RWBY and JNPR Watch The Proje...

De CeruleanLancer

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Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project Freelancer. The teams loved the Recollection Trilogy but it's... Mais

Mini-Series: MIA
Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation
S10 Extra Scenes


1.5K 18 1
De CeruleanLancer

Author's note:

So yeah another season 14 episode, I want to get the season 14 episodes out of the way as soon as I can so that it doesn't affect the season 10 reactions too much. Once I get these out of the way I can get to C.T. and that's an episode I'm excited to write a reaction to.

P.S: Also sorry for the wait, I wrote these chapters in a somewhat short time but I was only able to write them recently. School and work is a bastard of a combination.

P.S.S: And now the website has a bug that's fucking the chapters. Yay, hopefully these chapters post.

P.S.S.S: and the bug has finally been fixed, didn't post yesterday because I was working.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S14E16- Head Cannon

"Maybe.. let's see." Jaune moved to hit play but a pop to his right interrupted him.

"Welp, the new kid is gone." Yang shrugged.

"Blake nooooo!" Ruby whined, Blake 2.0 was gone.

The real Blake sighed, "Ruby, I can't keep one up forever."

"Like I said, a gross misuse of a semblance." Weiss sighed. "More pointless than anything."

Blake scowled but said nothing.

Ruby nodded with a frown, "..Yeah it kind of just stared and did nothing... Ooo! I should ask Sun to make Sun clones for us." She pondered the possibility. "His can move around."

"While he can't." Blake countered, her eyes narrowing. "Are you implying his clones are better than mine?"

Ruby gasped, "uhhhhh no?"

Blake shook her head. "His aren't sentient or alive either." Ruby hummed, "Should we ask Sun to watch the show with us?"

"Sure why not, the more the merrier." Yang shrugged.

"Absolutely not." Weiss shook her head.

"Yeah this is an exclusive club!" Nora added.

"I have no objections." Blake chuckled. "But Sun has been catching up with his team and Scarlet is forcing them to train for the Vytal tournament."

Ruby hummed her understanding, "I want to show Sun and Neptune the show, I bet they'd like it."

"Yeah Tucker reminds me of Neptune sometimes." Yang chuckled.

Weiss let out an affronted gasp, "Neptune is NOTHING like Tucker."

Yang shrugged, "He's always after the ladies, you of all people should know that." She wiggled her eyebrows. Weiss blushed, only she and Jaune knew that she was the one to ask Neptune out. Not the other way around.

"Neptune is a gentleman where Tucker is.. most certainly not." Weiss stammered out.

"Yeah." Yang laughed before turning dead serious, "If he begins to act like Tucker I will kill him."

Weiss lightened and laughed, "Not before I do."

Open to starry space.

"Oh another anthology episode." Jaune tilted his head.

"B- they left us on a cliffhanger!" Ruby pouted.

"Not on a bad one." Jaune shrugged. "Just Church and Tucker following Carolina and Wash."

Ruby frowned, "Still a cliffhanger but.. the Anthology episodes have been good so far." She conceded. "I think I liked Room Zero the best."

"You're out of your mind, Get Bent was amazing." Yang laughed.

"I know but the cartoon version of them was so cool!" Ruby explained. "I wonder what Church will do now."

Jaune nodded, "I think we'll see him on Red team. I bet the episodes will be either him misremembering or him trying to find Tex."

"It's not much of an anthology if we only see Church's misadventures in the memory unit." Blake commented.

"I don't mind." Pyrrha shrugged. "But it would be interesting to see something else."

"I want to see him stalk Tex." Yang snickered. "That'd go great for him."

"Romance happens in movies, in real life it's called stalking." Jaune quoted.

Yang laughed, "I know, but I mean literally try. What do you think would happen?"

"He'll get caught and make a fool of himself." Weiss answered.

"Tex will beat him up too." Ruby added.

"Both right." Yang snickered.

Vic: "Around the end of their time in Blood Gulch, the Reds and Blues had a run-in with one bad bro-chacho: the A.I. Omega. AKA O'Malley. AKA Lord Satan von Kills-A-Lot."

"I thought it was Evil Von Evil Satan or something like that." Ruby tried to remember.

Vic: "This duderino had a habit of infecting people's brains via their helmet radios, making them do all sorts of evil stuff. Yeah, I don't get how it works either, but man! What I wouldn't give to see what he saw inside of their heads... If only there were some kind of short story that was..."

" Head Cannon" appears on the screen.

Vic: "Ha-ha-HAWW YEAH!"

"We're going to see the inside of the others heads?" Weiss grimaced. "I dread to think what we will see in Tucker's"

"This is awesome! I've wanted to see the inside of their heads since season five!" Ruby cheered.

Jaune nodded, "Who did he infect? I know it wasn't all of them so we won't see everyone's mind.. let's see he was in Tex, then he infected Caboose, then Doc.. who else?"

"A bunch of them while he was trying to find Tex." Yang hummed. "I can't remember everyone.. I know Simmons was one."

"Don't forget, he also infected Captain Flowers before then." Ren recalled.

"We might see more of him." Pyrrha smiles, "He was.. interesting."

"He was kind of weird." Ruby recoiled.

"I liked him, too bad he got shot by a Wyoming clone." Nora shrugged.

"I like the title." Blake interjected.

"Head Cannon? Why? What does it mean?" Ruby asked.

"I think it's a pun." Blake winced as Yang's eyes lit up.

"It is? Awesome!" Yang grinned, "I don't get it though."

"Remember what canon is?" Blake asked, receiving a few nods she continued. "Headcanon is your view of the canon. Let me explain- I think the insurrectionist leader killed C.T. and stole her armor. That's my headcanon." Blake explained.

"Isn't that a long winded way to explain it's your theory." Weiss frowned.

Blake shrugged, "Head canon is just what people call it. It's generally what you think of the characters and the world too. I think Wash is cynical and bitter because of what happened with Epsilon. But someone can say he's that way because he has feelings of unrequited love, that's their headcanon."

"Hey I like that theory." Yang laughed.

"Yeah, who do you think it is?" Nora asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Carolina?" Pyrrha suggested.

"Yeah of course! Or wait it could be C.T." Nora frowned. "Remember how he comforted her? It has to be love!"

Blake sighed, "I used that as an example of a ridiculous headcanon." The three ignored her and continued to theorize.

"So..." Weiss hummed, grasping the concept. "My headcanon would be that Tucker is a degenerate pervert? Is that headcanon or an opinion."

"Why you think he's a pervert is your headcanon." Blake explained, Weiss nodded.

"Thanks for the lesson but I still don't see the pun." Yang frowned.

"Omega shoots from head to head, whoever has their radio on." Blake explained.

Yang nodded, finally understanding. "Oh!" She chuckled.

Fade in to the Reds hunting down Caboose in their Warthog. Caboose is hiding behind a tree.

Simmons: "Come out so I can shoot you ya fuckstick!"

Grif: "Where did Caboose go?"

"Wait is this season five?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah the finale." Jaune nodded.

Nora lit up. "I loved this episode!"

"The message at the end was great." Blake added with a smile. Learn to hate on a personal level. She quipped in her head.

Sarge: "I don't see him. Caboose!"

Simmons: "Come out Caboose, all we wanna do is shoot you!"

Caboose: "Don't listen to them, it's a trick!"

Pyrrha and the others laughed.

The Warthog's radio starts picking up the Blues

Tex: "(over radio) This is Freelancer Tex broadcasting on an open channel."

Church: "(over radio) This is Private Church broadcasting on an open channel."

"I can't remember what's going on here?" Nora scratched her head.

"So if I remember correctly, Wyoming convinced Tex to let Omega in so they could end the war with the aliens by setting up Tucker's child as their religious leader. But Church knew Omega would enslave the aliens and then have their entire army at his command." Weiss summarized.

"Yes and right now Church is trying to make it harder for Omega to find her." Blake finished.

"Ohh yeah, and the reds are just.. doing their thing." Nora giggled.

"An accurate summary." Ren chuckled, "I wish this entire plot-line had been clearer."

"Me too but I like the current story more." Blake commented. "The alien human war was never explained well."

"It didn't need to be, it was just really funny." Nora laughed.

"I think the alien human war is the game's story, and people watching the show are expected to know it." Jaune commented.

"I want to play the game, Sarge made it look fun." Ruby sighed.

Grif: "Why are the Blues on the radio?"

Simmons: "Who knows? (radio turns on) Hey Blues, shut the fuck up, get off our radios and quit running our batteries down!"

O'Malley shoots in to Simmons' open radio frequency as he laughs. He appears inside Simmons' mind.

Everyone leaned forward.

O'Malley: "Yes, your mind now belongs to me, Tex. With your body, I shall exact my diabolical- Wait a minute..."

"Wait why is it Doc/O'Malley?" Yang asked.

"Yeah it's weird." Jaune nodded.

"What do you mean Doc/O'Malley?" Weiss asked.

Jaune pointed, "It's O'Malley when he's in Doc. In the Blood Gulch Chronicles when O'Malley infected someone, they had a deep voice."

"Yeah the comic diabolical evil villain voice." Ruby imitated said voice "Muahahaha I am evil."

"That's O'Malley's normal voice?" Weiss shook her head, not understanding.

"No but this one was deeper and more main villainy." Jaune explained.

Weiss frowned, "I still don't follow, this is O'Malley, this is Omega."

"Omega changes people when he infects them, remember? Caboose didn't act like O'Malley- er didn't act like Doc did." Ruby explained. "But see? He's purple, has the healing gun and everything."

Weiss's face flashed with understanding, "I see.. it is strange."

"Do you think it's a mistake?" Pyrrha asked.

"Maybe, or O'Malley is just like this after being in Doc for so long." Blake suggested.

"Maybe?" Weiss shrugged.

"Or there's a difference between how he acts. With Tex he may act like Omega but with others he can act like O'Malley." Jaune explained.

"Yeah I wouldn't read into these episodes too much, they're anthology and meant to be funny." Yang explained.

"Good point." Ren nodded.

Jaune moved to hit play but his eyes narrowed, "Hey look at Doc's shoulder." He pointed.

"It's a pill.. those weren't on there before?" Blake frowned.

"It's something new, weird. Looks like an emblem." Ruby commented.

"Yeah it does." Yang nodded. "Oh well." She shrugged.

O'Malley sees a slab, a bookshelf filled with books, and a bust of Simmons.

"He has a statue of himself in his head?" Weiss laughed.

"If I saw into your head I wouldn't be surprised if I saw the same thing." Yang snickered.

"It'd probably be an ice sculpture." Ruby added.

The two laughed.

"I will not tolerate such rude behavior." Weiss huffed, rolling her eyes. "Play the episode."

Jaune did as commanded.

O'Malley: "What is- Are those? No. Nooo! This is not the brain that I am meant to infest!"

Simmons and Grif walk in to see O'Malley.

Simmons: "Oh, my, a guest. Hello there."

"Just like Caboose, Simmons's version of himself is very polite and well spoken." Pyrrha noted.

"People tend to think highly of themselves." Ren shrugged, "It is simply our nature."

"I don't talk like that in my head." Yang commented.

"Yeah me neither." Ruby nodded.

"I'll admit I'm not as polite in my thoughts either." Weiss chuckled.

Simmons: "(to Grif) We have a guest. Grif, you idiot, fetch his coat, and give him a glass of our finest Irish whiskey."

"Oh yeah because he's a Dutch Irish." Ruby nodded. "Not of a Latino persuasion like Grif thinks."

Grif: "(Whining) Do I have to? I'm just so lazy and gross, and I'm pretty sure I disrespect you behind my back. I just can't prove it yet."

"I believe Simmons has an accurate view of Grif." Weiss added with a chuckle.

"Yeah except he disrespects Simmons to his face." Nora pointed out.

The group chuckled.

"And Simmons returns the favor." Pyrrha added.

Simmons: "Don't make me repeat myself!"

Grif: "Fi-ine! (walks out, stops, and whispers) I don't respect you."

"Hasn't Grif said that to Simmons's face?" Jaune asked. "At least once right?"

"Probably." Ruby shrugged.

"He definitely said it to Sarge's face." Nora snickered.

Simmons: "(sigh) Sorry about that, I'm so happy you here. Welcome to Chez Simón. It's not often I have company."

"I wonder why." Yang laughed.

"Simmons has snake emblems on his shoulder pieces." Ruby noted.

"That seems strange for Simmons." Pyrrha frowned. "The pill makes sense for Doc- wait not Doc it's O'Malley."

"Yeah see!? He's purple and has medic markings." Ruby pointed. "It's confusing."

"It's frustrating me." Blake frowned, "That is not Omega, it is O'Malley/Doc."

"I don't mind it." Yang shrugged, "Just stop reading into it."

Blake laughed, "No promises, plot holes aren't easy to ignore."

"Yeah they are." Nora, Jaune, and Yang chorused.

"Plot holes are par for the course in action movies." Jaune added.

O'Malley: "I'm leaving!"

Simmons: "What!? But- but you just got here, you can't leave!"

O'Malley: "If you attempt to hold me against my will, I shall remove your eyes in your tiny skull, and replace them with pingpong balls with similar eyes drawn on them!"

Sarge walks in.

"He has a snake on his shoulder too." Nora pointed out.

"Does everyone on Red team have one? I think Grif had one too." Blake frowned.

"Is a snake their team emblem? That feels weird for them." Weiss commented.

"I think it's more of a cobra, Vacuo has red ones don't they?" Ruby asked.

"Sand snakes, Red vipers." Blake nodded.

"Red team feels more like a bull." Nora commented. "Or an Ursa!"

"An Ursa fits Sarge." Ren hummed.

Sarge: "This guy causing you trouble, Simmons?"

Simmons: "(sigh) Stand down, Sarge. Stand down. I'm sure it's just a miscommunication. Nothing to worry about."

Nora snorted, "As if he could talk Sarge down."

"He can never do it, he's always compelled to agree with whatever crazy plans he comes up with." Blake commented.

"If only Simmons had leadership skills, he could make a great captain." Pyrrha said.

Sarge: "Understood. But if he gets up to any funny business, KAPOW! Heh heh heh."

"He gets Sarge pretty good, not perfect but.." Nora gave a 'what can ya do' shrug.

O'Malley: "Excuse me?"

Simmons: "Oh, Sarge, you're the best commanding officer a gentleman could ask for."

"Far from a gentleman." Weiss commented.

"He is a pretty gentle.. man." Yang pursed her lips to hold in a chuckle.

"That doesn't fit Simmons, bad pun." Ruby remarked absentmindedly. Yang rolled her eyes.

Sarge: "Well, that just means the world to me. Coming from you, son. And I don't mean 'son' as a term of endearment, or as a celestial body, but as a subtle way of telling you that you're secretly my true offspring, even though I'll never admit it in public or to anyone else!"

"..Wow." Yang stated in disbelief.

O'Malley: "(groans) And here I thought the blue one was a delusional..."

"Simmons is pretty delusional about his father figure." Blake shook her head.

"It's sad." Pyrrha looked at the screen with pity.

"More evidence of his issues with his own father." Ren added. "Do you think Simmons really believes that?" Ruby asked.

"Not a chance, I think he just really wants it to be true." Jaune answered.

Simmons: "Oh boy, I can't wait to show you around. I've been planning for this day for a very long time."

"He has?" Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah how do you do that?" Ruby asked.

O'Malley: "You planned to have your mind invaded by Artificial Intelligence?"

Simmons: "You could never be too careful. Now first, I have some saved-up extra credit homework from my twelfth grade calculus class,"

"Blegh!" Ruby grimaced. "Calculus sucks."

Simmons: "I figured we could do that together and then daydream about all the pretty girls I had crush on in college-I remember all of them."

"Oh g- he does?" Weiss recoiled.

"That's really creepy." Yang nodded.

"The way he said it too." Ruby cringed.

Simmons: "uh, they usually hang out next to the repressed memories I have of them rejecting me."

That's something I can relate to.. but not in Simmons's creepy way. Jaune grimaced.

"That's probably why he remembers them, they rejected him." Blake commented. "For someone with as low a self esteem as Simmons, it has to be hard to deal with.

"And it sounds like a lot of rejections." Nora added with a little pity in her voice.

Weiss nodded, even though it was ridiculous and she knew it. She could still feel the sting of Neptune's initial rejection.

O'Malley: "And where is that?"

Simmons: "You know, I don't remember..."

"Ironic." Ren chuckled.

Nora smirked "That's not ironic, it would be ironic if-"

"Please let's not delve into a two hour discussion over what is or isn't ironic." Pyrrha laughed, Jaune understood her joke a second later and joined her.

O'Malley: "I will not stand for this torture! (hits Simmons on the head)"

Simmons: "Aah, not the face!"

Cut to Blood Gulch where Simmons was possessed by O'Malley

O'Malley: "Do it now, or I will kill every last one of you! And then everyone else here as well! Just to prove a point! Mwahahahahahahaha!"

"What point?" Ruby mumbled.

Cut to Simmons' mind

Simmons: "Wait a minute, who said that? Did I say that?"

"Simmons would remember this wouldn't he? He's never mentioned it." Jaune commented.

"Maybe this is all in their subconscious." Blake suggested.

"Ohh that's probably it." Ruby tapped the top of her head. "He wouldn't remember it, and that means we probably saw Caboose's subconscious too!"

"Their subconscious view of themselves and the world around them." Ren summarized.

O'Malley: "We said it, you fool! I'm in control now! Hahahahahaha!"

Simmons: "Whoa, I sound badass. Make me tell Grif to suck it!"

"He does sound cool." Nora admitted.

Cut to Blood Gulch

O'Malley: "Suck it you fool!"

Sarge: "And what's wrong with your voice?"

"See what I mean? Omega has a deep voice." Ruby commented.

Blake gave an audible sigh.

"Who cares." Nora genuinely asked in answer to Blake's grievance.

"Yeah, so far this episode is great." Yang added.

O'Malley: "Nothing. Why does something have to be wrong with my voice? Maybe something's wrong with your voice. Ever think about that, cocksucker?"

Cut to Simmons' mind

Simmons: "Shit! No! Nonononono! Sarge is gonna kill me!"

The group laughed.

Cut to Blood Gulch

Simmons: "I mean cocksucker, Sir!"

"Very respectful." Weiss rolled her eyes.

O'Malley: "Muahaha, hahaha."

Cut to Simmons' mind

O'Malley: "There. Happy, you dimwit?"

"Even with O'Malley, he can't stop sucking up." Yang shook her head.

"Poor Simmons." Ruby added with a laugh.

Nora giggled, "I like knowing that Sarge just wanted to be called sir."

"The chain of command is important." Pyrrha joked.

Simmons: "Yep. Nailed it, asshole."

Cut to Blood Gulch

O'Malley: "Simmons is getting a promotion. Mahaha, mua-" Tex creeps up on Simmons and knocks him to the ground.

O'Malley: "Ow, the back of my lower legs! Ow, the side of my head! The back of my face! The front of my front!"

"I love that joke." Jaune laughed.

"What's the back of your face?" Nora asked, feeling around her face.

"Would it be here?" Ruby asked, tapping the back side of her cheeks. "No, eww the only way she could punch the back of his face is by ripping off his face then punching it."

"She has been known to do the physically impossible." Ren recalled.

"Yeah, that's her specialty." Yang laughed.

Cut to Simmons' mind, rumbling appears where Tex is beating him.

Simmons: "Hey, wait! Tex is beating us up!"

"Ha! The room is shaking." Nora pointed out.

"His brain is knocking around his head." Yang grimaced.

"That is not good for you." Pyrrha advised. "Aura can't protect against that."

"I can imagine the concussion." Yang added.

O'Malley: "Tex?"

Simmons: "Ah gimme the controls back, you're doing it wrong!"

O'Malley: "Not a chance, you paper-skinned nitwit! Listen to me, you've been walked all over your entire life. Aren't you ready to take charge, and change that?! Hahahaha!"

Simmons: "Yeah, yeah! Yeah, I am! I am ready!"

"Never thought of O'Malley as a motivational speaker." Blake chuckled.

"I want him as my life coach." Jaune joked.

Pyrrha gave him a look. "Ahem."

"Ah- of course you're the better coach." Jaune stammered.

Pyrrha gave him a nod with a smile to show she accepted his answer.

O'Malley: "Good! Good! Hahahaha! Then trust me, and together, we will rule this galaxy and-"

Caboose: "(over radio) Church, are we still talking on the radio?"

O'Malley: "Oh, thank God, an exit! (pops out)"

"We haven't seen Caboose's mind in so long." Pyrrha's eyes lit up.

"Oh goody, we'll see it again." Weiss raised her fists weakly.

"Yay!" Ruby cheered.

Simmons: "What, no! Come back! I said I was ready! Noooooooo!"

Grif: "(walks in) Hey, this is just like that time with your dad!"

Simmons: "(cries) Shut up!"

"So his father did abandon him." Ren shook her head, growling under his breath.

"His father is a horrible person." Nora nodded.

"Yeah, no wonder Simmons has confidence issues." Yang added. "He has gotten better over time though." Ruby noted.

"Yeah.. he has, they all have in small ways." Weiss admitted. "Especially Church and Tucker."

Cut to Blood Gulch, O'Malley returns through the air to Caboose via radio

O'Malley: "Muhahahahaha! 'Cause I'd love to talk on the radio. What? What am I doing in this idiot?"

Tex runs toward Caboose, dumps her body, and Spirit Tex enters Caboose

O'Malley: "Hegagergerk!"

"Haven't heard that in a few seasons." Jaune noted.

"It's fun seeing the old seasons, even though we watched this one just last week." Ruby said sheepishly.

"Yeah watching these, you can really lose your sense of time." Yang added. "It feels like it's been forever since we started watching these."

Church: "(groan) Crap. Sarge, I need you to do me a favor."

Cut to Caboose's mind, O'Malley sees Caboose's interpretation of Tucker, Sarge, Grif, Simmons, and Donut, who are speaking inaudibly. Tucker can be heard repeatedly saying "Butts" and Fem Donut can be heard talking inaudibly.

"H- hey that's me!" Yang gasped. "I'm Caboose's mental idea of Donut!"

Ruby gasped, "That's so cool!"

"What? I thought female Donut was some shady mafia wannabe." Weiss frowned.

Yang snorted her laughter, "Yeah- lesbian Donut is. But no that's me, couldn't anyone else hear it?"

"All I heard was Tucker." Nora raised her hand. "He likes butts."

"I could hear your voice in between Tucker's." Blake grimaced as she raised her hand.

Ruby grinned wide, "I'm in the show, you're in the show! Pyrrha is in the show! Nora's in the show! And even Weiss i-"

"As I have said repeatedly, it is not me." Weiss cut in.

"It is absolutely you, you just refuse to accept it." Yang taunted.

Weiss scowled, "Are you happy accepting that you're not a main character in any way?"

Yang shrugged, "Meh, I just think it's cool I was included."

Weiss sighed, "I would like to be included."

"You are!" Yang and Ruby chorused in exasperated sighs.

"That little girl singing is not me!" Weiss snapped.

Yang and Ruby rolled their eyes.

"I'm surprised we never heard it before, we've seen female donut a few times." Blake pointed out.

"Probably a different voice actor." Yang suggested.

"Interesting theory." Ren hummed. "I hope at the end of the show we get some answers."

"I want to know how and why your voices got into the show." Weiss added.

O'Malley: "I'm going. To kill. All of you."

Tex pops in

Mental Grif: "Ah, it's Tex! Run away! (he along with the crew run away)"

Yang burst out laughing.

Tex: "Hey, O'Malley."

The group leaned forward.

O'Malley: "Well, look who it is! Hahaha."

Tex: "I don't wanna fight you. I wanna talk."

O'Malley: "Oooh! Hahahahahaha! It appears you're finally ready to play our little game. Very well. Let's talk, Tex. Assuming of course no-one will barge in here to force me out of this-"

Cut to Donut's mind, O'Malley unexpectedly pops in

O'Malley: "(groans) I can't help but feel I set myself up for that one."

"Wait that's not how it happened?" Yang frowned. "In season five Tex was trying to make him promise not to hurt any of the others when Church showed up."

"I think that happened later, they just didn't show it this episode." Jaune explained.

"What?" Yang frowned.

"Tex and Omega talked, they just didn't show it up to the point when he got kicked out." Jaune explained.

"Oh, yeah that makes sense. They don't want to repeat a lot of season five." Yang shrugged.

Donut: "Gentlemen and gentlemen,"

Donut appears on a podium, sparkling. Disco music plays in the background.

Yang began to laugh and clap.

"Donut's brain is really sparkly." Nora grinned.

"I imagine yours would be similar." Ren chuckled.

Donut: "Please welcome the man of the hour: Franklin. Delano. D-D-Donut! (crowd cheering and clapping) Thank you! Thank you! The pleasure's all mine!"

"Is he going to give his academy award speech?" Yang quipped.

"He seems to fantasize about giving speeches a lot, speeches about himself." Blake commented.

"If it were anyone else I would say it's a bit narcissistic, but Donut is just confident." Pyrrha explained.

"Donut is fabulous and he knows it." Yang added.

O'Malley: "Oh, dear God. Please tell me I'm not where I think I am."

Donut: "Well, hey there, Omega! Welcome to my Lightish-Red Head!"

"He doesn't mind Omega being there." Pyrrha chuckled.

"Lightish-red head." Yang laughed, "I wonder if Donut is a red head."

"I've always pictured him blond." Blake hummed, "But I can see him being a red-head."

"Red head power!" Nora raised a fist to Pyrrha, she laughed and happily gave her a fistbump.

O'Malley: "Do not. Ever! Call it that again!"

Donut: "You got it, buddy. The cool kids all call it the 'Donut Hole', anyway!"

Yang snorted, "Oh this is too good, I love Donut's head! It sounds like a rave and Donut is the man of every hour in there."

"It's too bright and flashy." Weiss winced. I hated giving concerts with the constant flashing, blinding me.

"So far his head is the best." Ruby nodded, "I can't wait to see Church!"

O'Malley: "Then my first order of business will be murdering the 'cool kids'."

Cut to Blood Gulch where Donut was possessed by O'Malley

O'Malley: "Wuhuhuhaa, huha! No! It's my body! It's my choice! And another thing: why do I do as much work as you guys, but I only make ninety-two percent-"

Tex beats Donut in the back of the head and knocks him down. Cut to Sarge's mind where O'Malley pops in.

"I still don't know what he was talking about." Ruby frowned.

"Me neither, or at least I don't remember." Blake shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm guessing it's an argument with his parents or boss." Jaune guessed.

O'Malley: "Blast! Where the devil am I now?"

An air raid siren plays.

Sarge: "(points shotgun at O'Malley) Freeze, dirtbag!"

"Yes!" Nora whooped. "Sarge's head!"

"Oh no." Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose.

"This will be interesting." Yang laughed.

"Ugh, if Caboose and Simmons are delusional. Sarge is deranged." Weiss groaned.

"That's why Sarge is my favorite." Nora gave her a cheeky grin.

O'Malley: "Oh, goddammit."

Sarge: "Alright, soldier, I want rank and name on the pronto! We've got a war to win!"

In the background, some Reds and Blues are fighting. The third Blue falls over.

Caboose: "Alas, I have tripped!"

Pyrrha burst into a fit of laughter, soon joined by Jaune, Ruby, Nora, and Yang.

Sarge: "The blues are scheming, there's an evil A.I. on the loose, and senility keeps trying to overtake the hippocampus!"

"He is senile I knew it!" Weiss gasped.

"Is the army of blues senility?" Pyrrha laughed.

"Probably." Yang laughed. "I'm sure there's a metaphor in there somewhere but I just think it's really funny."

"Of course Sarge's brain is a warzone." Nora laughed, laughed so hard she couldn't stop. "It- I- Ha!" She couldn't get her intended words out. She took deep breaths but continued to giggle uncontrollably.

O'Malley: "And who are they?"

O'Malley and Sarge see Grif clones, speak inaudibly. Sarge readies his rocket launcher.

Sarge: "Stress relief. (shoots at Grif clones)"

All the Grif's die in pain.

Nora's laughter renewed in it's vigor.

"I like his stress relief." Weiss chuckled.

O'Malley: "Well, I-"

Cut to Blood Gulch, Tex knocking Sarge down, and O'Malley pops into Grif's mind.

O'Malley: "I'm really growing rather tired of this."

Grif: "'Sup."

O'Malley: "(sees nothing but a couple of crates) What? No characteristic decorations? No comedic interpretations?"

"Grif's brain is empty?" Blake frowned.

"Grif isn't dumb, I doubt this is meant to show that he is." Weiss looked around the screen.

"I wonder what's in those crates." Nora eyed the crates.

"Probably important memories." Ruby suggested.

Grif: "Eh, who's got time for that."

"Oh that makes sense." Yang laughed.

"He's even lazy in his head." Weiss sighed.

"Or he keeps a remarkably clear mind." Ren smiled. "Grif is somewhat level headed."

Simmons appears on the background, mocks Grif

Simmons: "You smell and you're gross and no-one likes you and everyone likes meeee! (runs away)"

Grif: "(chases Simmons) Get back here, you little shit!"

"Clear except for Simmons." Ren chuckled.

"You'd think Sarge would be in there too somewhere." Jaune added.

"Simmons is really important to him." Pyrrha smiled.

"To have made it into his brain yeah." Yang nodded, "I think they're the closest friends in the show."

"What about Tucker and Church?" Ruby asked.

"Maybe second closest?" Yang shrugged.

"You're forgetting Donut and Caboose." Pyrrha pointed out.

Yang and Ruby laughed.

"Yeah they're definitely the closest." Yang nodded.

"Unless you count Carolina and Washington, they seem pretty close." Blake commented.

Nora gasped, "So you admit it! Wash is bitter about unrequited love! And now he's happier because she's there!"

Blake sighed and facepalmed.

Cut to Blood Gulch, Grif falls asleep inside his armor

Doc: "We're here, is anyone hurt?"

O'Malley moves back to Doc

O'Malley: "Anyone need to be killed? Huhuhahahahuhuhuh!"

Church: "I know that laugh! Nobody move!"

O'Malley pops into Church's mind.

"Wait we're not going to see Doc's mind?" Ruby frowned.

"That's a little disappointing." Pyrrha sighed, "Doc is interesting."

"What do you think we would have seen?" Yang asked.

"I think it would just be Doc and O'Malley talking to each other like they used to... you know? I think O'Malley being the way he is now fits." Jaune rubbed his chin.

"I think there'd probably be a whole team of Doc's caring for patients. Either he'd repress losing them or he and his 'staff' would actively fail at basic care in some way that is meant to be funny but actually flaunts how horrible of a medic Doc is." Weiss answered.

"That's the funny part." Ruby giggled.

O'Malley: "Wraah! That's it! I can't take anymore! I... I-uh... Iuh... Wait a minute, this place. It feels... familiar... (light appears) What's this?"

"Oh yeah he's in Church's head- Alpha! He's in the Alpha's head!" Ruby gasped.

"Alpha? Omega was a part of the Alpha. I didn't think about that!" Jaune's eyes widened.

"Omega had to have known, had to have felt something." Ruby told.

"Unless he's like Church and felt nothing." Ren pointed out.

"But he would have to have seen something." Ruby declared, more certainly this time. "Jaune play it."

Church, who is in spirit form, comes down to O'Malley.

"Looks like he's always had a god complex." Yang quipped.

Church: "Uh, hey. So I guess you're like, what, here to take over my brain?"

O'Malley: "I, uh... Wait, you're not going to oppose me?"

Church: "(groans) Look, man. I've been running this mess all by myself for years. If you really want a piece of this bullshit, then by all means. I really cannot be bothered to care at this point."

"Do you think Church doesn't remember this either? This is probably his subcon- Do A.I. have a subconscious?" Jaune asked.

"Well the Alpha is a person or close to one anyway, and I think that is the Alpha." Ruby pointed. "Church's subconscious is the Alpha, or- I mean in the Alpha's subconscious, they know they are the Alpha." She explained.

"You think his subconscious knows everything that has been repressed?" Blake asked, Ruby nodded.

O'Malley: "Yes, yes! Hehehehe- This is it! Finally! I've never felt at home. I've never felt more alive! This is it! This is the beginning of the end for all! Nothing can stop us now! JUST NOTHING CAN STOP US-"

Cut to Blood Gulch, Tex hits Church in the back of the head.

The scene cuts to black.

O'Malley: "Oh, fuck."

The episode ends.

"Aww what!? We're not going to see inside Tex's head." Yang complained.

"I agree it's disheartening." Weiss sighed.

"We didn't see Tucker's either." Jaune added.

"Or Lopez's." Weiss added.

"Yeah but those two never got infected." Yang pointed out. "Tex did and we didn't even see it."

"I think it's appropriate we didn't see inside her head, Tex has always been this character that is removed from the others in a way." Blake explained.

"It would ruin her mystique." Ren added.

Blake nodded, Yang blew out a breath but nodded. "Yeah.. I still would have liked to see her head, I wonder what it's like."

"Her head would probably be too dark for the light tone of the episode." Weiss pointed out.

Yang laughed, "Yeah probably, I wonder what O'Malley would see in our heads."

"Apparently an ice sculpture of myself in mine." Weiss scoffed, taking a look at Yang and Ruby.

Yang laughed while Ruby giggled sheepishly.

"What do you really think he'd see in your head?" Ruby asked.

Weiss hummed, "I have no idea, I don't know what he'd see in any of our heads."

"We are more complicated than the Reds and Blues." Ren chuckled.

My Reviews/PM's are open to:


-Suggestions for this saga of reaction fics that aren't OOC



-Pointing out any and all mistakes (Especially OOC)

-Side Story ideas

-Long reviews, please? I love long reviews :)

I'd love to hear your ideas for the C.T. reaction. I already have a lot of ideas because of the significance of that episode.

And as always if I write a bad chapter, let me know. It's easy to go back and rewrite certain scenes.

P.S: I've been thinking about having more Side Story reactions with different RWBY characters. Suggestions? Teams SSSN/CFVY obviously.

Continue lendo

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