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Dear gentle reader,
I must send felicitations to the new Duke and Duchess of Hastings. Congratulations and stamina as they embark on the most exhilarating time in a young couple's life. I am, of course, talking of the honeymoon. Is there a more romantic notion? To retreat from socket together— finally leaving watchful eyes behind.

While this author, along with the rest of the ton, will certainly miss its most-remarked-upon couple back in London, perhaps we might find solace in the promise of the duke and duchess returning to us bearing a surprise.

"It is a disaster." Elizabeth tells Benedict as they stand together in the gardens, attending some event that the girl did not care about at this precise moment. She was seeing more of Benedict and less of Colin these days; and she had to admit she was starting to miss her best friend greatly." Edward has not left his room, and father will not talk to him."

"Poor Edward." Benedict sighs." I shall come over later, to see how he is doing-

"Better not. Anytime he mentions another male, father and Annabella both look about ready to yell at him. Your presence shall not help." Elizabeth explains and Benedict nods." I just wish it had not happened. He is a shell of his former self; his confidence is blown, and he spends all of his time locked away in his room scribbling down compositions to take his mind off of things."

A glass clangs, making the two jumps, and Colin smiles before he says," may I have everyone's attention?" All eyes turn onto him as he stands with Marina. Elizabeth glances to Penelope, who glances back at her as Colin continues with," I would like to make a small but rather important announcement. I have happy news to impart. I have asked Miss Marina Thompson to be my wife, and she has accepted."

Guests exclaim happily and begin to applause. Benedict smiles proudly for his brother; but Elizabeth furrows her brow. He had not told her this, they told one another everything, they always had. That feeling of betrayal bubbles through her again, and she leaves Benedicts side as she heads over to Colin in a hurry; grabbing his arm.

"Excuse me, Miss Thompson, I require a moment with my best friend." Elizabeth tells the other woman, who smiles to her and nods before Colin is dragged away and around a corner." You didn't tell me."

"I do not have to tell you everything." Colin states, making her scoff as she says," we always tell one another everything."

"That is not true, you have not told me things. You have not told me your true feelings for my brother; you are not as subtle as you think, Beth! It is obvious that something is going on between the two of you to everyone around you!" Colin snaps, arms folded sternly across his chest, Elizabeth mirroring his exact movement.

"Your brother and I are just friends. He has been with me more than you have lately, Col. I rarely see you anymore!" She states, frustration evident in her voice." I thought you were suppose to be travelling-

"Plans can change-

"For some woman who you barely know? Colin, you have been planning this tour since we were eighteen, I do not believe you would give it up so easily." Elizabeth states, and this time, Colin scoffs." It is rather fast, Col. You two have barely courted, you barely know her."

"I do not need your approval, Elizabeth." Colin comments, which winds Elizabeth up even further; her emotions from what happened to her brother alongside this now bubbling to the surface as she snaps out," but I apparently need your approval because I fell in love with your brother!"

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