there was also arousal, a lot of it.

Eventually, after a while, you saw that hungry look on Tommy's face. He knew that you were close to cumming and you felt drunk on the waves of pleasure sparking over you.

"Tommy" you screamed again as the slow torture of Tommy's touch had been incredibly sensual but you didn't think that you would ever feel like this. You felt slutty and embarrassed but there was no time to care. Your core tightened and you were just aware of your back arching off the bed and your hips pushing upwards.

"Let it happen. Don't hold back" Tommy said. He clearly knew what was happening because he snaked his free hand back down your body and began rubbing your clit. He pushed firmly, but not too hard, and made tight circles around it. He kept the same steady firm pace into your pussy but the pleasure and raw heat suddenly pulsing into your brain from your clit was just as strong now. You felt like your senses were being overloaded. You could feel you were past the point of no return, just waiting to fall until you gasped in a final, ragged breath and then you were gone.

"Holy Shit! Fuck! Tomm..." you screamed. Someone moaning and writhing around in ecstasy but it could not have been you, because you were somewhere else. Your mind slipped into a fog and the raw energy of your orgasm raced through where your body should have been. You shuddered and twisted and then, as if a switch had been flicked inside your nervous system, you began to feel things from the sensitive parts of your body.

Your pussy clenched around something filling you up. Your abs contracted almost painfully. Then the rest of your body slowly came back to you and you let out a long breath as everything relaxed and you collapsed against the bed. Everything was too bright and raw. You let out another gasp of breath as Tommy pulled his fingers out of you. You looked up at him and saw a wide smile across his handsome features. Your cheeks and chest felt incredibly hot, as if they were burning. As you basked in the aftermath of your orgasm you faintly wondered if you should say something. Or whether you could say something to him.

"What the fuck was this?" you eventually blurted out and Tommy smiled widely.

"You had an orgasm" he told you before leaning in and kissing you again.

"I never felt this before" you admitted before looking down on your body again, seeing that your panties were covered in your juices now and so was the bed. There was a huge puddle and you wondered whether you had wet yourself, but decided not to ask. This was embarrassing and, yet, Tommy appeared to be rather pleased with himself.

"You probably should get some rest now Love" he said but you watched him closely. Just like the men you had seen at the brothel, he was clearly aroused and you wondered whether you could make him orgasm as well.

"I am not tired Tommy" you thus told him before slowly tracing your fingers over his chest. "May I touch you as well?" you then asked and he told you gently that you did not have to do anything like this, if you did not want to.

"But I want to Tommy. Let me make you feel the way you just made me feel" you determined just as you heard a loud knock on the door to Tommy's bedroom.

"Fuck" Tommy cursed before walking to the door while you covered yourself up.

"What is it, Frances?" Tommy then asked, causing the maid to blush.

"You have a visitor sir" Frances announced and you watched as Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Tell whoever it is that I am fucking busy" Tommy told her just as you both heard some footsteps and the click of high heel, approaching... 

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