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By -n1c0-d1angel0-

3.8K 336 4.1K

They are all here to go to a Ball to find their soulmates. They all have a mark, but the mark is hidden betwe... More

Aesthetics #2
Chapter 1. A Ball?
Chapter 2. The Festival
Chapter 3. Here I Go
Chapter 4. The Ride
Chapter 5. The Visions
Chapter 6. Somewhere Safe
Chapter 7. Outfits For The Ball
Chapter 7. Outfits For The Ball (continued)
Chapter 9. Mistakes
Chapter 10. The Prince Of Thieves
Chapter 11. The Rosemattel
Chapter 12. The Great Forest's Inhabitants
Chapter 13. Voices
Chapter 14. Live Another Day
Chapter 15. Zero Feelings
Chapter 16. Just Friends
Chapter 17. Hug Me
Chapter 18. World Burns Down
Chapter 19. Unknown World
Chapter 20. Home

Chapter 8. The Assassin

153 17 146
By -n1c0-d1angel0-


I was walking with Nico, laughing and talking about things at home.

We went outside because Bianca said she'd meet us there with some food. The Ball was happening tomorrow and none of us were prepared.

When Nico and I made it outside we saw the picnic... but it had a note on the top of it.

Nico and I rushed over, he read the note and his eyes widened, bristling with tears.

I took the note from him and read.
'If you want your sister back, you will follow my instructions. Meet me at the shed at 5 PM sharp. Bring no one but yourselves.'

I didn't know what to say or do. I just stared blankly at that card.

If our father found out someone had taken our sister... the world would be in ruin.

Nico checked the time on his watch.

"We have an hour, come on, we need to be ready for anything."

We rushed back to our separate chambers and got any weapon we could, I wore black leggings and a black tank top with a jacket over top.

"Where are you going?" Princess Annabeth of the Wisdom Kingdom asked me. "Somewhere,"

She nodded but still looked a bit confused, she backed off, obviously not wanting to overstep her boundaries.

I grabbed a dagger with a black rose emblem on it, I always brought it for protection from everything.

I rushed back out and found Nico waiting for me.

We nodded at each other and started on our way there. Nico checked the time on his watch.

"We'll be just on time," he said.

We rushed to the shed and waited in front of it. We looked at each other desperately. But we knocked, ready.

We heard something unlock from the door and the door opened. We saw a flash of platinum blond hair and ice-blue eyes.

A hand signaled for us to come in and we obliged.

The first thing I saw was Bianca knocked out and tied to the wall. She had bruises on her arms and face as if she had struggled to escape immensely.

I looked at Nico and saw the dark look on his face.

Well... these people are getting destroyed

"Hello," we heard someone say, it was as if their voice was coming from everywhere and nowhere.

"Your sister isn't feeling amazing," the voice said.

"No shit," Nico snapped.

The voice chuckled, not a nice chuckle. It had a dark undertone, it was terrifying.

Suddenly, we heard glass shatter from somewhere.

We looked at Bianca and saw that she now had glass embedded in her forehead.

"Oops, my hand must've slipped," The voice said. This time the voice was coming from a person, the person had just suddenly appeared on a stool.

He had platinum blond hair cut short, his ice-blue eyes were dazzling and yet... threatening. He was wearing a suit and tie as if this was a game show.

Nico looked like he was about to lunge but I held him back.

"What do you want?" I said, surprisingly my voice sounded threatening.

"Right to the chase, huh?" The man said.

"Fine, kill off the Prince of the Sea Kingdom, then you can have your sister back," The man said.

I gaped at him.

"It isn't that easy, he is the most powerful prince in this."

The man chuckled, then brought out a blade.

"Hmm... which finger should I take from your dearest sister first?" He said.

"NO! Fine, we'll do it," Nico said.

The man smiled coldly and handed us a contract.

"Sign this," he said.

Nico opened the contract and said, "Nuh-uh, we can't follow these rules," He said.

"Fine, then your other lovely sister here will have to pay the price too," he said.

I looked at Nico.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my shoulder and I was tied up on the wall.

How the heck did he do that so quickly?

The man was gone and his voice was back. Coming from everywhere again.

"Your sisters will be killed off... slowly,"

Suddenly, I felt liquid seeping into my arm and I felt drowsy.

No, I have to stay awake.

"Don't struggle against it, the bruises show if you struggle to stay awake," the voice said.

I didn't care if I got bruises, I refuse to fall asleep.

There was a sharp pain in my neck, then my head, then my arm, then my leg.

I won't fall asleep.

I can't be afraid

My eyes started going dark, and my legs went numb.

I was starting to lose consciousness, I felt liquid seeping into my other arm too.

More sharp pains showed up all over my body.

My throat was going dry and I couldn't take it.

I can't be afraid

I kept my eyes open.

I felt drowsy but I forced myself to stay awake.

Cuts started showing up all over my body.

I heard a dagger get thrown and braced myself for being stabbed.

Nico suddenly groaned and was hung up too.

Nico was injected with the serum and fell asleep immediately.

"Just sleep," The voice said.

"No," I groaned, feeling a new cut show up on my forehead.

I heard something slicing through the air and braced myself... when suddenly the thing clattered on the ground, I heard impact and the man groan.

"Don't mess with royalty," I heard a feminine voice say.

It's the Princess of the Wisdom Kingdom

Suddenly sleep was too overwhelming to refuse, I was knocked out.


The first thing I saw when I entered the shed Princess Hazel and Prince Nico had entered was them and their sister hung up on the wall. Prince Nico and Princess Bianca were knocked out, Prince Nico had a dagger embedded in his arm but other than that he looked fine. Princess Bianca was covered in bruises on her arms and face, and a piece of glass was embedded in her forehead.

Princess Hazel had cuts and bruises and daggers and glass embedded everywhere.

There was a dagger heading straight for her throat but I threw my dagger precisely and the dagger was knocked out of the air.

"Don't mess with royalty," I snapped.

I threw another dagger up to the loft without even sparing as much as a glance up there, I walked calmly over to the Princesses and Prince of the Jewels Kingdom.

I heard a voice groan from everywhere and chuckled.

I unknotted the royalty and set them on the floor before I went up to the loft.

I was wearing a black outfit with a black cloak covering my face.

I saw a man on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"Stop pretending it's embedded that deep," I rolled my eyes.

He just looked up at me desperately.

I grinned with no friendliness at all.

I was expecting Prince Luke to have done this, but it wasn't him.

It was someone else.

His ice-blue eyes were contacts and his platinum blond hair was a wig. He originally had tussled dark brown hair and caramel eyes

"So, what are you doing here, Abaddon,"

He looked at me, surprised I had remembered him from all those years ago.

"Get up," I commanded.

"I... can't," he groaned.

I kicked the dagger deeper and he yelped.

"Do you want me to repeat myself?" I asked.

He shook his head desperately and got up, slowly but surely.

"Why are you pretending to be the Prince of the Travelers, Abaddon Lynch, heir to the Assassins?"

"Some... one... hired-" he choked. "Hired... me," he coughed.

"Who?" I questioned.

"They... were wearing... a mask... I couldn't see their... face..." he said.

"Hmm," I said.

I grabbed another dagger and pushed him to the ground with my foot.

I put the dagger through his shoulder and into the wall.

He screamed.

"Would you like me to repeat myself?"

She shook his head violently and coughed up some blood.

"It was... someone... named... Alexander Valor," he coughed out.

I smirked and said, "The Valors..."

I know Alexander, he used to be one of my friends when I was younger. He's also Prince of the Thieves. They are a small establishment, they don't even live on this continent.

"Good, now... leave this place and never come back," I commanded, a smirk on my face.

He disappeared and I walked down the the royals from the Jewels Kingdom.

I opened the shed door and wiped all sense of bloodshed from my face, I took off the black outfit and put some pants and a shirt on. The shirt was grey and was tight against my torso, the pants were loose jeans with some holes here and there.

I threw my hair into two Dutch braids. My hair goes down to my waist so it took me a few minutes.

I walked out of the shed and closed the door.

I ran inside the capital building and pretended to have walked out just barely.

I strolled over to the shed gracefully and opened the door.

I made my eyes widen and screamed.

Two guards rushed over immediately.

I continued screaming and pointed at the bodies.

The guards rushed inside and called for a medic.

I continued screaming, putting on a show.

One of my guards rushed me out of there and back to my chambers.

I stopped screaming but made myself hyperventilate.

"It's going to be okay, Your Majesty," my guard said. He bought my show.

"Wait in here, we'll get everything under control, Princess," he said.

I nodded and he sat me down on my bed.

He left the room and I smirked subtly.

Piper rushed over and asked, "How did it go?" She questioned. "Little bloodshed, little fun," I laughed under my breath.

"Man, you're scarier than I originally thought,"

"You thought I was scary?" I feigned surprise and hurt.

She laughed loudly.

Rachel rushed over to us and smiled, "I heard your show, the guards are such suck-ups," she giggled.

I smiled and laid back on my bed.

It felt good to stab someone

Author's Note

I was so excited to finish this and post it to you guys, and don't worry, everyone will be fine.

Also, Abaddon will pop up randomly from now on. He isn't a bad guy so don't jump to conclusions, he just does anything he can to get paid. Yes, Annabeth does have an extremely dark side that pops up now and then.

The Prince of Thieves is also going to be talked about a lot and he will show up in later chapters.

I'm very proud of this chapter, so tell me what you all think!

(Posted On: Monday, July 31, 2023)
(Word Count: 1800)

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