RWBY and JNPR Watch The Proje...

By CeruleanLancer

95.2K 1.3K 613

Before there was Red vs Blue, there was Project Freelancer. The teams loved the Recollection Trilogy but it's... More

Mini-Series: MIA
Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
PSA's: Drafted/What I Did on My Summer Vacation
S10 Extra Scenes


1.6K 22 16
By CeruleanLancer

Author's Note:

The review bug used to happen every few months but now it seems to happen every few days. Yay. Still review if you have something to say, eventually I will see it and respond.

You may have noticed the new cover art, still done by the wonderful Cruz7808. Look closely into the Seer. I love it.

A guest pointed out the character's hero worship Tex a lot. I hoped it would come across as them just being fans. Obviously they know that if they ever fought Tex they could kick her ass with some effort.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

S9E11- Lifting the Veil

"I don't understand it either Ruby." Jaune shook his head.

"I wonder if either of them will show any guilt." Blake scoffed with her arms crossed.

"Highly doubtful." Weiss replied snarkily with a wave of her hand.

"They're teammates, they should show some remorse." Pyrrha commented.

"Did Cardin ever show regret after hitting Dove or Sky with his hammer?" Weiss raised an eyebrow.

"Mace." Ruby mumbled.

"Actually yeah." Jaune chimed in, "But maybe because they lost."

"Does he get a cookie for that?" Yang snickered.

"No." Ruby mumbled again.

"He usually just gets mad, well used to." Jaune added.

Ruby giggled, "He's like a reformed bully."

Blake rolled her eyes, "I'll believe it when I see it."

"You made an impression on him." Pyrrha gave Jaune a smile.

Jaune scratched the back of his neck, "Yeah... anyway let's not talk about Cardin."

"Good idea." Nora forced a giggle, "I don't like Cardin."

Ren spared a glance towards Nora, "I think we should start the next episode."

Jaune nodded.

" Lifting the Veil" appeared on the screen with the theme.

"The opposite of pulling the wool over someone's eyes." Yang snickered at her own 'Joke' much to her team's displeasure.

Ren sighed and Ruby groaned, "Why do you laugh at your own jokes?"


"Don't answer, it was rhetorical!"

"Your jokes are terrible anyway." Blake said, looking directly at Yang.

"Yeah! Weiss could make better jokes." Ruby gestured to Weiss.

Weiss frowned, trying to decide if she felt complimented or insulted. Weiss huffed, making her decision. "I'm certain I could but Yang doesn't exactly set a high bar."

Yang smirked. "Weiss, but your jokes always fall apart ."

Ruby muffled her laughter while Blake made no attempt to hide her chuckled.

Weiss turned to glare at Yang, "You said my joke wasn't very good, you just wanted to steal it for yourself."

Jaune glanced around, "Wha-"

Weiss held up a hand to silence him.

Yang shrugged holding her hands up, "What can I say? With that low bar I'm setting I guess you're just tripping on it."

Ruby snickered again, Weiss rounded on her. "And you! You go from insulting her ability to make jokes to laughing at them!"

Yang laughed at Ruby's blush, "That's why I'm the master."

Ren gave Jaune a look, he nodded. "Are you guys done? Because I want to see what they do about York."

"I hope he's alright- I mean we know he's alright but... you know." Ruby said with a gesture to the screen.

The episode opens with the second part of "Maniacs"

Maine growls and rams into the top half of a pillar, causing the debris to hit York.

"I won't complain about seeing this again!" Nora grinned, giddily sitting on her hands and squirming in place.

Tex fires paint at Maine and kicks him away. Maine's back hits a pillar and he begins to fall. Maine, however, pulls the pin off a grenade he is holding, and throws it toward Tex. She easily evades the incoming grenade and it lands next to York.

Tex: "Hey!"

Ruby grimaced, knowing what is about to come.

Tex's right shoulder sparks blue. She begins to fire an array of paint all over York's body to protect him but the grenade explodes. York flies backward in response to the explosion.

Ruby winced.

York: "Aaaahh!"

North Dakota: "Shit!"

Washington: "Damn it! Those maniacs!"

North Dakota: "What the fuck are they doing?!"

Everyone watched, unblinking.

Wash, North, and South run down to the training arena. Carolina pushes an intercom button.

Carolina: "F.I.L.S.S. we need a medical team to the training floor stat!"

Carolina runs toward the training arena as well. Alarms begin to blare.

"Where are the precautions to prevent something like this?" Pyrrha growled.

"Out the window, remember what C.T. said." Blake raised an eyebrow.

Pyrrha sighed, "Seems she was- well we don't know if she's right yet."

F.I.L.S.S.: "Medical team en route, please remain calm."

The pillars sink back into the ground, Washington, Carolina, South Dakota, and North Dakota all enter the arena. They head to an injured York.

Carolina: "York! York!"

Medical team members enter the arena and begin to scatter around.

Carolina: "Get over here, now!"

Pyrrha smiled, "She cares for her teammates, the others do too but she didn't panic."

"She's very sensible." Ren nodded.

York groans sharply.

Jaune's mouth opened, "He's awake?"

"Better than being knocked out, that is not good for you." Yang commented.

Washington: "(from a distance) Is he gonna be okay?"

Carolina: "Come on York. Hang in there."

South Dakota: "I can't believe she did that to him..."

Ruby frowned, "I guess she did help him, but it didn't look like it."

"Why didn't she just shoot the grenade?" Jaune asked.

"It wouldn't do much." Nora pointed out, "That paint just hardens armor but it's still ya know... basically a glue. Probably wouldn't do much. Ohh! Unless they use it as sticky grenades, but Ruby's blue spider grenades work better."

Ruby grinned, "Thanks, those were the first grenades I ever made."

In the background, a medic tries to help Agent Maine, but Maine shrugs him off in response and the medic backs away.

Maine: "(in the background) Get off me!"

Nora gasped, "He talks!"

"He even sounds like a brute." Weiss grimaced. Reminds me of that chainsaw wielding psychopath.

"He only growls in the future, I guess what happened in the trailer is canon." Blake commented.

"Getting shot in the throat?" Jaune asked.

Blake nodded.

South: "... shot his armor, sacrificed him."

"Sacrificed him for what? What is she talking about." Weiss narrowed her eyes.

"I don't know what she means but, I was suspicious of her at first." Ruby shrugged.

Washington: "Lockdown hardens the armor. She probably saved his life."

Ruby nodded, "You guys were right."

North: "Quick thinking."

Carolina: "Yeah, really quick."

Carolina looks over to Tex, who is being helped by men in black suits.

Ruby pointed, "Look at that, they're in different suits."

"She's getting special treatment." Weiss nodded.

Blake smiled, "I almost didn't notice, that's a nice detail."

"She's a special case, I bet they're technicians and not medics." Jaune smirked.

Ren nodded, "And those sparks, likely proof she is in a robotic body."

The Director suddenly walks in with the Counselor by his side.

Director: "Everyone! Stand down, now!"

Wash, South, Carolina, and North, quickly stand in formation.

"He's taller than all of them." Blake commented, "It's a nice detail to show superiority. He's presented as an imposing figure."

"Yeah that's weird! They're in power armor." Ruby pointed out.

"He is a far cry from Church." Yang added.

Director: "(angrily) You should be ashamed of yourselves! I expect you to act as a team!"

"Why is he berating them? They weren't in the match." Ruby glared. "They were angry at Wyoming and Maine for using live rounds, and didn't see a problem with York working against them." Blake explained.

"Because there isn't a problem with that!" Ruby shouted.

Blake shook her head, "I know."

Washington: "They used live ammunition on the floor sir. That's against regulation."

Blake smiled sadly, happy to see him stand up for his friend.

Director: "(angrily) Do you think our enemies will care about regulations on the battlefield, Agent Washington?!"

The director causes the others to back away, he turns his back to them all.

Jaune gaped at the screen, "He can't be serious can he?"

"A cruel and callous way to teach a valuable lesson." Blake closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"Like an evil Ozpin." Nora flourished.

"Don't compare them." Ruby snapped quietly, "Professor Ozpin would never do something like this."

Pyrrha nodded, "I hate to find myself agreeing with the director but, the four of you have seen it firsthand."

"So did we! We were at the breach." Nora pointed out.

"I meant opponents other than Grimm." Pyrrha explained.

Ruby blushed, "Yeah none of them cared about rules, especially not Torchwick."

Washington: "So, y-you're not punishing them?"

Director: "Ingenuity and adaptability are admirable traits!"

"So did he give them the ammo or is he just proud of them for using it?" Yang asked.

"Either one is horrible." Ruby grumbled.

"C.T. Is smart, I think the director gave them the ammo." Blake said.

Pyrrha growled, "Again I agree with him, just not his methods."

The screen closes up on York's helmet. It shows multiple large cracks and a hole above York's left eye.

Director: "You should all learn something from this. Dismissed."

Blake scoffed, rolling her eyes, "Sure."

The Director leaves. C.T. appears among the other Freelancers.

C.T.: "(scoffs) Yeah, you should learn something alright."

Washington: "I can't believe this."

C. T.: "Don't forget to check your place on that list Wash."

Blake smirked, "I'm beginning to like C.T."

"Really? After all she did in season seven?" Ruby asked.

"Well, technically this is before." Jaune pointed out.

Blake nodded, "And we still don't know why she went to find the artifact, but it was clearly important enough to kill for."

Ren's eyes widened, "Hmm, maybe we'll finally see why. This is a prequel after all."

C.T. and Washington leave. Carolina looks over at Tex as she is being escorted out by the black suited men. Tex's armor sparks blue again.

Tex: "(to one of the men) Don't touch me."

Carolina: "Interesting."

Tex: "(to the men) Take me back to the Director."

The black suited men escort Tex out of the training arena; Carolina continues to watch.

"Definitely technicians, she seems to be ok with the director." Yang commented.

"Maybe she used to trust him too?" Jaune suggested.

"Everyone bar C.T. seems to have trusted him." Weiss added.

Cut to a flash of white light and a loud bang.

Church: "(panicked) Aaahhh! What the hell was that?! I can't see anything! Tucker where are you? Caboose are you dead? I hope so!"

The white flash begins to fade out revealing the Blues panicking in front of their base.

Nora laughed, "Yes! We're back here!" She looked to Ruby with wide puppy eyes.

Ruby nodded, "After the season I'll make your flashbangs."

"Yes! Thank you Ruby!" Nora dashed over to Ruby, giving her a hug. "Ack!" Ruby struggled, "Y- you're welcome!"

Yang chuckled, "So who do you think threw it, it has to be Tex right?"

"I highly doubt it's anyone else." Weiss scoffed, chin held high.

Tucker: "Aaah! What was that?!"

Church: "I think it was a flashbang. I can't see!"

Caboose: "(yelling) WHAT?!"

"Hmm flashbangs could be very useful in the tournament." Pyrrha mumbled.

Jaune nodded, "I already have a few ideas for how to use them!" Ruby giggled.

Yang looked over to Ruby, "You having fun arming our competitors?"

"Hey!" Ruby frowned, "I'm arming us too!"

Weiss laughed mirthlessly, "You've upgraded your own sniper and Blake's pistol, that's it. However as for team JNPR, Nora is a walking amalgamation of explosives, Jaune is going to get a hard light sword, Ren's guns shoot a mix of dust that-"

"That you gave me!" Ruby shouted indignantly. "And.. I also gave Yang's gauntlets a tune up."

Yang nodded, cocking said gauntlets. "Yeah, but I could have done that myself. But they do sound like Sarge's shotgun now which is pretty cool. Thanks rubes."

Ruby blushed, "No problem and- yeah I see your point Weiss. But! If they win, it's still a win for Beacon. Therefore! It's a win for us." Ruby crossed her arms in victory.

Weiss narrowed her eyes, Blake chuckled.

"To her a win means nothing unless it's us." Blake smirked.

Weiss gasped, "No it doesn't! If team JNPR wins I would happily congratulate them."

"Thank you." Pyrrha smiled.

"Begrudgingly congratulate, just wait." Blake chuckled.

Tucker: "(yelling) Well it's a good name because it definitely went flash and bang!"

Nora grinned wildly, "That's why they're awesome!"

Caboose: "(yelling) WHAT?!"

Church: "Oh my god, are we under attack?! Is it the Reds?"

Tucker: "(yelling) I don't know, I can't see anything either! My mother always said I would go blind, but for a totally different reason!"

Yang burst out laughing, "Oh that's too good!"

"Why what? I don't get it?" Ruby frowned.

Blake noticeably blushed, she tried desperately to evade a glance from Yang. Yang smirked. "It's a weird lie parents tell kids. If you watch porn you'll go blind."

Ruby nodded, "Ohhh, or if you watch too much tv your eyes will go square."

"Your parents said that too!?" Jaune laughed.

"They said that your eyes would go... square?" Ren raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, to get us to stop watching tv so much." Ruby explained.

"Uh huh." Ren frowned.

Blake fought her blush, Dad caught me reading Ninjas of Love. Yang cannot hope to embarrass me more than he did after offloading me to mom. Blake chuckled. Dad was always so clueless, and mom was too nosy. Way too nosy, I miss them.

Blake shook her head and cleared her throat, "Tucker's eyes should have fallen out by now."

Yang snorted, "And his hands should have grown fur."

Caboose: "(yelling) WHAAT?!"

Church: "Caboose, stop saying 'What'. You can't hear."

"That'll help." Blake shook her head with a grin.

Caboose: "(yelling) Can of beer?! But this is not the time!"

Church: "You're deaf."

Caboose: "(yelling) Oh no! I had so much to live for!"

Pyrrha giggled, holding her hand to her mouth.

Tucker: "(yelling) No you didn't!"

Tucker, unbeknownst to himself, bumps into Church.

Tucker: "(yelling) What was that?! Something just hit me!"

Church: "Something just hit me too!"

Weiss facepalmed, slamming her hand into her forehead. "Sometimes they're dumber than Caboose."

"You're going to be dumber than Caboose, if you keep hitting your head that hard. Engage your aura." Blake smirked wryly.

Tucker: "(yelling) Is it another grenade?!"

Church: "(panicked) We're under attack! Open fire!"

Ruby snorted, "Church is going to hit someone!"

"He's blind, somehow he'll be even less accurate." Weiss shook her head.

"When has seeing helped him?" Ruby asked.

The Blues randomly begin firing in the air.

Tucker: "(yelling) AAAHH! Get some! Take that fuckers!"

Ruby shook her head, "Nevermind they're all just shooting in the air."

Pyrrha squinted, "Caboose hit Tucker."

Nora giggled.

The camera pans backward revealing Epsilon-Tex, finally arriving at Blood Gulch in the Epsilon unit, watching the Blues make fools of themselves.

Epsilon-Tex: "What a bunch of idiots."

Yang burst out laughing, "Yes! I knew it!"

"You said it would be me?" Ruby gestured to herself.

"Eh." Yang shrugged. "Anyway Tex always knows how to make an entrance."

"Yeah it almost always involves violence in some way." Jaune pointed out.

"Exactly, she makes her entrances with a Yang!" Yang smirked.

"No! Boo! If you're going to make puns, make them original!" Ruby shouted.

Yang laughed, waving her off. "They recreated her first entrance from season one, where she showed up standing on that hill."

"It's a little different, originally she showed up behind them." Jaune pointed out.

"Except now there is no canyon wall, just a beach." Ren added.

Nora snorted, "Instead of a wall they have an endless supply of water."

Jaune laughed, "Good one Nora."

"Salt water." Weiss mumbled.

Cut to Grif and Lopez standing in front of the Warthog as a tremor rocks them.

Lopez: "Ustedes deberían dejarme investigar este fenómeno sísmico.[You people should let me investigate this seismic phenomenon.]"

Nora sagged, "I don't want the memory unit to fail! Blood Gulch is fun to see again."

"And with better graphics." Jaune added.

Nora nodded, "Yeah, but now it's all green."

Grif: "Yeah, okay buddy, whatever you say. Hey, you missed a spot."

Lopez: "Al menos todos moriremos con un vehículo limpio.[At least we'll all die with a clean vehicle.]"

Sarge walks towards the two.

Grif: "Heh, heh, you said it. Now come on, chop, chop. Back to work buddy. Let's hear less talk I don't understand and see more work I don't want to do."

"It's a wonder Lopez tolerates them." Weiss sighed.

Sarge: "How's it going out here?"

Grif: "Great! The jeep has never been so clean."

Sarge: "That's because you're not the one cleaning it."

Grif: "Good point. You know Sarge, all this time the laziness in me, it's been really under utilized. I never reached my full potential. I just realized, I should be in management!"

"How is management lazy? They have a lot to do." Weiss frowned.

Ruby shrugged, "Professor Port doesn't really do that much work. And being a teacher is kind of like management."

"Define work..." Jaune laughed nervously.

Pyrrha chuckled, "Coco told us he pre-prepares his speeches. He writes drafts and practices before every lesson."

"That's... he clearly puts a lot of effort into his lessons." Weiss smiled, trying her best to defend him.

"That's one way of putting it." Blake chuckled.

Sarge: "You do seem like a natural."

Grif: "It's the best job ever. You just tell people what to do, and they do it. And if you don't have anything for them to do, you just tell them to do something they did before, but do it better this time. I've got it all figured out."

"There's more to it than that." Weiss grumbled. "I should know, I will one day manage the Schnee Dust Company."

Sarge: "How about you get busy helping with that jeep then?"

Grif: "I'm sorry, what? I'm on break."

Radio sounds. Simmons is seen at the cave entrance.

Simmons: "(over radio) Come in, Lopez. Lopez, come in. This is a secure channel."

Blake shook her head, "He's very obvious."

"With what?" Jaune asked.

Blake raised an eyebrow, "The way he's speaking, it's suspicious. It's the voice of a bad liar."

Lopez: "Os copio.[I read you.]"

Simmons: "(over radio) This is 'Flying Eagle'. I have a secret mission for you."

Lopez: "¿Águila Voladora?[Flying Eagle?]"

"I'm with Lopez, flying eagle?" Weiss asked.

"Probably something nerdy." Yang suggested.

Simmons: "Actually it's Simmons. We're using codenames on this mission Lopez. Because it's 'Top Secret'."

"Codenames, ohh like ours!" Nora giggled. "The Fables!"

Ruby grinned, "The Grimm Reaper!... Grimm Reaper 2.0 but you get the idea. She's so cool!"

Pyrrha chuckled, "I grew up with stories of her exploits, I still wonder what happened to her."

Ruby nodded, "Flying Eagle is a bad codename."

"Why did we come up with those ridiculous code names again?" Weiss asked.

"I thought you liked being the Ice Queen." Blake chuckled.

Weiss grimaced, "I do but.. it's sort of pointless."

"Well, I like the idea because it wouldn't interfere with our personal lives." Pyrrha explained. "If we became famous like the Grimm Reaper then all the fame could go to the Shadowcat." Pyrrha gestured to Blake. "Or the Dragoness." She gestured to Yang who smirked, Pyrrha moved to Jaune. "Or the White Knight."

Yang snorted, "White Knight."

"I like the title." Jaune smiled.

"Shining Knight would be better." Ruby mumbled.

"Whatever our names, I see your point Pyrrha." Weiss conceded.

"It's a cool idea anyway." Yang shrugged. "But Flying Eagle sounds like a name from a spy movie. Not a fairy tale."

Nora gasped, "Ohh! Spy names! What are our spy names?"

"Really?" Weiss asked. "What's the point, we're training to become huntresses. Not to become spies or mystery warriors. The Fables is already pushing it."

"Oh don't be a sourpuss." Yang snickered.

Weiss's nostrils flared, "Fine! What's your spy name Yang?"

Yang shrugged, "Agent Patch."

"That's more of a freelancer name, a spy name would be something like what Simmons said. Flying Eagle, Crouching Tiger, or Red Viper." Jaune explained.

"Eh I like being an Agent more." Yang shrugged. "And they're kind of like spies."

"Wait if you're agent Patch, what can I be?" Ruby frowned.

"Does it have to be a place." Weiss frowned.

"The states are places." Ren explained. "Although.." Ren trailed off, Nora put a hand on his shoulder. Ren shook his head, "Why not make it a place that has meaning to you?"

Ruby frowned, "Agent Signal, but Patch means a lot to me."

"Then you can take it, I can be Agent Remnant." Yang shrugged. "I want to explore all of remnant, that's pretty important to me."

"This is childish... Agent Mantle." Weiss shook her head.

"Not Atlas?" Pyrrha asked, tilting her head.

Weiss raised her head, "My grandfather grew up in Mantle. He worked in the Mantle dust mines and went to Mantle's combat school Alsius. While my grandfather was instrumental in Atlas's success. His original goal was to make sure Mantle didn't fall to ruin."

Pyrrha smiled, "That's very thoughtful, Agent Beacon."

"Beacon?" Jaune asked.

Pyrrha nodded, "I came here for a reason, I could have gone to Haven but I would have been even more of a celebrity there, than I am here. I came here not to learn to become a huntress, I am very well trained and have been blessed with great talent." Pyrrha explained. Jaune nodded, giving her encouragement to which she smiled. "I came here to make the relationships I couldn't back home. Friendships that will last a lifetime." She smiled warmly.

"Aww Pyrrha!" Nora cooed, "We will be friends forever!"

Pyrrha smiled, "So Nora, what about you?"

Nora's smile waned, "Well uh.. I don't really have a place that means a lot to me. Me and Ren kind of just travelled everywhere. It didn't matter where we were."

"As long as we had each other." Ren smiled. "I can be Agent Kuroyuri." He winced.

"Agent Mistral." Nora shrugged. "Eh, doesn't really matter."

"Kuroyuri.. want to.." Jaune gestured for him to go further.

Ren shook his head, "And you Jaune?"

"Agent Vytal." Jaune nervously ran a hand through his hair. "Like you Weiss I'm going with family." Weiss nodded respectfully. "My great great grandfather fought in the war and wanted peace. They declared peace on the island."

All eyes shifted to Blake who shrugged. "Agent Menagerie. It's where I'm from and it's very important to the Faunus.. in many different ways." She raised her shoulders defensively.

"... ok cool we're freelancers now!" Yang whooped. "That went a little deeper than I thought it would but.. no complaints. Definitely better than flying eagle."

Ruby snorted, "I wonder if Lopez will get a codename too."

Weiss gasped, "It had better be something meaningful or interesting. Maybe, 'The Heavy'." She suggested.

Lopez: "¿Por qué no consigo un nombre en clave, entonces? [Why don't I get a codename then?]"

"Good point." Weiss pursed her lips.

"What kind of codename is The Heavy ?" Ruby asked.

"Lopez called himself Lopez the Heavy a few times, I think it's because his robotic body is heavy." Weiss explained.

Penny sure is heavy... that's not mean is it? She's not big, she looks delicate. Ruby thought.

Simmons: "I need you to come to the cave and investigate something. It's 'Top Secret'. Don't tell Sarge, or Grif, or Donut, or anyone else I didn't mention."

Lopez: "Usted podría haber dicho,no le digas a nadie, eso hubiese sido más rápido.[You could have just said "don't tell anyone", that would've been much faster.]"

Simmons: "Okay. See you in the cave. Come alone and unarmed. You could also come in with your eyes closed if you want... for secrets."

"I will be very disappointed in Lopez if he falls for this." Weiss shook her head.

"I'd be disappointed in the writers instead." Blake commented.

Lopez: "Esto parece sospechoso. Además, mis ojos no se cierran. Se apagan.[This seems suspicious. Also my eyes don't close. They turn off.]"

"Atlas actually makes prosthetic eyes, they're more like goggles though." Weiss commented.

Simmons: "Yes, it is an honor to be selected. You are right. 'Flying Eagle' out."

Simmons walks into the cave. Another earthquake occurs.

Lopez: "¿Por qué fui enviado a esta unidad?[Why was I shipped to this unit?]"

Lopez heads towards the cave. He makes it inside.

"Simmons wouldn't blatantly attack him would he?" Weiss asked.

"I doubt it, he'd mess up somehow." Blake added.

"I think we all know that." Yang chuckled.

Lopez: "(in Spanish) ¿Águila Voladora?¿Estás ahí dentro? [Flying Eagle? Are you in here?]"

"He's not going to do this is he?" Weiss shook her head. "He's even calling him flying eagle."

Simmons: "Down here Lopez!"

Lopez heads toward him. Simmons is seen from a far. He is standing next to a large puddle of water with a "Puma Battery" trailing into the water.

Yang laughed, "Puma battery, so Grif was right after all. It is a Puma."

"So he's going to electrocute Lopez with a car battery?" Weiss raised an eyebrow. "That's low, it's also petty. He's jealous of Lopez's status, what is this? Highschool." She scoffed.

"Simmons isn't very stable." Blake pointed out.

"That much is clear." Weiss crossed her arms.

Simmons: "This is the perfect plan. Lopez will walk through the water, which I have electrified using, A. This battery, and B. My incredible knowledge of how batteries work. The resulting shock will short him out and all the guys will see that I'm the funny, smart one who's good at math and not having emotions. They'll see!"

"Simmons is bad at not showing emotion, he can't contain them. He has had multiple breaks over the series runtime." Blake commented.

"The most egregious of which was when he defected to the blue team." Weiss added.

"That was for a valid reason though." Jaune pointed out.

"I feel that many of them were for semi-valid reasons." Ren commented. "In most cases it involved Sarge not valuing Simmons's hard work."

"This isn't one of those times." Weiss pointed to the screen.

Lopez arrives at the puddle, across from Simmons.

Lopez: "Hola. [Hello.]"

Simmons: "Oooh, hi Lopez. I was just down here investigating our mission. Hey... why don't you come over here... through that big puddle?"

Blake facepalmed.

Lopez: "Te escuché decir que la electrificaste. No tengo idea por qué los humanos hablan en voz alta cuando piensan. [No. I heard you say that you electrified it. I have no idea why humans need to speak out loud when they think."

"People in shows do that a lot." Jaune commented. "It's weird."

"You do it." Nora giggled.

"W- ahuh?" Jaune stammered.

Ruby giggled too, "Yeah you talk to yourself sometimes."

Jaune blushed, "Oh I- huh. I never thought about it."

Simmons: "(persuasively) Come on, over here."

Lopez: "No. Estás intentando dañarme. [No. You are trying to damage me.]"

Weiss breathed a sigh of relief, "Good, for a moment I thought he would fall for it. Or get so annoyed he'd not think anything of Simmons's suspicious nature and walk through anyway."

Simmons: "Seriously, this way. Just walk into that puddle. I mean the regular puddle... the one that's not, you know... (sighs) you know what, forget I mentioned the puddle. No puddle there, that's dry. Optical illusion."

Lopez: "Eres muy malo en esto.[You are very bad at this.]"

Blake nodded.

Simmons: "(pleading) Pleease! Come on!"

Lopez: "Solo daré la vuelta. Veo otra forma de entrar.[I will just go around. I see another way in.]"

Weiss chuckled, "Simmons didn't think this through."

"If he was a better liar, had a better reason for Lopez to meet him there. Had hidden the battery, and not mentioned the puddle. It could have worked." Blake commented.

Simmons: "What?! NOOO! Wait!"

Simmons runs into the large puddle and gets electrocuted!

Lopez: "Ay señor. Dame tu fortaleza.[Oh lord. Give me a break.]"

Simmons jitters as he is being electrocuted and the episode fades to black.

Weiss chuckled, "No surprise there."

"He sounds like he's humming dubstep." Yang commented. "I guess dubstep is pretty electrifying."

Ruby groaned, "Ugh.. why?"

"Ignoring her, I'd say the most interesting part of the episode was the director." Blake explained.

"Nope, Tex showing up." Yang smirked. "What a bunch of idiots, a great summary."

Jaune shrugged, "These last few episodes felt like one long episode. Each started where the last left off."

"Yeah, I'm still reeling from the fight." Nora grinned. "Before Maine and Wyoming cheated it was fun!"

"I still wonder how we would fare." Pyrrha commented.

"Just wait, at the end of the season we'll do it." Ruby grinned. "I think setting up the pillars would be easy."

"Tex is a badass... relatively." Yang shrugged. "Any one of us could probably take her."

"I doubt I could." Jaune raised a hand.

"She is very skilled... I wouldn't write her off so soon." Pyrrha advised.

"Oh please, Pyrrha you would mop the floor with her." Yang laughed.

Pyrrha blushed, "Not without effort."

"Next episode, let's go!" Nora begged.

Blake nodded, "C.T. has made herself very interesting. I want to see where her story goes. And as a bonus she seems to trust Washington."

"I want to see what happened to South and North." Jaune added.

- Birds SS- Not Canon

"It seems the director and Ozpin compare notes." Raven remarked.

"Oz never did anything like that to us." Qrow growled.

"The special treatment." Raven smirked. "We were Tex, he picked us out of the litter to be his pawns."

Qrow sighed, "He gave us everything, and opened our eyes to the true fight. A fight you abandoned along with your daughter."

"Watch it Qrow." Raven growled before taking a calming breath and smirking. "You're beginning to sound like young Wash. Trusting and blind."

Qrow scoffed, "In that case you're C.T. alone in the middle of nowhere. Scavenging for scrap with a group of illiterate idiots."

"I have taught our tribe that strength means more than brawn. You haven't seen us in a long time." Raven smirked.

"I intend to keep it that way, it's not a family reunion I ever want to see." Qrow stressed family.

With a shake of her head, Raven gestured for Qrow to hit play.

- Professor's SS- Not Canon

Ozpin hummed, "A wasteful and foolish method of teaching. However I realize it is not foolish in this case, the director knows how to manipulate his agents."

"And as C.T. said, those not at the top of the board aren't worth anything. To the director, losing them is not a waste." Oobleck added.

"A fair and uncomfortable point." Port growled. "Wash has the right of it. As does Connie, what happened to the lass?"

"We'll see." Goodwitch sighed, "The spar was a lesson and a test. He chose to yell at the spectators, not York, Wyoming, or Maine."

Ozpin nodded, "The director has crafted an environment that rewards cruel competition at the expense of others."

- Criminals SS- Not Canon

Cinder smirked, "Clever, the directors ability to manipulate those beneath him is admirable."

Mercury snorted, "No wonder you like him Boss."

Emerald jammed her elbow into Mercury's side.

"H-hey watch it!" Mercury snapped.

Cinder chuckled, Mercury knows I manipulate him and young Emerald but simply doesn't care. And Emerald believes she needs me. As her pseudo mother figure She depends on me for misinterpreted affection. My own little Tyrian. Cinder grimaced internally, although thankfully not fanatical in her devotion.

"C.T. doesn't hide her intentions well." Emerald commented, looking up to Cinder. "What do you think C- Ma'am?"

"I think her betrayal is inevitable, the outgoing messages mentioned before likely are coming from her." Cinder explained. "The insurrection mentioned is likely a group that formerly worked with the project. C.T. seems to be a mole, someone with sympathies who never cut ties with the insurrection. But at the moment this is only conjecture, I am very confident that she is a traitor though."

Emerald nodded along, "I think so too."

Cinder nodded, "Of course."

Neo quietly huffed behind the group, pointing to the screen.

Cinder smiled, "Mercury do as Neo says and play the next episode."

Mercury glanced at Neo and sighed, "Sure thing boss."

- Prisoner and Captive SS- Not Canon

Roman laughed, "Ingenuity and adaptability. Classic."

"It's no surprise you approve of their actions." Ironwood shook his head.

"What's the matter? Come on General you know that in war there are no rules." Roman smirked.

Ironwood looked over the city of Vale, "I know all too well."

"Ooo." Roman mocked. "Spare me the brooding please. I'm a busy man, I have a lot on my plate."

Ironwood chuckled looking down, "You do realize the director gave them the ammo don't you?"

Roman shrugged, "Doesn't matter, the lesson got through their thick skulls.

"Hmm." Ironwood looked back to Vale.

- Salem's inner circle SS- Not Canon

"His goal to divide them could not be more obvious." Salem clasped her hands together.

Tyrian cackled, "Eye for an eye, regretful that York never got his vengeance on the Meta or Wyoming."

"It would be right to instead seek vengeance with the director." Hazel grunted.

Watts smirked, "Seeing similarities?"

Hazel glanced at Watts, not rising to the bait.

"There is no need for that." Salem silenced Watts with a look. "The director and our enemy share one trait. The willingness to manipulate those beneath them with lies. You may hear Ozpin's pawns accuse me of using you. And I am, through me, your goals will be realized. But never, will I lie to you. All of you know the truth."

Tyrian giggled, "Yes my queen, you have gifted us with great knowledge."

Watts nodded, "The director's end goal still eludes me, of course it has not been revealed yet."

Salem smiled, "Of course, it is no fault of your own. You have already surmised the stated goal of studying soldiers with experimental A.I. is not the director's own goal."

Watts smirked at the praise, smugly looking to the others.

"However what is clear is his goal to divide." Salem continued. "He divides them, using doubt, mistrust, and competition. Seeding their rivalry to grow their hate."

Tyrian nodded giddily, "Hatred sprouts suspicion and doubt."

Salem nodded, Tyrian shivered at the simple show of approval. "Yes. They will be too busy doubting each other that they will ignore being sacrificed for the director's needs. C.T. is the only one to see it, but has very quickly fallen into despair."

"And treachery." Tyrian growled.

"Treachery with reason, she is right to betray the director." Salem lectured. "Just as Hazel was right to betray Ozpin."

Hazel growled, thinking of his sister.

Salem smirked, "The director, unlike Ozpin, doesn't feign morals. It will be interesting to see his end goal."

Tyrian giggled, "And watch the poor fools tear each other apart." Tyrian fell into a fit of laughter, Salem patiently waited. Not bothered by Tyrian's behavior.

"Shall we continue?" Salem asked.

- Bonus Non-canon Reaction-

" RWBY || Ruby's first Period" appeared on the screen. (Aaron's Edits on YouTube)

"Uh WHAT!" Ruby shouted.

"Why is it that when something happens it's always with your team!" Nora huffed.

" Hello!" Filss's voice rang out. " This is a bonus audio clip that the eight of you will not remember."

"Uh what?" Jaune asked.

"Shh!" Weiss snapped.

" This audio clip taken from real life events."

"What?" Ruby frowned, face paling. "This is supposed to be red vs blue right?"

"Let's see." Jaune hit play.

Yang yanked the scroll from Jaune's hand, "Uh no let's NOT see! This is my sister we're talking about!"

Ruby blushed furiously as Jaune stammered. "Oh I- I- of course I didn't me- sorry Yang."

Yang growled, "What the hell is this."

" I can always hit play myself." Filss revealed cheekily.

Ruby paled, "No.. no this is not happening."

The audio began to play.

Ruby: "Yang.. I don't know what this stuff is that's coming out of me but I'm really freaked out!"

Ruby somehow paled even more. "NO! NOT LIKE THIS, NOT LIKE THIS!"

Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh it's just this."

Ruby turned to Yang with tears in her eyes, "YANG PLEASE!" She made puppy eyes.

Yang nodded, "Ok ok, NO ONE, and I repeat, NO ONE is to laugh at this."

Everyone nodded.

Yang: "Ruby! That's gross!"

Ruby: "It's new to me, it's foreign and it's the color of my insignia but it's still really weird and I feel like you might have more experience with it. Please help me. Love your sister."

Weiss desperately tried to stifle a giggle, Yang shot her a glare.

Weiss coughed, "This doesn't seem to match up with your story of Ruby's first period Yang."

Yang sighed, "Yeah well, this conversation happened later."

Yang: "Are you writing me a letter right now because you're standing right in front of me I'm a little confused."

Blake took a deep breath, wiping tears from her eyes.

Ruby did the same, however her tears were from embarrassment and pain from the headache her red face caused.

Ruby: "Yes I felt like it'd be more meaningful that way please don't look at the paper. I'm going to deliver it to you once I'm done."

Yang: "Ruby-"

Ruby: "There you go."

Yang: "-listen."

Yang now had to stifle a laugh.

"Yaa aaaang! " Ruby shouted.

"S- sorry Ruby but I- just." Yang's wall broke and the laughter flowed out. "Ruby this is amazing. You were so cuute!"

"I was not cute I was still freaking out!" Ruby shouted.

Ruby: "Now open it, don't talk to me just open it, Ok now read it."

Yang snorted, "Come on Ruby listen to this! You wrote me a letter!" Nora giggled, "This is amazing! And also really creepy."

Ruby threw her hands in the air, "Thank you!"

Yang: "Dear Ruby, dad never taught you what it's like to be a woman but that's ok because I'm here for you sis. It's all part of growing up."

Ruby groaned, "Oh god how long is this going to last."

"Not long, what you don't remember?" Yang asked.

"No! I was like twelve!" Ruby shouted.

Ruby: "You're the best sister ever Yang, thanks. now will you let me borrow a tampon so I can get the hell out of here." The audio ended.

Ruby wiped more tears from her eyes, "Why me! Why out of everyone did that happen to me."

Blake chuckled, "It's ok Ruby, it-" Blake failed to stifle a laugh.

Ruby groaned, "Ugh I was so embarrassed."

Yang nodded, "I know! I had to stop myself from laughing."

"And you laughing made me laugh!" Ruby accused.

Nora giggled, "I want to hear it again."

"Well too bad! You're not!" Ruby growled before sagging.

Nora waved her off, "Oh Ruby it's fine. This isn't canon! Like those weird Chibi dreams I have where I drink coffee and learn the secrets of the universe."

"Nora be serious." Ren shook his head. "We aren't a story that can be made canon or non-canon. And our memories can't be erased."

"Please? Can they please be erased. Or at least all of your memories." Ruby begged.

Yang, Blake, and Weiss continued to giggle.

Nora felt a slight tingle and looked around, "Ohh! I can feel the memory wipe coming. Any second no-"

You can thank Grifman275 for recommending that bonus reaction. I wrote a side story a while ago of Ruby dealing with her first period along with Qrow, Yang, and Tai not doing much to help before I saw this clip. For the life of me I cannot find the original clip anywhere.

QUESTION: individually who could beat Tex?

I think Weiss and Jaune would be the only sure losses to Tex. Weiss because she's too dainty and Tex could easily get in close. Any obstacles Weiss summons would be ran through and shattered.

QUESTION 2: Also, what do you think of The Fables and The Freelancer nicknames?

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