
By fariha2908

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Arnav and akash are best friends from high school and Shyam join them in college, trio are best friends , khu... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
story on video
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18.
New story
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22 (last episode)
New story
story idea

chapter 7

759 44 5
By fariha2908

Chapter 7


“Shyam! What brings you here at this hour?” Khushi questioned, her voice laced with surprise.

Shyam’s smile widened, genuine excitement gleaming in his eyes. “I couldn’t sleep, Khushi. My stomach was growling.Arnav eat my food Also, so I thought I’d grab a snack. Is there anything left to eat?”

Caught off guard, Khushi mentally scrambled for an excuse. She couldn’t let Shyam sense the hidden rendezvous she was yearning for with Arnav.

Skillfully masking her true feelings, Khushi replied sheepishly, “Well, you see, Shyam... Arnav had a terrible headache earlier. He asked me for some medicine, so I assumed it was him at the door.”

Curiosity flickered in Shyam’s gaze, his skepticism evident. He watched Khushi closely, trying to decipher the truth behind her words.

“Really? Arnav didn’t mention anything to me earlier,” Shyam countered, a hint of suspicion creeping into his voice. Ignoring the rising unease, Khushi pressed on with her fabrication.

With a nervous giggle, she darted her eyes away momentarily before returning Shyam’s gaze. “He probably didn’t want to bother you. You know how he is. Always trying to minimize the fuss.”

Seemingly satisfied with her explanation, Shyam’s skepticism wavered, and a friendly smile graced his lips. “I understand. Well, I’ll just grab a quick snack and head back to my room then.”

Grateful that her fib had found its mark, Khushi hurriedly collected some food from the fridge and handed it over to Shyam. The tension in her shoulders lessened as he accepted the snack with gratitude..

Arnav is lying on the bed and remember what happened almost 1.5 years ago in this house.
Arnav stood on the balcony, staring out at the night sky. He could feel the cool breeze against his face, but it did nothing to ease the turmoil brewing inside him. Thoughts of Khushi flooded his mind, and with them, images of that fateful engagement party.

It had been a moment of weakness, a moment of surrender to the intense attraction he felt towards Khushi. As he remembered it, he could still taste the sweetness of her lips on his, and the way her body had responded to his touch. But it was an act that carried consequences, consequences that he couldn’t ignore.

Khushi, his best friend’s sister. Akash was not just a friend; he was like a brother to Arnav. He trusted him implicitly, and the thought of betraying that trust terrified him. And yet, despite the guilt that gnawed at him, he couldn’t deny the deep connection he shared with Khushi.

Lost in his thoughts, Arnav felt a presence behind him. He turned to find Khushi standing there, her eyes filled with hope and vulnerability. She had always been able to read him effortlessly, and in that moment, her gaze seemed to penetrate through his walls of hesitation.

“Arnav,” she said softly, her voice tinged with a mix of uncertainty and longing. “We need to talk.”

He swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew what she wanted to discuss, and a part of him wanted to give in to their desires. But his commitment to his friendship with Akash held him back, the weight of it heavy on his shoulders.

“Khushi, we can’t,” Arnav replied, his voice laced with regret. “You know why.” His eyes pleaded with her to understand, to see the internal struggle he was facing.

Khushi’s expression hardened slightly, a mix of disappointment and frustration crossing her features. “But Arnav, we can’t deny what’s between us. We have this connection, this chemistry that we’ve been ignoring for far too long. I just want to explore it, to see if there’s something more.”

His heart ached at her words, torn between his loyalty to Akash and his own desires. “Khushi, you don’t understand,” he whispered. “Akash is like a brother to me. I can’t betray him like this. We can’t be together, not in that way.”

Khushi took a step closer to him. “I’m not asking for a commitment, Arnav. I just want us to be honest about our feelings, to confront them together. We can have a no-strings-attached relationship, where we can explore what’s between us without hurting anyone.”

Arnav shook his head, his voice wavering with both longing and conflict. “I can’t, Khushi. It’s not just about Akash, it’s about us too. We can’t separate our emotions from our actions. If we go down that path, it’ll only bring more pain, and I can’t bear to see you hurt.”

Khushi took a step back, as if his words had physically wounded her. “I thought you felt the same way. I thought you couldn’t resist this pull between us. But I see now that I was mistaken.”

As she turned to leave, Arnav reached out and grabbed her arm, his inner turmoil boiling over. “Khushi, wait!” he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. “I do feel it, every single day. But I can’t let my desires destroy everything I hold dear. I can’t lose Akash, and I can’t lose you either.”

Khushi stared at him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of certainty. “Then what do we do, Arnav?”

He released a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of his decision. “We stay away from each other, Khushi. We bury these feelings deep within us, for the sake of our friendship and for the sake of our loved ones. We can’t afford to risk it all.”

Khushi nodded, her heart breaking at the sacrifice they had to make. She turned away, disappearing into the darkness, leaving Arnav alone with his internal conflict and the bittersweet memories that haunted him.

One evening, as the moon cast a gentle glow over the city, Arnav found himself standing outside Khushi’s door.akash have gone outside of town.
His heart pounded against his chest, each beat echoing the intensity of his emotions. He took a deep breath and knocked, his hand trembling ever so slightly.

Khushi opened the door, her eyes widening with surprise at the sight of him standing there. “Arnav, what are you doing here?” she asked, her voice laced with cautious curiosity.

Without saying a word, Arnav stepped inside, his eyes locking with hers. He could sense her confusion, her guardedness, but he had made up his mind. Tonight, he would take a step forward, erasing the invisible lines that kept them apart.

“Khushi,” he spoke softly, the tremor in his voice betraying his vulnerability. “I can’t fight this anymore. I want to be closer to you, both emotionally and physically.”

Khushi’s eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and hesitation. “Arnav, are you sure about this?remember?”

Arnav nodded, his gaze unwavering. “I remember, Khushi. But our connection runs deeper. I want to take this chance with you, to explore what we can be together.”

Khushi took a step closer, her voice barely above a whisper. “If we do this, Arnav, we have to be prepared for the consequences. It could either bond us even tighter or tear us apart.”

Arnav reached out, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I understand the risks, Khushi, but I believe in us. I believe in the strength of our connection. We owe it to ourselves to find out where this can lead us.”

With every word, Arnav laid his heart bare, exposing his vulnerability to the woman who had captivated him like no other. There was a brief moment of silence as Khushi pondered his words.

Her eyes softened, and a small smile crept across her face. Taking his hand in hers, she led him into her small, cozy living room, their fingers tightly interlaced. The air around them felt charged with electrifying energy as they took their seats on the couch, a familiar warmth enveloping them.

The room was filled with anticipation, their eyes locked in an unspoken agreement. They were about to embark on an uncharted territory, an intimate journey that would defy their own rules. But in that moment, nothing else mattered except the palpable connection between them.

As Arnav leaned in and brushed his lips against Khushi’s, time stood still, and their world narrowed down to the intoxicating taste of their desire. Their embrace deepened, each touch igniting a fire within them that couldn’t be extinguished.
Arnav kiss crashes into khushi with an intensity that sets my heart racing. In that electrifying moment, as his body thrusts into Her, a cry of pleasure escapes  her lips, only to be swallowed by the passionate dance of Their mouths. As  they break apart, Their heavy breaths filling the air, khushi savor the exquisite sensation of him deep inside  her, the friction taming the surging desire, if only for a fleeting moment.

With an unexpected surge of power, he withdraws and thrusts into  her once more, a force that steals  her breath and leaves  her clutching his shoulders for support. His rhythm quickens as he takes charge, his hands guiding  het hips in perfect sync with his movements. Her hips rise to meet his, craving the intoxicating blend of pleasure and urgency.

Desire courses through  her veins as she press kisses along the side of his neck, capturing his earlobe with a passionate suction. A guttural, primal sound escapes him as  her teeth graze his skin, and  their foreheads gently meet as I lean back, finding solace in our shared desire.

In the height of sensation, as bliss and need intertwine, his hand brushes against  their connection, igniting a surge of thrilling pleasure. He skillfully strokes that aching peak between his fingers, unlocking depths of ecstasy beyond measure.
Liberated from the constraints they had placed upon themselves, Arnav and Khushi surrendered to their desires, allowing their bodies to communicate in the language of passion. In that intimate dance, they discovered a new level of connection, a fusion of emotions and desires that brought them closer than they had ever been.

In the glow of the moonlight, Arnav and Khushi embarked on a beautiful and tempestuous journey, their bodies and souls intertwined. They embarked on a new chapter of their relationship, where love, desire, and friendship battled for supremacy. And as they surrendered to the moment, they found solace in the knowledge that sometimes, the only way to truly evolve was to let go of the self-imposed limitations and embrace the unpredictable path fate had laid before them.

The morning sun painted a golden hue across the room as Khushi slowly opened her eyes. Reality washed over her, and she felt a strange mixture of euphoria and apprehension. Last night, she and Arnav had finally let their desires take control, crossing a new threshold in their relationship. But as her eyes landed on the empty space beside her, a tinge of disappointment began to overshadow her bliss.

She quickly sat up, clutching the sheets around her, searching the room for any signs of his presence. But Arnav was nowhere to be found. A sharp pang of anger surged through her, fueling her determination to confront him about his actions. With determination flaring in her eyes, she got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed.

Moments later, as she stepped into the living room, there stood Arnav, dressed impeccably in a navy suit, his eyes fixated on his phone as though it held all the answers he needed. She took a deep breath, ready to unleash the torrent of emotions she had bottled up since he left her side this morning.

“Arnav,” she called out, her voice tight with anger.

He looked up, surprise flashing momentarily across his face before he composed himself. “Khushi,” he replied coolly, his tone devoid of the warmth she so desperately craved. “Did you sleep well?”

Khushi’s anger flared even brighter at his nonchalant attitude. “How can you be so calm? We shared something deeply intimate last night, Arnav! And now, you act as though it meant nothing to you.”

Arnav’s jaw tightened, and a flicker of frustration crossed his eyes. “I never said it meant nothing,” he muttered, his voice barely audible.

Khushi felt her temper unraveling, her emotions overpowering her ability to remain calm. “But your actions speak louder than words, don’t they? You leave me here alone, making me question if I was just a means to an end. Is that what this was for you, Arnav? Just a one-night stand?”

Arnav’s brows furrowed, a mixture of frustration and guilt dancing across his face. He reached out and grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing her to look into his eyes. “No, Khushi. It was never just a one-night stand. I can’t deny what I feel for you. But I...” He trailed off, struggling to find the right words.

“I need more than just physical intimacy, Arnav,” Khushi said, her voice firm and resolute. “I need honesty, commitment, and emotional connection. I won’t settle for less.”

Arnav’s eyes softened, his grip on her shoulders loosening. “I understand, Khushi,” he whispered, regret washing over his features. “I’ve been afraid. Afraid of losing control, of losing you. But it’s time for me to let go of my fear and embrace what we have fully. I want to be with you in every sense of the word.”

A flicker of hope ignited within Khushi. She could feel Arnav’s sincerity, his genuine desire for their relationship to evolve into something deeper. She took a step forward, closing the distance between them. “Then show me, Arnav. Show me that you’re ready to give yourself completely to this relationship, that you’re ready to take that leap of faith.”

Arnav nodded, a renewed determination shining in his eyes. “I will, Khushi. From this moment on, I’m all in.”

As Khushi and Arnav shared a tender embrace, both of them let go of their inhibitions and fears. They had embarked on a journey where physical intimacy was just the beginning. Together, they would navigate the uncharted waters of a no strings attached relationship, ready to discover the depth and beauty that lay beyond the surface, sculpting their own path toward a love that transcended all expectations.

In a lively pub filled with music, laughter, and the scent of alcohol, Khushi sat alone at a table. She wore a stunning outfit, but her expression was one of frustration. Khushi typed Arnav’s number into her phone once again, desperately hoping that this time he would answer.

Her heart sank as the phone continued to ring, each second feeling like an eternity. Arnav remained unreachable, deep in his own thoughts and grappling with overwhelming guilt. He couldn’t shake the memory of his night with Khushi, a night that had transcended the physical, yet also a night that tore at his loyalty to his best friend, Akash.

His conscience taunted him, reminding him of the weight of his actions. But the memory replayed in his mind, refusing to let go. A flashback engulfed him, transporting him back to  Her bedroom, where he and Khushi had been wrapped in each other’s arms, their bodies entangled in a passionate embrace.

Their connection had felt beyond anything Arnav had experienced before. He recalled the intensity in Khushi’s eyes, the vulnerability on her face as she admitted to never having felt anything like it. But now, reality came crashing down, fueling Arnav’s guilt.

Arnav’s guilt intensified. He knew he had to answer her call, even with the turmoil inside him.

Suddenly, determination settled in Khushi’s eyes. A mischievous spark ignited within her, and she spoke loud enough for Arnav to hear.

Arnav froze, his mind racing, conflicted between his desires and his remorse. The realization of what he risked – his friendship with Akash and the potential pain he could cause both Khushi and his best friend – overwhelmed him.

Summoning his courage, Arnav finally decided to answer Khushi’s call. He swiftly made his way towards her table, his steps unsure yet determined. His heart raced, uncertain of what awaited him.

Approaching Khushi, Arnav tried to compose himself, masking the inner turmoil that wrestled within him.

“Khushi, I’m sorry for not answering your calls,” Arnav’s voice was soft as he spoke, his gaze full of regret. “My mind was clouded with guilt and confusion.”

Khushi’s eyes, filled with a mixture of hurt and irritation, met his gaze. His apology couldn’t erase the pain of his silence.

“Why did you ignore me, Arnav? We need to talk about what happened between us,” Khushi’s voice held a hint of annoyance, her vulnerability seeping through.

Taking a deep breath, Arnav steadied himself, determined to express his truth despite the consequences.

“I can’t deny our connection, Khushi, but I can’t ignore the reality of our situation either,” Arnav explained sincerely. “This physical attraction alone is not enough for a healthy relationship. It would only end up hurting both you and Akash.”

Mixed emotions flooded Khushi’s eyes. She was hurt but defiant, her mischievous smile revealing her teasing nature.

“Perhaps you’re right, Arnav,” Khushi’s words carried a playful tone. “But let me give you an ultimatum then. If you don’t come and meet me, I might just have to find someone here tonight who can offer me what I need.”

Arnav’s eyes widened in shock, grasping the depth of Khushi’s desperation and the lengths she was willing to go to get his attention. He realized that time was ticking, and he needed to act.

“Don’t say that, Khushi. I’ll come,” Arnav’s voice was soft and filled with determination. “Let’s talk, face-to-face, and figure this out.”

Khushi’s expression softened slightly, her defiance subdued for a moment. She nodded in agreement, giving him one last chance.

“Okay, Arnav. One last chance,” Khushi acknowledged. “But just remember, the clock is ticking.”

With a tense glance exchanged between them, the pub’s lively atmosphere continued unabated. They were now on a daunting path, attempting to resolve their complicated feelings before they spiraled out of control.
Arnav’s heart pounded as he entered the lively pub, his eyes eagerly scanning the room for a familiar face. The dimly-lit space was filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and a mix of upbeat music playing in the background. He had come here hoping to find Khushi, the vibrant and playful  .

As he pushed his way through the crowd, Arnav caught sight of a familiar figure standing near the bar. His heart skipped a beat, recognizing Khushi’s radiant smile and her animated gestures in conversation with a guy. A pang of jealousy coursed through him at the sight. He wanted her all to himself.

Swallowing his unease, Arnav made his way towards them, his footsteps quickening with each passing moment. The sound of his own heartbeat drowned out the chatter around him. He felt a mix of determination and apprehension, knowing that what he was about to do could change everything.

When he finally reached them, Khushi turned to look at Arnav, surprise and delight lighting up her face. Her eyes sparkled as she saw him, and she paused mid-conversation. The guy beside her, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, curiously observed the scene unfolding before him.

Arnav’s jealousy eclipsed any rational thought, and without thinking twice, he grabbed Khushi’s hand and pulled her close. In a moment of impulsivity, he pressed his lips onto hers, not caring about the audience that had gathered around them.

Time seemed to stand still as Arnav’s lips met Khushi’s in a passionate and possessive kiss. It was a mixture of desire, longing, and a silent declaration of love. The noise of the pub faded into the background, replaced by the sound of their thundering heartbeats.

Gasps and whispers ran through the onlookers as they witnessed this impromptu display of affection. Some smiled, finding it endearing, while others exchanged curious glances. Arnav and Khushi, engrossed in each other, remained oblivious to the world around them.

As their lips finally parted, Arnav looked deeply into Khushi’s eyes, trying to gauge her reaction. Her face flushed with a mix of surprise and confusion, but as she caught her breath, a smile spread across her lips. Emotions flickered in her eyes, reflecting her own love for Arnav.

The guy who had been talking to Khushi stood there, momentarily stunned. In that instant, he realized that he had inadvertently become a witness to an intimate moment between two people deeply in love. With a slight nod and understanding, he stepped back, giving them space.

Arnav, his heart still racing, caressed Khushi’s cheek with his thumb, his voice filled with vulnerability as he spoke. “i can’t take it anymore,lets starts our relationship like the way it’s grow, physically emotionally, lust ,caring whatever..lets accept itKhushi.”

Khushi’s smile widened, and she placed a gentle hand on Arnav’s chest.

Laughter filled the air, breaking the tension that had built up. The crowd dispersed, resuming their conversations while the  Arnav khushi stood in their own world, oblivious to the chaos around them. 

At pub elevator,

Arnav and Khushi are locked in a passionate embrace, their lips moving fervently against each other’s. The elevator doors close in the pub.the pub is 26th floor, and they find themselves alone in the confined space. Their bodies pressed together, their hands caressing each other with urgency.

Arnav, I can’t wait any longer. I want you.

I want you too, Khushi. More than anything.

As they continue to kiss, the elevator unexpectedly jerks to a stop. The doors instantly open to reveal a concerned MAN standing outside the elevator.

Oh, pardon me! I’ll take the next one.

The man quickly steps back, giving them a knowing smile before the doors shut again. Arnav and Khushi chuckle awkwardly, their passion momentarily interrupted.

The elevator resumes its ascent, but just as their kisses become heated once more, the doors open again, this time to a GROUP OF FRIENDS eagerly chatting amongst themselves.

Oops, sorry! Wrong elevator!

The group quickly exits, stifling their laughter and exchanging amused glances. Arnav and Khushi exchange an exasperated look before laughing at the absurdity of the situation.

Finally, the elevator begins to move again, but as their lips meet fervently once more, the doors open yet again, this time revealing an ELDERLY COUPLE.

Oh my, I think we’ve interrupted something special!

Young love, dear. Let’s take the next one.

Embarrassed, Arnav and Khushi part their lips, trying to compose themselves as the elderly couple exits the elevator, smiling knowingly.

I guess the universe wants to test our patience, Khushi.

Seems like it, Arnav. But I promise, once we reach your penthouse, there won’t be any more interruptions.

As the elevator doors finally close, Arnav and Khushi lean into each other, their lips reconnecting in a passionate kiss..


The door swings open, and Arnav leads Khushi into his luxurious penthouse. Their lips are locked in a passionate kiss, their bodies pressed closely against one another.

As they stumble through the entrance, their hands eagerly explore each other, grasping and caressing with increasing desire. Arnav’s strength guides Khushi towards the living room, their connection unbroken.

They break apart for a moment, breathless, their eyes reflecting a mixture of passion and longing. Arnav cups Khushi’s face, his voice husky with desire.

Their lips meet again, their hands weaving through each other’s hair. The room is adorned with soft lighting, casting a warm glow. The flickering of candles adds to the atmosphere of sensuality.

Arnav lifts Khushi into his arms, carrying her towards the plush sofa. Gently, he sets her down, their bodies still pressed against one another. Their kisses deepen, growing more urgent and passionate with every passing moment.

As they lay entwined, Arnav’s hands trace a path along Khushi’s body, leaving a trail of electric sensations in their wake. Their desire intensifies, their bodies moving as one, lost in a sea of pleasure.Their clothes become an obstacle, hindering their exploration. With fervor and eagerness, they undress each other, revealing their naked, vulnerable selves.

Khushi pulls Arnav closer, craving his touch. Their bodies unite, perfectly fitting together as they explore the depths of their desires. Time ceases to exist as they lose themselves in the intensity of their physical connection.

Arnav breathed in  khushi’s intoxicating scent, his face buried in the softness of her chest. As his hands expertly massaged, her moans reverberated through the room, igniting a deep fire within him. The hunger in his actions grew, and he attacked her breasts with a mixture of passion and desire. Her grip on the  sofa is unhold tightened, unable to contain the waves of pleasure crashing over her.

Her enchanting moans fueled his vigor, and his fingers danced along her leg, tracing invisible patterns that made her leg rise in a submissive gesture. Unintentionally, her vulnerability was exposed, as he could now see her womanhood in its entirety. With a primal instinct like a lion, he claimed her, his hands pressing her down as he indulged in her clitoris. She fought to stifle her throaty cries, but the relentless waves of pleasure broke down her defenses. And then, with a flick of his lips, he took her to incredible heights, expertly navigating her most intimate parts.

Pushing himself further, he plunged into her, the ecstasy of their union overpowering both of them. With each deep thrust, tension coiled within her, building up to an electrifying climax. He could feel her body arching, inviting him to take her to the edge. And with one final, mind-shattering thrust, they reached the pinnacle of pleasure. They gasped for breath, lying on their backs, basking in the aftermath of their passionate connection.
Arnav sat on the couch, his back against the armrest, his legs outstretched as he eagerly awaited Khushi’s presence. His heart raced with anticipation as he watched her approach, her eyes filled with desire and her movements graceful. She straddled his waist, her feet resting on the couch, her knees bent as she positioned herself above him. The room was filled with an electrifying tension, a mixture of love and longing that enveloped them both.

As Khushi slowly lowered herself onto Arnav’s erect member, a gasp escaped her lips, and a shiver ran down her spine. The intense connection between them intensified as every motion sent waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies. With each rise and fall, their souls intertwined, their bodies dancing in perfect harmony, exploring the depths of their desires.

Arnav’s hands caressed Khushi’s smooth skin, tracing patterns along her back as he felt her muscles tense and relax. Khushi’s delicate moans filled the room, echoing a symphony of pleasure that fed their passionate frenzy. The sensation of her warmth enveloping him brought an overwhelming rush of emotions, intensifying their love and desire for each other.

They were caught in a whirlwind of ecstasy, lost in a world where time stood still. Khushi’s eyes locked with Arnav’s, and in that moment, their souls connected on a higher plane. Each thrust, each movement became an expression of their love, a testament to the depth and intensity of their bond.

As they continued their passionate dance of love, Khushi’s body arched, aching for release. Arnav, attuned to her every desire, increased his pace, taking her to the precipice of bliss. Her senses overwhelmed, Khushi surrendered to the ecstasy that engulfed her, her body trembling with pleasure.

With a final thrust, Arnav released himself, their bodies reaching the pinnacle of pleasure together. They collapsed onto the couch, their breaths ragged, their bodies entangled in a state of blissful exhaustion. 

The room fills with moans and gasps, echoing their passion, as they find solace and ecstasy in each other’s arms. Their love, long kept hidden, finally finds its release in this moment of uninhibited intimacy.

Arnav and Khushi lay intertwined in his bed, their bodies locked in a passionate embrace. The hours had flown by, consumed by Arnav’s wild and untamed desire for her. As they first embarked on this journey of love, their encounters were filled with tender sweetness. But now, the intensity had escalated, their connection taking on a wild and powerful energy.

Arnav rode the waves of pleasure with an unstoppable fervor, fueling the fire that burned between them. Each thrust caused Khushi to release impassioned moans, lost in the whirlwind of sensation. Completely surrendered to their shared passion, Khushi drifted into a blissful slumber, unaware of the passage of time.

When she opened her eyes, a soft gasp escaped her lips. Arnav’s member still remained deep inside her, a testament to the passion they had ignited. He lay beside her, peacefully asleep, his presence a reminder of the electric connection they shared. It was in this vulnerable state that they had fallen asleep, entwined in each other’s arms—a vision of undeniable heat and intimacy.

As Khushi’s gaze trailed over Arnav’s tranquil face, a rush of emotions flooded her heart. Love, desire, and a deep sense of contentment mingled within her. She marveled at the way their bodies had found solace in each other’s embrace, leaving them both satiated and complete.

In that sacred moment, as the morning light filtered through the curtains, Khushi realized the immense power of their physical union. It wasn’t just the act itself, but the intimate connection they had forged—an intimate bond that transcended the physical. It stirred her soul, leaving her longing for more moments like this, where their love burned so brightly it ignited their dreams.

As she caressed Arnav’s face, a soft smile curved her lips. They had created a sanctuary in each other’s arms, where passion and tenderness intertwined. And in that sacred space, they were free to explore the depths of their love, ultimately finding solace in the simplicity of their entwined bodies and the powerful emotions that coursed through their veins.

Flashback ends.

As the morning sun peered through the curtains, Arnav and Shyam slowly opened their eyes, groaning at the pounding headache that echoed through their temples. They sat up on the couch in the living room of Akash’s house, where they had crashed the night before after a wild night of partying.

Akash stumbled into the room, his face pale and his hair disheveled, obviously suffering from an even worse hangover than his friends. He joined Arnav and Shyam on the couch, looking utterly defeated.

“Good morning, or whatever’s left of it,” Arnav grumbled, rubbing his temples and trying to remember the events of the previous night.

Akash let out a low groan. “I haven’t felt this terrible in ages. What on earth did we consume last night?”

“Let’s just say we didn’t hold back,” Shyam replied, wincing as he glanced around the room.

Just then, Khushi, Akash’s caring and vivacious sister, entered the room, carrying a tray with three steaming cups of coffee. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she took in the sorry sight of her brother and his friends.

“Look what the cat dragged in,” she teased, placing the tray on the coffee table. “I don’t know how you boys managed to get this drunk. But fear not, I took care of you lot last night.”

As they sipped the strong coffee, the trio gradually began to feel human again. Khushi joined them, her own cup in hand, and sat down on the arm of the couch.

Khushi said, excitement glinting in her eyes. “I want to hear all about your college life and the crazy adventures you’ve been up to.”

Arnav, Shyam, and Akash shared a knowing smirk. They had shared countless tales over the years, and right now, they were more than happy to entertain Khushi.

As Akash animatedly narrated one particularly hilarious incident, Khushi couldn’t help but burst into fits of laughter. She leaned against her brother, savoring the joy of their bond and the delightful camaraderie of their friends.

As the laughter settled down and the aroma of freshly cooked breakfast filled the air, Akash couldn’t resist sharing another intriguing college story. He glanced mischievously at Shyam before turning to Khushi, who was eagerly waiting for the next tale.

“Okay, Khushi, you won’t believe what happened in our second year,” Akash began, leaning in closer to his sister. “There was this girl in college, and she would always stare at Shyam.”

Khushi’s eyes widened with curiosity as she turned to Shyam, a playful smile forming on her lips. “Is that so? Someone had a secret admirer, it seems.”
“you won’t believe what was that “akash said,then shyam remember what was that, Arnav laugh out getting hint what is the story.
Arnav, sitting next to Shyam, couldn’t contain his amusement any longer. He burst into laughter, causing the rest of them to look at him incredulously.

“What’s so funny, Arnav?” Shyam asked, slightly annoyed.why arnav is laughing when he said that one girl have crush on him and stare him always

Arnav managed to compose himself before replying, “Shyam, my dear friend, that girl wasn’t staring at you. She was staring at me!”

Shyam’s face turned beet red while Akash burst into laughter as well.  Their more friends joined in, finding the situation absolutely hilarious.

“But why would she stare at you when she didn’t even know you?” Shyam wondered in confusion.

Arnav smirked, enjoying the teasing opportunity. “Well, my theory is that she mistook me for a heartthrob and had an intense crush on me. And since we were always together, she might have assumed you were deserving of her affection as well.”

The others erupted in more laughter, leaving Shyam perplexed and slightly embarrassed. “You’re telling me I mistook her interest for myself? How did I not notice she was looking at you?”

Arnav patted Shyam’s back consolingly. “My dear friend, when we’re all together, people tend to see us as a unit. There’s no doubt in my mind that she was staring at me, not you.”
“You don’t believe me right,i proof you,see she is stare at us right, just watch her when i leave “ Arnav walk away and that girl keep looking at him and when he vanished,she left from there without looking at Shyam.

The realization slowly sank in for Shyam, making him shake his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I misunderstood the whole situation. Here I was, thinking I had an admirer.”
Flashback ends,

Khushi, wiping away tears of laughter, chimed in. “Don’t worry, Shyam. We all make mistakes. But, hey, at least you had the chance to experience a short-lived flattery!”

Everyone chuckled, basking in the light-heartedness of the moment. It was these shared tales and camaraderie that made their bond unbreakable.

The sunlight poured in through the windows as Khushi sat on the couch, sipping her tea.
“Khushi, I have something interesting to tell you,” Shyam said, 

Curiosity ignited within Khushi as she leaned towards Shyam, her eyes filled with anticipation. “What is it, Shyam? You seem excited.”

Shyam took a deep breath before revealing the secret he had discovered. “Do you  know a girl from college, the one who used to always stare at Akash?”

Arnav furrowed his forehead, trying to recall the distant memories. “Yes, I remember her. She was the daughter-in-law of the head teacher, right?  ?”

Shyam’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “Well, her name is Payal, and it seems she had a crush on Akash all those years ago.”

Khushi’s eyes widened in surprise. “A crush on Akash? Really?”

Arnav nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “Yes, it’s true. She used to stare at him whenever they came across each other, but neither of them had the courage to express their feelings openly. And  i, being the fearless  friend that he is, was even ready to elope with Payal for Akash.”

Khushi’s heart skipped a beat. She glanced at Akash sitting on the other side of the room, his cheeks flushed with a hint of shyness. Despite his reserved nature, Khushi couldn’t ignore the way he smiled when the topic of Payal arose.

“if Payal and Akash had these feelings for each other, why didn’t they ever come together?” Khushi asked, her voice filled with concern.

Shyam sighed, his gaze fixed on Akash. “I think the societal constraints held them back. Payal was a widow and 2-3 years older than akash through she was married very early age.,   Perhaps, she didn’t have the courage to pursue her feelings.”

Silence enveloped the room as Khushi pondered on the untold story of Akash and Payal’s unspoken love. She couldn’t ignore the longing in her brother’s eyes and decided to take matters into her own hands.



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