Bright win: The lonely god an...

By janeeshashashimini

2.6K 259 88

The book is inspired with the kdramas, goblin (2016) and tomorrow (2022). The story revolves around a lonely... More

-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
- Chapter 3-
- Chapter 4-
-Chapter 6-
- Chapter 7 -
-Chapter 8-
- Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-chapter 12-
-chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-

-Chapter 5-

118 14 3
By janeeshashashimini

it was the next morning. goblin was already up and mix was there at the dining table and the reaper too was there.

good morning was mix who took a sip from the coffee and showed a smile.

and goblin went and took a seat at the table. grim reaper was just at opposite, but many inches away from goblin, seating at front of him.

i probably might enjoy this morning in good...If my dumb nephew didnt brought a black hat man in to my peaceful house...goblin said while looking at grim reaper signaling the message is for mix.

Ahem...mix coughed little bit in guilt, as he decoded the sarcasm from his uncle's message.

just for your information...this is my house....but that's just of your information...grim reaper said while taking a sip of his coffee.

goblin looked at the grim reaper and smirked. and mix knew the environment is bit tense and he wanted to leave here, so he quietly got up and left the place, allowing the elders to settle down everything on their own.

i think your coffee is not so good...need goblin asked once mix went from the table, and grim reaper looked confused. suddenly the whole jar of sugar was thrown inside reaper's coffee, goblin used his powers, just to throw a jar of sugar on to a cup of coffee.

YAH...grim reaper exclaimed once his delightful coffee was messed up by the goblin.

Ahh sorry...i wanted to add sugar little...sorry...goblin teased and grim reaper bite his lip in annoy.

goblin smiled and took a slice of bread and tried to apply butter but grim reaper just decided to throw the whole butter into the slice of bread, and that ended butter in the slice of bread, and as well in goblin's hand.

goblin exhaled a large gap of air and stood up instantly. grim reaper too stood up from his place. he knew this demands a fight, so he was ready.

uncle...grandpa is here...mix came running to the dining table, when grim reaper and goblin was so near to a spoon and fork fight.

my lord...goblin whose hand was fully covered from chunks of butter and grim reaper whose coffee was messed up by the whole sugar jar stopped what they were doing and turned to the elder who was coming towards them. mx too came to there and saw that mess they have done on the dining table and looked at his uncle as well as the other figure.

sorry to disturb your play sir...grandpa said with a playful smile, and goblin looked at grim reaper with a death glare, signaling 'lets work this out in another time' kinda message to grim reaper.

ahh no...what is it you came here...goblin who took some tissue from the table slowly cleared the chunks of butter at his hand and went attentive towards grandpa.

ahh nothing important lord...i know you are going just wanted to convey my condolences...grandpa said and bowed infront of goblin.

yes i am planning to go tonight...and i will surely tell your condolences....dont worry...goblin said and smiled. and grandpa too smiled.

where are you going...are you going today...mix asked.

grandpa hit him again.

ahh what now...cant i ask where he is going ..okay them....Just go..then..huh...mix told and pouted in annoy.

i will be back by tomorrow...goblin said and ruffled mix's hair softly and bid farewell to grandpa and grandpa bowed saying the farewells to goblin.


win was free today, as it was weekends, so no school. he went early to the small library that he had near his aunt's place. his finals were coming up, probably after a month, so he needed to study hard, and this place was the best to study at his own vibe. he also had a note in mind. to meet him, the guardian angel as win knew, before he goes to his so-called work. 

will he really go by morning....I don't think said to himself. 

is it better to talk with him now...Win gave a thought.

no i should wait...i need to catch him up with night...then he might be probably done with the work...and he didnt tell me what exactly his work yeah i guess..i kinda can talk to him after evening...okay win...hop into schoolwork talked to himself and worked for the math. 


win who was now so much drained, after whole day studying looked up at the clock and it said, 9pm. 

he might be off from work assumed. 

he suddenly took the lighter which he bought yesterday, from the convenience store and flamed it up and blew it at glance. 

and he looked at his front, at his left and right, and then suddenly from behind he heard him. 

i told you i am not free today...goblin said and tried to walk at glance and suddenly win stood up and held goblin's hand. goblin was suddenly startled and looked at his behind to see win was actually grabbing his hand. this was a first to goblin. goblin's hand was in blue flames. 

you grabbed me...goblin asked in surprise as this was a first time, that he encountered a person who could grab him.

hee softly giggled but he was uncomfortable to grab him, as it let out a burning sensation on his hand. suddenly let go of goblin's hand and blew his hands to cool down from the burns he felt. 

ahh...i thought blue flames were said and continued to blow his hands. 

blue flames are the dumbo...why you are going to school...goblin said by hitting win's forehead signaling that wins brain was a wreck. goblin stood there for a second or two and walked again. exclaimed to himself and touched his forehead and followed goblin. 

i need to talk with said and goblin sighed and stopped. 

you just had all the hours of the day...but you picked the exct if talk with me...when i just tried to go for my work...goblin exclaimed.

you told that me you gonna go in the i thought you might have done with your work..and more precisely you didnt even told me what kind of work you how can i guess exclaimed too.  goblin touched his temples and sighed. 

what...what is it..tell me quickly...goblin rushed as he wanted to finish this conversation right here right now. 

when i first met you...i thought you were a continued, looking straight into goblin's eyes. 

so...? goblin asked in dull face. 

but i noticed your directed and goblin maintained his expressionless face. 

he still have an ounce of brain inside....goblin thought. 

so i gave a thought on said.

what is it...goblin asked. 

if you were a grim would have taken me at our first meeting...goblin was convinced that this kid really thinks a lot. 

so i came to a paused. 

you are a goblin...are continued.

i mean... if you are goblin...then i need to tell you something...i am goblin's said while pausing at every phrase he said. 

goblin was contemplating on everything this kid was saying. 

i mean...there is this birth mark i got at my showed his back of neck to goblin, and there was a mark like a black horse and sword like figure at his neck. goblin then suddenly remembered, years back, how he revered up a death and gave a life to a woman. 

from my childhood...every ghost i met...had been telling me that i am goblin's said. asked as the man in front of him was quite for few minutes now. 

show me...goblin said suddenly. you asked in confusion. 

that you are goblin's bride...goblin completed. 

how...i mean...should i fly...should i turn into a asked in playful. 

yeah...go ahead...goblin was serious. 

i am being serious in said in lose. 

me too...goblin knew that win would not be able to possibly do what he said.

what do you see in me...goblin asked from win. asked in confusion. 

what do you see in me...goblin asked agin and win understood the assignemnt this time. are getting back on me asked as this was the question that win asked during that Tinkerbell thingy. so, he thought that goblin was kidding him back. 

goblin sighed and calmed himself and win understood that the man Infront was getting little bit fierce second by second so he decided to do as he told.

okay...what do i see in you asked to confirm and goblin nodded once. 

win scanned the person from top to bottom. said. 

and...goblin asked. he needed that one answer that could possibly say, yes he is the bride. 

luxury said in dont care tone. goblin was actually wearing luxury garments, a white long sleeve tucked in black pants and black shoes, out with black coat, and black tie. 

and...goblin again asked. 

you...certainly dont want me to tell you are handsome asked in playful. and goblin got to confirm that he was not his bride. if he was truly his bride, he would probably see what others cant see, what at his chest. 

you are not goblins bride...goblin directed with a dull face, expressionless. win was drawn from that. 

but what about the ghosts then...they told me that i am goblins asked in not so much playful manner, more like all his expectations were cut loose at the least expected time.

i am sorry that you see ghosts.. but dont meddle in your life thinking you are goblin's bride...if you cant see what goblin are no use to goblin...goblin directed in rush and win's heart just felt as if it was banged by a huge hammer. 

mister are you asked, this time he was serious. he had this serious, angry, self blamed kinda feelings narrated at his tone. 

no...goblin rsuhed to direct.

then...who are you...who are you to talk my dare you to talk about me...whether i am useful to someone or not...who are you to judge said, this time his eyes were teary, not because he was only hurt, but also angry. he was angry at goblin for saying those words, he least expected from goblin's voice. 

anways...i cant do anything...what i only know is... you are no use to goblin...and saying that he walked towards a door. win followed him, still in anger, in thoughts of continuing this conversation. goblin opened the door and went in and win too ran and followed him. 

mister...dont go without ending a conversation said while meeting goblin at the other side, more precisely at another country. goblin who heard win's voice, got surprised. followed me...goblin asked. and he in surprise looked around whether the place he teleported was correct. 

its Canada...goblin thought and confirmed to himself that there was nothing wrong with his teleporting. but the problem was how win also teleported from the same door as goblin did. 

how did you do did you come here...goblin still in confusion asked him. win was however seeing 360 just to confirm where it was. 

you..i am asking did you come here...goblin asked again. 

i held the door handle...and pushed it....and came here...yeah thats pretty much it...he was blabbering but still his mid was here and there just to think where this place was and how he ended up here.

where is i last remember...i was at the library....but these people...foreigners... isnt so many...where is this it an outcast of had so many questions. 

canada...goblin answered slowly, while calming his mind as in thinking what was happening around him. how win got into this through the same door. asked in playful tone. he gave a thought on the name. he has heard the name canda somehwere along his geography book. and sudenly he reebred. mean MAPLE LEAF CANADA...CANADA asked in excitement whie clapping his hands too. goblin looked at him nodded slowly. 

mister you can do this too...wahhhhh...i am said with a happy wide grin on his teeth. 

you can you always surprise me with something i least expect from you...goblin rushed. 

win who didnt even hear a single word of goblin walked slowly and then ran across those new and fresh valleys. and goblin who was regretting his life, had to follow this kid, all along his track just to keep other safe from his reach. 

ahhh...mister...i really love this place...can we stay here asked after a long run and getting back to goblin who was now seated at a metal like chair at the park, tired following the 19-year-old excited kid. 

god i want to go quickly out of here...goblin exclaimed. 

mister can go..i am staying here screamed the latter and ran along the valleys again. and goblin had to follow win, cause he was new to the country, if he does something, that might surely mess up both of their lives. so he wanted to be careful with the kid. 

and after so many places win ran, as the child who was so excited, got seated up at a place, facing the city. goblin who was so fed up and tired sat beside him, and felt the morning breeze. 

 win who was blown away from the beauty of the city, turned towards goblin. 

mister...what is this asked. 

Quebec...goblin said while looking at front. cool name for a said. 

 so you can do this too and praised goblin and goblin felt somewhat proud of himself but he didnt showed it, where he just kept the look constant. 

you must be a must be...i am now said in excitement and goblin looked at win this time. 

and if you are the goblin...i made my exclaimed. 

what...goblin asked in whatever tone. 

i'll marry you and raise a family with you rushed and goblin widened his pupils. 

i love continued and widened his cute bunny teeth out. 

goblin felt as if the pain he always had from the sword, just got lessened from what he heard now. 

"my heart..." he felt as if he skipped a beat. 

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