chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Khushi sat on her bed, staring blankly at the wall as her friends chattered excitedly around her. They were discussing plans for a bachelor party but Khushi couldn't bring herself to join in the conversation. She felt a heavy weight in her chest, knowing that her wedding to Shyam was fast approaching.

"Why aren't you excited, Khushi?" one of her friends asked, nudging her shoulder. "We should be celebrating your upcoming wedding!"

Khushi forced a smile, trying to mask the turmoil inside her. "I'm just not in the mood for a party right now," she replied softly.

Her friends exchanged concerned glances, sensing that something was amiss. They knew about Khushi's feelings for Arnav, and they could see the pain in her eyes.once they caught them in restaurant and understood that they are dating.

"Is this about Arnav?" another friend ventured, causing Khushi to flinch.

She nodded, feeling a surge of anger towards the man she loved. "He's too cowardly to stand up for me," she muttered bitterly. "He's letting this wedding happen without a fight."

Her friends exchanged sympathetic looks, understanding Khushi's frustration. They knew how much she longed for Arnav to declare his love for her, to sweep her off her feet and whisk her away from this unwanted marriage.

But as the night wore on, Khushi remained lost in her thoughts, her heart heavy with unspoken words and unfulfilled dreams. And as her friends continued to chatter and laugh around her, she couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that consumed her.

Khushi sat on her bed, her mind drifting back to happier times with Arnav. She closed her eyes and let the memories wash over her - the laughter, the stolen glances, the moments of pure joy they had shared together. She could almost feel his presence beside her, his warm hand in hers, his reassuring voice in her ear.

But the sound of her phone ringing shattered the illusion, bringing her back to reality. She glanced at the screen and saw Arnav's name flashing on the display.she cut  the call in anger..but the rings continue .For a moment, she hesitated, unsure of whether to answer or not. But something inside her urged her to pick up the call, to hear his voice one last time.

"Hello?" she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Khushi, please come down ," Arnav's voice came through the line, his tone urgent yet gentle.

Khushi's heart skipped a beat as she stood up, her hands trembling slightly. She made her way to the balcony, her breath catching in her throat as she saw Arnav standing with his back to her, gazing out at the night sky.

"Arnav," she called out softly, her voice filled with a mix of longing and apprehension.

He turned around slowly, his eyes meeting hers with a mixture of regret and determination. "Khushi, I know you are hurt but Today you have to listen my story" he began, his voice filled with emotion. "But I can't let you go through with this marriage. I love you, Khushi. I've always loved you."
"You loved me? come on, don't joke around..
You were not doing anything when my father fixing my marriage with your bestie shyam..when i need you most.. you ditch me..
Why arnav..
If you don't wanted to commited with me than why did you said those words to me in Goa.
I were not clingy to you,i was very okey with the no sitng attachment create feelings for you in my hearts,shows me those dream..why..
I didn't ask you anything...
Than why you played with my emotions.
When my father approach the alliance for me.and i bring proud of you said i have a boyfriend and he will meet you..
But you didn't show up..
And still don't give me any reasons.remain like were not approaching to the relationship with me..
Do you know how much I feel humiliated Infront of my father and brother.. thanks that i didn't reveal the name of yours.akash would be very hurt finding such person like you his best friend.
And in all chaos,dad suddenly got heart attack.and to make him happy. I'm marrying your best friend Shyam..
And I'm proud of that I'm marrying him for my father,as my father is more important than such person like you.

Tears welled up in Khushi's eyes as she took a step towards him, her heart overflowing with love and relief. And as Arnav reached out to pull her into his arms, she knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle, stronger than any fear. And in that moment, as they held each other close under the moonlit sky, .
Arnav "khushi, I know you had bear so much thing in these months but today i have to share something with you.."
Khushi free herself from his hold.
"I don't want to hear you explaintion.."
"Khushi, please listen..."
But khushi leave the place... arnav stay devastated..

Arnav gets a call from unknown numbers.he realised that it's the backmailer.
Blackmail: hope I did not disturb you.
So what you throughr about my money.
Arnav: I'm not giving you any already backmail me enough to sell my  shares in stocks and they asking me to withdrawing my project..for you mr Gupta and akash faces the losses.
No more..
Backmailer:you have to give it to me. I Heard your girlfriend is getting married to your best friend nice to hear that, now maybe you don't need to take care of her.thats why you are refusing me now.
Arnav: okay fine..
Backmailer: you are so nice, your girlfriend leaving you still you are saving her reputation with yours.
I'm sending to this email address to your money..
Arnav: I can't do transaction.. about the last mishaps.i have to bring out in cash. .
Backmailer:i will contact with you soon.

The music was blaring, the lights were flashing, and the drinks were flowing at the club where Shyam was having his bachelor party. He was surrounded by his closest friends, including his best man Aakash and Arnav, who was determined to make sure Shyam had a night he would never forget.arnav were reserved

As the night went on, Aakash kept pushing drinks into Shyam's hand, urging him to drink more and more. Shyam, was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and was loosening up more than he ever had before.

"Come on, Shyam! This is your last  few days as a single man, you've got to live it up! through matter you are getting married with my sister.hey arnav tell him something" Aakash shouted over the music, clapping Shyam on the back.

Shyam laughed and took another shot, feeling the warmth spread through his body. He couldn't believe how much fun he was having, and he was grateful to Aksh for pushing him out of his comfort zone.

As the night wore on, Shyam found himself dancing on the tables, singing at the top of his lungs, and even flirting with some of the girls at the club. Akash was right by his side, egging him on and laughing along with him.

shyam was dancing when someone exchange his phone with other and went out the pub.

Precap: reveal of the backmailer.

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