Meet Me In The Afterglow | Be...

By rxgnarssons

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"Are you not expected to start your season, soon?" Benedict asks suddenly, breaking the silence that had been... More

Diamond of the First Water
Shock and Delight
Art of the Swoon
An Affair of Honour
Ocean's Apart
After The Rain
Captial R Rake
Off to the Races
A Bee in Your Bonnet

The Duke and I

710 21 0
By rxgnarssons

Elizabeth holds onto Benedict's waist as they make their way back to the stables on his horse, her head leaning against his back. Her hair is a wild mess, yet again, but this time she does not seem to care. They reach the stables, and Benedict helps Elizabeth down; examining the cut on her cheek— which is still bleeding but also now bruising as well. Daphne rushes off back to the house, whilst the three men and Elizabeth take a slow walk, Benedict's arm around Elizabeth's waist; terrified she was going to faint even though the doctor had given the all clear and she no longer felt dizzy.

"Let's clean that up." Benedict says as they enter the Bridgerton house, Anthony going off to his study whilst Colin eyes his brother and best friend from afar." You cannot go home with your cheek like that."

"Stop fussing over her, Benedict, she is not a child." Comments Colin, walking over to them and taking Elizabeth's hand; going to take her else where away from his brother.

"I am not fussing over her, Col, I am trying to take care of her." Benedict responds and just as Colin is about to say something else, Elizabeth cuts in with," I can take care of my own wound at my own house, you both need to relax. I am not some object to fight over."

"No I—I didn't mean-" Benedict begins at the same time Colin says," we were not treating you like an object; I was trying to get Benedict to stop bothering you."

"He was not bothering me, he was being kind, which you are not being right now." Elizabeth says, letting go of Colin's hand." I shall be heading off, now."

And with that, she turns and leaves the house; the two men standing in quiet shock as she does so. On the walk back to the Giles residence, Elizabeth wipes her cheek with the back of her hand; wincing slightly in pain. Once she has reached her home, she rushes up to her room; grabbing the medical box and sitting down at her vanity— looking at the cut on her cheek. It is not very deep, but it bleeding quite a lot, and she winces as she cleans it; putting a plaster on it before she goes to wash the blood off of her hands.

One may say modesty is a virtue, yet this author is hardly a virtuous woman. It is therefore my great pleasure to announce the news others questioned, but I never doubted. The diamond of the season has made her match, officially betrothed to the Duke of Hastings.

The bride, undoubtedly, is giddy with anticipation over the impending event that will apparently take place sooner rather than later. Of course, there are only two reasons to procure a special license and race to the altar: true love, or concealing a scandal.

"There is a Penelope Featherington asking for you, ma'am." Eleanor states, walking into the family room where Elizabeth has been sat at the pianoforte for almost two hours. She stands up and hurries down the stairs, confused as Penelope rarely ever visited her; especially without Eloise present.

"Is everything alright?" Elizabeth asks, noticing how panicked the girl seems. She enters the house, the two heading to Edward's old study; Elizabeth sending Eleanor to fetch them some tea.

"It is about Colin." Penelope begins, and that sparks interest for Elizabeth. The two often told one another everything but as of late, they felt like strangers." I take it you know of him courting Marina Thompson?"

"He has resumed courting her?" Elizabeth asks and Penelope nods. A sudden feeling of betrayal crosses over her as she responds with," he did not tell me."

"Her heart belongs to another." Penelope explains, the two thanking Eleanor as she carries over the tray of tea." Remember the maid I spoke of? The one with child? It is not a maid, it is Marina...and she is completely in love with the father. She is trying to trap Colin into a marriage."

"She is what?" Elizabeth gasps out." That is unfair...he deserves to marry someone who loves him, not someone who sees him as a person to raise a child which is not his!"

"I have tried to tell her not to, but she does not listen." Penelope says before she takes a sip of her tea." He deserves love, that is for certain."

"You love him, don't you, Penelope?" Elizabeth asks, and the girl blushes." I have seen the way you look at him, I think that the two of you will make an amazing pair."

"You love Benedict, do you not?" Penelope asks, and this time it is Elizabeth's turn to blush. She sips on her tea before she says," please, do not tell anyone. Colin is not exactly thrilled by the prospect of myself and his brother."

"I shall not tell a soul." Penelope responds and Elizabeth smiles; leaning over and taking her hand as she says," we need to tell Colin before it is too late."

"I agree." The red head responds and the two begin to plan how they shall do it. They agree that it shall be Elizabeth who tells him; with Penelope by her side to back everything up.


There's pebbles at the window yet again that night, and Elizabeth smirks as she gets out of bed and changes into her disguise. She throws open the window, and Benedict smiles to her; going to say something but being cut off by the girl climbing down the tree and landing beside him; a grin of mischief upon her face as she grabs his hand; not caring that it is raining.

"Let's go!" She says in an excited whisper, dragging him off across the grounds and making him laugh. 

They walk hand in hand to the Granville's, the two talking excitedly once more. Elizabeth could never tire of Benedict's company and as the days go on she finds more things to love about him. For starters, she loves his eyes and how they shine in the moonlight; the deep blue  a colour she could easily drown in. She loves how he is always gentle with her, even when it is just as simple as holding hands. She loves his smile, his hair— especially when un-styled and messy as it tends to get from hours upon hours of drawing— and she loves his laugh and the way his whole face lights up when he spots her in a crowd.

"Bridgerton! Miss Giles, I am so glad you both came!" Henry greets as he opens the door once Benedict has knocked.

"We dare not miss it." Benedict responds and Henry smiles before he says," please, come in."

They enter, and Elizabeth shrugs off her jacket yet again; Henry hanging it up on a coat hook with her cap alongside Benedict's. The house is a lot busier this time around, with lively chatter filling the rooms.

"Make yourselves at home. I would show you around but host duty calls." Henry explains with a smile, making the two chuckle. He takes off, leaving the two to stand bewildered in the entrance hall.

Benedict gentle strokes his thumb against Elizabeth's knuckles and she shivers slightly before they begin to walk around the busy house. They glance into a room to find many women dancing; and they smile to one another, knowing they were in for a fun night. They move into yet another room, this one full of male models; and Elizabeth looks to Benedict and grins.

"This one! I need to study the male form." She tells him, and he chuckles as she drags him into the room and over to two easels.

It is difficult to concentrate with the bustling party, and eventually; after half an hour of drawing, Elizabeth gets distracted. Benedict suggests exploring the house, and she laughs before she follows him, entering hallways filled with naked and half naked people. There are people kissing, people dancing and it is quite a sight, something Elizabeth has never witnessed before.

"Why is the modiste here?" Elizabeth asks Benedict, having spotted Madam Delacroix on a bench, kissing a woman Elizabeth did not recognise.

"This is something is it not?" Benedict asks with a chuckle before he suggests," hey, let's find a room for ourselves, so we can continue what we were doing?"

"Alright!" Elizabeth says, grin matching the one that Benedict was currently sporting. He leads her over to a room and opens the door, the two going wide eyed as they spot Henry, naked, kissing another man." This one seems occupied."

"Very." Benedict says, and he nods to Henry before he closes the door and allows Elizabeth to lead them down the hallway, where she eventually finds an empty room for them.

"I shall need another model." She says, grabbing a clean sheet of paper and some charcoal.

"I can, if you'd like?" Benedict asks, and Elizabeth blushes." I am your muse, after all, it shall fit in with all of your other drawings."

"And say one of our brothers finds it." Elizabeth states, Benedict walking over to her." Colin is already mad when we even just glance at one another, I cannot imagine how he'd feel finding a drawing I did of you nude."

"Colin is an idiot, Beth." Benedict comments." He does not own you, and nor does Edward. We cannot help who we fall for, neither of us intended for this."

"You've fallen for me?" Elizabeth asks, and Benedict gently cups her face with his hand again, stroking her cheek as he looks into her eyes.

"Was that not obvious?" He asks, and she does not know how to respond. His eyes flick to her lips and then back up." May I kiss you?"

It is the question she has been waiting for, and she instantly nods, not caring that she seems so eager. He presses his lips to hers, as gentle as he always is, and then he pulls away with a small smile. It is not enough, it is simply not enough, and Elizabeth grabs ahold of his suspenders, guiding him back to her; their lips meeting passionately. Benedict groans slightly from the sheer force, and he instantly deepens the kiss, his tongue finding it's way into her mouth. They stumble back a little, Elizabeth pressing Benedict up against the wall; the two moaning into eachothers mouths as the kiss becomes more open-mouthed. Elizabeth finds her hands tangled in the man's hair, tugging slightly, which makes him moan loudly before his hands trail up and down her waist, going up her side and across her breast; which makes her snap out of it and pull away, fast.

"What're we doing?" She asks, Benedict resting his head on the wall behind him, wrapping his arms around her waist as she says," we cannot do this, think of the scandal that shall come out if anyone found out about this. I have been with you unchaperoned many times, we could ruin our families!"

"Relax." Benedict says, moving a strand of loose hair behind Elizabeth's ear." Please, calm down. It shall all be okay-

"Daphne has just managed to hold off a scandal we cannot cause another, Ben." Elizabeth tells him and he looks at her, sadness welling in his blue eyes." If we are to do this, we are to do it properly. I will debut next season and you shall be my suitor, take it slow, we cannot let anyone know we have planned this...and we cannot kiss anymore."

"After tonight?" Benedict asks and Elizabeth laughs slightly before she pulls him into yet another kiss, feeling him smirk against her lips.


It is a small wedding for Simon and Daphne, and the Giles' feel thankful that they are amongst the few guests. Elizabeth has not seen Benedict since that night at the Granville's, and he cannot take his eyes off of her as she enters the church with her brother and his wife. She is in a pale pink dress, her hair in a bun, and she glances towards the man; who is practically undressing her with his eyes.

The guests all stand as Daphne enters with Violet, looking like a goddess in her wedding dress. They all sit as the vicar begins to speak, Elizabeth feeling Benedict's eyes burning onto her. She is across the aisle from him; with Colin sat beside him, Edward the other side of her. The man is not being very subtle and Elizabeth shoots him a warning glare.

The rings are exchanged, along with the vows, and Simon kisses Daphne as they all cheer. The two walk back down the aisle, and the guests follow, Benedict taking Elizabeth's hand and guiding her away from the crowd as they are distracted by the married couple. They hide around a corner, and Benedict kisses her desperately, and she shoves him slightly as they pull apart; trying not to smile at the mischievous smirk upon his face.

"The rules, Ben." She tells him and he sighs dramatically as he responds with," it is hard to remember the rules when you look so beautiful in that dress. I want to tear it off of you."

"Down boy!" Elizabeth teases with a laugh as a hunger crosses Benedict's face. He kisses at her neck as she says," all good things come with time, Ben...stop it, do not get me worked up when we have to face our families!"

"You look so good." He mumbles against her neck, and she kisses the top of his head before he stands up; allowing her to head back to the others first before he quickly follows.

The reception is a lot busier than the main wedding had been, and the Bridgerton house is absolutely bustling with people. Elizabeth spends most of her time with her brother, happy to be back in his company after not having seen him for a while. Annabella steals a lot of his attention away, however, complaining that he is drinking too much. Edward reminds her that it is a party that they are attending and she huffs with distaste; walking away from him, Edward hurrying after her.

"Fancy finding you here." Benedict whispers in Elizabeth's ear as she grabs another drink. She glances up at him and he smiles to her before they are greeted by Mr Granville. The two glance to one another, for the last time they had seen him he had been nude and kissing a man.

"A most enjoyable party." The man says, Benedict smiling and responding with," indeed."

"Uh, Bridgerton, Miss Giles, um...the other night..." Henry begins but Benedict simply says," what happened the other night? I do not believe anything happened at all, do you, Beth?"

"I do not recall a thing." Elizabeth responds and Henry smiles to them.

"Very well." He says, and then he is joined by a woman, one the two recognise as the woman Madam Delacroix was kissing that night." Ah, dearest...I believe you know Mr Bridgerton and Miss Giles. My wife, Mrs Lucy Granville."

"It is a pleasure, Mr Bridgerton." Lucy greets, shaking his hand as he takes a sip of his drink; smiling into it. She offers her hand to Elizabeth, who shakes it politely." And a pleasure with you as well, Miss Giles."

The four remain standing together, talking with one another, before Benedict is called away to see Daphne and Simon off in the carriage. He smiles to Elizabeth, kissing her hand in departure, before she makes her way back over to her own family.

"Wherever is your brother?" Emma asks as her daughter approaches." He has left Annabella alone, I think the two have argued."

"He will be somewhere, mother." Elizabeth responds, linking her arm through her mothers, who says," that Bridgerton is very much in love with you, Eliza. It is written all over his face."

"I do not believe that to be true, mama." Elizabeth tells her, and before Emma can respond, Henry is dragging their son over by the arm; Edward crying.

"Whatever has happened?" Emma asks, prompting her husband to respond with," that does not matter right this second, for right now, we need to get home! We shall go through the back and across the grounds, so as not to disturb the bride and groom from their departure."

"Oh, are Edward and Annabella coming with us?" Emma asks as Henry drags their son alongside them; Elizabeth and Annabella hurrying after.

It is a silent walk back to the Giles house, Henry dismissing his wife's questions with a wave of his hand; the only sounds being heard are those of their feet across the grass and Edward crying. All of the confusion is eventually over the moment Henry enters the drawing room of the house; arm still gripped tightly on his sons as the women enter behind them.

"What on earth has happened?" Snaps Emma, sick of being kept in the dark. She goes to comfort her son, but Henry stands in between them and says," do not touch him."

"Why ever not?" Emma asks, becoming more and more frustrated by the second." He is my son, he is upset; I am going to comfort him-

"He is no son of ours!" Henry bellows, causing Edward to flinch and sob harder, Elizabeth, Emma and Annabella all standing in confusion." Would you like to enlighten the lady of the house of what you have done, Edward?"

"I am sorry, mama." Edward weeps, making his sister think back to when they were children and all he had apologise for was accidentally breaking an expensive heirloom.

"Tell her, Edward!" Their father demands and Edward stutters out," I...I am a homosexual, mama., father c-caught me with another man. I'm sorry!"

It's silent for a moment. Emma does not know what to say as her son falls apart before her, sobbing so hard he is almost choking. Elizabeth is over to him in an instant; pulling him into a hug and ignoring their father when he tells her not to. Annabella stands quietly, tears in her eyes as words fail to come out of her mouth as she processes what she has just heard.

"We can fix this." Emma begins. Elizabeth rubs Edward's back, the heir trembling in her arms as his body shakes with sobs." You two can remain married, and produce children...we can just ignore Edward's other desires."

"So your answer is to sweep this under the rug?" Henry asks, his voice booming through the room; making Edward flinch in his sisters arms.

"We cannot allow this to come out, Henry. We have to pretend that everything is normal...we have to pretend that he is normal." Emma says." He is still our son, and I still love him despite all of this...he is capable of producing an heir, to continue the line, this is just a bump in the road. It shall all work out."

"He is no son of mine, I do not wish to speak to him ever again." Henry states, storming out of the room, Emma following as Edward cries harder; which Elizabeth is shocked about being possible as he was already crying very hard.

"You knew, didn't you?" Annabella asks, looking to the younger Giles, who guides her brother over to a settee and sits down, Edward curling up into a ball and resting his head on her lap." You knew what he was and you still let him marry me!"

"He has a duty." Elizabeth responds simply." He is doing what he was born to do, he is carrying the line onward. He did not wish to do this to you, Annabella, he begged and pleaded with our parents because he knew he could not give you the love you very much deserve. They did not want to hear it...he does care for you, greatly and I do hope you two can move past this and become firm friends. There is no fixing who he is, he is always going to love men; but I hope for his sake as well as our families that you allow yourself to be married to him. It is not ideal, but we cannot let this get out; you do not know what they do to men like Edward."

"I'll stay with him." Annabella sighs." But for the sake of the family."

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