The Angels Cove Chronicles Pa...

By Dani-Ingram

348 24 0

Six years after the events of The Angels Cove Chronicles, vampire prince Elias and his family have grown accu... More

The Angels Cove Chronicles Part 2 (Chapter 1-5)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 6-11)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 12-17)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 18-23)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 24-29)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapter 30-35)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 36-41)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 42-47)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 48-53)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 54-59)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 66-72)

The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 60-65)

27 2 0
By Dani-Ingram

Chapter 60

Inside the Pack House Alpha Peter and Daisy were being treated to a musical ensemble from the children. They listened as each grandchild played their chosen instruments beautifully, they just wished that the children had waited until after 8 o'clock in the morning to share their musical prowess with them. As they stopped to change sheet papers Peter went to get up but was stopped by Link, "Where are you going? We're not finished yet" as he looked at him with sad eyes compelling Peter to sit back down. But he was freed from his torment as they were distracted by the sound of tire screeches outside. Going to the window to investigate they saw their uncle Ash and the Peterson's had returned home. Watching as their dad greeted them, "Mums home!" Link cried as he ran outside followed by the rest of his siblings, Peter letting out a sigh of relief, "thank god" as Daisy smiled shaking her head at him. Peter looked at her not sure what he had done wrong, "what?".

Outside the children meet the rest if their family with open arms, "Mum your back in time for my birthday!" Link hugged his mother tightly. She smiled playing with his hair, "Of course honey. I wouldn't miss it" winking at Link. This reminded her of the gift she had gotten for Hurricane as she reached into her bag retrieving an old spell book, "Speaking of, Hurricane sweetheart sorry its late but happy birthday" as she passed the book to him. The book itself was ancient, dust popping from the seams but Hurricane was grateful nonetheless. Seeing his confusion Serena helped him, "Its a book of 'grey' spells. Spells that don't use dark magic, but are considered dangerous in the wrong hands. This one was even banned by the witch council. I thought it might be something you'd be interested in, as its safe but powerful magic". Hurricane hugged her thanking her for the gift before grabbing Link and excitedly pulling him back inside the pack house. "Elias don't man handle your brother" Elias told him as he turned his attention back to Serena who looked depressed. A similar look falling on all the returnees faces, "You didn't find a way to remove the collars, did you?" Elias guessed, they had failed to find a way to remove his and Links collars. Serena shook her head, "Not exactly, we need to talk".

As Alex, Ash and James brought in their suitcases. Serena took Elias to the side to tell him the news. "We found what we needed to remove the collars but..." she paused making Elias feel nervous not sure where she was going with this, "but?". "There isn't enough for both of you, I'm so sorry". She began to cry, illuminating her blue eyes, Elias seeing this comforted her wrapping his arms around her, "It's not your fault" this calming her down. "We will remove Links collar " he told her. "But what about you? You'll still have your collar" Serena asked not wanting him to be left inflicted with pain every time he used his vampire abilities. "I've lived my life. Link is a child, he has his whole life ahead of him. His needs are and always will be greater than mine". These words reminded Serena on why she loved him, "I've missed you... and your sexy voice" she told him trying to lighten the mood. "Ash can do a decent impression of me" Elias teased. Serena smiled seductively, "But I can't fuck Ash can I? I love you" as she put her hands around his neck kissing him passionately on the lips. As a deep feeling of desire resonated in both their hearts, wanting to be acted upon. But came to a halt feeling someone watching them, Serena pulled away from the kiss shouting, "Caleb I swear to god if that's you I will gouge your eyes out!". With the mood ruined they headed inside hand in hand seeing everyone gathered in the lounge, Daisy passing them both a mug of coffee as James finished telling them the news.

"But what about dad? I don't want to have my collar removed if dad still has his!" Link protested. Elias shook his head "son, this is not a discussion. You are having your collar removed and that's final. You don't need to worry about me". "The last time you said that you almost drowned!" Link reminded him as he folded his arms in a huff taking away any credibility he had, being too adorable. Serena deep sighed as she sat next to Link on the bed, "Link, me and your father are only doing what's best for you. Your father chose to keep his collar so you would be free of yours. Don't you want to be able to use your vampire abilities again without it hurting?". Link looked guiltily at his father, he didn't want the collar to hurt his dad either, but with both parents against him he had no choice, reluctantly agreeing to have his collar removed. Nathan then burst into the room "Mum have you seen my violin anywhere? I can't find it". Serena huffed back at him "I haven't seen it son. We'll look for it later once we've removed your brother's collar". Elias intervened "I keep telling you, you need to take better care of your belongings son" to which Nathan nodded "I know. But I swear I left it in the lounge". The pack of four then headed downstairs where Serena met Alex and James to start making the potion leaving Elias to look after the children until they were done.

After a few hours of potion brewing the ingredients to perfection, they were finally ready to remove Links collar. Serena came into the lounge with a warm smile on her face "were ready now". Link felt a sudden searing pain in his stomach as he turned to his father on the brink of tears "Your going to be there aren't you dad?" grabbing his hand, scared of what was to come. Elias returned a warm smile to his son, "I'm not going to leave your side" settling Links nerves. Before they made their decent to the basement Nathan gave his little brother a huge hug "You're going to be okay. Mum is the best with these things". With the reassurance from Nathan, Link followed his parents down to the basement with his siblings and Athena being left in the care of their grandparents.

Emerging at bottom of the basement steps Link held his father's hand as he sat on the vacant chair in the centre of the room. His mum, aunt and uncle were circled around him each having a ceramic bowl full of pre-prepared potion that would help them break the collars defensive dark magic, which was why the collars were irremovable to begin with. The trio ready to begin the spell Link squeezed his father's hand, "dad, I'm scared". Comforting him, Elias leaned into him the pair touching foreheads as Link had such a tight hold of his father's hand he couldn't hug him, "It's going to be okay, I promise. I'll be right here with you". Link returned a warm smile, "Love you dad" as he dug his face in his father's chest. The moment interrupted by Serena, "you boys ready?". Link sat up tiny tears running down his cheeks, but he was ready nodding back to his mother. Serena smiled, "Good, keeping being a brave boy for me just a little longer". The Peterson trio then began to chant an ancient magic spell which they hoped with the help of the potion would be able to remove Links collar. As they started the spell their eyes melted into a cloudy grey, the potion in front of them starting to sizzle over the edge of pots as it slowly evaporated, beginning to break through the collars hearty defence. Plumes of smoke surrounding Link. His family continuing the spell Link was soon completely submerged in the smoke, trapped inside a blanket of fog as it danced around him. Until the last drop of the potion evaporated from the pots creating a swirling tornado of smoke. Then with a single flash of lime green it was all over.


The metal collar hit the floor, the collision causing a loud thud to bellow through out the pack house floor. A stunned silence filled the room as the smoke disappeared revealing the metal collar decorating the floor. Link gasped in amazement feeling the huge weight off his neck, a strong breeze grazing against his exposed skin. "Dad it worked!" Link exclaimed turning to his father squeezing him tightly. The room erupted with joy over their success. Now safe to enter Nathan, Hurricane, Athena and Sarah rushed into the room smothering Link with affection, which made all the adults smile. James then walked up to the collar on the floor picking it up examining the inner workings of the collar, thinking that if he could work out how the collar worked, he may be able to remove Elias's collar as well. The children were full of excitement jumping around. This was bittersweet for Elias, as he was glad Link could no longer be tormented by his collar but this meant he was stuck with his indefinitely. Lost in his own thoughts he didn't sense Serena coming up behind him, as she weaved her fingers into his, the sudden contact bringing him back into reality. "Are you okay?" she whispered acknowledging the sacrifice he had made for their son. Elias nodded assuring her he was fine.

Chapter 61

Later that night, the children were fast asleep having worn themselves out after all their jumping around all afternoon. After a weird tasting coffee, Elias snuck outside to the cold winter night for some time alone, accompanied by the sound of chirping of crickets. It had been a long but rewarding day, as he sat under a nearby tree enclosed by thick green bushes. After removing his tie from his neck, he closed his eyes letting the cold air beat against his face as listened to the glorious sounds of the night. "You know it's freezing out here, right?" Serena warm voice interrupting the calm tranquillity of the night. Opening his eyes, seeing Serena smiling down at him, "I'm already dead". Serena shook her head at him, "So am I but I'm still freezing". Elias smiled, she was right, he was cold but he had chosen to ignore it. Serena looked over at him a seductive look in her eyes as she teased, "Maybe you need something to warm you up". She then proceeded to sit on his lap, using her lower thighs as a clamp to subdue his waist. Kneeling forward she kneaded his neck with her hands gently pulling his head towards her until their lips met. The kiss alone was pure bliss, his lips soft and heavenly like silk, she didn't want to let go. But she desired so much more than a mere kiss, she wanted his body, and nothing was going to stop her from getting it. As her left hand remained welded to Elias's neck her right hand slowly trickled down his chest on a mission to locate his belt buckle. Once she had found it, she ripped the clasp open, loosening her control over his waist as she slid his trousers off. Letting Elias caress her breasts through her shirt as she removed her jeans, before gently pushing him back under her control, he was hers for the taking. Craving each other, they fully embraced their desires and their bodies. Serena thrusting against him, as loud pleasured moans escaped from her lips. They were in a state of complete euphoria, enjoying every second of their heated encounter, neither wanting it to end. Serena had no idea why it had taken this long for them to act on their sexual desires, but it was well worth the wait. She had never had it this good, her multiple orgasms only proving this fact. He was her man, and she was never going to let him go. But as the night crept on, their stamina slowly began to diminish, Elias' collar sending a volt of excruciating pain through his body as punishment for overexerting himself causing the couple to regretfully call it a night.

Instead, they curled up together, using their combined body heat to combat the cold winter breeze. Serena digging her head into Elias's chest as he wrapped his arm tightly around her. "I'm sorry we couldn't remove your collar" she whispered lifting her head up from the safety of his chest. "There was nothing more you could have done" Elias assured her, gently rubbing her arm. Serena wasn't convinced "we could have waited-" but was interrupted by the angelic touch of Elias, gently tracing his finger under her chin lifting her head until their eyes met "If you had waited you wouldn't be here with me now and Link would still have his collar. You have nothing to apologise for". Serena returned a warm smile, not fully convinced "I'll find a way to remove your collar, I promise". "The boys are more important. Nathans horns are due to come in any day now and I fear that his grandfather will use this to his advantage to take the boys away from us" Elias confessed his concerns to Serena who looked up at him on confusion, "grandfather?". Elias nodded "Nathans grandfather was the one who ordered our kidnapping and is the reason behind Elias's visions". "no one is taking my family away from me, I don't care who they are! I'm still their mother!" Serena fiercely proclaimed her maternal instincts fuelling her. Drawn to her passion for their family, a suggestive smile appeared on Elias' face, making Serena confused "what?". Where Elias just simply smiled "I'm just glad your back". Serena then proceeded to lean on Elias, grabbing his hand and placing it around her waist "there's no place I'd rather be then with you and our family". The couple held one another tightly, their skin gently touching as they watched the blossoming dawn. The arrival of the early morning brining along a thick blanket of mist that instantly blinded them. The pair cuddling up with each other to keep some familiarity. But before long Serena felt Elias's grip around her waist loosen followed by the sound of adorable tiny snores, he had fallen asleep. At first, she thought it was his collar forcing him into a deep slumber, until she began to feel her own eyes drooping. Surprised but not being able to resist, she let out a huge yawn. Her eyes forcing themselves closed, she used Elias's broad chest as a pillow to get comfortable as she slowly drifted into the ebony void of sleep.

Chapter 62

Later that same morning Elias woke up, having no recollection of him losing consciousness. Feeling a warm weight on his chest he looked down seeing Serena peacefully asleep on him. Numbness pulsating through his legs, he gently removed her head from his chest placing it on his knee as he carefully sat up, removing his suit jacket and placing it under her head so he could move. He then got up from the floor fighting against his jelly-like legs where he collected his trousers from off the floor and started to make his way back to the pack house, walking past the children who were already outside playing. "Dad! Do you want to play vampires and knights with us?" Hurricane asked upon seeing his father walking past. Elias was still disorientated from the previous night's events, looking at the children not seeing Link with them, "Not at this very moment. Where's your brother?". Hurricane and Thea were disappointed by Elias's response, "He's back at the Pack House, he didn't want to play". Elias looked across the field to the pack house meeting eyes with Link, who was sitting on the porch. Upon seeing his father Link immediately headed inside arousing Elias's suspicion that something else was going on with him. "I tried to get him to come out, dad. But he flat out refused" Nathan informed his father who was curious about what was wrong. "I'll go talk to him" he assured the worried Nathan, as he speedily walked inside the Pack house being greeted by a Melancholy melody from the piano. Following the music to the lounge he found Link at the piano, seeing his father enter the room Link pretended to ignore him. Elias then sat down next to Link on the stall gently grabbing Link's left hand so he would stop playing. Elias looked down at him, "What on your mind son?". Link returned a frown, "nothing". Elias raised his eyebrow at him, "You and your brother both have a habit of playing the piano when your upset". Link let out a deep sigh knowing he had been caught out. "Why didn't you want to play with your siblings?" Elias asked him. Link took a deep breath, "I'm scared". This confused Elias "scared?". "I don't want to get hurt again, dad" Link confessed to his father. Elias let out a sigh, "you haven't used your vampire abilities since we removed your collar, have you?" Link shaking his head in response. "Listen son, it's okay to be afraid. But, you can't let that fear dictate how you live your life". Link dwelled on his father's words for a moment, "but your never afraid". Elias let out a small chuckle, "With what you and your brothers get up to, I am always afraid". "Really?" Link asked intrigued with Elias nodding. With some encouragement from his father Link cheered up a warm smile on his face. "How about we go outside and we can test your abilities together. I'll be right there with you" Elias suggested with Link agreeing.

The pair then headed outside seeing Serena at the other end of the field having been roped in to the children's game. Elias thinking of the simplest way for Link to test his powers got Link to stay in one spot as he moved around 10 yards ahead of him, telling him "come on Link, run to me". Link was hesitant at first but remembering what his father had told him he took a deep breath bracing for the pain, closing his eyes as he used his vampire speed to dash to his father. With him blind he managed to charge straight at Elias tackling his father to the floor. Upon doing so they both laughed, as Link opened his eyes full of surprise that he didn't feel any pain when using his abilities. "Dad I'm okay!" Link excitedly exclaimed getting off his father as he aimlessly sped around as Elias recovered. "I'm glad son" Elias got off the floor dusting himself off. He then watched as Link rushed off to the other end of the field showing his mother and the others his newly renewed confidence. This filled Elias with pride as he walked over to join them, Serena welcoming him with a kiss taking a firm grip of his hand, much to the disgust of the children. They watched the children play once again, trying to avoid their parents advances on one another. Serena seeing Link back to himself again smiled as she joked, "you didn't compel him did you?". Elias didn't know whether she was joking or not, "No of course not". This response making Serena laugh as she teased, "oh wow, so serious. I'm just joking. I'm glad he's back to bring his mischievous self again". Elias smiled seeing his neck tie around Serena's neck, "Is that my tie?" to which she smirked "It's mine now. I'm keeping it". Elias was left confused, "what? Why?". "Because it's yours" she laughed as she took off running expecting him to chase after her. Elias now knew where Link got his knack for thieving from, his mother. Elias gave chase trying to avoid the influx of pain from his collar as he ran after Serena

Chapter 63

"Mum! Dad! Where are you it's my birthday!" Link screamed jumping out of bed as he woke up. He turned around to wake up Hurricane but to his surprise he found his bed empty, leaving him confused. He then made his way outside the room into the landing knocking on his older brother's door, "Nathan are you awake?". Hearing no reply Link opened the door seeing Nathan nowhere in sight, the bed freshly made, "Where is everyone?". Thinking his family had forgotten his birthday Link sluggishly made his way downstairs. A small trail of death following behind him to match his mood. He dragged himself down the stairs not hearing any sign of life as he headed to the lounge, which was suspiciously covered in a blanket of darkness.

"Surprise! Happy Birthday Link!"

Link was left speechless as the curtains were pealed back revealing his family and most of the pack in the room wishing him a happy birthday. The room itself was decorated by blue birthday boy banners and fresh balloons scattered everywhere. A small bundle of presents on the centre of the table waiting to be opened. Link eventually let out a smile, running up to his parents squeezing them tightly, "I thought you forgot". James overhearing this laughed, "Forget you? We've been planning this since we got back". This filled Link with happiness, confirming that his family did indeed love him. Alex then gently pulled Link to her not being able to resist a hug, "Happy birthday, fang-muffin". Watching Link be showered with affection from the pack was bittersweet, To Elias and Serena Link's birthday was just a painful reminder of what occurred all those years ago, but with Link surviving it was more than a reason to celebrate. They just wished they could forget those agonising two weeks after he had been born.

Once everyone in the pack had smothered him with affection Link sat down on the couch where he was presented with a plethora of gifts. Full of excitement he ripped the wrapping off his first present completely ecstatic. First opening his bow, where he and Hurricane spent five long minutes comparing each one's design. "Honey, you have other presents to open" Serena tried to encourage him to move on, which was partially effective as he begrudgingly moved onto the next present. Hurricane recognising the present proudly proclaimed "that's mine!" as Link unwrapped a painting of him playing the cello. Although the present was a bit boring, Link appreciated his brother's effort hugging him "that's awesome!" watching as a smile indented Hurricanes face. The excitement driving him he opened the rest of his presents which included: some clothes, toys, a few spell books and a bike which he promised to share with Hurricane. He was extremely grateful for all the gifts he had received and he felt well loved "thank you everyone". His politeness making his parents proud, as they shared a cheeky smile and a nod before Elias got up and left the room to retrieve something. Link noticing his father's absence straight away turned to his mother, "where's dad gone?". But before she had a chance to reply with anything more than a smile, Elias emerged holding a small box decorated with balloon wrapping paper and a blue decorative bow. "would you look at that, you have one more present to open" Serena chuckled loving Link's cute little confused face. Elias passed the box to Link where he stared at it for a good few seconds before Serena told him "Open it then". With this Link tore through the wrapping paper revealing a phone, causing Link to shrill with excitement. In truth Elias and Serena only agreed to let Link have a phone because Hurricane had one, and they didn't want it to brew any jealousy between the brothers. "Thanks mum and dad you're the best!" Link screamed hugging his mother as she was closer to him then moving on to Elias. Embracing the hug Elias gently combed his fingers through Links hair "I'm glad you like your gifts son". "Like? I love them!" Links reaction making Serena chuckle "But the same rules as your brother apply, there will be a limit for how long you can use it". Link wasn't sure on what to make of this news, but he desperately wanted the phone so he agreed. Satisfied the proud parents shared a gleaming smile as Serena told the birthday boy, "you better get dressed, I suspect the rest of your father's family will be along shortly".

After thanking everyone for the presents Link ran upstairs to get changed out of his pyjamas, just as Elias got a call from Nicholas informing him that he, Aidan, Cleo and Joseph were waiting outside the pack's territory. Accompanied by Ash and Alpha Peter, the trio greeted the royals at the border granting them temporary access thanks to Daisy's impressive spell mastery. They headed to the pack house taking in the pleasing aesthetic. This was the first time they had been allowed access to the Pack and they hadn't expected it to be such a vibrant village of werewolves. Members of the pack scowling at them as they walked past, unsure why their Alpha had let them in after their countless threats to the pack. "Cheery bunch, aren't they" Cleo surmised feeling the piercing glares of the pack watching them as they walked past. Ash and Alpha Peter ignoring their comments as they arrived at the pack house with their guests. As they walked inside, they were greeted by the children's gleaming smiles and the familiar excited screech of, "Uncle Aidan!" emerged from the staircase. As Link, now smartly dressed dashed downstairs in seconds grabbing on to his uncle, making the others slightly envious. Aidan patted him on the head, "Happy birthday Link" he told him with a warm smile on his face. "Alright, Aidan. We all know you're his favourite. Now move over" Cleo commanded pushing Aidan out the way. She pulled Link in closer to her squeezing him tightly before using her fingers to comb through his thick blond hair, "Look at you in your leather jacket, you look so much like your uncle. It's adorable". Link frowned looking over at Nick who had a similar but far more expensive leather jacket on. They both rolled their eyes at Cleo's statement with Nick realising he still was holding the bag of gifts, 'Happy birthday pipsqueak" giving Link the bag. Graciously accepting the gifts Link thanked them before going to open his presents in the lounge followed by an entourage of family members. Only Nathan remained, scowling with his arms crossed as he stared at them noticing that Florence wasn't with them, "Leave the witch at home then?". The siblings were well aware of Nathan's hatred for Florence and after what happened believed it to be somewhat justified, "We didn't think it would be appropriate after everything that happened" confessed Cleo. Satisfied with her answer he simply uncrossed his arms letting out an "hmm" accompanied by a small smile before being dragged into the lounge by Link.

"I see you managed to remove Link's collar" Nick pointed out after noticing the collar's absence from the boy's neck earlier. Elias sighed knowing what was coming, "Yes, we did". He then watched Nick eyes trace down to Elias's neck seeing the familiar clunk of metal still attached to his neck, "Yet you still have yours". Elias huffed, "Not now Nicholas, I don't want to discuss it at my son's birthday party" he brushed him off going to walk away, but Nick wasn't going to let him off so easily grabbing hold of Elias's wrist, "No. We're discussing it now. Why do you still have your collar?!". The hallway fell silent as the siblings waited for their brothers reply. Elias giving into the overwhelming pressure sighed, "The ingredients needed for the spell were all extremely rare, so much so that Serena only managed to get enough to remove one of our collars. I made the decision to remove my sons". The siblings looked at him confused wanting to ask more questions but were interrupted by Serena before they could, "Elias, Daisy's almost ready to present Link his birthday cake". Elias smiled back at her, "We'll be there in one moment" satisfied Serena smiled back joining the others in the lounge. He then turned back to his siblings, "It was my choice and mine alone. Link is my son, I won't let him suffer on my account. I shouldn't have to explain that to you" he paused looking at his siblings who were guiltily twiddling their thumbs knowing that if it was about Hope or Joseph they would require no explanation. Seeing this Elias let out a small smile, "Now, Daisy has been working hard making Link's cake, we shouldn't let it go to waste" the four of them in agreement they walked into the lounge, Elias stood next to Serena, noticing his presence Serena linked arms with him as they watched Alpha Peter come into the room holding a large double chocolate birthday cake. The cake itself decorated by six candles and placed in the centre was a number six candle.

The room erupted into song, "Happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Link. Happy birthday to you!".

Full of joy, Link's face lit up like a lightbulb upon seeing his birthday cake. Serena managing to get her phone out just in time to capture all of the excitement, treasuring the moment forever. With the cake now in front of him Link took one big breath blowing out the candles in one go, the room echoing in cheers as he did. The joyous mood continued to over flow the Pack House as they all indulged in eating cake as they celebrated Link's birth. Not being able to eat cake The Jacobs siblings went their separate ways as Aidan and Cleo went to talk to Ash and Alex with Nicholas left alone wondering about the parentage of Claire's youngest daughter, Athena, and if he could possibly be her father as Elias hadn't been the most forthcoming with information when he asked. He glanced over seeing her sat next to Link on the couch, but between her white hair and red eyes, it was difficult to distinguish any similarities. Even so he couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something.

Seeing Claire disappear into the hallway Nick followed her in hopes of finding out the truth. Claire feeling someone behind her looked back seeing Nick, where she quickly turned back knowing that he wanted to ask her about Thea as Elias had told her about Nick's suspicions a few days prior, "What is it Nick? Run out of women to torment?". Nick frowned at her comment as Claire tried to escape the awkward line of questioning soon to come. But he wasn't going to let her evade him so easily, "She's mine, isn't she?". Claire felt the room shake, her world crashing down on her as what left of her heart shattered. She had vowed to keep Athena safe, even from her own father. She gulped taking a deep breath before turning back towards Nick, "Thea is your daughter, yes". A harrowing silence lingered between the pair, neither knowing what to say next. Eventually Nick broke through the silence, "Does she know about me?" to which Claire nodded but Nick was now full of questions, "why didn't you tell me?". Receiving a death stare back from Claire, "You refused to talk to me after the Florence incident, remember? And after what happened to Link, I knew I had to keep Thea a secret". Nicholas was full of shock at her statement, "I would have protected you". Claire shook her head back at him, "I couldn't take that risk. I didn't want her to be treated like a monster because of who her father was". Taking this to heart Nick felt defeated, knowing that she was right as his reputation proceeded him and often brought enemies along with it, "I want to meet her". Frozen in shock Claire looked blankly back at Nick, not sure what to do. She had spent so much time trying to keep Athena from her father, that she felt lost, "okay". Nick wasn't sure if he had heard her right expecting more of a fight from her, "okay?". Claire gulped, "okay, you can meet her-" forcing the words from her mouth, "If Elias is there as well" she finished knowing that having Elias there would be a welcomed balance of opinion between them. Agreeing with her terms Nick grinned, "I'll go get Elias then" dashing off before Claire had a chance to process what he said, "what?". Claire followed him into the lounge where she witnessed Nick walk over to Elias, one hand grabbing his wrist the other the back of his neck, as he dragged him away from Serena to the hallway, pushing him to Claire. Claire checked to see if Elias was hurt as she sat back, "I didn't mean right now, Nick!". Receiving a menacing smile as he shrugged, "no time like the present" causing Claire to scoff back at him.

"Mum, what's going on? Is uncle Elias, okay?" Theas small voice echoed from behind him. Nick turned around seeing his daughter truly for the first time, leaving him stunned. Claire gently took Athena's hand pulling her towards her, kneeling down to Thea's eyelevel, "Your uncles fine, Thea. But I want you to meet someone" Claire turned to Nick with Thea following suit. "I know we've talked about your father before. But he wanted to meet you, properly". An awkward silence then ensured as Claire got off the ground and Thea looked at Nick with a piercing death stare, curious about what her 'father' would say next. Nick felt a sudden nervousness rush through his body as he looked down at his daughter, not sure what to do Athena being a complete mystery to him. Trying not to scare the girl, Nick leant down so he wasn't talking down to her, as he softy introduced himself, "Hi Athena, I'm Nicholas". Athena having met him before stood there with her arms crossed, being prompted by her mother to say something back, "Hello". Where she then stood back taking Elias's hand. But Nick was determined to find out more about her, "How old are you, ghost?". Theas eyes lit up, upon hearing her pack nickname, "I'm five and a half and I'm already an aunt!" she told her father gleaming with pride. Nick sensing he was starting to get through to her kept the flow going, "Is that so?". "Yep! I'm a big girl" she smiled. "So, is there anything you like to do?" he continued to gently press her for information. Thea pondered about this for a moment, "err... I like playing with Link and Elias. There my family. Me and Link used to fight a lot, but not anymore". This intrigued Nick, "who won?" which caused both Elias and Claire to collectively sigh, "don't encourage her Nicholas. Link has only just gotten over it". Ignoring his brother's plea, Nick leaned into Thea's ear whispering, "I bet it was you" as Thea burst into an adorable giggle "I did get my fangs before he did". Where she was scolded by her mother, "Athena, it's not a competition". Thea rolled her eyes at her mother, a warm smile appearing on Nick's face as he began to realise they were more alike than he had originally thought. As he winked at her before standing back up again, stretching out his back.

Although it broke her, Claire couldn't hide from herself the instant connection that Athena had with Nick. She had always known the two were incredibly similar, even from birth Thea had been a little rage monster. "Maybe we can go into town one day" she suggested, knowing she couldn't keep them apart any longer. Nick smiled liking the idea, "I would like that". "No" Thea told her parents, their faces hazed with confusion. Elias having to step in for them, "Athena, what do you mean?". A smug smile appearing on her face, "I mean no. I don't want to". "You don't want to?" Claire copied perplexed by her daughters sudden 180 about her father. Thea shaking her head, "Nope. He left us mum. And he's said he would hurt the pack lots of times and he didn't let uncle Elias come home". Claire unbelievably found herself defending Nick, "He didn't mean that" Nick keeping silent knowing full well that he did. Nick wasn't ready to give in just yet, "your mothers right, I just wanted my brother back. I wouldn't hurt the pack" but Thea didn't care spitting back, "I don't believe you". The room falling deathly silent, not sure where this was coming from. Hurricane then appeared in the hallway asking, "Thea, are you coming to play with us?" with Thea looking up at her mother for permission, which Claire reluctantly agreed. The three of them watching her disappear into the lounge before going at each other's throats.

"You wanted this, didn't you? You turned our daughter against me" Nicholas viciously splat at Claire who shook her head back at him, "don't being ridiculous! I just wanted to keep my daughter safe. I'm not the one who continuously threatened the pack". Taking her comments to heart he began to see his own contribution to Thea's response as on numerous occasions he had threatened to kill the whole pack. Calming himself he turned to Claire, "I just want to see my daughter". Claire felt the sincerity in his voice but in no way did that didn't grant him her sympathy, "What do you want me to do, drag her there?". Feeling his vulnerability not being taken seriously he angrily shouted back, "If that's what it takes then yes!". Elias calmly intervened between the feuding pair, "enough, both of you. Athena is old enough to make her own decisions" receiving death stares from both Claire and Nick as they went to open their mouths to protest, Elias stopping them before they could, "But, I will talk to her about it as soon as my son's birthday party is over".

Chapter 63

After an hour of spending time with the birthday boy, Elias realised that he had not seen Athena or Nathan for a while, which was unlike both of them as they usually stuck to Link like glue. Deciding to look for them, he searched the pack house but to no avail. Extending his search outside he saw the two of them talking on the porch. Not wanting to disturb them he watched as their conversation ended, Thea hugging Nathan tightly before coming back inside the warm hub of the pack house. As she walked past him, she seemed a bit down as she ran over to her parents. Nathan came in behind her a huge grin embedded on his face as he turned to his father, "your welcome". Struck with confusion, Elias turned his attention to Athena who was talking with her parents "what did you say to her?". Crossing his arms Nathan smiled "I told her that she should give him a chance and that she could always disown him later if it doesn't work out". Hearing this Elias smiled "you did not" with the pair sharing a grin "I did". Before they could continue their conversation they saw Nick walking over to them full of smiles, gleaming with pride as he told them "she agreed to see me". Elias and Nathan shared a quick smile before Elias replied "I'm glad to hear that". After some awkward shoulder pats, Cleo appeared from behind them placing her hand on Nick's shoulder "where have you two been? Every time I turn around, you're gone". A gleaming smile on his face, Nick told her "I have a daughter" with Cleo looking back at him perplexed "I know?" not sure if he had hit his head. Nick realising why she was so confused elaborated "Oh no, Claire was pregnant-" but was cut off by Cleo "I have a niece? Where is she?!". With a small laugh Elias pointed her out for Cleo "Athena is the girl sitting next to Link" she then turned seeing Athena with her long white hair and red eyes, feeling an instant connection "she's an albino". "Just like her mother" Elias found himself defending his niece but this turned out to be premature as Cleo smiled "she's so cute. Can I go and introduce myself?". Nicholas nodded as he and Cleo went off, finding Aidan along the way and dragging him along with them to see Athena.

After a few long hours of birthday celebrations, they were all tired out. The Jacobs siblings went to take their leave but was stopped by Daisy who rushed in the room "Come on, I want a family picture before you leave" waving an old digital camera in their faces. They all looked back at her with disapproving faces, none more than Link who groaned "grandma Daisy do we have to?" to which she commanded "yes you do. Now go sit". Link begrudgingly sat on the long couch with Daisy telling Athena and Hurricane to sit next to him. Satisfied with the placement of the little ones she squeezed Nathan and Sarah in the ends and perched Joseph on the right arm, the six of them cramped together on the couch. She then turned around to the adults "You lot as well. It's a family photo" with them looking back at her confused. With some encouragement from Alpha Peter "Do as she says son, you know she won't stop until she gets a picture" both the Jacobs and Peterson siblings gathered behind the couch. Elias acting as a divider, wedged in the middle between the two families. Nevertheless, Daisy was satisfied with the arrangement preparing her camera aiming it at the group "Say birthday!". They all mumbled it under their breath as she took the picture where a blinding flash of light exploded from the camera. "Bloody Hell! Are you trying to blind us?" Nick mumbled rubbing his eyes as he tried to recover from the flash. "I think I may have blinked" Elias confessed with the children mimicking their father "me too". Wriggling her way past her siblings, Serena walked over to Daisy taking the camera. A small smile appearing on her face as she looked at the picture Daisy took "god that is hideous". She then turned the flash off the camera passing it back to Daisy "that should do it" before taking her place at Elias's side once more. With Daisy ready to take another photo they all braced themselves for another round of partial blindness. "Smile!" she told them as she held the camera in place. They all smiled and thankfully Serena had managed to successful remove the flash with Daisy finally telling them "all done" much to all their relief. They all quickly dispersed from the couch before she could torment them any further, the Jacobs's taking this opportunity to leave.

Smothered by goodbye hugs from his aunt and uncles, they wished Link a "happy birthday" one last time before they left. Taking a quick pit stop to say goodbye to Athena who Claire was taking home as well. As Daisy and Alpha Peter took the Jacobs's to the border they were bombarded from loud yawns from the children, causing Elias to look down at his watch where it read 8:37pm. This took him by surprise he hadn't even realised it was that late. "looks like the birthday boys tired" Serena smiled with Link yawning again before replying "am not". His parents sharing a grin, Serena pulled him in for a hug "yes you are, now why don't you put your pyjamas on me and you're father will be up in a minute when we've given your brother his medicine". Giving in Link sped upstairs and they gave Hurricane a dose of his elixir to try and stop his late-night visions. After which, the three of them headed upstairs being greeted by tiny snores. Sneaking into the boys room, they saw Link hanging off the edge of his bed the sight making his parents chuckle. Helping him out, Elias went over to his bed scooping Link up and placed him safely in his bed wrapping the cover around him, whilst Serena helped Hurricane. Within minutes both boys were snoring away in their beds. Serena quietly walked over to them kissing them both gently on the head before her and Elias whispered "good night" leaving the room shutting the door behind them.

The pair then made their way back downstairs where Daisy and Alpha Peter had returned and were taking to Nathan and Sarah. Reunited in the lounge Elias asked, "was there any trouble?" with Peter shaking his head back at him "No they went off without any issues". Elias was glad to hear this but was distracted by Serena's hypnotising smile as she looked at the camera. Sensing Elias looking at her she coaxed him over to her "come see this". He walked over to her with Serena placing the camera in his hand. Pulling it up to his face he saw their deranged faces traumatised from the camera flash looking back at him. Locating himself behind Link he realised he had indeed blinked when the picture was taken "I knew I blinked". Serena confused by his comment peered over his shoulder seeing that he was looking at the wrong photo "Not that one" she took the camera from Elias's hands "I must have clicked back by accident". She then pressed one of the buttons on the adjacent side of the camera, which in turn moved on to the next photo. Pleased with the result she returned it to Elias, "now look at it". With a curious Nathan and Sarah joining their father's side, the trio looked at the camera once more seeing something completely magical. The photo was full of genuinely happy smiles from everyone in the picture, it was an incredible milestone as a mere six years ago their families absolutely despised each other. Seeing them all together and happy warmed Elias's dead heart "It like were one big family". Serena smiled feeling the same "I know cute isn't it. We've all come along way" as she wrapped her arms around Nathan and Sarah. Looking at the photo Elias realised how his two families had simultaneously merged into one huge unstoppable family unit and for the first time in over six years he was proud to call himself both a Jacobs and a father.

Chapter 63

A few days later...

After another night of Hurricanes torturous visions, Elias was glued to the couch with Hurricane curled up fast asleep leaning on him. This being the third time this week, even with the help of Lobo's herbal remedies, and Elias was stuck not knowing what to do. Unable to move, Elias was a statute forced to listen to the soft melody of Link and Nathan's stringed instruments in the next room, coming to the conclusion that one of them needed tuning. Apart from the budding musicians, Elias was alone. Serena and James were down in the basement trying to uncover the secrets to Link's collar. His aunt and adoptive father were out enjoying a romantic breakfast and Ash and Alex were out making deliveries to Kora's. Nathan then appeared in the doorway, violin in hand "Dad, can you help me tune my violin please?". Elias was surprised, believing the suspect to be Links cello, "When your brother wakes up, I'll have a look at it for you". Nathan nodded, only now seeing Hurricane's mop of red hair attached to his father's hip. He knew his little brother had been plagued by nightmares last night as he sat next to his father asking, "How is he?". Sighing Elias gently turned towards Hurricane gentle running his fingers through his crimson red hair, "He's settled down now. Did you manage to get some sleep last night?". Receiving a warm but tired smile from Nathan, Elias gathered he hadn't. Using his free right arm to pull Nathan in for a hug, "I'm sorry". Confused Nathan looked up at his father, "It's not your fault dad, or Elias'". Seeing Nathan blaming himself Elias assured him, "It's not yours either son" receiving only silence in return, Nathan not being so sure. But before they could divulge into the conversation any further, they heard footsteps travelling up from the basement upstairs with Serena eventually joining them in the lounge. Seeing Hurricane curled up on Elias warmed her heart, "how long has the little angel been asleep?". Elias had to think about this for a moment it had been an excruciatingly long night, "Er... a few hours" he guessed knowing that he had been sitting with Hurricane since the crack of dawn. "Bless his heart. How are you holding up?" Serena empathised with him, Hurricane had been in a complete state last night with only Elias being able to calm the boy down. Sighing Elias tiredly smiled back, "I'm okay" as Hurricane began to stir, snoring loudly. "Do you want me to take over?" Serena offered but Elias gratefully shook his head, "Thank you, but Claire already tried when she collected Sarah. And as you can probably imagine It didn't go well".

Feeling guilty that she couldn't help him in any way, she changed the subject to something a little more positive, Elias' collar "James says were really close to finding a way to remove your collar". Pleasantly surprised Elias smiled warmly up at her, wrapping his free arm tightly around Nathan, "that's good. I would like to be useful again". Serena then wrapped her arms around Elias's neck stealing a kiss from his lips, "you have never been and never will be useless. Especially to me". This wholesome comment filling Elias with confidence, feeling his cheeks burn a fierce red. Nathan used to his parents flirting, silently rolled his eyes but wasn't able to avoid his mother's gaze, "what are you rolling your eyes at, young man?". Frozen in place before replying, "Your both so embarrassing" causing Serena to laugh, "I'm sorry me kissing your father embarrasses you so much. But I'm not going to stop". Nathan scoffed turning his head as his mother went in for another kiss but was distracted by a loud noise from the other front of the house.


The front door suddenly flung open allowing an icy chill to blow through the pack house, snuffing out any warmth from inside. Instinct taking over Elias grabbed a tight hold of his sons, pulling them towards him as the wind brutally raged through the house. The fireplace roared with a fierce lime glow hypnotising Serena, her eyes melting to a powdered grey as she stared into the flames. Almost instantly afterwards the howling wind came to an abrupt halt as it suddenly vanished, taking Serena's consciousness along with it, her lifeless body collapsing to the floor.

"MUM!" Nathan screamed being the first to witness his mother's body hit the ground. Plagued by torturous memories of when his mother was stabbed, he swatted his father's arm away from him jumping up from the couch to check on her. As a demon she had no readable pulse but not sure what else to do he checked anyway, receiving no response. Almost instinctual he was filled with immense panic as his thoughts turned to Link alone in the next room. "Link!" wasting no time he got up from the floor racing to the next room finding Link disoriented, but awake. Letting out a huge sigh of relief that his little brother was okay he went over to him squeezing him tightly. The plants in the room magically rejuvenating with life from the brother's sweet reunion.

Making them jump the front door once again burst open, where a panicked Ash dashed into the lounge holding a sleeping Alex. "Brother, I need you!" Ash screamed full of worry only realising upon entry that Elias was experiencing the same problem with Serena. Ash then placed Alex on the couch apologising to a groggy Hurricane for moving him before turning to Elias riddled with panic, "we were almost home. Then there was this crazy wind that came out of nowhere. She fainted, right into my arms". Nathan and Link then arrived back in the lounge seeing that their aunt had also been inflicted by the same curse as their mother, "what happened to mum and aunt Alex?" Link questioned seeing them fast asleep. "I don't know" Elias replied, but he knew something was off. Both Peterson sisters had fallen unconscious after the appearance of a suspicious wind, there was no doubt in his mind that this was a planned attack. Looking over at Hurricane he feared that the clarity and repetition of his most recent visions meant that Nathan's grandfather was closer than he initially anticipated.

Wanting to confirm his theory was correct, but not wanting to scare the children, Elias headed down to the basement, finding James's lifeless body decorating the floor. This confirmed his suspicions that this was a deliberate attack on the Peterson siblings, but for what purpose? If they wanted them gone why spare the children? But a part of Elias already knew why. It was to get them out the way so it would be easier to get to the boys. Trying not to activate his collar by using his vampire strength, Elias picked James up from the floor carefully balancing both their body weights as they slowly transcended up the stairs. With Ash then taking over when they got to the top of the stairs, taking James's lifeless body placing him on the floor next to Serena. "We need to call Holly". Ash got his phone from his pocket calling the pack doctor as Elias got a call from Cleo relaying the news that the demon who had kidnapped him and the boys was also in a coma and wanted to check that Elias and the kids were okay. "Were fine. But Serena and the others suddenly collapsed". Cleo suggesting that Elias come home with the children, "Cleo you know we can't do that". The doorbell suddenly ringing, the melody echoing throughout the pack house watching as Ash went to the door. Cleo still talking down the phone with Elias responding, "No Nick will not convince me to come back" as Holly appeared in the room, "that was fast. Cleo I've got to go" hearing her protests as he hung up the phone on his sister.

By the time Elias had finished his phone call with Cleo, Holly was already examining the Peterson siblings. She did a series of different tests consisting of prodding and poking to using her magic, but all her tests were pointing her in one direction. Finally, she peeled back their eyelids revealing the siblings' misty grey eyes, which led Holly to conclude that "There in magically induced comas". The whole room falling silent with a mix of shock and confusion. "But they'll wake up soon right?" Link pleaded infecting Holly with guilt having to look him directly in the eyes and tell him, "I'm sorry, Link. There is no cure". Watching in agony as tears cascaded down his face, Elias scooping him up in his arms. "There must be something we can do?" Ash reasoned not giving up on his wife. With the Peterson's being her oldest friends Holly desperately wanted to help, but didn't want to give them false hope when there was none, "It's a dark magic curse. The only way they will wake up is if the original spell caster relinquishes the spell". The whole room quacking with silence before an onslaught of cries broke through. Holly struggling to maintain her professionalism vacated the house, feeling completely overrun with guilt that she couldn't do anymore to help them. Back inside once the floods of crying stopped the comatose Petersons were gently moved upstairs placing their unconscious bodies in bed in their own rooms, making sure they would be comfortable under the warm duvet. After putting Serena in bed, Elias gently kissed her on the head, her skin still warm to touch. "Dad, what's going to happen to mum?" Links little voice appearing at the door tears trailing down his face. Comforting his son, Elias bent down pulling him in for a hug "I don't know. But you have my word that we won't stop looking until we find a way to wake them up". Link smiled through his tears knowing that his dad always tried to keep his word. Elias knew that this was no way going to be an easy task, knowing what challenges lied ahead but he was willing to do anything to make their family whole again. Even if it meant facing Nathans grandfather alone.

Chapter 64

As the days pressed on, Ash was cemented in grief refusing to leave his wife's side, holding her hand as she laid asleep in bed. Holding onto the hope that she would wake up soon, relieving him of this nightmare. She had been the only woman he had truly loved and now that she was gone he was lost, a part of him missing lying dormant with his sleeping wife. Elias However, could afford no such luxury, needing to be emotionally available for his children, whilst also trying to find a way to help Serena and the others. This being no easy feat, as the days aimlessly flew by with no end in sight.

Watched over by a solar eclipse, Elias was sat in the lounge immersed in silence reading a spell book, which he hoped may have a way to end this torment. He had put the children, with the addition of Athena, to bed delivering false promises, which he hated himself for doing, but he hated seeing them upset. In the distance the staircase began to creek as Elias was pulled from the world of ancient spells into completely uncharted territory, as a distraught Nathan appeared in the room, "Dad! I think my horns are coming through!" stunning Elias into place.

Upstairs, Link had been tossing and turning all night, sleep evading him as he was plagued with worry that his mother would never wake again. "Elias, are you awake?" Link whispered to his brother's bed next to him. Link and Athena were not impressed when they heard Hurricane fast asleep in his bed snoring away, they needed to wake him up. Link and Athena got up from their beds and turned to Hurricane pulling the cover off him, waking him up "Elias get up!". Hurricane took a moment before eventually waking up, he was tired and didn't know why his sleep was interrupted. The three of them being anxious that their family would never wake up again "I can't sleep, I want them to be okay" Link admitted, he missed his family so much. Athena suddenly saw something outside, capturing her attention as she saw a lime green ball of magic race through the pack. Seeing Thea staring out the window the boys followed her gaze, not seeing anything at first, "What are you looking at?". But they answered their own question when a ball of dark magic appeared outside the window illuminating the room in a lime green glow. The trio were didn't know what to do next, Link could hear a muffled voice coming from the ball slowly stepping forward to open the window so he could hear what the orb was saying. Hurricane and Athena watched from a corner in silence as Link stared at the levitating orb almost like they were communicating. Shortly afterwards the orb travelled back outside hovering by the bedroom window leaving Athena and Hurricane confused, "What happened?". Link turned towards them with a smile on his face, "We can wake up mum! We just need to follow the orb!". Thea looked at the door not sure about what to do, "Shouldn't we tell uncle Elias first?" but the orb immediately hovered to outside the window lingering there, Link turned towards his cousin "We don't have time. dad's helping Nathan with his horns and we need to go now". His father had told him a few days ago that Nathan was fine but his horns were due to come through at any point and he would be helping him with it. With Thea agreeing and no adults to stop them the trio quickly got dressed into something warm and climbed out their bedroom window as the mysterious orb led them away from the Pack to find a way to cure their comatose family, or so they naively believed.

Chapter 65

A wave of death imploded suddenly onto the pack house. The house plants fading to decay, exerting the putrid smell of death as they shrivelled up crumbling from their stems. An icy chill fumigated any heat and electricity within the house leaving its occupants exposed to the brutal cold implanted within. Left in pure darkness Elias, Nathan and Sarah were in the lounge, Elias using his magic to light a nearby candle but when he did the flick lit in a deep lime flame. It was then he realised there was more at play here, as this surge of magic hadn't come from Nathan. Before he could think about this any further, he heard a large crash come from the hallway followed by, "Damn it! My foot!". Alpha Peter then hobbled his way through to the lounge where the lights miraculously turned on once more. Giving him a fright seeing Elias staring at him from the couch, "Son! You almost gave me a heart attack!". But Elias was more concerned about what had happened feeling the innate desire to go check on the children asleep upstairs. He went to go upstairs passing Ash in the now lit hallway and the pair headed to the boys room. The pair slowly creaked open the door seeing that the room was empty, with only an open window in their place. Stood in place Elias was paralyzed with fear, feeling pure dark magic raging from the rooms walls. Once he had gotten over the initial shock of his children being lured away from their beds he sprang into action forgoing the agonizing pain pulsing through his veins. "Dad what's wrong?" Nathan asked seeing his father agitated and using his vampire abilities to grab his coat. Elias turned to face him, "Your brothers and Thea are missing". Nathan rose from the couch full of determination to find his brothers, "What?!". Alpha Peter talked over Nathan, "Are you sure?". Elias began pacing back and forth the room, "Their window was wide open and there gone". "Calm down son, maybe they just went to your brothers." Peter suggested trying to ease his tension. "Thea's missing?" Claire's voice emerged from the doorway, with the boys violently nodding their heads. Overrun with panic, Claire felt a phantom heartbeat beat raging through her chest "what are we waiting for? Let's go find them!". They nodded in agreement desperate to find their missing children, they were about to go downstairs when Elias realised Ash wasn't with them "Ash?". Furiously looking around for Elias' false twin, they quickly found him in the spare room where Alex's lifeless body resided. Sat on a pop up chair he watched over his slumbering wife, gently holding her hand in his, not wanting to leave her side. "Ash, are you coming?" Elias asked seeing he had reverted back to his usual state of depression, glued to Alex's bedside. In response Ash gloomily turned towards the duo, void of all emotion "I can't". This infuriated Elias, his sons lives hanging in the balance and he was acting like it didn't matter "What?! Your family is in danger and your just sitting their mopping around!". Ash was unphased by his doppelgangers harsh words, "I won't leave my wife". "You really think Alex would want you here instead of helping us find her nephews?" his question receiving no response from Ash. His silence irritating Elias with him viciously snapping back, "Fine stay here. You will just slow us down anyway". With no more time to waste, Elias went to leave the room turning around for one last insult "you're a pathetic excuse of an Alpha and an Uncle!" before leaving Ash alone in his misery.

Throwing on his coat Elias and Claire went to leave but were stopped by Nathan "I'm going with you!". Elias didn't know what dangers awaited them and was not willing to have his son in the front lines, "No you're Not. Your horns could come through at any moment. You need to stay here I'll find your brothers". In return he received an icy glare from Nathan who Instantly snapped back "I'm coming! I promised to look after them, I can't do that stuck at home!". With time against them Elias reluctantly agreed for Nathan to come along as they headed to Nick's accompanied by Claire and Sarah, desperately hoping that the children would be there waiting for them. But knowing deep down this was a long shot.


On the other side of town Nick, Cleo, Aidan and Florence were enjoying some wine unaware of upcoming chaos about to consume them. They couldn't find any proper playing cards instead opting out to play the child friendly game of snap where Florence was playing Nick. They placed their respective luminous coloured fruit cards on the coffee table their eyes locked on one another, refusing to tear their eyes away. Florence brushed the table with her card with Nick following suit where two lime cards stared up at them. Seeing this and with the advantage of his vampire speed he slammed his hand over the stack of cards hearing the wood crack from underneath, "SNAP!". "You won again Nick. You know this is a children's game, right?" Florence asked swirling her wine around her wine glass. Nick dawned a smug smile as he told her, "Your just jealous you haven't won a game yet".


A large bang echoed through the house, the sudden bash of sound startling them. Claire then burst into the room seeing The Jacobs's staring back at her like a deer in headlights. "Are they here?" Claire screamed at Nicholas who continued to look at her clueless, "Who's here?". Claire rolled her eyes at him, too much was at stake. Ignoring him she rushed upstairs hoping that they were there. Back downstairs, Elias, Nathan and Sarah just arrived in the house going into the lounge, "what's going on?" Cleo asked hating being left in the dark. Before getting an answer a gust of wind transcended down the stairs bringing Claire with it, "There not here". "Can somebody tell us what the hell is going on!" Nick screamed through the chaos, as a panicked Elias and Claire stared back at him, "The boys and Athena are missing".

A wave of panic blew through the house "what do you mean there missing?" Nick bellowed. After a small sigh Elias answered his question "I was downstairs with Nathan and Sarah when there was a sudden burst of magic. When I checked on the rest of the children they weren't in their room". "come on Elias, were wasting our time here" Claire interrupted his explanation with Elias nodding in agreement. Determined not to be left behind Nathan confidently got up from the couch "I'm coming-" being interrupted by a severe pain raging through his skull, feeling blood run down his nose as he collapsed back onto the couch. "No son, you need to stay here" Elias told him seeing how much pain he was in, despite Nathans best efforts to hide it from him. He then turned to Nick, "I need you to watch him for me". He watched as his brothers face dropped to the floor, "No. No, I can't". "I need you to do this for me. You're the only one I trust to help him whilst I go find the others". Elias knew he had Nick backed into a corner, after he had helped Hope with her first wolf transformation against his wishes, just because Nick had asked him to. The least he could do would be to repay the favour to Nathan and by the troubled look on Nick's face he knew this too, "I'll go find them, Florence can do her magic thing and I'll bring them home". Claire huffed not believing his inability to help his own brother with something as serious as his own missing daughter and nephews, "We tried that, there being cloaked by something". Elias knew this 'something' was Nathans grandfather trying to lure them away so he could take them to their new demon home. Just then as if they were listening to his inner thoughts all the bulbs in the room burst casting an ebony darkness over the house. Only to be replaced by a small lime green flame from a single candle in the centre of the room. Thinking it was a trick, Elias approached the candle intending to blow the candle out, stopping himself last minute. Hearing a soft whisper calling out to him from the dancing flames


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