Our Ordinary Lives

By CoteEnjoyer

82.8K 4K 1K

A fanfiction that follows the basic story of ANHS from the light novels, but now Ai Hoshino is attending as a... More

Chapter 1 - Bus encounter
Chapter 2 - Hidden Systems
Chapter 3 - Social Interactions
Chapter 4 - Understanding Motives
Chapter 5 - Old Connections
Chapter 6 - Childish Expectations
Chapter 7 - Revelations
Chapter 9 - Club Fair Encounters
Chapter 10 - A Meeting With the President
Chapter 11 - Saving Defects
Talking About Ai (Author)
Chapter 12 - Friendly Outing
Chapter 13 - A Regretful Idol
Chapter 14 - Moves on a Board
Chapter 15 - Collecting the Idiot Trio
Chapter 16 - Group Study
Chapter 17 - True Colors
Chapter 18 - Confrontation
Chapter 19 - Goals
Chapter 20 - Using Kushida
Chapter 21 - A Change in Name
Chapter 22 - Mid Term Exam
Chapter 22.5 - Saving Sudo

Chapter 8 - The Other Side of Horikita Suzune

3.8K 183 53
By CoteEnjoyer

Kiyotaka POV

Yesterday was indeed an interesting event. The revelation of the S System came as a major shock to my classmates. For many of them, the idea of receiving 100,000 points a month with no drawbacks had never been questioned before. Even after Chabashira's words had settled in, disbelief still lingered among many of our classmates. And truthfully, can you blame them? Their entire perception of the school was shattered in one fell swoop, and on top of that, they were labeled as "defects" on the same day.

As I made my way to class, I couldn't help but notice a significant change in the atmosphere among the first-year students. The majority of my fellow first years seemed visibly anxious and shaken after learning about the S System. The dormitories, usually filled with lively chatter and activity, now was strangely silent. Instead of the usual buzz of conversations, there were only hushed whispers and hurried footsteps echoing through the halls. It was evident that the entire dynamics of the school had shifted for the newer students.

Leaving the dormitories behind, I continued my walk towards the building that housed all our classes. The morning sun was just beginning to rise, casting a beautiful crescent shape on the horizon. Although it was early, the campus was surprisingly devoid of any students heading towards the classrooms. From my perspective I saw no students fromm any year entering or exiting the building. Checking my phone, I confirmed that there was still around half an hour before classes began. This suited me just fine, as I often preferred spending some time alone in the classroom before classes began to go into session. I found the classroom environment less dull than my dorm room and appreciated the tranquility it offered in the early hours of the day.

Ascending the staircase towards Class D, I pondered on my next course of action. There didn't seem to be any compelling reason for me to interfere in the current events unfolding around me. None of it directly concerned me, and the abundance of points made the situation seem inconsequential. I knew that my scores made me appear as if I was just an average student with a score of 65, slightly above the average but hardly noteworthy. Only a few individuals, like Koenji, Ai, and that Sakura girl, seemed to recognize me as a person at all.

But that was precisely how I liked it – to remain unnoticed and blend into the background. It was the key to my peaceful and content life. By avoiding any unnecessary attention and merely doing the bare minimum, I was confident that the next three years would be some of the most enjoyable moments of my life. My plan was to maintain this unremarkable position, and in doing so, shield myself from any potential disturbances that might arise.

As I slid the door open, expecting the classroom to be empty as usual, I was met with an intriguing sight. Kushida was sitting on her desk with her head down, seemingly awaiting the arrival of someone. However, I doubted that person would be me; more likely, it would be Hirata or someone else of significant social standing in our class. It would be a logical assumption to make that she intended to formulate a plan with someone who held influence and prominence among our peers.

As the door creaked open, Kushida's head perked up, and her eyes widened when she spotted me. Abruptly, she jumped out of her chair, a hint of urgency in her movements. Myabe she might have been planning to leave the room to seek out the unspecified person she had been waiting for. Maybe this had nothing to do with me or my arrival at all.

Kushida: "Ayanokoji-kun." Of course. Because I don't get to have anything be easy.

Kiyotaka: "Hmm? Oh good morning Kushida-san."

Kushida: "Good morning Ayanokoji-kun! How are you doing today?"

Kiyotaka: "Good. How about you?"

Kushida: "I'm doing great, though I could do with some more points hee hee."

Kiyotaka: "I think we all could. By the way, I don't think I've seen you come this early before is there a reason you're here this early?" There still was a possibility she wasn't here because of me. Maybe she wanted to confront this person as soon as possible in the morning. Her actions when I entered could also be dismissed as actions of an overly expressive and kind person. With the mask she is wearing, and her effectiveness at doing so, it wouldn't be a suprise for her to have calculated all of her actions before hand.

Kiyotaka: "What are you doing here? I never see you here this early."

Kushida: "Oh I just wanted to talk to Ayanokoji-kun." Oh

Kiyotaka: "I don't think we've ever talked before though. So I don't see why you would want to talk to me."

Kushida: "Well I want to be friends with everyone and I want to ask a favour from Ayanokoji-kun." Bull shit.

Kiyotaka: "Understandable. What did you want to talk about?"

Kushida: "Well... it's just that after the last test I wanted to set up a study group."

Kiyotaka: "I see, and how does this involve me?"

Kushida: "Well I've seen you talk to Horikita-san once and I was wondering if you guys were friends." Friends... why would she ever be friends with her? I've merely had the displeasure of talking to her. She is undoubtly smarter than the regular person, but that does not warrant her arrogance towards others. She doesn't even match up to the likes of a White Room drop out yet she acts like she is the smartest person in the room at all times.

Kiyotaka: "I don't know where you got that impression but no, we aren't friends. We barley have even spoke."

Kushida: "B-but to my knowledge you're the only person she's ever even talked to."

Kiyotaka: "What ever assumption you made, I apologize but they weren't true."

Kushida: "Oh... I thought... nevermind." She looked down at the ground, I think she was trying to gain some sympathy from me. "H-however but could you help me try and get her to help out in the study group? She's really smart and could really help our class."

Her acting was flawless, not as good as Ai's, but she would have fooled any ordinary person. She adjusted her tone where needed, repositioned her body to make her seem more vulnerable, and manipulated the scenario so it would seem like she was making a very personal request while still seeming selfless. It was an impressive display, but I have no time for impressive. I would give her a nothing response and do nothing with it.

But if I do help her it might help my social standing within the school. I'll just be another guy that was willing to anything the "angel of class D" said. I thought about it a bit more and came to the conclusion that should the opportunity reveal itself I would act in aid of Kushida, but otherwise I would do nothing.

Kiyotaka: "I have no guarntees but I'll see what I can do."

Kushida: "Thank you Ayanokoji-kun!" She pressed herself against my body. Another great way that would make any other boy fold. Most likely falling for her charm then and there. Unfortunately for her, I am no ordinary boy.

Kiyotaka: "It's nothing. It's the least I can do anyways."

Kushida: "Still I'm really grateful!"

Kiyotaka: "[Sigh] Well if that's all I'll be going to my seat."

Kushida: "Ah, I guess you're not used to talking to people this early huh. Well I'll leave you be for now." She flashed me a well crafted smile then returned to stting at her desk. How troublesome for me.

As I settled into my desk, my thoughts returned to the dilemma at hand. Helping Kushida with her plans was an idea, but engaging with Horikita directly seemed like an effor that would go to waste. Her superiority complex made it unlikely that she would even acknowledge my existence, let alone entertain any attempt at conversation. It was clear that she held herself above those she considered inferior, and that included me at my current status. Her way of determining superiority was also extremely surface level, meaning that academics was what she cared most about.

If I were to help Horikita, I would have to prove myself to her in every possible way, demonstrating my superiority in various aspects. Mostly likely having to show her this my scoring higher than her on some exam. But such a path would undoubtedly be detrimental to my experience at this school, as it would require sacrificing my own peace and status as a nobody. It was also too much of a time commitment, which I could not bother to do in the long term.

In the end, it appeared that Kushida was on her own in this endeavor. I couldn't see a feasible way to bridge the gap between Horikita's high standards and my current status. For now it was simply not in my intrests to so blatantly throw everything I had away just to help Kushida. I still had my own goals after all.

Time skip to the end of school for the day

As I walked out of class, my mind was occupied with thoughts of the purchases I planned to make today. During my daily morning run, I had found upon an obscure shop that was exactly what I was looking for. It housed an array of useful items that would greatly benefit me. To an ordinary student they may seem redundent, but if used well could either protect me or be used against others. The total cost of these items was around 16,000 points, a significant sum for a first-year student. However, I had aquired some points last month so I had enough "remaining" points left in my possesion, which allowed me to buy these items without large reprecussions to my point balance overall.

The shop seemed to be intentionally hidden from general view, I assume known only to a select few students who, like me, actively sought out potentially hidden stores or stumbled upon it by pure chance. While I was moving towards the shop I made sure to constantly blend into the crowd of students. I would always be at the center mass, moving at a normal pace while making sure none of my features stood out.

As I walked through the school grounds, I employed the techniques I had learned in the White Room to ensure I wasn't being followed. I remained alert, constantly scanning my surroundings and noting the people nearby. Making sudden turns and checking for any potential followers, I worked hard to shake off any suspicion.

To further blend in, I engaged in normal student activities, casually purchasing some seemingly useless medicines, inspecting items on display, and using the bathroom, all while keeping a watchful eye for any signs of suspicious activity.

These were basic counter-surveillance exercises I had learned during my time in the White Room. They proved to be invaluable during my time in that place, as knowing when and where an instructor might be listening or watching was critical information in that environment. These techniques not only allowed me to be discreet in my actions but also helped me avoid detection by White Room agents during my brief moments in the outside world.

The practicality of the skills I acquired in the White Room extended well beyond its confines. Utilizing my knowledge of evading surveillance and detection became a regular practice during my time at the school. Considering the competitive nature of the school, I couldn't rule out the possibility of other students in different classes employing spies to keep tabs on their rival classes. The last thing I wanted was to be followed or have my actions found out by the other classes.

No matter how unlikely I always employed these techniques wherever I went. Remaining vigilant and employing counter-surveillance measures allowed me to safeguard my privacy and protect my interests. Any normal person would probably have lost me by now, my movements were always calculated and careful. My time at the White Room had equipped me with valuable tools, and I intended to make the most of them.

After about an hour of being cautious and vigilant, I was convinced that no one was trailing me, and I finally felt confident that I was alone. Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to head towards the obscure shop I had discovered during my morning run.

As I set out on my way to the obscure shop, I adjusted my path, making my way towards the general direction I had marked on my mental map. Gradually, I turned away from the main hub of student activity, and the number of students dwindled. The majority of those I encountered were third years and some second years, who were presumably more familiar with the various hidden spots around the school. It was no surprise they frequented this area more often compared to their juniors.

As I continued my walk, the surroundings grew quieter, and I soon found myself alone, surrounded only by the occasional shopkeeper tending to their rarely visited establishments and the occasional security staff patrolling the safety of the area. Most students probably never even visited this part of the school, and it wasn't nessesarily their fault. The school grounds were massive so expecting a single student to know all the small details was ridiculous.

As I arrived in front of the shop, I couldn't help but notice how unremarkable it appeared, blending in with the surrounding establishments. An unmarked sign caught my attention as I approached, and the door showed signs of age, slightly weathered and worn. I outstretched my hand and turned the doorknob to enter.

The interior was far from impressive, filled with rusted metal and decaying wood. Yet, this dilapidated appearance didn't concern me in the slightest. What mattered most was the unique and rare items that this shop held, items that couldn't be found anywhere else within the school.

I picked up the two main items I had come for – a recorder and a mini camera similar to the body cams used by cops. Additionally, I ended up picking a few more items that I deemed useful. That brought my total up from 16,000 points to 20,000 points.

Approaching the run-down checkout counter, I noticed an array of other items displayed along the way, including microphones, headsets, earpieces, and old-fashioned film cameras. The selection was truly unique and one-of-a-kind, I believe this is the only place in the school where you could get this equipment.

The employee behind the counter seemed disinterested, and I understood why as the shop probably didn't receive many visitors. They likely spent most of their day idly waiting, given the shop's secluded location. Despite their indifferent demeanor, I couldn't blame them, as their lack of enthusiasm matched the overall ambiance of the place. I paid for my selected items and left the shop, heading back towards the dorms. It was rather dark already and by the time I got back I wouldn't be suprised if a majority of the students had already retreated into their rooms.

The walk back was surprisingly serene, with no students or interruptions along the way. It felt as if I was back in the White Room, where solitude was my only companion in my late years. Shaking my head, I removed those memories from my mind. I had left that place behind, and I didn't want those thoughts to intrude upon my peaceful life at the school. At least not for the next three years.

As I neared the dorms on my way back, a vending machine caught my attention. Feeling a bit thirsty, I approached the machine and considered my options. I could have gone for a variety of tempting soft drinks, each with its own appeal. While I didn't recognise many of them I could probably assume that they were not the most healthy for me. I ultimately decided to opt for some regular water instead.

It seemed like a simple choice, but it aligned perfectly with my desire for a healthy and refreshing drink. I made my selection and enjoyed the cool, clear water as I continued my peaceful walk back to the dormitories. However before I could continue I heard a small commotion in the alleyway besides the vending machine.

As I peeked discreetly, I noticed two figures engaged in a conversation in the dimly lit area. One was a taller male figure, but to my surprise, the other was none other than Horikita. My curiosity piqued, and I found myself more intrigued by this unexpected encounter than I initially thought. My hand lightly tapped the small camera, ensuring it was recording, and I continued to observe them from a safe distance. I made sure to conceal myself in the darkness of the night, making sure not to make any sudden movements that would alert them of my stalking.

Horikita Manabu: "I didn't expect you to follow me here Suzune." Student counsel president? What is he doing talking to Horikita?

Horikita Suzune: "Brother I'm not the failure I was then... I came here to catch up with you." Brother. Does that mean that Horikita is related to the student counsel president. I must say I could never have guessed, they seem like two completly different people.

Horikita Manabu: "Catch up? You still haven't realised your own shortcomings. You were a fool to choose this school."

Horikita Suzune: "I'll reach class A soon, I promise!" I've never seen Horikita seem so vulurable before. She lacks her usual pride and seems to be nervous, scared, and even seems... weak. 

Horikita Manabu: "Impossible."

Horikita Suzune: "I'll... make it there."

Horikita Manabu: "What an unreasonable sister you are." At that moment the president pinned Horikita against the wall with one hand raised in a striking position. So he's the type of person to not be a afraid of violence. How interesting.

Horikita Suzune: "B-brother..."

Horikita Manabu: "My little sister, assigned to Class D, and I'm the one who bears the shame. Leave the school now."

Horikita Suzune: "You have neither the right nor the ability to aim higher." He took a more aggresive motion with his fist. "You must learn." He's actually going to hit her. I'm not entirely suprised but even I can tell that this relationship is fifty shades of fucked up. If a monster like me can tell that a relationship is toxic, you definetly  are doing something wrong. Well I might as well intervene now, how could I pass up an opportunity like this?

I make my move, grabbing the student counsel presidents hand before he is able to strikle Horikita in the stomach.

Horikita Suzune: "Ayanokoji-kun?"

Kiyotaka: "You were really gonna hit her weren't you? That's not a good look for the student counsel president."

Horikita Manabu: "You shouldn't interfere with something that doesn't concern you."

Kiyotaka: "Let her go."

Horikita Manabu: "Shouldn't I be saying that to you?"

Horkita Suzune: "L-let him go Ayanokoji-kun."

I was taken aback by the unexpected softness in Horikita's voice, I've never heard her sound like that, and without hesitation, I released my grip on the student council president's hand as she requested. However, just as I did, the student council president swiftly spun around, aiming a powerful kick at my head. Despite my surprise, I managed to evade the kick and prevent myself from being knocked unconcious.

The force behind his kick left me suprised that a regular person could produce such strength, and I braced myself for whatever came next. Sure enough, he followed up with a swift swing of his hand, which I managed to duck under. Reacting quickly, he then attempted to seizie his advantage and launch a punch, but I parried the attack with practiced precision.

Seizing the opportunity, I used the momentum from the parry to push him back, gaining some distance between us. The intensity of the encounter caught me off guard, but I remained focused and ready for whatever might unfold next.

Horikita Manabu: "Nice moves. Do you perhaps practice some form of martial art?"

Kiyotaka: "Piano and calligraphy." He lightly scoffs at my response. He then adjust his posture of a more passive position, apparently giving up his attack.

Horikita Manabu: "Oh I heard of a student who got all 50s on their entrance exam. Could that happen to be you?"

Kiyotaka: "Who knows?"

Horikita Manabu: "50, exactly half of 100. Was that intentional?"

Kiyotaka: "Coincidences can be freaky."

Horikita Manabu: "You also got a 65 on the last test you took."

Kiyotaka: "I wouldn't say that the score is out of the ordinary."

Horikita Manabu: "But you answered all the questions that are well above your level while leaving the easier questions blank." I was slightly taken aback by this. I did that in order to gain the attention of Chabashira, I never expected that the student counsel could access our test papers.

Kiyotaka: "So you can access our tests..." A small smile forms on the presidents face as he turns to Horikita.

Horikita Manabu: "Suzune. I didn't know you made such a friend."

Horikita Suzune: "H-he's not my friend."

Horikita Manabu: "You once again mistake isolation for independance."

Horikita Suzune : "I..."

Horikita Manabu: "Suzune. If you want to rise to a higher class, struggle with everything you have." He then turns to look at me. "You are an interesting man Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

Kiyotaka: "I never told you my name."

Horikita Manabu: "I'll be watching." With that, the president turned around and left the scene. Leaving me and Horikita alone.

Kiyotaka: "So uh..." a silence permiated between us for a bit. The atmosphere was definetly a bit tense and akward.

Horikita Suzune: "You... saw a different side of me today."

Kiyotaka: "Actually I'm glad I did it made me realise that you're an ordin-" she gave me a death stare. "Sorry ma'am."

Horikita Suzune: "Was what he said true?"

Kiyotaka: "I will neither confirm nor deny anything."

Horikita Suzune: "Tsk." Another period of silence ensued between us. "You shouldn't have interupted."

Kiyotaka: "And I'm sure that would have ended well for you." That seemed to shut her up on that topic rather quickly.

Horikita Suzune: "What do you want?"

Kiyotaka: "Hm?"

Horikita Suzune: "If my brother recognises you, you must be a capabale person. So I repeat my question, what do you want?" She seems to have already returned to her usual self.

Kiyotaka: "Once again, I'm simply an ordinary student, and what I want is none of your concern."

Horikita Suzune: "Ordinary student?" She said incredulously. "How do you explain the fight then?"

Kiyotaka: "Piano and calligraphy."

Horikita Suzune: "Sure." I look down and turn around making a motion to leave. "Wait! You're going to help me get to Class A right?" Already so demanding after I saw her at such a vulnerable state.

Kiyotaka: "That is none of your concern." I say again. "But I'll give you a bit of advice. Kushida is starting a study group for our class, if you want to make sure our class doesn't lose any more points I suggest you help out."

Horikita Suzune: "Are you suggesting I teach those defects?"

Kiyotaka: "I never said anything. Like you said, I was never here." At those words I left the scene walking back to my dorms. I lightly tapped my hidden camera I had. It had recorded the entire encounter.


AN: I kinda got this one out a bit early as I already had a draft in the works while writing chapter 7. The writing her in my opinion isn't great but this chapter is kinda needed for the story I'm writing. I promise from the next chapter onwards it'll focus much more on the interactions between Ai and Kiyotaka. The last few chapters have been a bit of setup for the story so I can start actually writing about them in the following chapters.

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