Fire meets Fire:Arrogance mee...

By SideswipesBrother

1K 53 9

"S-Sohara.."I said quietly. She looked so small and frail. As if she was ready to break. "I'm sorry, Rose. I... More

The Fires meet
Stand up
Marchin' On
If It Means A Lot to You
Love the way you Lie part 1

Comin' Home

103 8 2
By SideswipesBrother

Rose's pov

I bolted for her and caught her before she fell completely.

She had a hole in her chest from the bullet.

"Come on Sorry, you gotta get up. It's just a bullet. Walk it off." I said. She just looked at me.

"It was a silver bullet." Someone said. I didn't look to see who it was. I just kept my eyes on Sorry.

"Come on, get up." I said. A tear fell from her eye as she just stared at me. My eyes started to water and a tear fell on her face.

"I'll be ok. Don't worry." She whispered. She smiled then looked up past me and just stared off. She stopped breathing. My eyes went wide.

"No." I just stared at her.

"Sorry don't do that. Wake up." I said. Nothing.

"Sorry, answer me." I said. Tears were streaming down my face. I held her closer to me, hugging her, as I silently cried.

"Sorry, please." I said quietly. I felt Sunny come over and kneel down beside me.

"Rose." He said lightly. He rubbed my back lightly and I just broke down right there. I took in a heavy sigh and looked at him. His eye were full of pain and I could tell he was crying but very lightly.

"He told you to work with us but, you refused." Someone said. I clenched my hand and growled. I laid Sorry down softly and stood up. I turned and looked at him. I let my rage take over me and let my demon side come out fully. My eyes turned red and my wings came out. I turned into my wolf form and stalked toward the person. He was a guard. He was the one who shot her.

I saw the fear flash on his face as I got closer.

"Wait, stop!" He said. I growled.

"You wanna live, hmm?" I said. He just stared at me.

"Too late for that!" I growled angrily and attacked him. I ripped him to pieces. When I finished I growled and turned into my human form. I stared at the now slaughtered man and sighed. Sorry would not have wanted that. I closed my eyes as more tears fell down my cheeks. I fell to my knees and broke down. I hated being like this. But I couldn't help it.

"Shh, don't cry." I heard Sunny's voice. I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me close. I just buried my face into his chest and cried. He's only seen me like this once. And I had hoped it would have stayed that way.

"Rose, I don't like saying this but, we need to leave. The cops will be here soon." Sunny said. I nodded. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He just stared back.

"Come on. I'll help you to the car." I shook my head.

"Not without Sorry." I said.

"Sides is taking her." He said. I gasped and looked over at Sides.

"Sides!" I said. I knew he was trying to hide it but, he was crying. He was carrying Sorry, holding her close. He looked at me. I got up and ran over and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry." I said. I just heard him take in a deep breath and sigh.

"No, I'm sorry. She was in my care and she still was taken away." He said. I looked at him.

"Sides, it's not your fault. You didn't know. You couldn't have done anything." I said. He didn't say anything.

"I could have tried." He whispered. I stared at him and said nothing. I looked away and let go. I know it's not his fault. I watched him lay Sorry down in the back seat of his alt. I sighed and walked back over to Sunny. He gave a small reassuring smile and I returned it. We walked back over to his car and got in and drove off. I stared out the window and said nothing as we caught up to the others. They were heading toward some random place I had no care as to knowing.

We ended up on some farmland. I guess they just wanted to stop and discuss what to do next. We drove up and there was a ship that had crashed. We stopped and I got out, as did everyone one else, and the autobots transformed. Except for Sides.

"Rose, where is Sorry?" Cade asked. I didn't say anything and looked away. They understood what I was saying and said nothing more.

I'm gonna go for a fly. I'll be back later. I said to Sunny. I let my wings out and flew off. I needed to be alone.

Sunny's pov

I watched her fly off and sighed. I looked back at the others and saw they were talking about something that Joshua had. I think they said it was the seed.


I know. He answered. I was gonna tell him that we need to find somewhere for Sorry. I sighed.

"Sunstreaker, we're leaving soon. You need to go get Rose." Optimus said.

"I wouldn't advise it Optimus. She needs her time to herself."I said. He nodded.

"I understand. We can wait a little longer but we need to head off soon." He said. I nodded. I stared off, waiting for her to come back. She needs her time.

Rose's pov

I was flying for a while and decided to land on some cliff. I sat down on the edge and stared at the setting sun. Sorry always loved the setting sun. She liked to believe that the sun was saying goodnight to us and that it was saying tomorrow would bring good things.

Maybe tomorrow would bring good things. But today brought horrible things. I sighed and laid down. My legs were hanging over the edge. I stared up at the few stars showing. Sorry would be one of those right now with mom and dad. I breathed a heavy sigh.

"I'm so sorry, Sohara. I should have tried harder. It's my fault your gone. If I had just moved faster or fought harder maybe you would still be here. I'm sorry mom and dad. I promised I would protect her and put her first but now she's with you. I'm sorry." I said. I had tears falling but I didn't sob. I was tired of that. I sighed as a shooting star went by.

"Rose." I heard someone say. I sat up and looked behind me. To my surprise it was Optimus. I knew what he was here for. I looked back at the sun set.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? To live on such a beautiful planet is a gift, yet no one would take notice of it. All that's here is violence and death. No one stops to see that they are special enough to see such a beautiful place. That's one reason why I hate humans." I stood up and let my wings out.

"You are right. It is beautiful. It amazes me that it can hold so much beauty with all this violence." He said.

"How it's able to do it is just like someone hiding there pain. This planet is in so much pain but it hides it behind a beautiful sunset and beautiful star-lit skies. Just like someone hiding there pain behind a fake smile."I said. I looked over at him.

"Before we leave, let me bring Sorry here." I said. He nodded and we headed back as everyone was getting ready to leave. I looked over at Sides' alt and Sunny was beside him.

"Sunny." I said. He looked over at me.

"Bring Sides. I know where to take Sorry." I said. He nodded and transformed into his alt as him and Sides followed me to the cliff. The sun was about to completely set and more stars were showing.

We laid her down in a hole we made along with black roses in her hands. She loved black roses. She told me she loved them because they reminded her of me. I never understood why though. I knelt down and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Sorry." I whispered and stood up. After they covered her up, I put my hands together forming a cup and closed my eyes. I felt the energy forming and I opened my eyes. My eyes were glowing white and the ball of energy was black with a white out line. I knelt down and let the overturned earth absorb the energy.

Where I'm from in the Guardian realm, it's tradition to give some of your power to the one being laid to rest. We believe it aids them on there journey to heaven. I stood up as my eyes went to there usual black and electric blue eyes. I sighed and turned around and started to walk toward Sunny's alt when I heard something.

I stopped and stared at the girl standing there. She looked scared and lost. She had black hair with rainbow highlights and bangs. She had a bright sliver eye and a dark black eye. I smiled at her because she looked scared.

"Hey, what are you doing up here?" I asked her lightly. She didn't say anything.

"I know you. You don't need to worry about a low guardian like me." She said. I just stared at her.

"There is no such thing as a low guardian. I don't believe in such a thing. Why don't you tell me your name and what your scared of?" I said. She went wide-eyed for a second but answered.

"I'm-I'm Alice. How did you know I was scared?" She asked.

"I can see it in your eyes."I said. She didn't say anything for a minute.

"I'm running from the monsters. They hurt me and hurt my mom and dad." She said. I raised a brow.

"What monsters?" I asked her. She shivered.

"The evil monsters. They were metal and were with humans. They hurt me and took mom and dad away from me." She said. I went wide-eyed and growled.

"Dammit, there attacking all of them. Alice, what were your parents names?" I asked her.

"Alexis and Thomas." She said. That caused me to growl more. Those were my aunt and uncle. I knew they had a daughter named Alice but I never met her. And Alexis and Thomas were the only guardians in this region.

"Alice, you remember how you said you knew me?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, your one of the Great Guardians that protects humans and is one of the strongest guardians to exist." She said.

So your a Great Guardian now? And one of the strongest? No wonder you win so many fights. Sunny said. I playfully glared at him as he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Alice.

"Alice, I am your cousin. Alexis and Thomas were my aunt and uncle." I said. She went wide-eyed.

"Wait, I'm related to a Great Guardian?" She said. I nodded. She just stared at me.

"Don't think of me as one of the Great Ones though. I never liked that position anyway." I said. She nodded.

"Wait, but you are with another Great One though. Your sister. Where is she?" She asked. I didn't say anything and looked at the newly covered hole.

"Oh..I'm sorry, I didn't know." She said quietly.

"It's ok." I said. I sighed and looked back at her.

"Now, about those monsters. You said they were working with humans, right?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Rose, we need to leave. Optimus is waiting for us." Sunny said. I nodded.

"Ok, Alice, why don't you come with us? We can protect you from the monsters and you are my cousin." I said. She thought for a minute and nodded.

"Ok let's head back." I said.

On the ship:heading for Hong Kong.

"Alice, those monsters, you said they were working with humans, right?" I said. She nodded.

"Was there a man there who had glasses and slightly bald hair?" I asked her. She nodded. I sighed.

"Damn Attinger. He's going after all them." I whispered to myself.

"Thank you Alice" I said. I got up and walked over to Sunny. He transformed and went to his holoform.

"Apparently, Attinger and his buddy aren't just going after autobots and decepticons. I need to find a way to warn the guardians." I said. He thought for a minute.

"Why would he be going after the guardians?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Probably for testing. He wants to find a way to use our power for human use." I said.

"Ok, but what about the guys he's working with? Why would Lockdown want to use guardians? It's obvious he does or else he wouldn't care about them." He said. I thought for a minute. I didn't think of that.

"I don't know. That worries me." I said.

"He said that he was looking for all of the Great Guardians. He said that 'the creators' wanted them." Alice said. I raised a brow.

"The creators? Who are the creators? And why do they want us?" I asked. She shrugged.

"That's what the monster said." She said.

"We need to warn them. And as soon as possible too."


Hi guys!! I know I just updated this but my friend really wanted to see what happened and kept bugging me about it(love you Alice ;p) so I'm updating now. So to make it fair, I will update this after I finish updating HSNE and Fences. I've already updated my main TF book so yeah. So see ya in the next chapter xp. 

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