The Angels Cove Chronicles Pa...

By Dani-Ingram

341 24 0

Six years after the events of The Angels Cove Chronicles, vampire prince Elias and his family have grown accu... More

The Angels Cove Chronicles Part 2 (Chapter 1-5)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 6-11)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 12-17)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 18-23)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 24-29)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapter 30-35)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 36-41)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 42-47)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 48-53)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 60-65)
The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 66-72)

The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 54-59)

23 2 0
By Dani-Ingram

Chapter 54

"They just turned up at your house, on their own?" he asked her flabbergasted that they managed to get past Nick, "Nick was meant to be watching them" he told Jennifer down the phone as she recited the lie Nathan told her. Hearing this made Elias sigh, "If you wouldn't mind keeping them there, I'll come get them shortly" once Jennifer confirmed this was okay, he hung up the phone. He was furious that Nick hadn't kept his word in looking after the children, like he had promised he would and betraying his trust. He then phoned him seeing if he would admit he wasn't with them, "Nick, how are the children? Are they behaving?" to which he got a disgruntled response from Elias catching him off guard. Nick didn't answer him straight away, "there fine" the lie flying out of his mouth. Elias vigorously shook his head, "Funny, I just got a call from Jennifer Blood saying they turned up at her doorstep, alone". The dead tone at the other end of the phone spoke volumes, "I left them with Florence". Anger fuelled Elias upon hearing this knowing that Nathan justifiably hated Florence with a passion, "They despise Florence. That's why I asked YOU to look after them for me. I just didn't know your promises meant so little to you" he hung up the phone just as Nicholas went to defend himself.

Calming himself down Elias knew they would have to talk about this when they returned. For the meantime he was stuck lugging around the boys birthday presents, which wasn't easy with him trying to do this with the absence of his vampire strength. Eventually making it to Jennifer's house knocking on the door. She welcomed him warmly into the house glad to see him. She then went to the staircase and shouted, "Kids your dads here!" with the whole house falling deathly silent. The four of them then appeared on the staircase knowing they were in big trouble for leaving home, and they would probably be in more trouble once he heard about what they did to Florence, "hi dad" Nathan looked at his father full of guilt. "don't hi dad me, Nathan" Elias spat back at him, furious with them all. The children sensing the tension came downstairs prepared to get a lecture from their father, "how did you know where we were?". Elias raised his eyebrow at him, "Olivia's mother called me as soon as you showed up here on your own". The boys all glared at Sarah being the only one who could have prevented this, being able to compel Jennifer. Elias seeing this told them, "Stop glaring at your sister, she can't compel everyone who gets in your way". They huffed knowing this to be true, "But dad, he left us with that witch...". But Elias shut him down commanding, "we'll speak about this further when we get home, go put on your coats". Watching as the children hurried upstairs to retrieve their coats Jennifer turned towards Elias feeling that she hadn't done enough, "you can stay for a drink if you want". Elias returned a warm smile, "Thank you, but I got to go home and give my brother a talking too". "He was meant to watch them?" Jennifer guessed with Elias nodding, "He was supposed to, yes. Instead, he left them in the care of my sister Florence, who they despise". Jennifer let out a small sigh, "I don't blame them for running away. I've heard she isn't the easiest to get along with". Before he could say anything the children came back downstairs coats on and ready to leave. Olivia looking upset that they were leaving so soon. Jennifer led them to the front door, "Your more than welcome to come back here, with your fathers permission of course" she tried to lighten the mood but the children's melancholy faces remained the same. "Thank you for watching them. I appreciate it" Elias told her as they went through the front door. Jennifer smiled, "No worries, I'm happy to help a friend. Besides Olivia is always in a better mood after she's talked to Sarah and Nate, so really you're the one helping me". They both shared a friendly smile as Elias and the four escape artists headed back home to face the consequences of what they had done.

Shortly afterwards, the party of five arrived back home hearing Florence from inside using some questionable language. The children guessed she had been released from her magical prison. They then went inside seeing an enraged Florence shouting her anger at her younger siblings, stopping as soon as she saw Elias and the children spitting her anger at them instead "Those children are maniacal monsters!". Elias immediately jumped to the defence of his children, "don't talk about my children like that" which was accompanied by a firm cold stare. Florence scoffed back at him "They locked me up, they incapacitated my son and they ran away! They are pack of bastards!". This caused the whole room to gasp in shock, she had let her anger take over. A sudden death-like chill began to fortify through the house, as Elias shook his head at his sister "you can be mad at me, but don't you dare use that vulgar language whilst talking about my children". Florence viciously retaliated "There not even your yours!". "Were family regardless of whether were blood related, monster" Nathan snapped back exhibiting the same threatening tone as his father. Trying to diffuse the tension Kiera stepped in "Honey stop" Florence ignoring her wife's pleas "I've had just about enough of you boy!". Nathan felt anger in every fibre of his being "Oh yeah? I had enough of you six years ago when you tried to murder my little brother right in front of me!", the whole room deathly silent.

"Florence you didn't" Kiera looked at her wife perplexed full of disappointment that she was capable of committing such a horrific act. Florence could feel her whole body shaking "I did it for you. For our family". Upon hearing this Sarah couldn't hold back her frustration "By destroying ours!? We had to leave the pack because of you!". "Sarah" Elias sternly called her name to stop her from exploding with anger. "Florence only did what the Blood's told her to do. She wouldn't have known about Link, none of us did" Nick remarked whilst staring directly at Elias, with him gathering this was a subtle dig at him for not telling Nick about Link. But Elias wasn't going play to his brothers hand of guilt tactics retaining his firm stance as he replied "You're not allowed to comment Nicholas, if you had just done as I asked none of this would have happened. I asked YOU to look after them, not Florence, you. You know they despise her and yet you left them alone with her" Elias began with Nick trying to interrupt, "Elias I..." as Elias snapped back, "I'm not finished. You gave me your word that you would look after them and you didn't even have the common decency to do that right. Yet, I know if our roles were reversed you would have expected me to protect Hope with my life, why are my children any different?". The room fell deathly silent, knowing that Elias was right. At the corner of his eye Elias saw Nathan with a smug smile on his face, Elias then turned to Nathan telling him, "I don't know why your smiling son, I haven't even started with you yet". Nathan looked gulped looking before looking down guiltily at the floor, knowing what was to come.

Elias turned to Nathan wanting answers for his son's reckless behaviour "Nathan, I want you to be honest with me. Why did you trap your aunt and leave the house without notifying anyone?". Glaring over at Florence before answering Nathan scoffed standing his ground "He left us here with the witch. What was I supposed to do, let her kill us?". Elias sighed knowing that Nathans instinct to protect his family stemmed from Elias's own soul "No son. The moment he left you with her you should have called me. That's what your phone is for". An awkward silence echoed as the tension between the pair began to build. The tension continuing to grow with Nathan's admission "I didn't think" with Elias not buying into his son's excuses "I find that hard to believe". This comment from his father leaving Nathan stunned "What?". "You're a smart boy Nathan, so act the part. We both know you knew exactly what you were doing, so why did you do it? Why did you runaway?". Nathan didn't answer choosing to leave the room instead. He didn't want to talk about it especially in front of the witch. He got to the bottom of stairs before he felt a tight grip on his wrist stopping him from going any further.

"Don't ignore me Nathan, why did you do it?". Nathan pulled his wrist free from his father's grasp, overtaken by anger he lost all inhibition as his true feelings began to pour from his mouth "Why? I hate it here It's like a prison, I would know I've spent half my life in one! At least in the Pits we were stuck with people I actually liked. But here I can't trust anyone! That monster can deny it all she wants but she wants us dead! I just want to keep my family safe and I can't do that surrounded by enemies! You used to understand that, but since we've moved back here you've overlooked everything they've done to us! Like none of it matters, cause your back with your precious family, pretending that we don't exist!" Elias tried to get a word in seeing Nathans eyes changing to pure white "Son-" with Nathan ruthlessly cutting him off shouting "you're not even my real dad!". Losing all inhibition Elias slapped Nathan hard across the face the impact causing Nathan to fall backwards onto the staircase. The shock of his father hitting him making Nathan visibly shake as he grasped the part of his face where he had been hit. In the heat of the moment Elias told him, "Get upstairs before I do something we both regret". Although Nathan didn't reply the death stare he gave Elias spoke volumes, the look of betrayal on Nathan's face breaking Elias's heart. Doing as his father commanded Nathan disappeared into his room, leaving behind a guilt-ridden Elias. Hearing the door slam behind Nathan, Elias assaulted the banister with his fist, knowing that he had gone too far in disciplining Nathan. The look on his sons face after he hit him plaguing his mind, riddling him with guilt as he mumbled under his breath "what have I done?".

Deciding to give Nathan some space, Elias waited a good hour before trekking upstairs with a slice of chocolate cake in an effort to get Nathan to talk to him. His siblings had tried to convince him that he had done the right thing but he knew they were wrong. Knocking on Nathan's door hearing no reply, Elias gently pushed the door open seeing Nathan lying on his bed, his back facing towards the door. "Nathan, I..." Elias paused not sure on what to say to make it okay. Nathan turned around to face Elias, one side of his face still slightly pink "Dad I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I just got so angry that It just slipped out" he stopped as tears began to cascade down his face. Elias put the slice of cake on the side and went and hugged his son, "It's fine. I know I'm not your real father, I shouldn't have acted like that. I don't know what came over me, but I am sorry that I hurt you". Nathan smiled glad to hear his father's apology but he wasn't happy with what he said about him not being his father, "But you are my real dad and blood or not, I wouldn't change you for anything". The pair exchanged forgiving smiles as Elias sat on Nathans bed next to him, "I'm proud to call you my son. All I ever wanted is for you to be better than me, which I know isn't easy because you have my soul". They both laughed with Nathan turning towards his father as he sighed, "Dad I need to tell you something". Elias looked at him worried about what was troubling him, "What is it?" not sure what to expect. Nathan gulped, "I'm the reason Link and Elias are having those nightmares. My grandfather knows I exist and wants to take us away, he won't stop until he finds us. That's why we were kidnapped". This news startled Elias he had no idea why Nathan hadn't made him aware of this sooner, "your grandfather?". Nathan nodded, "When we were taken, I woke up early and the man who kidnapped us told me all about him before knocking me out again". Seeing Nathan was distressed Elias wrapped his arm around his son in an effort to comfort him, "Listen whatever happens, grandfather or not, I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your brother safe". Hearing this Nathan began to calm down leaning his head into Elias's chest, "I love you dad" to which Elias smiled, "I love you too son". They then heard a melody emanating from downstairs which Nathan instinctively recognised as his violin shouting, "Link! You better not be playing my violin again!". The music falling silent with an uncertain "I'm not" from Link taking its place. Nathan shook his head knowing he was lying, "he's getting it this time" making Elias chuckle as Nathan rushed downstairs to confront Link. Leaving Elias alone to think about what to do next.

Chapter 55

One week later

"Elias..... wake up!" Link whispered into his brother's ear, Elias still wrapped up in bed swatted Link away. Link wasn't satisfied with Elias's response, it was his birthday after all and Link had no idea how he was still in bed. "WAKE UP!! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!" Link shouted causing his brother to startle awake. "Link?! What time is it?" Hurricane groggily asked, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. Link had a gleaming smile on his face, "Elias! It's your birthday! The whole day is wasting away and your still in bed!". Hurricane now awake finally caught up to what Link was saying, "It's my birthday!" he shouted full of excitement. They then heard their father, Nathan and Sarah knocking at the door "Is the birthday boy awake?" Nathans voice echoed through the door. Link then went over opening the door for them where the three of them burst bearing gifts for Elias. Hurricane was overjoyed upon seeing everyone as he was bombarded with presents "Happy Birthday son". Hurricane then sat up and began opening his presents, amongst them was a plethora of art supplies, a bow handcrafted by Elias along with a set of arrows, spell books, a scooter and some toys, much to his delight. Elias was about to unveil his last present to Hurricane when the front door bell rang. They all paused curious on who it was. But upon hearing the strangers voice talking to Aidan they knew who it was, Greyson Blood, Hurricanes biological father. Sure enough he made his presence known bursting into Hurricanes room, "Happy birthday, son!" as he passed him a medium sized gift bag with a few presents inside. "Are you going to turn me into a hybrid? Cause that's what I really want" Hurricane told him with Greyson and Elias exchanging awkward stares. Before Greyson turned back towards Hurricane, "No... but I got you something even better, open it". Hurricane wasn't sure about this claim, being a hybrid would mean his dad would treat him the same as his siblings, that's what he really wanted. He rummaged through the gift bag retrieving a small box wrapped in metallic blue paper. Curious he ripped the paper off revealing the gift to be a brand-new smartphone. Much to the shock of Elias and jealousy of his siblings as Nathan and Sarah hadn't gotten theirs until their 10th birthday, Hurricane was only six. Hurricane on the other hand was ecstatic, "A phone! Thanks dad!". Elias couldn't hide the fact that this made his heart sink "You got him a phone?". Greyson smiled back full of confidence, "Yeah all kids have phones these days" receiving a frown from Elias "he's six". Greyson looked back at him like he had offended him, "so?" a slight tension growing between the pair "he's a little young for a phone don't you think?". Before Greyson could reply Hurricane broke through the tension "I can't keep it?" looking at his fathers with the cutest face possible, one that Elias could not resist "you can keep it, but we'll have to set some boundaries". Hurricane erupted with joy once more jumping out of bed and hugging Elias "thanks dad! You're the best!". This ignited Greyson's jealousy with him quickly changing the subject, "anyway why are you still in your pyjamas, we've got to get to your birthday party!". This worried Elias knowing that Hurricane didn't cope well in large clouds, "there won't be many people attending will there? Elias has a history of not doing well in large crowds". This surprised Greyson, this was the first time he had heard about his son's social anxiety, "I don't think so. My parents told me it will be a small affair because of Elias's extenuating circumstances". Elias knew these 'circumstances' was that Hurricane was part wolf, but that didn't vex him nearly as much as Elias being banned from the party altogether due to being a Jacobs. "Are you sure we can't come?" Elias asked trying to force his way to an invite. "I'm sorry but there's no way in hell my parents are going to let you go to Elias's party. Your banned from ever stepping foot in the house again after what you did". This intrigued Link and Hurricane, "What did you do dad? Were you bad?" hearing this made Elias smile. "No he did the right thing, it just meant all my families secrets weren't secrets anymore. Your dad even got my family banned from the high witch council, they still hate you for that". "secrets? Like keeping our family in the Pits?" Link guessed knowing that the Blood family had to do something with the packs imprisonment. This made Greyson uneasy as he sighed, "amongst other things, blondie".

Soon afterwards Hurricane demanded they all leave the room so he could get dressed for the party. Coming out in a smart blue buttoned up shirt and jeans, looking like a little man which Elias couldn't decide if he despised or loved. Then came the part he was dreading as he said goodbye to Hurricane watching Greyson hold his hand and lead him away to the party. Making Elias feel lost, his son had just been taken from him and it hurt every fibre of his being, the only consolation being he would return in a few hours. He then felt something inside his jacket and remembered that he hadn't given Hurricane his last present yet as he had been distracted by Greyson's arrival. They then headed back inside the confides of the house with it already feeling much emptier without them all together. To make matters worse Nick came into the room with a birthday cake expecting to see Hurricane but seeing him missing he asked, "Where's the little fire-cracker?" which caused a flood of misery to flow through the house.


After a good 10 minutes of walking, Greyson and Hurricane had made it to the Blood mansion. Hurricane was left awe struck of the huge building in front of him. Greyson, having lived there all his life didn't catch Hurricane admiration as he gently pulled him along inside the house. Where they were greeted by a sudden boom of music, which made them both jump back. Hearing a, "sorry son!" from Alastair who had accidently turned the speaker all the way up. He then turned around seeing that Greyson wasn't alone, "Is that my grandson?". He walked over to them a welcoming smile on his face, Hurricane wasn't sure what to make of him as the last time he checked his grandfather had tried to kill him and his family. "Oh right, you haven't met yet. Dad, this is my son Elias" Greyson introduced him with Hurricane hiding behind his dad. Alastair intently studied his grandson, "Elias? He's named after that filthy bloodsucker?" this comment causing Hurricane to frown as he had just insulted his dad. Greyson shook his head, "That filthy bloodsucker raised your grandson, show him some respect for that at least". There was an awkward pause where the two men engaged in a staring contest in which the conversation eventually turned, "but he looks just like you when you were his age. He's got your dimple and everything". They were then joined by Mary who had just finished decorating, "There's the birthday boy, home with his real family, where he belongs" linking arms with her husband. "Mum, you haven't invited lots of people, have you?" Greyson asked knowing his mother had the habit of going above and beyond when it came to social gatherings. He was greeted with a warm smile, "Not many, just some close family friends. They want to meet the newest addition to the family". Greyson didn't entirely believe his mum, "Okay if you're sure, I don't want Hurricane to get overwhelmed with everything". "Hurricane? I thought the boy's name was Elias" his father looked at him confused. "That's his pack nickname, dad" Greyson informed Alastair, with him frowning back at him, "There will be no talk of wolves or the pack at the party, understood?". Before they could reply with more than a nod, they heard a ring from front door bell echoing throughout the mansion. Alastair then started to walk over the door to welcome the guests, "not a word". "Honey, don't keep our guests waiting" Mary told her husband who nodded and speedily walked out the room to the front door. Full of nerves, Hurricane hid behind his dad as he heard his grandfather bellow, "Veronica, Jeremiah welcome back!" leading his guests to the main hall. Hearing their first guests approaching Mary took Hurricane's wrist and pulled him out from behind Greyson, much to Hurricanes displeasure. "Is that the little lad? He's so adorable" The woman, who Hurricane guessed was Veronica, asked Mary. Hurricane frowned he hated being referred to as cute or adorable. But none of the adults seemed to notice his displeasure continuing with the conversation, "This is our Grandson, Elias Blood"....

The next few hours, Hurricane was put on show by his grandparents as the future heir of the Blood family and was made to greet stranger after stranger, all who were apparently friends of the family. He quickly grew bored of all the cheek pinching and formalities. The party flooding with people he didn't know, making him feel nervous as he longed for the family he left behind. He left his father's side trying to get away from the pressures of being a first born Blood, making his way to the table of edibles his ravaging hunger getting the better of him. At the table he spotted a double chocolate cake, this appealed to him as usually he had to fight his brothers for a slice as they all enjoyed it, but they weren't there to stop him this time. He took a slice catching the back end of the conversation between two women conversing at the table, "...where did this boy come from anyway? I don't remember Greyson having a girlfriend let alone a child" one woman said, pushing her short blond hair behind her ears. Hurricane skilfully listened in on the conversation knowing they were talking about him. He watched as the two women leaned in closer to not be heard by anyone, except him. The other woman who had shiny long brown hair whispered "I heard that the boy is a rape baby, but you didn't hear that from me". The other woman seemed shocked by this, "really?" as Hurricane listened in. "ah-ha. Apparently, his mother was a wolf and get this... Elias Jacobs has been looking after him all this time". "Elias Jacobs? The vampire prince? but why?" the blond woman rhetorically asked. The brunette shrugged, "I don't know. The Bloods only want the boy for their family legacy, even if he is a wolf. But you and me both know there are ways of fixing that...". They continued with their conversation but Hurricane had enough, beginning to feel hot and lightheaded, it had all become too much for the young boy. He grasped at his chest feeling his heart racing and leaving him short of breath. He looked around the flood of strangers to find his real father and family but remembered they were not there with him. He was alone. Hurricanes eyes changed from ocean blue to red as he began to feel tears run down his face, feeling completely helpless. He just wanted to go home. The pressure of being unwanted weighing down on him, Hurricane dropped the chocolate cake on the table and ran away somewhere quieter, where he wasn't obscured by a raging headache from the horrible music at the party. Eventually taking refuge on the staircase in the main hall, where he sat in a ball, face dug into his knees as he silently cried, wanting to go home to the people who actually cared about him.

Hurricane was sat alone on the stairs. A phantom at his own birthday party, he had long been lost amongst the sea of strangers. He didn't even know where his dad was. It had all become too much for him: the music being so unbearably loud he couldn't hear himself think, enemies everywhere. He longed for his real family. He could still feel the tears running down his cheeks just thinking about it. Taking his head out of his hands he saw the front door staring right back at him, enticing him. He wanted to go home. The door beckoning him to leave and with no one to stop him he got up and left the prison of the Blood mansion behind him. The chilly winter breeze being a welcomed relief from the stuffy mansion. He then set off to find his way home, determined to be with his real family. But, having no idea where he was, he soon became hopelessly lost.

Chapter 56

Back in the mansion, Jennifer was frantically looking around for Hurricane after not seeing him for a while. Seeing her cousin seemingly doing the same poking his head out from the crowds of strangers she approached him, "Greyson? Have You seen Elias?" she asked worriedly as she walked over to him. He looked back at her surprised "I was about to ask you the same question". Panic began to set in, "He's missing?!" they both were overcome with dread, sweat dripping from their brows. Their ears ringing as everything seemed to fall into slow motion as they looked around at the plethora of guests, Elias nowhere in sight. Their breathing intensifying, "Oh no! Where is he!" Greyson exclaimed his heart and knees trembling, his face turning deathly pale as the guilt of losing his son began to overwhelm him. He then felt a sudden pressure on his shoulder, causing him to jump back. They then looked behind them seeing their uncle Lobo and Olivia who were just as confused as them, "You scared the shit out of me, uncle Lobo" Greyson told him. "Language, Grey" Jennifer warned him, trying to be a good influence for Olivia he apologised. "Jeez, I know its Halloween but it's your son's birthday party, for god sake. Speaking of, where is the birthday boy? I haven't given him my present yet" Lobo told them showing them his present wrapped in star wrapping paper. "We don't know" Greyson mumbled looking down at the ground. "What do you mean, you don't know?" his tone was stern demanding an answer from his nephew. Greyson now physically shaking gulped before replying "I haven't seen Elias". Lobo was furious at their lax attitudes at their missing family member, but took charge of the situation knowing they needed to find him. "Greyson, when did you see him last?" Lobo asked his nephew not expecting the answer of 2 hours ago to come from his mouth. "We need to find him, NOW! Search the house back to front and meet back here in 5 minutes" He directed as they all dispersed thoroughly looking for Elias. After 5 minutes, they're grouped failing to find any trace of Elias, making them extremely worried. "He's not in the house, what are we going to do?!" Greyson panicked feeling the guilt weighing down on him. "We could find him with a locater spell?" Olivia suggested, and although it was a brilliant idea, it had one short coming, there were no maps in the house. "It's all my fault, he told me that Elias didn't do well in large crowds. Not only did I ignore him, but now my son is missing!" Greyson panicked, the fear of never seeing his son again playing on his mind. His uncle seeing this comforted him by grasping his shoulder, trying to give him some comfort "You know your going to have to tell Elias about this, right?" Lobo asked trying not to cause Greyson to implode from fear. "Me? Why me? He will kill me if he finds out... or even worse he wont let me see Elias anymore" Greyson hyperventilated, he had only just found out that he had a son and didn't want to give him up. Lobo stared back at him in disbelief, but knew he was coming from a good place. "You need to call him. He's his son too. Trust me, he will be angry but I can assure you that if you don't tell him and he finds out that you kept it from him..." he paused as a horrified look dawned on his face as he gulped, "lets just say there is a reason people say the wrath of the Jacobs's follows you to the grave". This froze them in place, causing them to visibly shake "Call him son, at the very least he'll help find him". Feeling lost and with limited options he knew his uncle was right, hesitation wasn't an option if they were going to find his son anytime soon. The music blearing through the mansion, the four of them forcibly making their way through the large crowd, stepping on a few toes in the process, as they began to make their way outside so they could hear themselves think whilst making the call. Just as they made it to the door they heard a familiar screech of Greyson's mother coming from behind them "Greyson, where are you going?". Greyson turned towards his mother shewing her away, "Not now mum!" not waiting for his mothers response as he followed the rest of his family outside, being met with an icy breeze. Prompted by his uncle, Greyson retrieved his phone from his pocket and called Elias to tell him Hurricane was missing expecting the worst.

Across town a melancholy melody dragged through the Jacobs household, Nathan was immersed playing the piano missing his little brother. The gloomy atmosphere continued with Joseph and Sarah playing a game of chess in complete silence. Sarah shutting him down every time he went to speak to her. In the lounge, Elias was sat on the couch reading with Link curled in next to him, bringing back some bitter sweet memories of Nathan when he was his age in the Pits, making him miss Hurricane even more. "Dad, will Elias be home soon?" Link asked for the 30th time since Hurricane had left for the party. This was the longest the family had been apart, they could feel the loneliness eating away at them as the hours flew by, not hearing anything about Hurricanes return home. Elias sighed comforting Link by rubbing his shoulder "He should be home soon, Link" he assured him which was enough to convince Link as the two continued to read. Turning the page of his book Elias saw a small flying disc with a hole in the centre land on the pillow next to him followed by the collective laughter of his younger brothers. For the past 20 minutes they had been playing ring toss, aiming for Elias's horns and failing miserably. The combination of Elias's broken ring and his uncooperative hair meant that his horns, although tiny, were on full view for his brothers to take advantage of and dehumanise into a child's carnival game. He lacked the energy to stop them, secretly enjoying their failed attempts, making him wonder how they even survived to adulthood. Nick went to have a go aiming just above Elias's head with the ring in his hand. Once satisfied he released it watching it fly forward towards Elias looking like it would hit its target. Then at the last second it quickly changed direction smashing into the wall, the ring becoming firmly indented within it. This caused a harrowing silence to form, as Nathan walked into the room with a smug look on his face. Walking past Nick and Aidan he shot them an menacing glare before heading over to his father and brother on the couch. "Dad, it's been too long, we need to go over there and pluck him from their deceiving clutches." Nathan demanded with Link nodding with him, they all wanted Hurricane back home. Elias took a deep breath sympathising with them, he too felt lost without him there, but the everlasting plague of him not being Hurricanes biological father took hold. "Nathan, I-" he began but stopped midsentence as his phone began to ring. Assuming correctly that it was Greyson he answered the call. But what he didn't expect was to be told that his son was missing and nowhere to be found at the party. A mix of panic and anger started to consume him, feeling a burning desire to rip Greyson's heart from his chest but he tried to stay focused on finding his missing child. The children having no idea what was being said were plagued with confusion, "What is it?". "Your brothers missing" Elias told them, causing their confused faces to melt into ones of shock.

Chapter 57

Without hesitation, Elias leaped into action forgoing the pain of using his vampire abilities to quickly grab everything he needed for a locater spell. He laid the map of Angels Cove out on the dining room table, using some of Sarah's blood to pinpoint Hurricanes location, successfully performing the spell they watched in awe as the drop of blood travelled across the map stopping at a chillingly familiar bridge not to far from the house, the exact bridge where Elias had found Hurricane as a infant. Knowing where Hurricane was, he called Claire to watch the children, learning from his past mistake of leaving them with Nick. Within minutes Claire arrived accompanied by Athena, the pair ignoring Nick as they walked straight past him into the lounge to watch the children, allowing Elias to put on his coat and grab an extra one for Hurricane before darting off to bring his son back home.

Ignoring the intense pain clawing away at him, he quickly made it to the bridge, a chilly breeze beating him down, making him feel glad he brought an extra coat for Hurricane. He peered under the bridge seeing a flash of red and hearing tiny sniffles echoing from underneath it, he had found him. He quickly called Claire to tell him that he had found him, to ease their worry before heading over to his son. As he approached, he saw that Hurricane was hunched over sitting on the floor his face and arms buried between his knees. Now closer he could hear the boys muffled cries, causing Elias's heart to shatter. He wanted to scoop him up and take him home right then and there but he needed to know why he had run away, without the added influence of anyone else, "How fortuitous I would find you here". Hurricane recognising his father's voice looked up, his eyes luminous red from where he had been crying. "Dad!" he wept as tears cascaded down his face as he leapt into his father's arms, Elias embraced him wrapping the spare coat around him in the process. "You had everyone worried, Elias. What possessed you to leave by yourself?" He asked him trying to come across firm but caring. Hurricane came out of the hug, still crying putting the coat on properly "I didn't mean to. It was so loud, I just wanted to go home. So, I left and got lost on the way" he sobbed, physically shaking with Elias pulling him in for a hug once more. "Why does no one love me?" Hurricane sniffled, rendering Elias speechless, having no idea where this was coming from "What?". Hurricane wiped the snot from his nose, "My real mum hates me and I heard some of the adults at the party say that my dad only wants me for the family legaity". "Legacy?" Elias correctly interpreted with Hurricane nodding. Hearing this broke Elias's heart, he had no idea that his son felt so worthless and unloved, Elias had always tried his best to show his children that he loved them. Now he wondered if he had done enough.

Unsure what to say next, Elias took out the folded a4 envelope from his inside jacket pocket and handed it to Hurricane with a warm smile on his face, "I was meant to give you this this morning, but you left before I could". Curious, Hurricane wiped the tears from his face before shaking the envelope feeling a small clank of metal with the added weight of something tucked into the bottom right-hand corner. Elias let out a small chuckle "open it then". With the added prompt from his father he opened the envelope tilting it forward to reveal a silver locket, it looked exactly like Link's and Nathan's except the engraving on the front of the locket was different. Examining the locket, he recognised the Pack emblem on the right-side but the other side was a mystery to him. He turned back to the envelope to see if there were any more clues, pulling out a piece of paper instead. Confusion emerged on his face as he tried to read it, not quite understanding its contents "Adoption?" he questioned turning towards his father. Elias wore a gleaming smile as he told him "I might not be your real father, but you have always been my son. That certificate makes it official. When I found you here as an infant, I knew you were meant to be a part of my family, especially after you and Link got along so well". Hurricane smiled back, "we liked each other even as babies?" Elias then chuckled, "You two have always been inseparable". This caused Hurricanes smile to grow into a blazing gleam. Elias then sighed knowing he had a more pressing issue at hand, "I know that this custody thing hasn't been easy on you, I despise it to. We all felt lost without you today, but you can't wonder off without telling anyone. If anything had happened to you, I don't know what I would have done". Hurricane looked guiltily at the floor, before looking back up to his father his eyes fading back to an ocean blue "I'm sorry dad" he sniffled. "It's not your fault son. I should have insisted for us to go with you" Elias rubbed his shoulder as Hurricane focused once more on the locket opening it to reveal a tiny photo of the whole pack enclosed inside. Whilst the other half of the locket was blank, "I left that side blank so you could fill it with a picture of your choice" Elias told him as he watched Hurricane smile appear on his face once more. "The engraving on the front is the combination of my family crest and the pack emblem, because you are a part of both. You shouldn't need that sheet of paper for you to know that I love you. But, will you accept me as your adopted father?" Elias asked Hurricane nervously as he sweated profusely trying to keep his emotions in check. Hurricane closed the locket looking at the engraving once more, as he became overrun with emotions, burying his face in his father's chest as he cried with tears of joy "I love you dad". Elias smiled, "I'll take that as a yes then, shall I?". Hurricane unable to express himself without tears bawling down his face, nodded profusely. This warmed Elias's deadbeat heart, he had always seen Hurricane as his son, but when the Bloods declared their interest in Hurricane, they made him feel that his relationship with him was invalidated, especially after they found out his true identity as a Jacobs. "Can we go home now?" Hurricane asked leaning against Elias's arm. "If you're ready". Hurricane got up from the floor and Elias followed suit dusting himself down and Hurricane extended his hand to his father before looking up at him and seeing his horns on show "Dad what about your horns?". Elias had completely forgotten about his horns but shrugged it off, "Son, It's Halloween, the one time of year no one will batter an eye". The two laughed before slowly making their way back home for a well-deserved hot chocolate.

After a short walk, they arrived back home hearing the familiar growl of Claire coming from inside the house. Fearing the worst, they both made their way inside. But to Elias's surprise she wasn't shouting at Nick, but at the Bloods who had invaded the lounge. Only stopping upon seeing them come through the door. "Hurricane, honey. Thank god you're okay" Claire ran up to him, wrapping her arms around him squeezing him. "Aunt Claire... I can't breathe" Hurricane protested as he struggled against her embrace. As Claire freed him from her grasp, the rest of the family emerged hearing the absence of shouting seeing their family whole once more. Link couldn't control his excitement almost tackling his brother to the floor. Thea following behind Link and with no collar holding her back, finished the job with the three of them tumbling to the ground. With the siblings and cousins reunited once more, the children were full of laughter. Contrasting with the adults were an awkward but piercing silence simmered. "Why don't you children play in the courtyard. The adults need to talk" Elias ushered them away, knowing that chaos was about to take hold. The trio took no notice gleefully making their way to the courtyard, but Nathan and Sarah were reluctant to leave, not wanting to miss the explosive argument. "You two as well" Elias called them out seeing them still in the back of the room. They tried to protest "But Dad..." but Elias shut them down with a firm "Now" and the two sluggishly made their way outside to join the others. He waited until the children were gone watching the doors slam shut before turning to the Bloods for their own explanation on what happened, but instead was bombarded with excuses which he dismissed immediately. Instead, with a stern voice he asked, "What happened?!". The Bloods remained silent, Lobo and Jennifer expecting Greyson to explain himself but the awkward silence lingered for a good 30 seconds before Claire filled in the gaps for them "they lost him at the party and didn't realise until two hours later that he wasn't there". Elias looked back at them gobsmacked. Greyson twiddled his thumbs "I looked away for one second..." "you forgot about him you mean" Claire huffed to the dismay of Lobo. "That's not fair Claire" But Claire wasn't playing around her eyes a crimson red, "Fair? my grandson went missing because HE couldn't look after him properly. I think I have the right to be pissed off!". "In Grey's defence as soon as he realised he went looking for him" Lobo tried his best to defend his nephew but Claire was raging at Lobo, "why are you defending him?" "He's my nephew" he snapped back with Claire just as quickly firing back, "Am I not your sister?". Claire watched as Lobo's stepped back his posture changing as his shoulders dragged to the ground, Claire seeing this was disappointed in her older brother "I see". "You're a hypocrite! Lecturing me about what I should be doing with my son, when you rejected your own daughters when they were born." Claire felt pure anger rising from her stomach using her vampire speed grabbing his neck, pinning him against the wall as she spat, "Hold your tongue, or I will rip it out!" baring her fangs watching the fear take hold of him. Nick hearing the commotion lurked in the doorway, enjoying the show. Lobo stepped in commanding her to let go of Greyson's neck. "Why should I? Elias already has a father, there is no use for him." Claire reasoned a menacing glare on her face as she tightened her grip around Greyson's neck. Although frightened Greyson held his own, "I don't know how many times I can apologise... for everything. But I love that boy, I won't apologise for that. I just want to see my son, whatever it takes.". Claire wanted to snap his neck but couldn't, feeling that he was genuine and sympathising with him. As much as she hated it she released her hands from his neck freeing him from her grasp, whilst retracting her fangs "Look, I admit rejecting my daughters was the worst decision I ever made. Watching them grow up from the side lines... I would take it all back if I could. I don't want that for my grandson, I want him to feel that you love him for him and not out of obligation to your family". Greyson stood frozen a small grin on his face as he rubbed his neck "I will be there for him, just give me another chance. I don't want to loose him, not again" His pleading swaying Claire. Lobo seeing this tried to sweeten the deal to Claire, "He really cares about him, he's all Grey ever talks about.". Claire sighed, "I'm not the one you need to convince" as she turned towards Elias who was quietly listening to the conversation. The Bloods then turned to Elias full baby eyes, like a dog begging for a treat as he wondered what to do. Part of him wanted to keep Hurricane all to himself today's events being a good enough reason to refuse. But when he had approached Greyson about adopting Hurricane he agreed on the condition that he would still be able to see him. As a man of honour, Elias knew he had no choice so with a deep sigh announced "I will honour our agreement. But, only supervised contact. You clearly can't be trusted to look after him on your own" he watched as Greyson face turned full of relief upon hearing his decision, he really did care about Hurricane.

Chapter 58

The early morning sun shun through the windows of the house, but the household was already full of life "Dad!!! Elias is playing my cello again!" Link's voice bellowed from upstairs. Elias could barely hear what he was saying the ear piercing screech of a cello breaking his ear drums "WHAT!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU THROUGH THAT TERRIBLE CELLO PLAYING!". The sound came to an abrupt halt as a thud slowly made its way downstairs followed by a loud sobbing. Hearing this Elias, Cleo and Nathan, who were all in the lounge, turned their attention to the stairs expecting to see one of the boys but to his surprise it was Florence instead. Tears were cascading down her cheeks, her eyes red and sore with her breathing heavily, her whole body shaking. Cleo immediately jumped up wrapping her in her arms, "What's wrong?". Florence could barely speak digging her head into Cleo's chest "She's go-ne.... she pa-ss-ed away in her sleep" she sobbed barely audible between her cries. Just then Joseph and Sarah came in from the courtyard after sparring with one another. Immediately sensing the tension in the room, Joseph saw his mother crying and deep down he knew why, but was hoping he was wrong "It's mum isn't it?". Florence tried to speak but nothing but dribble came out. Elias released the boy from his torment, "Yes Joseph, she passed away peacefully last night". Elias watched Joseph's heart sink as he started to cry and to Elias's surprise, he came over to him and hugged him. Elias, comforted him feeling his heartbreak as he sobbed uncontrollably in his arms. Nathan and Sarah felt out of place but they knew that their friend needed them and more importantly, that they had done the right thing. "It's okay son. She wasn't in any pain" Elias assured him as Joseph continued to squeeze him and lured Nathan and Sarah to join the hug as well "Were soo sorry, Joseph".

The next few days were a blur as they prepared for the funeral. A gloomy atmosphere had settled in the house, where Florence couldn't stop crying as she mourned the loss of her wife. Unintentionally ignoring her son and his feelings about losing his mother with Elias adopting the role of supportive parent to Joseph. He hadn't thought that he would be Joseph's go to family member, he barely knew the boy, but he wasn't going to turn him down when he desperately needed someone to confide in. Soon, the day of the funeral came and Elias took Hurricane to see his father leaving the others at home. Elias's children didn't attend the funeral, feeling like it wasn't a place for children, so they had remained home under the care of Aidan. Nathan was sitting in a chair in the dining room reading a book of advanced dark magic spells with his headphones in listening to some rock music. A small plotted plant was keeping him company, as he became immersed in the book ignorant to the struggles surrounding him. Not long afterwards, a brigade of black came into the house as the mourners came home from the funeral. Florence was belting her eyes out with both Cleo and Nick guiding her through to the dining room. "I'll make some coffee" Cleo went off to the kitchen with Nick making sure Florence was okay before helping. Florence's eyes looked across the table at Nathan who was unknowingly using his magic touching the plant next to him causing it to decay before touching it once again bringing it back to life. Seeing him do this caused her to be consumed by grief as she felt a rising anger in her stomach as she watched him revive the plant over and over with complete ease. She became enraged, feeling betrayed that he could have saved her wife's life and chose not to. Only seeing red, she got up from the chair stomping over to Nathan hitting him repeatedly, catching him unawares, knocking him from the chair to the ground. Link hearing the commotion from the hallway rushed in seeing Florence brutally assaulting Nathan. Instinct taking over, his fangs emerged as he came to his brothers aid speeding over to them and biting Florence's arm before collapsing to the floor due to the pain from his collar. "You little runt, you bit me!" Florence screamed looking at the bite on her arm, all her rage now focused on Link. She sped over to him, blinded by rage, not taking a moment to think before raising her hand about to hit him. Link still enduring the pain from his collar, looked up at her about to hit him and closed his eyes fearing the worst. He waited for the hit, but it never came. Sarah had grabbed her wrist mid punch, preventing her from hitting Link as she calmly threatened, "Lay one more finger on my brothers and I'll rip out your heart" her eyes blazing red. This interruption made Florence regain her senses of normality as her anger simmered down, realising what she had done. But by then, the damage was already done as Elias who was previously talking to Jennifer outside with Hurricane stormed into the dining room seeing the destruction in its wake. Seeing both Nathan and Link slumped over on the floor. Rushing over to them he made sure Link was okay, but upon reaching Nathan he saw that he was the true target of the attack his face bruised and bloodied as it began to slowly heal itself. Elias helped the boys up and then began the running excuses from Florence "It was an accident". Elias looked at Nathans bloody face knowing it was not, "You call THIS an accident?" gently turning Nathans head towards her. Filled with guilt Florence tried to defend her actions "I lost control. He was using his magic to revive the plant and I just saw red.". "So that gives you a reason to beat him does it?" Sarah snapped, like her father not buying a word that came out of her mouth. Florence remained deathly silent. An icy chill seeped through the house bursting its way into the lounge alongside it echoes of death as the room fell victim to rapid decay. "I'm tired of this" Elias spat at her whilst looking down at her with an icy glare, his eyes pure white. "What?" she looked back at him confused as Cleo and Nick returned drinks in hand, "What happened in here?" seeing the chaos in front of them. Elias ignored them fully focused on Florence, "I'm tired of pretending you're a decent person. I'm tired of you never taking accountability for your actions but most of all I'm tired of your excuses" the cold growing around them causing Nick and Cleo to shake. "Accountability?-" Florence was confused but Elias wasn't convinced becoming frustrated "Come on! YOU were the reason I ended up in the pits with the wolves. YOU are the one that stabbed the mother of my unborn child and the reason Link has his scar. You just attacked my children. Yet, you are still trying to play the victim.". "I just buried my wife! I'm sorry if I'm emotional" She quickly fired back, with Elias shaking his head disapprovingly back at her "another excuse". The tension was becoming unbearable as the air around them seemed to disappear making Florence violently cough. "Elias stop it. Whatever Florence has done we put it behind us. Were family" Cleo defended her older sister. Elias looked frustrated at his siblings as his eyes returned to normal. "Not anymore." He mumbled under his breath turning to children "You children go get ready, were leaving". The four of them looked surprisingly at each other before sluggishly leaving the room leaving behind an awkward silence. This was short lived as Nick erupted "You can't leave!".

"My children aren't safe here, Nicholas. If Florence remains here, we cannot. Their safety is my only concern and it is clear to me from today's events, that they would be in danger if we stayed" Elias snapped back, his mind made up. Elias went to leave turning his back towards Nick. Nick then forcibly pulled him back pinning him against the dining room table, "You're not going anywhere, we just got you back". Elias looked up at him a smug look embodied in his face like he knew he was going to do that. Elias simply clicked his fingers and watched as Nick's hand burst into flame making him writhe in pain, freeing Elias from his grip. As soon as Nick let go of him he stopped the spell freeing him of his torment. Elias, having gotten the message across went to leave but before he did he turned to Florence, "If you wasn't my sister, you would be dead" watching a petrified expression dawn on her face. Satisfied he left the room venturing upstairs to help the children pack their belongings leaving his siblings alone with their thoughts in complete silence.

Chapter 59

Elias arrived upstairs knocking on Nathans door for the last time, "come in" he heard muffled through the door. Elias then opened the door seeing Nathan packing his spell books. "Let me help you with that" He went over to the book shelf taking the last few books on the shelf and placing them in the bag as he did Nathan froze. He was visibly shaking, his bruising was beginning to ease, but was still shocked by what had happened. Elias pulled him in giving him a huge hug "I'm sorry she did that" he told him as tears started to trickle down Nathan's face "I didn't even do anything wrong". "I know, son." He sighed feeling disgraced by Florence's actions. Then there was an extra pressure as something latched onto the side of them. Looking down they saw Hurricane and Link joining in on the hug somehow managing to sneak in undetected. Nathan chuckled through his tears "How did you two get in here without us noticing" he sniffled roughing up Hurricanes hair as Link was just out of his reach. "The door was open..." Link went to speak but squished in to the hug causing his words to become muffled. "What is going on here? And why wasn't I invited?" Sarah sassed leaning in the doorway, her bagged packed as she watched claws of hands luring her over. "Come on Sarah" Nathan beckoned and giving in she joined them in the warm embrace almost suffocating Link in the process. After some struggling Link managed to free himself taking a deep breath, where the hug ended shortly afterwards. "I want you to know that none of this was your fault. I know what my family is capable of and I chose to ignore it and that decision hurt you. I should have listened to you" Elias confessed to the children, but Nathan took to his fathers defence "You didn't do anything wrong, dad. You were just trying to protect us. I'm the one that screwed it all up". "Shut up Nate, she's the one that hit you. So what you threatened her a few times" Sarah protested hitting Nathan on the back, causing him to groan in pain to which Sarah paid no notice. Hurricane chuckled "It was more than a few times..." receiving piercing looks from his siblings "well it's true!". Rolling their eyes Link looked up at his father, "Dad, what happens now?" returning to the more serious matter at hand. Elias stopped to think about this for a moment before sighing "We return home, to the pack. I'm sure your grandfather and grandma Daisy will be overcome with joy when they hear the news. Speaking of, I should call them to announce our return." Elias went to leave the room, digging out his phone from his trouser pocket placing next to his ear. Turning around just before the door "You children keep packing, I shouldn't be too long" he smiled before going outside to make the call.

About half an hour later they were finished packing, placing all their belongings in their bottomless bags when they heard the screech of tires coming from outside. Peering out the window, they saw two cars had pulled up right outside the house with Alpha Peter emerging from one and Claire and Thea in the other. "It's grandpa and aunt Claire!" Link stating the obvious as they waved to them excitedly through the windows. Elias then returned his attention to packing making sure they had all their belongings "Do you have everything?" he asked them with the children looking back at him clueless. "So we have clothes. Nathan's violin. Sarah's arsenal of weapons. Hurricanes art supplies. Nathan did you remember your apothecary collection?" Nathan nodded back at him hitting his shoulder bag, "Good. I don't want Joseph to have an accident he is not the type to stop and think" he trailed off. "My cello! We can't forget that!" Link interrupted to which Elias pulled out the cello case from behind him "like I would forget that. It's huge!" they all let out a chuckle. "Dad the only thing we don't have is the sewing machine, and I doubt that will fit in our bags." Nathan joked. "Well, we should get going we don't want to keep them waiting for too long" Elias got up from the bed grabbing the cello case and both Links and Hurricanes bag, weighing him down slightly. Then the children led the way down the stairs going straight outside to meet their family. "GRANDPA!" The boys shouted as the burst the way through the front door, bypassing the spell that kept them inside with ease, and were met with a warm smile "Boys!" he hugged them before helping them get in the car. Elias appeared shortly behind them, having to drag his legs along due to the weight of the bags. Seeing him struggling and his collar activating through the use of his vampire abilities, Peter went to help him with the load "Son, let me help you". He then proceeded to take one of the bags from Elias, but as he did both the bag and himself collapsed to the floor. "What's in these bags?" he asked as Elias helped him up opening the trunk to put the bags inside. Doing so propelled the car upwards the front wheels levitating from the weight of the trunk. "Everything" Elias shrugged seeing Nathan and Sarah experiencing the same in Claire's car before getting inside, somehow evening up the weight as the car regained function of all four wheels. He then skilfully squished the cello case into the trunk where he heard, "I want you to reconsider.... please" come from behind him. Elias turned around seeing Nick with a depressed look on his face. Cleo, Aidan and Joseph were not far away lingering by the front door with Florence nowhere to be seen. Elias took a deep breath, deep down he didn't want to leave but the children's safety took president over his own desires "You know I can't, Nick" he told him a hint of sadness resonating in his voice. "It was an accident she won't do it again, I'll make sure of it" Nick pleaded with him. But Elias shook his head, "How many 'accidents' does my son have to endure before there no longer accidents? We both know you would defend Florence, no matter what.-" he was interrupted by the soft voice of Thea "Can we go home now, Uncle Elias?" catching the brothers off guard. Claire came up behind her "Thea, I told you to wait in the car" gently grabbing her wrist trying to get her to not say anything more. "But waiting's soo boring" she said with a grin on her face, knowing exactly what she was doing. She was bored but that wasn't why she had gotten out of the car, she wanted to see her disappointment of a father in the flesh. She studied him intensely, "you look nothing like your picture" Thea coldly informed him leaving Nick confused "my what?". But her attention had already shifted to her uncle "So can we go now? I want to play with Link and Elias" satisfied with finally meeting her father. Knowing Claire didn't want Nick to know about Thea he nodded choosing his next words extremely carefully, "Yes sweetheart. Why don't you and Claire get in the car I'll be one moment". With this Thea took her mother's hand and the two headed back to the car leaving Nick and Elias alone once more. "How old is she?" a curious Nick asked beginning to put the pieces together. Elias completely avoided his question implanting his own "Links Birthday is on the 15th. Your still going to that, right?". To which Nick looked at him in disbelief "If I'm still invited then of course". Elias smiled warmly, "Of course your invited". At the corner of his eye he saw Link and Hurricane staring frustratedly through the cars back window. "We should be going" he said opening the back door of the car and sliding inside sitting next to his red haired counterpart, the car levelling out. Once he shut the door he was bombarded with "Does everyone have their seatbelts on?" they all nodded but Hurricane turned to his father seeing him seatbelt-less snitching on him "Dad you're not wearing your seatbelt". Alpha Peter then turned around on the chair commanding him to fasten his seatbelt.

After fumbling around trying to find his seatbelt they were finally ready and signalling Claire the cars slowly began to propel forwards as they began the journey back to the pack. Elias turned around seeing his brother's empty stare looking back at him as the car turned the corner leaving his family behind. After about 15 minutes of driving, they arrived back at the pack and were bombarded with a swarm of wolves as soon as they got out of the car. "There home!" "What happened to you?" were some of the comments emerging from the crowd. Alpha Peter having to shout "Give them some space, Pack" for the chaos to simmer down. Once they had calmed down they helped settle them back home taking their bags into the pack house, which they didn't realise until to late that it was a mammoth task. The children ran inside the pack house, Elias coming in behind them. Followed by Claire who was still having a firm conversation with Thea on what she did back at Nick's house. The sweet aroma of chocolate emanated from the pack house as they came inside. Elias felt his mouth water as it overtook him and made his way into the kitchen seeing Daisy pulling out a chocolate cake from the oven. He wasn't the only one as all three boys had somehow made their way into the Kitchen gawking at the creation in front of them. Daisy then turned round, a warm smile on her face "I thought I heard you come in. I hope you still like my chocolate cake". "Are you kidding? Grandma Daisy your chocolate cake is the bestiest ever!" Link erupted with joy followed by similar praise from his brothers. Daisy chuckled, "I'm not worthy of such praise. But I try". Peter then came into the room out of breath and huffing "Were back hon" not seeing them in the kitchen as he kissed Daisy on the cheek "I know honey." She told him gesturing to the guests, their presence in the kitchen catching him by surprise. Daisy then turned to the children "I tell you what, the cake is too hot to eat now. Why don't you go unpack and i'll call you down when it's cool enough to eat". Full of excitement, the children ran upstairs in a race to unpack as quickly as possible so they could get first dibs on their grandma's mouthwatering chocolate cake. Daisy then turned to Elias, "Your father told me what happened, I'm so sorry son". Elias returned a warm smile to his aunt, "I couldn't let them stay there after what happened". Both Daisy and Peter smiled warmly back at him trying to show they supported his decision, "well none of that matters now son, your home where you all belong. I only wish I had bought you back sooner. Maybe we could have avoided all this mess". Hearing this made confirmed to Elias that he had done the right thing removing the children from the house. Daisy then turned her attention back to the cake, checking its temperature where a small smile appeared on her face shouting, "Boys! The cakes ready!". Where a huge rumble suddenly erupted upstairs followed by a thundering stampede of the boys racing downstairs, causing Daisy to laugh, "oh how much I've missed that".

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