Captial R Rake

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"Mama, please stop fussing over my hair!" Elizabeth begs as her mother fiddles with her hair for the fifth time that morning." We shall be late if you do not stop!"

"I just do not wish for a single hair to be out of place, I need you perfect." Emma explains, making her daughter roll her eyes.

"She looks perfect already, mama." Comes a voice, and Elizabeth turns to find Edward walking in, Annabella behind him with their son in her arms." When did my baby sister grow up?"

"Edward, you're here!" Elizabeth sighs out, running over to him and hugging him tightly. He laughs as he hugs her back and says," you did not think I'd miss your season, did you? It took some convincing but mother eventually brought father round onto the idea of allowing me to stay here this season and be your chaperone."

"You're my chaperone?" Elizabeth asks, and her brother nods with a smile." I thought it to be mama."

"Well, surprise." Edward states and then Elizabeth gasps as she heads to her nephew, saying," Oh he's gotten so big."

"The convincing was just bribing your father with the baby, an opportunity to spend time with his grandson." Annabella states, and Elizabeth chuckles slightly as her nephew stares at her.

"Hello Thomas." She coos, and he smiles before he looks back up at his mother.

"We're going to be late." Henry announces, not even looking at his son as he passes through to the carriages. Edward rolls his eyes, kissing Annabella on the cheek in departure as she was staying behind with the baby. They were close friends now, staying in their marriage purely for convenience, but they enjoyed one another's company and got along perfectly well; able to play their part in the public eye.

It's an awkward carriage ride, with Henry sitting opposite his son, yet not looking at him. Elizabeth holds her brothers hand as he stares out of the window, not wanting to look at his father, either. Having Thomas had not helped, it did not seem, but maybe with Edward staying for the season; things would change.

Henry and Edward head inside together in complete silence whilst Emma takes Elizabeth to wait with the other debutantes. She finds Eloise standing anxiously with Violet helping her with her head piece, and she makes her way to her, Emma following.

"I look like a chicken." Eloise says to Elizabeth, who chuckles slightly and says," the sooner you let your mother fuss, the sooner it is over with."

"Anthony is looking for a wife this season." Violet tells Emma, who says," oh how wonderful, if things go as well as last year, two of your children shall be married."

"I would not hold out hope for me." Eloise states, making Elizabeth smirk slightly." Although I am sure you shall finish this season with two married children."

"I am certain I shall." Emma states and then she grins when Elizabeth is brought to the door.

She is overcome with sudden nerves, standing by the door and waiting for it to open. She hears her name called, and she forces a polite smile as the the door opens and herself and her mother walk in. She walks perfectly, eyes ahead, ignoring the eyes boring into her. She can tell everyone is watching and yet she just continues on, stopping before the queen and curtsying. The queen smiles to her, and Elizabeth smiles back as she is dismissed.

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