" ๐˜›๐˜ช๐˜ญ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ต๐˜ฉ ๐˜ฅ๐˜ถ๐˜ฆ...

By dreamy-pink

7.9K 152 200

Yokovina! Au: enemies to lovers and Friends to lovers THEY ARE OLDER THEN THEY ARE IN THE SHOW, PROMISE Dis... More

Get to know Yoko!!!
Get to know Divina!!
The beginning of it all... 1
You don't hate me? 2
Dude, i need help 3
Welcome to da Nightshades Twins. 4
Checking in :) (this is a AN btw)
Pause, who did you just say has a crush on me? 5
You're different I guess. 6
Dawn your too annoying! I will never like you! 7
Wait a minute- My best friend is my crush- 8
Hiiiiii! An!
"Detention" 9
๐Ÿ’› โ€ข Sun fest time โ€ข ๐Ÿ’› 10
Is that even a question! Of course I'll go on a date with you!! โ€ข11โ€ข
Holy- AN
Authors Note!
"Why did you just call wifey!?" โ€ข13โ€ข
"You really are a vampire, a thirsty one at that." โ€ข14โ€ข
"Stay away from my girl." โ€ข15โ€ข
"You don't think..." โ€ข16โ€ข
"You're the killer.?.." โ€ข17โ€ข
"It may be pretty but it doesn't compare to your beauty" โ€ข18โ€ข
"So what are your intentions with my daughter?" โ€ข19โ€ข
"What makes you think she's into you?" โ€ข20โ€ข
"Divina Lillian Carson, you are my will to live." โ€ข21โ€ข
"She's alive!" โ€ข22โ€ข
"Father." "Mother!" โ€ข 23 โ€ข
Autors note ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿฝ
โ€ข 24 โ€ข
Last note from me For now..

Its first date time! โ€ข12โ€ข

354 5 3
By dreamy-pink

It was the next morning, it's 5:30 am on Tuesday. They have school today, like always, Divina woke up before Bianca. She did her normal routine with the extra step of covering up her hickeys. After finishing, she packed her school bag for the day and then woke up her roomie at 6:05 am.

Divina: *shakes Bianca awake* Good morning sleepy head, you have an hour to get ready so hurry.

Bianca: Thanks Div!!!

Bianca quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for school. Divina helped Bianca get her bag together and quickly did her makeup and they both headed down stairs to the cafeteria. They met up the guys, Kelsey, and Enid. Enid shared that she'd finally be getting a roommate (Wednesday is appearing soon 🤗) Yoko then finally appeared on the scene and instead of sitting with griffin like always she sat next to Divina.

Enid: Oh? What's uh, going on here??

Kelsey: Yea any status updates from you two??

Bianca: 50 bucks that they did it.

Kent: Ima take you up on that B.

Kelsey, Griffin, and Enid: Same.

Yoko: Hm, I don't think there is anything to update, or is there Div?

Divina: Well played bat, nothing to update yet but maybe there will on Saturday.

Bianca: Okay Yoko your turn. Spill the rest!

Yoko: Jesus alright. We're going on a date on Friday.

Divina: For the record as well, Yoko is very dominant in bed~

Xavier: Shit, I lost 50 bucks

Ajax: You and me both-

Bianca and Enid: PAY UP FUCKERS!

Kelsey: best bet I've ever made but disappointed you didn't leave a mark Tanaka.

Yoko: Ohhh, who says I didn't?? Makeup can cover almost anything.

Kent: Okay if I was that overprotective of Div I'd injury you right now Yoko, and Div we twining right now.

Divina: So that's where my other foundation and concealer went.

Kelsey: Okay never in my life did I think the twins would get laid before me!

Enid: Seriously! But anyway my roommate is coming tomorrow! Bianca, don't scare her!

Bianca: No promises! Also the vampires should thank me, I gave you both lovers.

Griffin: Cocky much?

Yoko: It's the sass for me. Also Div and I aren't dating yet.

Divina: But soon probably.

Dawn: What's this about relationships??? Yoko is their something you wanna ask me about now finally!!!!!

Yoko: Can you go away?

Dawn: No you silly goose!!! It's the gender swap version of boyfrienddddd!!!

Yoko: That Divina is finally my girlfriend?

Dawn: WHAT!?!

Divina choked on her water as everyone at the table was surprised by Yoko's boldness but went along with it.

Kent: Yea i gave Yoko my blessing at Sun fest. They started dating shortly after.

Enid: Also Yoko invest in sound proof walls, We heard you both from downstairs!

Kelsey: Yup! Yoko little advice, don't go to hard~

Bianca: Yup! We could hear your little moans divvv!

Divina: *choking and blushing from embarrassment*

Yoko: Babe don't be embarrassed, you know I'm bold about people I care about.

Ajax: Yea these two have hella chemistry.

Griffin: Have you tried some of Divina's blood yet Yoko?

Yoko: Few times now.

Dawn dramatically run away and made herself fall. Divina punched Yoko in her arm and then everyone started laughing.

Kent: Andddd She's long gone by now.

Ajax: Holy shit was that funny!

Xavier: Highlight of the day

Bianca: Oh you two are so trending by the way, Yokovina is literally everyone's favorite ship-

Yoko and divina: IM SORRY? WHO STARTED THAT???? *they are both blushing*

Enid: Guilty! And you can't kill me Yoko cause divina won't let youuuuu!!!!

Divina: She's not wrong-

Yoko: You won't be so lucky next time ens.

The bell rang and the group separated, Today was only 5 class periods long, and Yokovina has every class together that day and everyone kept staring and calling them adorable, hell people moved seats so Yokovina could sit next to each other. It's 3rd period and it's math class. It's halfway through when suddenly divina feels a hand on her thigh. Yoko whispered to divina

The conversation between the two:

Yoko: Im bored my love, let's go to the bathroom.

Divina: Why and class is almost over.

Yoko: Yea but I want you instead then being in here

Divina: Patience babe, we have free period next

Yoko: Can't I just play with you a little until then??

Divina: No you crazy, your horny self is just going to have to wait

Yoko: Ughhh fine my love, just for you. But since you're making me wait, you'll miss our last classss~

Divina: Hmm not if I only let you make out with me.

Yoko: Oh that's so cruel my love, pure torture as well.

Divina: You'll live hon.

Yoko rolled her eyes and proceeded to pay attention to the lesson. Divina payed attention as well then the bell rang. They both grabbed their bags and Yoko immediately took Divina's hand and they went to the library. Divina chuckled and broke free from Yoko's grip.

Divina: Hm, I changed my mind babe, besides I've got student council things to work on.

Yoko: Ughh, fine I'll wait until till Friday, weems is getting soundproof walls for my dorm. What is the council doing now?

Divina: going over the budget and theme for the rave'n. Can't believe it's only 5 weeks away.

Yoko: Oh right, I forgot I gotta attend that for my father.

Divina: He's making a donation as well?

Yoko: Yep, I'm assuming you or your brother is representing Ceci?

Divina: Yup Kent is. Well you go get Kent then I'll see you both in the meeting.

Yoko: Ughh fine, see you princess.

Divina; Bye my love. 

They both went their separate ways and then saw each other in the student council meeting + the donors for the dance. Divina was with the other council members and Yoko was with the other donors for the dance. The meeting started and went smoothly, the budget was made, and the theme was set. The meeting ended and Yoko and the twins headed for their last class as they had it together.

Time skipppp cause I'm lazy 😅

Time: Friday 12:00pm

It's lunch time. School was ending early as a lot of clubs were behind schedule. Therefore school was ending at 1:30pm, The whole gang + dawn were called to weems office. Upon arrival, they could see both of Dawns parents and Cecilia Carson herself. Divina was sat in a chair beside her mother for safety reasons of course.

Weems: Right everyone is here, let's get started. Dawn would you like to explain to your parents what you have done to Divina?

Dawn: I'm innocent here!! I haven't done anything wrong!!!

Ajax: Bullshit!

Xavier: Be truthful for once!

Dawn: How dare you both!!!! I'm innocent!!! She's the one in the wrong!

Dawns mom: Dawn Zoe Summer! That is enough young lady! Principal weems has told us everything. I'm extremely disappointed in you!

Cecilia: You should be, you daughter injured mine out of pure jealousy. That is shameful, and for what? Because the girl you like isn't interested in you?

Dawns Dad: Madam Carson please forgive our daughter, we promise we raised her better then this.

Yoko: That's cap

Kent: Definitely, she has zero regrets.

Weems: Mister Carson and Miss Tanaka. You both need to turn down the attitude. Miss Summer, you are in the wrong here, you assaulted one of our most prized students because of envy. Not only is Ms. Cecilia pressing charges against you, but you are banned from attending the rave'n.


Yoko: It was protection, not assault, unlike you who actually made divina sprain her wrist.

Dawn: Oh my goddd, that wasn't even that big of a deal.

Kelsey: Uh you were literally body shaming, bullying, oh yea and ASSAULTED my sister just because your crush, Knockoff Alice Cullen here has a massive crush on her.

Yoko: Rude but the point has been made.

Ajax: What part of that doesn't sound like a big deal?

Enid: Not to mention the breaking and entering into Yoko's dorm and then beating divina with a pillow while she was ASLEEP because she accidentally fell asleep on Yoko.


Cecilia: Weems. If you don't do anything about this girl I will go public with this ruining both hers and Nevermore's reputation.

Weems: Oh trust me Ms. Cecilia. She will be handled accordingly. Dawn Summer, you are here by suspended.


Dawns Dad: That's enough young lady. Your lucky your principal isn't expelling you.

Cecilia: Your child is a manic. If I find out she goes near my child again, I will put her into prison.

Dawns mom: Oh I promise you she will never do anything like this again.

Yoko: Weems, I'd like to add stuff to the case. Dawn has been harassing divina since the minute the Carsons were accepted into this school. And harassing me and trying to force me to date her.

Weems: Thank you Miss Tanaka for letting me know. You are all dismissed, Miss summer you have until 3:30 to collect your belongings. You shall return to campus in 5 weeks and report to the cafeteria for lunch duty.


Everyone left weems office. Later that day, it's 8:30pm it's 2 hours before Yoko and Divina's first date! Enid, griffin, and Kelsey were helping Yoko get ready while Bianca, Lane (One of the other sirens), and Kent were helping Divina get ready!

With Yoko.

Enid: Okay! It's first date time!
We are going to help you look your best!

Kelsey: I'm breaking into your closet!!

Yoko: Kelsey! Oh goddd-

Griffin: Alright what's your move here Yoko? Where are you taking her tonight??

Yoko: You know that Japanese hibachi grill I took y'all too? I haven't taken Divina yet so I was planning on taking her there.

Griffin: Shit that place is fancy af, and pricey, you sure you wanna take her there?

Yoko: Griffin my bank account has more then what your house, and life insurance will ever get you. Think I'll manage paying for Divina's and My dinner.

Kelsey: Okay but remember Div might try to pay! So you pull out that black credit card first!

Yoko: I will.

Griffin: Okay so y'all just going to have dinner then?

Yoko: No, after being in her dorm I took a note on things she's into, for example art, and there's that-

Griffin: 24 hour art studio up the road! Smooth move!

Yoko: Yup, then I plan to take her to a field I found.

Enid: Why there? You should take her skinny dipping!

Yoko: On the first date? Pass, that's more along the way. But that field is beautiful at night, and I'm paying one of my works to set up a blanket and her gift under a cherry blossom tree that's in the middle of the field.

Kelsey: Damn Yoko! I didn't know you were this romantic! Shitttt i think the only thing you did for all of your ex girlfriends is take them out for ice cream or a movie.

Griffin: Kels is right, in the amount of time that I've known you, you did not go through this much trouble.

Enid: Same! You must reallyyyy like Divinaaa~
Or dare I say, that you love her!!!

Yoko: *she threw a pillow at Enid*  She is special but i don't know if I can say I love her yet.

Kelsey: You planned out an entire romantic ass fuck date, you fucked her before asking her out on a date, and I know damn well that siren had her blood drawn by you because she was eating cookies and drinking juice all day yesterday. 

Kelsey and Griffin: Yea I'd say you love her.

Yoko: Shut up!!

Enid handed Yoko her outfit, she quickly got changed and did her makeup as they were all talking and hanging out. Yoko finished getting ready with some time to spare. She hung out with her friends before Divina arrived.

Meanwhile with the sirens!

Lane: Wait so fill me in? I'm gone for like a week and I miss all the good stuff!

Kent: Suckerrr!

Lane: Please you probably suck griffs d!ck 🙄

Bianca: Okay! And on that note let's help our Div get more pretty for her date with her vampire!

Divina: I literally don't know anything that Yoko is planning so I don't know what the hell to wear!

Bianca: Well it's Yoko, she's hella rich so I'm gonna assume some expensive? Let's go for your New York/ Paris chic but casual!

Kent: Yea that might work, think I know we an outfit! You posted it on insta, stalking profile now!

Lane: And I'm hunting Pinterest for a makeup look!

Bianca: Right so that leaves with your gift! I'll help you wrap it up so you can just carry it in your purse!!

Divina: Y'all are life savers! Let's get to work!!!

Kent and lane were in one corner of the room getting the outfit and makeup inspo while Bianca and Divina were on her bed wrapping Yoko's gift!

Bianca: I can't believe you found her mom's ring! She's gonna be so happy!!

Divina: I hope so, took awhile but thanks to some help from my mother, I found it! Kent! Lane! How is it going over there??

Lane: Found you a makeup look!

Kent: Finally found your post and I'm grabbing the outfit now!

Divina: Great!

Bianca: Go get ready! I'll finish this!

Divina: Thank you B!!

Divina got up and went to her closet and put on the outfit Kent picked out for her. After she went to her vanity and did a makeup look inspired by the look Lane picked out for her. After she finished she grabbed her bag Bianca packed and picked out for her. They all left the dorm and headed for Yoko's dorm room.


^ Yoko's Outfit and Makeup look ♥️ ^

^ Divina's Outfit and makeup look 🩵 ^


^ Other versions! Black outfit is Yoko, white and blue is divina! ^



Divina and the other three sirens arrived at the vampires dorm. Bianca knocked on the door and Kelsey answered, they nodded at each other and chuckled. Griffin and Enid grabbed Yoko, while Lane and Kent grabbed divina, both groups pushed Yoko and divina together and watched as Yoko
and divina hugged each other. Yoko grabbed her keys and her bag before taking Divina's hand.

Griffin: Later kiddos

Enid, Kelsey, Lane, and Bianca: Keep going kids! Your doing great!

Kent: Don't be out long with my sister Yoko!

Yoko: Yea Yea, later dorks

Divina: Bye bye!

Yoko and Divina left their friends and headed for the student parking lot where Yoko's car was parked. Yoko opened her car as she opened the passenger door for Divina. Divina got inside the car and Yoko closed the door for the siren. Yoko went to driver side of the car and got in starting up the engine. She drove out of the parking lot and started driving towards Jericho. They both talked a little, enjoying the nature and the beauty of the moonlight.

Divina: Yoko? You seem a little distracted, I can drive if you want?

Yoko: Hm? Oh no, it's fine Div, it's just really beautiful here at night. Well it's beauty doesn't stand a chance against yours divina.

Divina: Hm, your charming, your protective, your kind, your really good in bed, and insanely Hot and gorgeous. And you waited for me specifically instead of going out with other girls.

Yoko: That's all true.

Divina: You do realize that when we were done that would make us engaged, correct?

Yoko: I'm aware, wish it was still like that, so you would be officially stuck with me.

Divina: Alright Prince Charming, you still seem a little spaced out, you positive you don't want me to drive?

Yoko: No, but I know something that'll help me stay focused.

Divina: And that is what-

Yoko placed her hand on Divina's inner thigh. Divina chuckled and softly smiled.

Divina: That helping you Yoko?

Yoko: Hm yes. A lot. I'm sure your familiar with Japanese cuisine?

Divina: Yup, besides sushi. You ask this why?

Yoko: You'll see, but you'll like it. You remember when we were kids and I had to take you back to my house because my mom found you unconscious in a field of Dandelions?

Divina: I do, how are you holding up? I know you loved her dearly.

Yoko: It was hard at first but ceci and my father helped me get through it. I'm very thankful for your mother for that.

Divina: Our families have always been close, since the beginning of time. Irene was a loving and caring soul.

Yoko: Yea she was. She'd be overjoyed if she knew we were going out.

Divina: She would be. I am going to remind you that you are driving a moving vehicle and your hand is way too close to their!

Yoko: I can multitask, besides were almost there.

Divina: Hand away or we are sleeping in our own dorms tonight.

Yoko: Fine you win, can't blame me for trying though.

Divina: Hm, can't I? You've been hitting on me all week, your hand is nothing compared to what you did on Wednesday.

Yoko: You mean my lunch stunt, because I will pull this car over and do it again.

Divina: Maybe, maybe not. I'll tell you later.

Yoko: Oh that's so cruel my sea urchin.

Divina: Hm, but you like it when I'm cruel to you.

Yoko: Not wrong there princess. However we've made it.

Divina: It's so pretty here, where are we?

Yoko: A town over Jericho, restaurants in Jericho suck and are nowhere near up to standard.

Divina: Yoko- you honestly could have taken me for bubble tea and I wouldn't complain.

Yoko: While I'm fully aware that you love bubble tea, I thought you deserved more than just your favorite drink.

Divina smiled softly and kissed Yoko's cheek. Yoko got out of the car and opened Divina's door, before taking off Divina's seatbelt, Yoko kissed her. Divina kissed Yoko back and then took off her seatbelt and got out the car.

I'm lazy so time skip to after the ate :)

Yoko payed the check and took Divina's hand in hers and took her outside. Divina felt a little cold so Yoko took off her jacket and put it around Divina and pulled her closer. Divina looked up at Yoko and smiled. Yoko smiled back at Divina and kissed her again. They kissed in the parking lot for a while and then part because Divina run out of breath. Yoko opened her car and opened the door for Divina. But it was the passenger side, it was the backseat ;)

Divina: My love. You know you don't have to make me your passenger princess to impress me more, you know that right? And what's on your mind that you opened the door for the backseat?

Yoko: Hm, because I want to and I can. I could also just fuck you right here, right now. I do have tinted windows. And you'll send in a minute Princess

Divina: Such a dirty mind you have for me there Yoko. But first let's get through the rest of our date then you can do whatever you want to me afterwards.

Yoko: I suppose we can get through our date first. But I do need to do something first.

Divina: Oh is that so? And what may that be?

Yoko: This.

Yoko pushed Divina into the backseat and started hungrily making out with Divina. Divina broke for air but Yoko kissed down to Divina's neck and proceeded to give Divina a hickey. Divina let out a small moan and Yoko smirked and stopped teasing Divina. She helped divina up and moved her over to the passenger seat. Divina was as red as a tomato but smiled. Yoko closed the door for Divina and went over to the driver seat and started up the car again. Yoko turned on the heater a little bit she played some soft music as well and placed her hand on Divina's thigh again. They talked throughout the car ride but Yoko took a different turn and pulled over at a beautiful field and lead Divina to a very beautiful cherry blossom tree with a little blue with red blanket on the ground. On the blanket was another one and a small gift box.

Divina: Oh my god.. Yoko did you do all this for me??

Yoko: Of course I did. Your worth it, please sit, I'll make it worth your time.

Divina: Yoko this is so cute! I love it thank you!

Yoko: Anything for you my darling. I figure you would like to do something more your speed since you prefer being outdoors.

Divina: I'm surprised you remembered that about me. Thank you so much my love, no one has ever done anything like this for me.

Yoko kissed divina and they both sat down. Divina sat down in between Yoko's legs and cuddled with her while stargazing. They stayed like that for a while before Yoko started planting small kisses on the back of Divina's neck, Divina hummed before turning around and looked at Yoko, in return Yoko kissed her softly before Divina fell on her back wrapping her arms around Yoko's neck who is hovering over her. They made out for a good 5 minutes before Divina had to stop for air. Poor girl was panting.

Yoko: You good now darling?

Divina: I hate that I need oxygen, I wanted that to last longer!

Yoko: Trust me I know the feeling princess. I do have a gift for you, and maybe I will make you pant and moan a little more later.

Divina: Funny, but you didn't have to get me anything babe, you're everything I could ever want in a partner and more.

Yoko: Deal with it cause I'm not gonna stop. I like you to much to not do any of this.

Divina: Hm, you like me? So are we just hookup buddies or-

Yoko cut off Divina by kissing her again and pulling her up from the ground and into Yoko's lap again but facing her this time.

Yoko: Say something dumb like that again and then you'll be in a wheelchair.

Divina: I'm sorry love! But what are we?

Yoko: Well I hope the gift I have for you helps explain what we are darling.

Divina: Well I kinda have a gift for you too, shall we give them to each other together.

Yoko: Yea Okay, but you didn't have to get me something my love.

Divina: I think you'll appreciate it anyway.

Yoko: Alright fine, you get yours and I'll grab mine.

Divina: Sounds good babe!

Divina got off Yoko's lap and grabbed a small red box from her purse as Yoko leaned over and grabbed the small light blue box. They both sat in front of each other and exchanged the boxes.

Yoko: You open yours first Divina.

Divina: Actually I really think you should open your gift first.

Yoko: Alright fine, but you open yours after me, okay?

Divina: I will, just open it!

Yoko nodded and carefully undid the silky black ribbon and carefully ripped off the wrapping paper. She saw a black velvet box and looked up at Divina with a confused face, Divina just smiled at the vampire. Yoko opened the box and she was too stunned to speak.

^How the necklace looks like ^

Yoko: Divina.. How did you...

Divina: Pays to know the ocean like the back of your hand.

Yoko: You found my mothers necklace.. you have no idea how much this means to Divina...

Yoko hugged Divina and a few tears escaped the vampires eyes. Yoko kissed Divina and put on her moms necklace.

Yoko: Divina you are seriously the best fucking girl I've ever met. Thank you so so much.

Divina: Well I thought you might something of hers again. I'm really sorry about what happened with your mom and the boat accident.

Yoko: I know it wasn't your fault Divina, and now I have a piece of her again. Please open your gift now. I think now is the perfect time for you to open it.

Divina: Okay if you want me to.

Divina opened her gift carefully and also saw a velvet box except hers was blue. She opened it slowly and was shocked to see a gorgeous seashell necklace. Yoko took the necklace and put it on Divina before kissing her.

Yoko: Divina, you are one of the most beautiful, thoughtful, caring, and it's unreal how much you have made me fall for you. You mean a lot to me Divina, and I want you to be by my side for so many things. Which is why I'm formally asking you to be mine. Divina I love you so much and I want you to be my girlfriend.

Divina kissed Yoko with tears rolling down her cheeks, she looked at Yoko before pulling her into another hug causing Yoko to fall on her back. Yoko was holding Divina while kissing her.

Divina: Of course I'll be your girlfriend Yoko! I fucking love you more than anything!

Yoko: That means I can officially claim you then my love?

Divina: Wasn't that clear the last 50 times we've fucked and made out??

Yoko: Okay the making out maybe however I've only fucked you once.

Divina: Then make it twice babe, I'm all yours anyway.

Yoko: Don't tempt me while we are outside in cold.

Divina: Didn't stop you from taking some of my blood in the courtyard.

Yoko: I needed energy for fencing! And maybe I wanted to hear a specific sound come out of you so. Sue me!

Divina: Well shall we head back to the dorm or are you too impatient?

Yoko: If you're offering~

Divina: Are you thinking of doing "it"?

Yoko: You pick, here right now, the car, or we break one of our beds tonight. Choice is yours~

Divina: Dorm but we can't touch each other until one of us gets in a bed.

Yoko: Challenge accepted. But first let's make it a little more interesting, first to give up in the car, has to give up concealer for tomorrow.

Divina: Tomorrow we're just going out with- oh yea. Deal.

Yoko: Now to make this harder.

⚠️ Minor Smut ahead! Skip if you find it uncomfortable!!! ⚠️

Yoko started kissing Divina aggressively. Yoko switch the positions making Divina lay down directly underneath Yoko. Divina moved her hands up Yoko's body and wrapped her arms around the vampires neck. Yoko slowly started to rub Divina's cl!t, making the siren start panting once Yoko stopped. Divina caught her breath and kissed yoko one more time.

⚠️ End! ⚠️

Yoko smiled and got up first so she could help Divina up. They packed up everything and took it all back to Yoko's car. Yoko still opened the door for Divina but didn't kiss her this time. After a painful 4 minutes in the car, Divina caved and held Yoko's hand.

Yoko: Couldn't make 5 minutes without holding my hand babe?

Divina: You know I couldn't! Besides this is like a 10 minute drive.

Yoko: You realize you have to give up your concealer, right?

Divina: Unfortunately. But I'm praying the weather will be colder tomorrow.

Time skip to Divina's dorm (everyone feel asleep in Yoko's)

Yoko's Pov:

I let Divina open her door and let me go in first. I wait for her to get inside and shut the door. I pin her against the door and I start making out with her. I can feel her hands slightly push me away so she could breathe.  I watch her catch her breath before she started kissing me. I take off her jacket and toss it aside before slowly making my way down to her neck. I start kissing her neck before I started leaving hickeys everywhere. I can her moans which makes me remember why I'm so obsessed with her. I eventually stop and give her a second before I picked her up while kissing her. I took her to bed and got on top of her. I'm just making out with her before I stop and look at her for consent before I went any further. She nodded and let me undo the ribbon on the back of her dress.

⚠️ Smut warning! Please skip this if it makes you uncomfortable! ⚠️

It's now Divina's Pov!

Yoko slowly started pulling down my dress, but she's teasing me by leaving soft and small kisses all over my exposed skin. I start begging her to do more but she just told me to be patient. As she is kissing my body I'm slowly trying to undo her top but she pinned my hands above my head. I feel her completely take off my dress and start teasing me by kissing my inner thighs completely ignoring where I need her most. "Yoko, please! Stop teasing me!" I finally said and I hear her chuckle. All of a sudden I feel her go down on me. I'm a moaning mess at this point in time, she's rubbing, kissing, licking, and lightly biting my cl!t. Fuck does it feel good. She started going faster and it was so hard to stay quiet, I was biting my lip so hard it started bleeding. "Don't come until I tell you to Divina." Yoko told me in a dominant tone before she put two fingers in me and started. I was having such a hard time trying to hold my moans, Yoko let one of my hands drop and immediately covered my mouth. She added another finger and went hella fucking fast, my moans were muffled, I had my eyes shut as a few tears rolled down my cheeks since Yoko still hasn't told me to come. I feel her pull out her fingers and left me in confusion. Before I opened my eyes I feel her put something in me. Suddenly I feel strong vibrations in me. Yoko starts making out with me, the whole time I'm moaning, she starts kissing down to neck leaving hickeys everywhere before she found my sweet spot. Suddenly I feel the vibrations get stronger and I feel Yoko's fangs rub against my sweet spot. "Fuck Yoko bite me!" I yell. She bites me and I'm a mess. She stops drinking and licks up the blood, "Just a little bit longer Divi." Yoko tells me as I feel the vibrations get stronger and she starts rubbing my cl!t with her thumb. Using her free hand, she pins my hands above my head again and honestly I didn't care who heard us. I was a moaning mess, I hear Yoko chuckle before she started kissing me again. "Count down from 10 and then you can come, understand Divina?" I nod as I feel the vibrations stop and be replaced with her tongue.




















Divina came hard. Yoko cleaned her up before letting go of her hands. Divina stayed in place, panting heavily, her legs slightly twitching, and slowly opening her eyes. Yoko crawled off of Divina and grabbed one of her hoodies for Divina to wear. She got back to bed and helped Divina put on the hoodie and laid down next to her. Divina cuddled into Yoko's chest and slowly closed her eyes. Yoko gave a soft kiss on Divina's forehead and hummed softly as she played with her short brown hair. They both drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

End finally!
Jesus Christ this is the longest chapter yet- anyway sorry this took awhile! I just started school on Monday and I've been busy. Hope you liked this chapter! If there is something else you'd like to see please let me know!!

- Retzi

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