Two Worlds Apart

MsChryssieE tarafından

635K 22.3K 4.2K

An unlikely friendship turned into something more when two paths are crossed. Both from different world's try... Daha Fazla



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MsChryssieE tarafından



Tossing in bed, I got a weird feeling and woke up.

"Aug?" I gently rocked him. "Babe?"

"Mmm. What?" He rolled over.

"Something doesn't feel right."

"What?" He turned and looked at me.

"I just got a weird feeling."

"Go back to sleep Chrys. It was probably from a dream."

Looking at him, he had fallen back to sleep. Getting out of bed, I went over to the baby monitor. Listening carefully, I heard my son coo. Confused, knowing that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night anymore, I grabbed my robe and left our room. Facing the room he was in, I saw the glow of the light from below the door. Opening it, the only thing I didn't do was cuss when I saw him up and Aug's mom with him.

"What are you doing?" I took him from her.

"I was bonding with my grandson, what's wrong?"

"It's after three in the morning Ms. Sheila, what do you mean what's wrong? He's supposed to be sleeping. Why would you wake him up?" I held him close to me.

"I didn't mean to. I got up to get some water and on my way back, I decided to check on him."

"If you were just checking on him, he wouldn't have woken up."

"What's going on over here?" My mother then came in.

"You know what, nothing mommy." I scoffed and walked off.

Making my way downstairs, I went out to by the pool and sat. Adjusting him, I positioned him to nurse. Instantly latching on he began drinking while I exhaled.

"I need you to go back to sleep love." I spoke as I gently stroked his hair.

Looking at me with his eyes wide open, he let out a giggle. That was the last thing I needed right now. I worked so hard to get my son on a routine that worked for us, yet still she insisted on interfering with it. Letting go of my nipple, he turned his head and exhaled. Knowing he was finished, I just adjusted my top and him to burp him.

"Everything alright out here?" My mother asked as she came out.

"No. He's wide awake now."

"I'm sure she didn't mean to wake him honey."

"This is the second time she has done this mommy. Even when I've told her countless times about the routine we have, it's like she doesn't care."

"I'm sure she does. She just missed him. It's been what? three months since she's seen him, give her a chance."

"You won't understand so just forget it."

"Chrys?" We then heard Aug's voice. "Babe? What y'all doing." He paused when he saw his son. "He's up? How come?" He came over to us.

"I'll leave y'all." My mom said before she left.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"She woke him up Aug, again."

"My momma?"

"Yes. After seeing the glow of the light in his room, I opened the door to her holding him and he's wide awake and laughing."

"Aight babe, I'll talk to her in the morning. Gimme him and you go back to sleep." He sighed before taking him.

Getting up, I made my way back inside but not to our room. Turning on the kettle, I got two cups and set it with tea bags. Sitting and waiting on the water to boil, I placed my head on the counter. Hearing the click from the kettle, I got it, poured the water in the cups and let the tea bags steep.



"Whatchu doing here? Didn't I tell you to go sleep?"

"I'm just making us some tea."

"Okay. Let me go put him down. Meet you in the bedroom."


Kissing me on my forehead, I smiled as he left. Shortly after, I took the cups upstairs. Passing the baby's room, I entered ours to him sitting up in bed. Closing the door behind me, I handed him his cup then joined him.

"Thank you babe."



"That's besides the point momma. You had no right to pick him up when he was sleeping."

"So I can't hold my grandson now?"

"You really gonna stand here and try to twist my words? Whea did I say you couldn't hold him? He was sleeping momma. Me and Chrysta are already grateful at the fact that we got such a calm baby but you keep doing shit to disrupt our flow and Ion appreciate that. During the day, you can interact with him but when he's asleep, leave him to sleep."

Laying in bed, I was surprised when I heard Aug's voice. Though his mother was in the room opposite to us, I didn't think he would have reacted like that. Hearing our door open, I looked at him.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He kissed me. "You hungry? I left back some breakfast for you."

"I'm fine."

"Nah I'm bringing something for you to eat. Also, we're spending the day on the beach, so get ready."

"Okay." I smiled.

Getting out of bed, I went ahead and got myself ready. It was now going on half ten and I honestly needed to sleep in after this morning. Finished with my morning routine, as I got out of the shower, Aug was in the room getting dressed as my breakfast was on the bed.

"Thanks babe. Hand me the spray sunblock, let me get your back."

Taking a bite out of a pancake, I took the can, shook it and sprayed him down. Asking if it would just be us going, he informed me that it was all of us going down to the beach and his mom was getting our son ready.

"Ion know what's going on with my momma but she gotta respect our way of raising our son. Would you believe she told me she feels like he sleeps too much?"

Not saying anything, I allowed him to vent. It was clear he wanted to get it off his chest.

"Like he is a baby. His job is to eat, shit and sleep. Then you wanna flip shit to act like if Ion want you with him. Whea the fuck I said that?" He looked at me.

Sitting on the bed, thankfully my mouth was full so I couldn't answer.

"I'm sorry for offloading on you like this baybeh."

"No no. It's fine. You're expressing and releasing, I won't stop that."

Sighing, he sat next to me. Moving closer to him, being the spoiled being he is, he laid his head on my shoulder. Taking his hand, I turned him to me. Closing our eyes, we did some breathing exercises and recentred his spirit before finishing get ready and meeting our mothers downstairs.


"I still can't believe how he was so into the seawater."

"He's accustom to it by now. Chrys takes him to the beach often." Aug responded to his mother.

Back at the villa, the evening was a calm one. We had spent the entire day down by the beach, which was perfect. From light snacks and sandwiches to drinks and music, we had everything with us down there.

"Chrys? Back to work on Monday?"

"Mhmm." I nodded as I drink some juice. "But for half day. By the way mommy, as Aug is here."

"Girl I already know." She fanned me off. "But if you need anything, just call me." She then told him.

"I got you."

"When are y'all going back?"

"Next Sunday." He answered.

Hearing my phone ringing in the kitchen, I excused myself and went inside. As I got it, the call ended. Unlocking it, I saw Shanice was calling. Returning the call, I FaceTimed her instead.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hi babe. All is well?"

"Yuh can say so yes." I nodded as I sat by the island. "What about on your end?"

"Surprisingly enough, it is." She laughed.

"Yuh know yuh have to give me the whole run down when yuh come back."

"I definitely will. I'm back on Monday."

"Okay good. We heading back on the evening boat on Sunday."

"Okay. Well I was just checking in."

"Thanks. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Kiss my godson for me."

"Will do."

Ending that call, I stared at my phone for a bit. Walking back to the door, I called out to Aug. Telling him I was going upstairs for a bit, he acknowledged me as he held our son. As I entered our room, I pressed and called Kevin.

"Gimme a minute y'all." I heard him say.

His background was a bit noisy as he moved away from where he initially was.

"Wassup Chrys?"

"I hope I'm disturbing you?"

"Oh nah, just chilling with some friends. Everything alright? You good?"

"I called to apologize."

"For?" He looked confused.

"Ignoring your calls."

"Oh. It was deliberate?"

"It was but at no fault of yours."

Explaining to him the led up to me ignoring his calls, he nodded in understanding.

"Well I could understand where Yung was coming from."

"Mhmm." I hummed.

"But y'all good though?"

"We are."

"So why I feel like yo ass is bursting with something to say."

"Oh." I laughed. "No I'm good. I just needed to get that off my chest."

"Well alright then. We cool. Just no more nursing while we talking." He joked.

"Whatever." I laughed. "Anyway, let me get back to everyone, you go back to your lime."

"My lime." He repeated with a chuckle. "Later Chrys."

"You alright?"

Looking up, Aug came walking in.

"Yep. Where is he?"

"With my momma. Yours went to shower."


"You sure you're alright babe?"

"Yes. I just got off the phone Kevin. I called and apologized for ignoring him and cleared the air."

"Ah okay."

"I was thinking." I spoke as he sat next to me. "Tomorrow our moms could take our son out for the day while we stay in and have some alone time."

"That sounds good." He pulled me onto his lap. "I've been hoping to get a day with just you."

"Oh really? To do what?"

"Just about anything." He kissed on my neck.

"Keep playing and we'll end up with another child."

"I don't mind." He smirked.

"I do. It's too soon."

"Alright, I'll try to be careful."

"Try ent?"

"Try." He laughed.

Tickling me on the spot, while we laughed there was a knock on the door, allowing whomever it was to come in, his mom entered.

"I think he's ready for bed."

"Oh okay. Do you mind giving him his bath for me while I clean up. I'll come feed when I'm done."

"No I don't mind." She smiled.

"Thanks. Babe can you show her everything."

"Yeah love." He got up as did I.

Going into the bathroom, I undressed and showered. Once I was finished and dressed, I met them downstairs. Taking him, I got him situated as he nursed. All while doing so, Aug's mom was looking at me. The entire day went by and she hadn't apologized or mentioned anything after what went down and at this point, I wasn't going to fight up anymore.

"Would you stop pulling on my nipple little boy." I shook my head.

"Aug used to do the same. I don't know what it was about it but he did it."

"After the first time he noticed he could do it, he hasn't stopped."

"How long do you plan on breastfeeding?"

"As long as I can. He's eating some mushed solids but he loves his milk regardless."

"Have you tried him with formula yet?"

"I have but it didn't work out good. He rejected it instantly and threw a fit."

"Wow." She laughed a little.

Getting quiet, I looked down as I noticed he had stopped sucking. Looking at his face, I knew he was ready to sleep. Gently patting his back, once he burped I asked her if she wanted to put him to sleep. Agreeing, just as I was handing him over, Aug came in being loud and startled him.

"Awe shit. My bad." He apologized as the baby started crying.

"I'll settle him." His mother said as she got up.

"My apologies babe."

"So what was all the noise about?"

"They finally settled on a release date for my new album, December eleventh."

"That's great."

"Yeah but it also means that when I get back, it will be go time and I may not see y'all before Christmas."

"We'll be fine. This is all a part of it."

"Thanks for being so understanding."

"Hey, it's what I agreed to when I got with you, I can't be mad at that."

"I love you."

"I love you as well. Now, feed me." I smiled.

"What you had in mind?"

"Anything. Surprise me."

"Aight. Come let see what's left."

"Yay." I got excited as I followed him.

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