ยน๐Œ๐ˆ๐’๐’๐ˆ๐๐†,๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ฏ๐ž ๐ก...

By harringtonssss

29.5K 508 1.7K

๐ข๐ง ๐ฐ๐ก๐ข๐œ๐ก.... sixteen year old carla wheeler finds herself fighting against an interdimensional monster... More

graphic gallery!
001-what would be a usual night
002-never found
005-it never should have happened
007-broken heart, broken camera
008-death effects everyone
010-plan: monster hunting, is a go
011-moments in the woods
012-steve vs. jonathan
013-the new girl
014-so it begins
015-flickering lights
016-safe and sound
017-back to normal

006-goodbye, steve

676 24 107
By harringtonssss


Not only because she hadn't gotten home until past midnight the day before, but because of the events that had gone unfolded. Because of the kiss she'd shared with Steve Harrington.

Carla cringed at the memory. There was no way she could go to school like this. Not with Steve's lips engraved on hers, his touch etched upon her skin. The want to kiss him again burning her mind.

This whole situation was messed up.

Kissing Steve had set her off. She'd been doing so well at pushing down her feelings, but the minute her lips met with his, it was like she was starting completely over. Like she'd lost all prior progress.

Because now, all she could think about was Steve. The way she felt when she kissed him, the way her skin yearned for his touch. His touch was like a disease to her—it was festering, the yearn for it growing and growing until it finally overcame her, and caused her to do something stupid.

A yearn that Carla wasn't sure she'd be able to contain for as long as she wanted.

She'd considered faking sick that day, or acting all depressed. After all, she'd lied about being at the Byers' to be able to get out of the house—which now, she felt terrible for—and could probably use them as an excuse again.....say something about how Joyce was getting worse—

No. That was wrong. She was not going to use Will's disappearance as an excuse. That wasn't what it was to her.

So, with that solved, she'd just suck it up and go to school. Carla would act tough and just suffer through the school day without talking, looking or even walking near Steve—yes, not even walking was allowed. Then, she wouldn't be risking getting too close.

But, Carla knew that no matter what route she took, Steve would always find a way back to her.

Jonathan had called during breakfast to tell Carla that he wouldn't be able to drive her to school that morning.

While upset, Carla understood and didn't press. Joyce was probably half hysterical and needed the support of her son, or maybe Jonathan just needed the morning off—the day off, just to think about everything that's happened.

But, that left the Wheeler with the option of riding with her mother and her sister. A great idea after what happened the night before.

Of course Carla wouldn't reveal what happened to Nancy. No, that would be her and Steve's secret to the grave. It would just be....awkward.

"Girls, are you ready to go?" Karen asked her two daughters, picking Holly up in her arms for the ride.

Carla gave a short nod and walked past her mother to the woman's car, hopping in the passenger seat without bothering to ask Nancy if she wanted it—the less conversation, the better.

But, Nancy too seemed rather quiet that morning, and didn't bother to argue as she took the back seat. Why she was so quiet, Carla didn't know. Steve hadn't told her.....right?

Karen opened the other passenger side door, securing Holly into her car-seat with a confused look, noticing the quietness between her two daughters. Now, the mother knew that when they started high school, the girls had grown more distant—they were becoming young women, figuring out who they were, getting their own lives. Within the past month and a half that tension had only grown, nevertheless, she'd never seen them so....silent. Usually, they'd at least spark up some sort of conversation.

"Everything alright you two? You seem awfully quiet this morning." Karen questioned as she hopped into the drivers seat, looking between her eldest daughters through the mirror.

Carla sent her mother a weak smile, "We're fine."

Sending her mother the same smile, Nancy hopped on to the train of lies, "I'm just tired from being out late, that's all."

Karen nodded and started up the car, beginning the drive to Hawkins High. Normally, it wasn't too long of a drive, but with the silence closing in on the Wheeler's, it certainly felt longer than usual.

So, when the car eventually came to a halt, it was sort of a relief to Carla. She hopped out without a word, listening as her mother called out, "Bye girls, have a good day! Love you!"

"Love you too." Carla muttered, sending a small wave towards her little sister in the back seat, "See you, Holly."

Nancy repeated the same words before hopping out too, allowing the eldest Wheeler woman to drive back to her home. Another round of silence overcame the sisters before Carla eventually muttered, "Bye, Nance."

"Bye, Carla." the other girl replied, before walking towards the high school, more than likely in search of Barbara Holland, whom she had yet to talk too since the previous night. Instead of following suit, Carla decided to head towards Hawkins Middle instead, in search of three familiar boys.

She hadn't apologized to any of them yet for lying the other day, and it was slowly eating her up. Friends don't lie was the Party's biggest rule, and while she had good intentions originally, now it just looked like she lied to lie.

They knew Will was missing now, and it would be nice to get some of the guilt on her shoulders off.

The boys had just started chaining up their bikes when Carla Wheeler made their way to them, "Boys, can we talk?" The three continued chaining, ignoring the brunette girl as if she hadn't even spoken—Carla could sense the eye roll she was receiving from her little brother. She repeated, "Boys, please."

"Why should we talk to you? You lied to us." Mike fired at his sister, his words coming out in a sneer, "Friends. Don't. Lie." the Wheeler added a pause between each word, showing how serious he was, "Especially if they're my sister, too."

"I-I'm sorry, okay?" Carla begins, darting between all three of the boys—Lucas and Dustin turning around too. "I didn't want to lie, believe me, I really didn't. I had just found out that Will had gone missing, and I didn't want you guys to get worried over something that I was trying to convince myself was nothing."

Dustin had a small smile on his face, but Lucas still had a blank expression and it hurt Carla. She loved these boys and didn't want them holding a grudge against her, "Dustin, Lucas, you two are like my brothers." She spared a glance at her brother, who's expression had softened though he wasn't completely over her lying yet, "And Mike, you're actually my brother. I don't want you guys mad at me, so, please, forgive me for lying."

Dustin was the first to forgive her, walking away from his bike and into her arms instead. Lucas and Mike came soon after, joining in to create a small group hug. If only Will were here to finish it off.

The loss of their friend had taken a huge toll on the boys, especially Mike. After finding out, he'd pushed people away, including his sister. But, it turned out that in times like these, he really needed her.

"And I know you're all growing up and you're not exactly kids anymore, and God, it's hard to watch because I've known all of you since you were little—Mike, I was the first to hold you when you came home from the hospital." Carla continued, slightly emotional. She was so glad they'd forgiven her, "And I really hate when you are upset with me. So, can we promise that no matter what we still talk to each other? That we tell each other when something's up—especially now, if it's about Will?"

All three boys shared a look before nodding their heads—technically, they were already lying about something, something that could involve Will.....but, it was for the greater good not to tell Carla about the girl, for the moment, at least. Not until they were absolutely sure she could help them find the Byers.

Pulling away, Mike looked at his sister, "You okay?"

"Just tired." Carla replied, using the same excuse as her sister. Even though she was free to talk to her brother about anything, telling him about her and Steve seemed a little too personal. Especially if it was risking Mike running his mouth on accident.

"I did hear Mom scolding you and Nance for getting home late last night." the Wheeler boy muttered, causing his sister to quick shake her head.

Carla replied, "I came home before Nance did—Mom wasn't mad at me."

Mike—having known that she hadn't gone to the Byers' and was at Steve's party—gave a shrug, "Oh, I thought you two would have left together.....anyway, I'd woken up to get some water and as I was going up the stairs, I heard Mom. She was angry that Nancy got home late. Oh, and then Mom asked why she was wearing someone else's clothes—"

"Steve's." Carla cut her brother off, feeling a hint of jealousy bubble within her.

When Carla abruptly left, her sister had just been entering Steve's room. The Harrington was vulnerable and if Nancy walked in at just the right moment......

No. Nancy and Steve didn't have sex last night, did they? Carla hated the thought, but something inside her told her it was true. That maybe what Steve had said was just a drunken mistake, that he would have said something similar to Nancy if she was there instead.

"You good?" Dustin's voice took her from her thoughts, "Did Mike say something wrong?"

"No, I'm fine. Just....thinking." the Wheeler girl replies, before beginning to walk back to her own school, "We both have class, so, bye! See you later."

She ditched the boys, leaving them utterly confused on what Mike had said to cause her attitude shift.

Carla had somehow managed to make it to her locker without running into the Harrington boy—a great start to the day.

Grabbing her books for chemistry, Carla was about to head to class early when she was stopped by the shit eating grin of Tommy Hagan and the snobby smile of Carol Perkins—people who while being decent at the party, was no longer tolerable to the Wheeler. Especially not when she was already in a bad mood.

At the audible groan the brunette let out at their appearance, Tommy gave a smile, happy to know he was already getting under her skin. But, he wasn't quite over yet—he hadn't even started talking.

"Great performance last night, Carlie." Tommy started with a grin.

Carla looked inside her locker, trying her best to ignore the two teenagers, "Not sure what you're on about, Tommy."

"Oh, it wasn't you?" Carol sent a dramatic frown her way, "Bummer."

Slamming her locker, Carla sighed, "Sorry, did I stutter? I have no clue what the hell you two are going on about. I left Steve's right after we got out of the pool and I wasn't there for the performance."

"Actually, Carol, thinking back to it, it actually wasn't Carlie." the freckled faced boy continued, trying his hardest to get under her skin even more, "It was Nancy." He sent a fake apologetic look towards the other Wheeler, "Sorry."

"You're right. It did sound a little more like the princess." Carol nodded, before continuing, "But, you are sisters, so maybe you guys just sound similar doing it or something weird like that. Here, let's see. Carla, can you just y'know—" the redhead let out a small moan, "Oh, Steve. Ohh Steve—"

"Carol, shut up!" Carla snapped, looking at the couple. She didn't care about how she was giving in to what Tommy wanted—his goal was to piss her off and he'd managed to do so. She just wanted them to stop.

"Sorry, is that, like, a sensitive topic or something?" Carol acted as if she was truly sorry, though the Wheeler didn't buy into her shit. Instead, Carla brushed past the two annoying teens and just walked away.

But, that didn't mean she didn't take the couple's words to heart.

Did Nancy actually sleep with Steve?

Nancy had never had sex before, and had never been someone to jump on the opportunity to do so but....if she thought it would help her grow closer to Steve, or get accepted by Tommy and Carol, she'd do it.

Which also led to the question.....if she stayed a few seconds longer, would she have slept with him? Was Steve so desperate in that moment that he just fucked the person closest too him—aka Nancy—or was he really ready to be truly intimate with her. To get to know her fully.

Either answer caused Carla to frown.

"Hey." Jonathan, whom she hadn't expected, popped up beside her, the girl slightly flinching at his voice. He noticed the slight jumpiness and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine." Carla responds, continuing to walk towards her first period class. She fell quiet again, and suddenly, a small amount of tension grew between them. The two teens stayed in an unusual silence, and the Wheeler felt like the Byers' boy was almost judging her? Jonathan had never been one to do so, but he kept on looking at her like he knew something and honestly, it was kind of making Carla feel weird.

You're just being paranoid, Carla told herself, Jonathan doesn't know about last night.

Except he did know. He wanted to ask about what had happened last night—he had definitely seen Carla and Steve kissing—but, he knew that it might cause Carla to blow up, and that was the last thing he wanted. But.....his curiosity was getting the better of him, and before he could stop himself, Jonathan blurted, "What happened with you and Steve last night?"

Carla stopped dead in her tracks. How the fuck did he know? Did someone tell him? Did Steve say something to someone?

"I—" the Wheeler looked at her friend with wide eyes. She trusted the Byers' boy with her secret but what was bugging her was how he found out to begin with. "How do you know about that? Did someone tell you? Jonathan tell me."

Jonathan regretted even opening his mouth. Now, he had to explain how he'd been able to witness the event without even being present. "I—No one told me."

Carla gave a confused look, "Then how do you know?"

"I—uh—I saw it." the Byers boy admitted, almost shamefully. He didn't mean to step upon the Harrington household. He had heard a shriek and had come running, thinking maybe someone else got taken, only to see Tommy threatening to toss his girlfriend. "I was in the woods, and I watched everything happen. From Tommy almost throwing Carol into the pool to you and—"

"You watched?" Carla exclaimed, slightly creeped out by his honesty. Who the fuck watched a party from the bushes? While Jonathan was her friend, it was slightly stalker-ish of him to do so, and made her rather uncomfortable, knowing he saw everything.

"I didn't mean too—"

"I'm sorry, Jonathan, but that is so creepy." the Wheeler girl sighed before walking ahead of the boy, "I need to get to class."

"Carla, I'm sorry—"

The boy didn't have time to finish before she was already walking to class—the first period bell ringing, causing him to have to give up and head to class too.

Carla wasn't sure how her day could get any worse. Not only had she found out her sister and her ex had sex right after he admitted to wanting a second chance with her, Jonathan had admitted to having seen the whole thing.

Honestly, the next worse thing would have to be if the boy himself appeared—


Carla put on a tight lipped expression, and sped up her pace. There was no way in hell she was talking to Steve right now. Absolutely not. With an almost groan in her voice, the Wheeler yelled, "No!"

"Carla, wait, please!"

Turning her head to see how close Steve was behind her, she saw that the boy was hot on her tracks, speeding past the other teens to get to her. God, would he just leave her alone? "Go away, Steve!"

"Carla, come on!"

"Fuck." the Wheeler muttered to herself, knowing she wasn't going to be able to out-walk Steve. Even if she managed to make it to chem, she knew he'd chase her around the halls afterwards, pleading to talk. There was really no way out of this. "Fuck, fuck, fuck—"

Suddenly, the girl felt a small tug on her sleeve and she quickly spun around to see Steve Harrington in all his glory, an apologetic look on his face and his hand wrapped around her wrist.

There was no way out of this now. With a very audible sigh, Carla grabbing on to the boy's hand, dragging him into the nearby janitors closet to keep things private. The last thing she needed right now was someone hearing this.

Turning on the lights and shutting the door, Carla turns to Steve. The boy opens his mouth, and the Wheeler can already read the words that are about to fall from his lips. She wasn't falling for his trap this time.

"Don't apologize." Carla said firmly.


"No buts. No anything." the Wheeler girl cuts her ex off for the second time, before speaking her own mind, "I'm not putting the entire blame on you but whatever you want to call last night was very stupid of us. You broke up with me, okay? If you want me back, that's your own fucking problem, but you can't say shit like that and then kiss me when you're dating my sister."

Steve went quiet for a moment, "You have a point, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said, it was messed up. I was drunk."

Okay, that sort of hurt. He'd denied being intoxicated the previous night, which only made his words more sentimental, more true. But now, he was claiming he'd been drunk—that everything he'd said was just his mind in an alcohol filled haze. And whether she wanted to admit it or not, it did hurt Carla to think that.

Had he even meant what he said? Had their kiss even meant anything whatsoever to him?

Pushing back any emotion, Carla looked at him with her hands crossed over her chest. "Drunken words are sober thoughts."

Steve sighed before continuing, "I just—we went into being friends way too quickly. Maybe if we—"

"No, Steve!" Carla exclaimed with much frustration, "We can't keep playing whatever game this is! We're running around each other as if there isn't still some tension between us! I moved on when I found you with your tongue down the throat of that blonde girl a week after you decided we were over, and I would think you have too." the boy she'd been speaking too went quiet, and she knew she'd finally gotten to him, "You didn't need me in your life after our break-up and you don't need me now. You have Nancy—you've moved on."

The boy didn't have a comment this time, and looked at Carla. The girl took this silence as her time to continue, "Nancy, she really loves you, okay? I see the way her face lights up when you call, the way she smiles saying your name. I'm not going to ruin that for her, and I'm not having you do it either. You are not breaking her heart......not like you broke mine."

At that comment, Steve trailed off, "Carla..."

"Steve...." she used the same tone of voice as she looked at him. "We can't make any more stupid decisions—you had sex with Nance, you two are serious. Leaving her just like that after taking her virginity makes you look like an asshole."

"I know." the Harrington boy sighed, not denying the fact that they did indeed have sex.

So it was true. The thought made Carla's face drop for a moment, but she quickly mono-toned again. Now was not the time for the boy to know how she felt......not when she was about walk away again.

"What do you want to do about this." Steve took his ex from her thoughts, gesturing between the two of them.

Carla let out a breath before speaking. Here goes nothing. "I think, to make sure we don't do anything again—because, clearly, we can't be left alone together for five minutes without something happening—we need to cut contact. No talking, no invitations to parties, no nothing. I think we need to be strangers."

The Harrington's face fell at her words, which made the Wheeler's heart sink. A frown grew on her face, but she knew that in the end, this would work out. Everything would work out, even if it pained her to do this.

"Carla, I don't—" he tried to argue.

"For Nancy, yeah?" the Wheeler girl looked at him. Steve stayed quiet, unsure of what to say. She'd already made her choice on how she wanted things to go.

With that, Carla called the conversation over. Looking at the boy, the brunette girl hesitated only a moment before pressing her lips against his.

Unlike last night, this kiss was soft and gentle. Sad, even. It was goodbye.

Carla cherished the few seconds she gave herself before pulling away, looking at the boy she used the love—the boy she still loved, even though it was wrong. "Goodbye, Steve."

The girl barely spared him a final glance before exiting the janitors closet, trying to keep herself from showing any emotion. Her heart was hurt by what she had said—why couldn't she just get rid of her feelings? Why was it for fucking hard for her to be just friends with Steve?

Why was it so difficult?

mara's misc

this chapter was interesting to re-write.....

i added the small scene with jonathan to add some more tension to when she finds out that he also took photos in the next chapter. this is reason 1 why i don't like this man, so like i gotta call him out even more.

i also slightly changed the convos between starla and carol and tommy + carla. it was actually kinda fun re-writing it now and adding certain lines, as well as more tension bc we live for that in this household.

hope you enjoyed<3 see you back with chapter seven!

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