Meet Me In The Afterglow | Be...

By rxgnarssons

12K 266 20

"Are you not expected to start your season, soon?" Benedict asks suddenly, breaking the silence that had been... More

Diamond of the First Water
Shock and Delight
Art of the Swoon
An Affair of Honour
The Duke and I
After The Rain
Captial R Rake
Off to the Races
A Bee in Your Bonnet

Ocean's Apart

709 21 0
By rxgnarssons

Miss Marina Thompson's recent fall from grace continues to echo through every drawing room in town, days after it was revealed her engagement to Colin Bridgerton was nothing more than a sham.

Of course, a lady's disgrace does not merely tarnish her own name. Like the tars of the Thames, it also leaves a horrid smear on anyone nearby.

"Did you know?" He asks, lying on his bed, turned away from her; eyes and voice full of tears. Elizabeth sighs as she sits on the edge of his bed, looking at her best friend.

"I had heard she was with child, yes." She responds, not wanting to give away her source of knowledge." I did not think it my place to tell you...but I wanted you to see that she did not love you and was merely using you for convenience. You are so stubborn you would not listen."

"This entire time I thought you and Benedict were going to be the cause of scandal, but it turns out it's me." Colin states, glancing up at Elizabeth tearfully. She smiles at him sympathetically and holds onto his hand." I am so sorry."

"Hush, now. You were being mean, but I forgive you...and this Marina scandal is not your fault, she should not have gotten you wrapped up in it in the first place." She tells him and he smiles at her." I do feel bad for her though given her situation. I hope she is alright, this society is hard on unwed mothers."

"I admire the way you can see the good in others even when they've irritated you." Colin states, making Elizabeth chuckle slightly before she says," yes, well it is hard with certain's hard when it's a parent."

"Is your father still not talking with Edward?" Colin asks, and Elizabeth raises an eyebrow, confused as to how he knows about that. He seems to realise what she is thinking and so he explains with," Benedict told me, I hope you do not mind...I was worried about you but you were angry with me and he did not wish to tell me at first but I would not stop bugging him until he did."

"My father hasn't spoken to my brother in weeks." Elizabeth sighs in response, lying down beside him." When did life become so complicated, Colin?"

"When we grew up, Beth." He responds, the two looking at one another sadly; holding the others hand tightly as they lie next to one another on his bed.

While there is no parasol in the world strong enough to shelter a ruined woman, the fallen Miss Thompson can only hope she shall find a refuge...somewhere.

Elizabeth sits quietly as Colin paces the room they are in; Benedict leaning against the fire place, Anthony an arm chair. Violet is sat quietly on a settee, fidgeting slightly with her fingers as her third born rants.

"Miss Thompson must be in agonies over these lies. Why can I not visit her?" Even thought Elizabeth has said she knew Marina was with child, Colin still seemed to be somewhat unsure. Wishing to believe they were lies. Wanting to live in delusion for a little while longer in the stubborn way he often did.

"Colin—" Violet begins but she is cut off by Anthony, who says," listen to me, brother. That the ton devours every bit of Whistledown's on-dit is the only thing keeping this family from shame." Elizabeth glances to Benedict, who glances back to her whilst Anthony continues," because of her, no one believes you are the father of Miss Thompson's child. But if you were to go near her, then they'll presume you responsible for her ruin, and all your sisters will pay the price for your notoriety. Is this what you desire?"

"Of course not, but—" Colin begins to respond when the door opens and in walks Daphne. Elizabeth stands up so that the new duchess may sit down, and she stands beside Benedict; who does not take his eyes off of her as she moves across to him.

"Evening, everyone!" Daphne greets brightly, Violet letting out a shocked," dearest!"

"What are you doing here, Daph? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?" Asks Anthony as Violet stands up.

"I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news." Daphne explains.She leans against the chair next to the one Anthony is leaning against.

"In the middle of your honeymoon?" He asks.

"Hastings must surely be cursing the Bridgerton name for this." Benedict states with a grin, and Elizabeth says," I think it is sweet how he has allowed her to come back to her family in a time of need. That is true love."

Benedict smirks at her when she makes a pointed look to him; and Colin rolls his eyes from the corner, all attention going back to Benedict when he asks," where is he, anyhow?"

"He went to set up Hastings House." Replies Daphne.

"We have all things in order, sister. We do not require your assistance." Anthony tells her, prompting a pacing Violet to say," oh well that is simply not true, Anthony, and you know it. Daphne may be the answer to all of our problems. Once the ton see that we still have the favour of the duke and the duchess, then the whispers may very well cease, and we shall go about our daily lives as if nothing has happened, as if nothing is awry."

"And no one will be the wiser." Daphne states, not looking at her mother, her voice oddly strained." Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. Is it not, mama?"

The two women stare at one another, causing Anthony to glance at Benedict; who bites his lip and glances to Elizabeth, who gives a small shrug. Something was wrong, that was evident, but it was also evident that they may not know what has happened.

"Now, what grand event will the ton be descending upon this week?" Asks Daphne, looking to her brothers and then back to her mother, Colin standing ever so quietly in his corner." Surely there is something?"

"The, um...the queen is hosting a luncheon." Violet clears her throat before she answers, and Daphnes quickly follows up with," I am certain the duke and I can secure an invitation. If we are lucky, our return to London will give everyone so much to talk about, they simply have no breath left to discuss other matters."

"I'm so very glad this has all been settled on my behalf." Colin's voice is full of sarcasm as he speaks. He often felt as though people viewed Daphne as his older sister and not his younger one; and he had expressed this to Elizabeth many times. About how it made him feel as thought people would never stop viewing him as a child and how he wished they would take him seriously.

He leaves the room, slamming the door behind himself, and Daphne follows after him— stopping Elizabeth from going. Instead, she heads out with Benedict; causing Anthony and Violet to glance at one another as the second born calls out a last minute," I shall walk Beth home!" before he closes the door behind them; sneaking her around a hidden corner and kissing her softly before he links their arms and actually begins to walk her home.

"I hope to be a mother some day." Elizabeth says dreamily, Benedict glancing at her as they walk under the starlit sky." I know I often share the same views as El, but I do wish to have children. It just has to be with someone I love."

"That shall be me then." He grins as he says it, causing Elizabeth to chuckle." How many do you wish to have?"

"Four, I think." Elizabeth responds, Benedict smiling; eyes twinkling in the light of the moon." I hope they inherit your eyes...they're the prettiest blue I have ever seen."

"I prefer your green colour." Benedict responds." I wish for my children to look as beautiful as their mother."

"I wish for my children to be as handsome as their father." Elizabeth counter-argues, making Benedict laugh as they reach the front porch of the Giles house. He glances to his left and his right before he pulls her in for another soft kiss.

"We're getting bold, are we, Mr Bridgerton?" The young woman asks as they pull apart, Benedict smiling down at her, a look full of joyful love reflecting on his face. Elizabeth mirrors it as he says," I'd risk it all for you, Miss Giles."

She blushes as he kisses the back of her hand and wishes her goodnight. She wishes him goodnight too, and then she walks into her house with a smile, her joy crushed the moment she hears her parents arguing in the drawing room— the door open just enough so that lines of light dance on the floor and enough sound can come out. Sometimes, Elizabeth wishes she could just stay at the Bridgerton's, she found comfort there and peace. She found it sad that the place she was supposed to find most comforting no longer provided that for her, the house now felt cold and sour, and she heads off to bed whilst her parents argument fades into the background.

The next day, Elizabeth does any and all activity she can muster just to avoid her parents. Most of the morning is spent doing ballet, the exercise allowing her to concentrate on other matters. After ballet comes the pianoforte and after three hours of that, she swiftly moves onto playing the violin. The music is calming, and she feels slightly better as she heads to the dining hall for an early dinner; prepared for her by Eleanor.

"Ah, there you are, Eliza." Her mother says, catching her by the arm before she can proceed any further into the dining hall." You and I shall be dining at your brothers this evening, he has some news he wishes to share."

"Is father coming?" Elizabeth asks as her mother steers her towards the open front door, where she can see the carriage waiting. Her mother does not reply, but she gets her answer soon enough when the carriage sets off without her father present.

They are greeted with hugs each by Edward, and Elizabeth is shocked when her sister in law hugs her in greeting as well. She often thought that Annabella did not like her, but, then again, the two did not know one another well. They head to the dining hall; Elizabeth still not used to her brother sitting at the head of the table. A beautiful roast dinner has been prepared, yet Edward seems to not have much of an appetite— taking to fiddling with his napkin and robotically answering his mothers questions. After dinner, they continue their conversation in the family room; Edward nursing a glass of whiskey. He has been sat very quietly all evening, and it hasn't gone unnoticed, as their mother asks him what he wishes to share."

", well, it was supposed to be a big family announcement and father is not present." Edward states and Elizabeth spots their mothers jaw tense at the mention of her husband." But, I suppose you shall let him know, mama?"

"Of course, Eddie, of course." Emma responds and Edward glances to Annabella; who gives him a small nod.

"Well, we thought we'd invite you for dinner this evening to tell you that...Annabella is with child." Edward announces, face full of anxiety. Emma embraces her son and her daughter in law in an instant, whilst Elizabeth sits quietly on a settee. She was excited, of course she was, but she knew that this was a terrifying chapter for Edward— one he was dreading to cross.

The news sparks yet another argument between the two Giles parents once Emma and Elizabeth return home. Her father is screaming at her mother for visiting Edward, whilst her mother is screaming at her father for ignoring Edward and shutting him out. Her father is happy to have an heir, that much is obvious, but his shouting only grows when Emma tells him to forget about what Edward has done. Elizabeth sighs and slips out unnoticed into the garden. Tonight, she was the one who was going to throw pebbles at the window. However, when she reaches the desired window, she bumps into Colin— who, whilst surprised, is happy to see her.

"Elizabeth!" He says, a look of relief on his face." I have not seen you all day, i have needed you. I spoke with Marina."

"You did?" Elizabeth asks as Colin leads them to a bench to sit on. He nods as they sit down, responding with," Daphne organised it. Marina is with child, I do not know why I was in such denial. You told me, I just did not wish for it to be true. I feel so stupid."

"You did not know any better." Elizabeth states, holding onto her best friends hand as he becomes tearful yet again." And yet, I still feel sorry for her. She clearly had no guidance and just wanted to marry the first man who would have her just so she would not be shamed. You do not know what it is like to be a woman, Col."

"You sound like Eloise." Colin says with a slight chuckle, wiping at his eyes. He sits up straight and looks at Elizabeth." I was not who you wished to see this evening, was I? Would you like me to grab Benedict? You were not at the luncheon, he seemed awfully restless without you."

"No, it is okay. Either of you would have been fine...I'm having a slight crisis, if I am being honest." Elizabeth says, a lump forming in her throat." My parents...they will not stop arguing and...Edward is going to be a father but he cannot seem to be happy about it and therefore I am not happy about it, either...whatever am I to do, Colin?"

She isn't expecting it, but the tears fall harshly down her face, and so enough she is sobbing into her hands in the gardens of Bridgerton house; with her best friend beside her. Just as Colin is about to comfort her, a voice stops him.

"What did you say to her this time?" His voice is full of sudden irritation, and Elizabeth looks up to see Benedict standing behind them; his gaze softening when they make eye contact. He rushes over to her in an instant.

"I did not do anything, brother, not this time." Colin replies as he watches Benedict wrap Elizabeth up into a hug, the girl crying into the second borns chest." Her family are her cause of upset this time. Her parents are arguing and Edward and Annabella are expecting a child; but Edward does not seem happy about it."

"Sorry I jumped to conclusions, Col." Benedict says as he runs a hand through Elizabeth's hair. Colin nods and holds onto his best friends hand.

"I cannot spend another moment in that house." Elizabeth cries." It is suffocating. Please do not make me go back!"

"You cannot sleep here." Colin says almost immediately, his older brother glaring at him even though he agrees." We have just fought off two scandals, we cannot have another."

"I hate to agree with my brother, but he is right. We are no longer children who can have fun spontaneous sleep overs; we are adults, and you are unchaperoned." Benedict responds, and Elizabeth cries harder into his chest. He rests his chin atop her head and rubs her back gently." How about, during the day you spend as much time with us as possible, and then at night is when you spend your time at home? How does that sound?"

"It's better than nothing." Elizabeth sniffs, and Benedict helps her to sit up again; cupping her face softly and wiping away her tears, Colin sat awkwardly beside them.

The two escort Elizabeth back to the Giles gardens, Colin turning away when his brother and best friend share a short kiss. Elizabeth hugs Colin in departure and then she heads reluctantly inside. It is quiet, and so she guesses her parents had gone to sleep; allowing her to sneak up the stairs and to her room.


It is the first event Elizabeth has attended in a while, two nights later. She is accompanied by her mother, although she wishes it were Edward as it was more his thing. Her brother loved the opera and Elizabeth knew that if he were here, for a few hours, he would feel like his old self again. For a few hours he would feel joy.

"I am just going to talk with Eloise, mama, I shall see you inside." Elizabeth tells Emma, who nods and allows her daughter to go off. Instead of going to Eloise, however, she makes a beeline for Benedict; who had just been talking to Henry Granville.

"Hello." Benedict greets with a smile, a drink in hand." I was just having a conversation with Henry that I feel he should have with is your brother, I see he is not here?"

"He has practically been put under house arrest." Elizabeth responds, taking his drink from him and taking a sip; causing Benedict to laugh affectionately and take it back from her." Maybe you should visit him now, he seems awfully lonely."

"I shall do just that." Benedict responds." I was wondering, would you like to accompany me to a party later on? I was invited to it by Genevieve Delacroix. We got talking one time at one of Henry's parties whilst you were in your own world drawing, and now we seem to be firm friends."

"The modiste?" Elizabeth asks, and Benedict nods." I do not see why not."

"Excellent, also, you look very beautiful tonight." He compliments and Elizabeth blushes. He goes to kiss her cheek, but remembers where they are, and instead pushes a loose hair behind her ear as Eloise rushes over to them.

"How long is this concert?" She asks Benedict, smiling politely to Elizabeth.

"Three hours? Four?" Benedict answers, causing his sister to groan with distaste. Elizabeth chuckles slightly." Though, uh, I certainly have already heard enough, would you agree, Beth?"

"I agree." Elizabeth says, smiling as Benedict links his arm through Eloise's.

"You are my most favourite brother. Do you know that?" The girl says as the three hurry out of the venue, Benedict smiling proudly as he helps the two into the carriage." Is there something going on between the two of you?"

"We are friends." Benedict responds, Elizabeth smirking slightly as she takes off her gloves." What, am I not allowed to have a friend?" He clears his throat, knocking on the roof and instructing," I would like to make a stop and pick up a friend."

"Another friend." Eloise states, smirking and looking to Elizabeth; who is sitting quietly beside Benedict with an amused smile on her face.

"I'm not bound by the rules of society." Benedict states, taking Elizabeth's hand in his, Eloise's eyes going wide." Please do not tell mother!"

"We are going to court properly, please do not tell. Colin knows to an extent but he is not pleased about it." Elizabeth responds and Eloise nods as they come to a stop outside the modistes.

"Why are we at the modiste?" Eloise asks, looking to her brother, who just smiles at her. Genevieve is helped into the carriage, and she says a shocked," mademoiselle Bridgerton!"

"This is my sister, Eloise, and we shall be dropping her at home." Benedict explains as Genevieve sits down beside the teenager." And of course, you know Elizabeth. She is my...courtship? Well, we are going to's complicated."

"Good evening." The modiste says to Elizabeth, who greets her with a "good evening" back as the carriage sets off; Eloise sat in silent confusion; the smile wiped off of her face.

" was your night, ma chérie?" Genevieve asks Eloise after a bout of awkward silence.

"It was...everything I expected." Eloise responds, voice strained from forced politeness and Elizabeth finds herself wanting to laugh." Horrible and terribly boring."

"So this is why you do not wish to lower your hems?" The modiste asks with a chuckle. Eloise forces a smile and responds with," the entire ton were there, and I did not have a single worthwhile exchange."

"The entire ton?" Genevieve asks, highly amused." You mean, everyone except the Featherington's?"

"What happened with the Featherington's?" Elizabeth whispers in question to Benedict, who whispers back," long story."

"Yes, everyone except...them." Eloise responds and then she falls silent, her face twisting with anxiety, confusing the three adults in the carriage; alarming her brother the most.

"Is everything well, Eloise?" Benedict asks, and Eloise snaps back to reality; nodding to her brother but still looking panicked.

The carriage comes to a stop, Eloise all but fleeing from it; confusing her elder brother even more as she hurries off inside. The three continue to the party in silence, the modiste smiling to the young Giles; who smiles back.

"So, what happened with the Featherington's?" Elizabeth asks, breaking the silence.

"They were kicked out of the queens luncheon, I don't know all of the details but I know Lady Featherington was talking with mother and then they ended up being removed." Benedict responds, Elizabeth sitting there in shock before she quietly says," why do the interesting things happen when I am not in attendance?"

"Where were you?" Benedict asks." I assume Colin said I was 'pining'."

"He said you were restless, actually." Elizabeth responds, and Benedict smiles shyly." I was busy, and then we ended up going to Edward's, and then when we returned; I rushed off to find you but Colin found me instead."

"It'll all be okay." Benedict says, voice soft as he presses his lips to Elizabeth's temple gently.

"You two make a very beautiful couple." Genevieve says, the two smiling towards her." I suppose next season, you shall debut, mademoiselle Giles?"

"That is the plan." Elizabeth responds, glancing to Benedict, who smiles at her happily as the carriage comes to a stop. He is the first to get out, offering a hand to Genevieve and helping her out before he does the same to Elizabeth; keeping a hold of her hand as they approach the front door.

The party is the same as those they have attended at the Granville's. They drink and they smoke and they sketch; Genevieve offers them the top of her shop as a place for them to be alone, without risk of their families barging in; and they take it. The night continues on with more drinks, and Benedict eventually convinces Elizabeth to let him be her nude model. They're both rather tipsy, and the room has an orange haze to it as Elizabeth watches Benedict undress. She manages to sketch for around twenty minutes before she's pressing Benedict against the wall and kissing him; the two laughing into one another's mouths.

"I said I wanted my innocence in tact." Elizabeth mumbles as Benedict kisses her harder." Benedict, I can feel you pressing against my leg...I need my innocence to remain-

"If you give me a hand your innocence will remain in tact." He breathes out against her. She looks at him, and his eyes are almost pleading as he looks back down at her. She smirks, and then puts her hand around him; starting the job and making him groan in shock; his head falling against her shoulder as she picks up speed— the man panting out laughter before moaning.

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