Shock and Delight

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There will forever be just two words that come to this authors mind the morning after any good party, "shock" and "delight."

Well, dear reader, the scandalous accounts from last nights soirée at Vauxhall are quite shocking and delightful indeed. Emerging, Phoenix-like from the ashes of irrelevance, is one Miss Daphne Bridgerton. The illustrious debutante was seen dancing not once, but twice with the seasons most eligible and most uncatchable rake, the Duke of Hastings.

Promenade is almost worse than the balls, in Elizabeth's opinion. She despises walking around and socialising with so many people which she did not care for, and it is evident that Edward feels the same, as he is told many times to adjust his posture by their father. Elizabeth's arm is linked with her mothers; who greets people joyfully. Too joyful for the time of day that it is, in Elizabeth's opinion.

"Elizabeth!" Calls the familiar voice of Colin Bridgerton, and Lady Giles allows her daughter to rush off to her best friend— Edward going to approach Benedict but being stopped by their father. He glares to the man, who shakes his head, and so the younger Giles looks apologetically towards his best friend; who just nods in understanding and goes off to bother his mother.

"Daphne and the Duke." Says Elizabeth once she reaches Colin; the two linking their arms as they walk." It is all that Whistledown can talk about."

"At least it takes her eye off of the rest of us." Colin states and Elizabeth says," I saw you dancing with Penelope last night, I thought that you were courting Marina Thompson?"

"She was ill, and Cressida Cowper wanted a dance so I danced with Penelope instead." He responds. Elizabeth pulls a face of uncertainty, prompting Colin to ask," why're you looking at me like that?"

"Do not use Penelope in that way, she is a sweet girl, Colin."

"I am not using her in any such way, we are friends." Colin responds and Elizabeth sighs. She did not want her best friend hurting the poor girl; intentional or not.

After promenade, Elizabeth heads back to the Bridgerton residence— Edward being forced to have lunch with Annabella. He frowns at his sister as she leaves the house, and she feels slightly guilty— but that fades when she bumps into Penelope and Eloise on her way down the street.

"Elizabeth!" Eloise greets, and Penelope beams at the older girl." Care to join us? We were just having a discussion about someone that Penelope knows who is with child."

"What?" Gasps Elizabeth, prompting the Featherington girl to say," it is one of our maids."

"Which one of your maids is married?" Asks Eloise, and Penelope winces before responding with," she is not married."

"That's a scandal and a half!" Elizabeth says, highly amused, glad that Whistledown— if she finds out— will be more occupied with this business than that of her family or the Bridgertons.

"How did she become with child if she is not married?" Eloise enquires, and of course, Elizabeth knows the answer to that question but she is not about to give out an answer.

"I do not know." Replies Penelope." But I will find out."

"You must! Otherwise, how can we make sure it never happens to us?" Eloise questions, and Elizabeth fights back laughter at the teenage naïveté." We have accomplishments to acquire."

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