chapter 4

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Chapter 4

the birds chirped outside Khushi’s window, there came a bell on her  door. Khushi, still half asleep, wandered towards the door, wondering who could be bothering her at such an early hour.

To her surprise, when she opened the door, a breathless Arnav stood before her, holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Khushi’s eyes widened in astonishment as a smile instantly spread across her face.

Without wasting a moment, Arnav, with eagerness in his voice, said, “Good morning, Khushi. I hope I didn’t interrupt your sleep. These flowers are for you… as a token of my deep gratitude.”

Curiosity filled Khushi’s eyes as she accepted the bouquet, breathing in the sweet scent. “But Arnav, why? What’s all this for?”

Arnav, his enthusiasm undeterred, replied, “Remember how you’ve supported me all these months? You taught me how to swim, took care of me when I fell sick, and even helped me design my penthouse. I can never thank you enough. So, today, I want to make your wish come true.”

Khushi stared at him, her heart racing with anticipation. “My wish? What wish?”

Arnav beamed, his excitement contagious. “Your wish to visit that luxurious resort you’ve been daydreaming about. I’ve planned a surprise day trip for just the two of us.”

Khushi’s eyes sparkled with uncontained joy. Her wish, which she had spoken in passing, was now turning into a reality. Overwhelmed, she said, “Arnav, you really didn’t have to do this. I can’t even express how grateful I am.”

But Arnav, with a gentle smile, responded, “You’ve done so much for me, Khushi. It’s time I did something for you. You deserve this and so much more.”

Khushi reluctantly let go of the flowers.

In the driveway, a sleek black car awaited them, its doors opened by arnav
Arnav, ever the gentleman, gestured for Khushi to enter the car. “After you,lady.”

As they sat comfortably inside the luxurious car, Khushi couldn’t help but steal glances at Arnav, her heart overflowing with appreciation. Arnav caught her gaze and shared a knowing smile.

“This is a day for you to relax and be pampered,” Arnav said with a twinkle in his eyes, breaking the silence. “Are you ready?”

Khushi’s excitement bubbled over as she replied, “Absolutely! But, Arnav, how did you organize all of this so quickly?”

Arnav winked mischievously. “That,   Khushi, is my little secret. Just sit back, relax, and let me surprise you.”

Feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude and anticipation, Khushi settled into her seat, holding tightly onto the bouquet, ready for the adventure that lay ahead.

And as the car drove away, leaving her  house behind, Khushi couldn’t help but feel that this surprise day trip was just the beginning of something truly extraordinary.

And so, with hearts brimming with excitement and gratitude, Khushi and Arnav embarked on their journey to the luxury resort, starting a new chapter in their lives together.

As the car arrived at the luxurious resort, As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the crystal-blue waters, Arnav and Khushi stepped foot into the luxurious resort. The entrance was adorned with lush greenery and vibrant blooms, setting a picturesque backdrop for their much-awaited getaway

They towards their private suite. Excitement radiated from both of them, eager to unwind and immerse themselves in the serenity of the resort. The suite was nothing short of a dream, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering breathtaking views of the sparkling ocean.

As they entered their suite, Khushi’s eyes widened with surprise and wonder. There, through the glass doors leading to the pool area, she caught sight of a floating tray elegantly adorned with a delectable spread of breakfast delights. She had always dreamt of trying a floating breakfast, and now, her wish had come true.

A mischievous smile lit up Arnav’s face as he watched Khushi’s reaction. He knew just how much she had desired this experience. Seeing her happiness brought joy to his heart, reminding him of how far they had come in their relationship.

Khushi couldn’t contain her excitement any longer. “Oh my god, Arnav! Look at this floating breakfast!” she exclaimed, clapping her hands in delight. “I’ve always imagined having one, and now it’s right here, just for us!”

Arnav chuckled, charmed by her sheer joy. “I knew you’d love it, Khushi. The resort made special arrangements for us,” he revealed,

Khushi don’t make any late,she went a wore a vibrant bikini that goes with the nature.Khushi quickly slipped out of her clothes and into her bikini, the excitement brimming in her eyes evident to Arnav
, Arnav couldn’t help but think of how much had changed between them. When they first met, he used to feel embarrassed whenever Khushi wore her bikini during their swimming lessons. But now, seeing her in it felt familiar, comforting even. It signified her confidence her beauty,

, Arnav and Khushi made their way to the poolside. The water glistened under the morning sun, inviting them to take a dip and soak in the blissful atmosphere.

As she gracefully climbed into the pool, her anticipation grew. Khushi lay back on an inflatable lounger, her gaze wandering over the pristine waters. With a smile playing on her lips, she reached out to the floating tray, picking up a plump strawberry and taking a delicate bite.

Arnav watched her with affectionate eyes, his heart swelled with love. He joined her in the pool, settling into the lounger next to her. Together, they savored the delicious breakfast offerings, their laughter and playful banter echoing amidst the tranquility of the resort.

Arnav and Khushi had enjoyed their floating breakfast in the private pool of their suite, and with their bellies full, they eagerly decided to explore the rest of the resort. They were excited to spend the entire day together, discovering new activities and enjoying each other’s company.

After changing into their comfortable resort attire, Arnav and Khushi set off on their adventure. The vast resort was a tropical paradise, surrounded by lush greenery and pristine beaches. The sounds of waves crashing against the shore, combined with the sweet melody of birdsong, created a serene atmosphere.

Their first stop was the beach, where they strolled hand in hand, feeling the soft sand beneath their feet. They laughed and chased each other, their carefree laughter filling the air. They eventually found a secluded spot and spread out a beach mat, basking in the warmth of the sun.

As they relaxed, Arnav noticed a nearby water sport center and suggested they try something new. Khushi’s eyes sparkled with excitement, agreeing eagerly. They signed up for a parasailing adventure and soon found themselves strapped into colorful parachutes, ready to be lifted into the sky.

The adrenaline rushed through their veins as they were gradually lifted higher and higher above the sparkling turquoise water. The view from above was breathtaking, with the resort, the coastline, and the vast ocean stretching out before them. Arnav held onto Khushi tightly as they glided through the air, feeling an incredible sense of freedom and exhilaration.

Once back on solid ground, they continued their exploration, stumbling upon a beautiful garden filled with vibrant flowers and enchanting sculptures. It was a peaceful sanctuary, perfect for a romantic stroll. They admired the intricate details of the garden, stopping now and then to capture special moments on their camera.
Arnav and Khushi, having experienced an eventful morning exploring various activities at the resort, felt the need to indulge in a delicious lunch. They followed their noses to a charming open-air restaurant nestled amidst lush greenery and overlooking a mesmerizing lagoon.

As they entered the restaurant, the aromatic scents of tantalizing cuisine greeted them with open arms. The atmosphere was elegant and serene, the perfect setting for a romantic meal. They were escorted to a cozy table overlooking the tranquil lagoon, where a gentle breeze gently rustled the tablecloth.

Their eyes widened with delight as the friendly waiter presented them with an extensive menu filled with culinary delights. After careful contemplation, Arnav and Khushi decided to sample a variety of local dishes to immerse themselves in the flavors of the region.

As they awaited their meal, they sipped on freshly squeezed tropical fruit juices, their taste buds dancing with each sip. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, embracing the serenity of the surroundings and the togetherness they cherished.

Their anticipation grew as their attentive waiter started to bring out plate after plate of mouthwatering delicacies. The vibrant colors and enticing presentation impressed them both. They dove into the generous spread, appreciating the burst of flavors with every bite.

Arnav couldn’t resist but feed Khushi a forkful of a tender grilled seafood dish. They shared playful laughter as a bit of sauce ended up on Khushi’s cheek, prompting Arnav to lovingly wipe it away with his thumb. Their eyes locked, and for an instant, time seemed to stand still.

Between bites, they savored the rich conversations and exchanged stories from their adventurous morning. They relished the opportunity to escape the outside world and bask in the simple pleasures of good food and each other’s company.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the resort, they joined a fun-filled evening beach party where tourists mingled, danced, and enjoyed live music. Arnav and Khushi let go of any inhibitions and enthusiastically joined the dance floor, grooving to the lively tunes, their laughter mixing with the music.

private poolside dinner for Khushi at the resort. As the sun began to set, the soft golden hues painted a picturesque backdrop for their romantic evening.

The pool was adorned with floating candles and delicate flower petals, casting a dreamlike glow upon the water. Khushi couldn’t help but feel a flutter of anticipation as

The table was beautifully set beside the pool, with their favorite dishes waiting to be savored. They relished the gourmet meal, each bite a symphony of flavors that danced upon their palates. Their laughter and animated conversation filled the air, intertwining with the gentle melody of the water lapping against the poolside.

As they finished their meal, the moon bathed the scene in a soft, silvery light. Khushi, lost in her thoughts, leaned back and dipped her feet into the cool water. Suddenly, her heart skipped a beat as she realized that her  favourite anklet had slipped off and fallen into the pool.

A rush of emotions flooded over Khushi, and a tear glistened in her eye as she relished the memory and significance of the lost anklet. Seeing Khushi’s distress, Arnav couldn’t bear to see his beloved upset. Without a second thought, he jumped into the pool, despite not having fully learned how to swim.

The water was colder than expected, sending a shiver through Arnav’s body. But his determination to retrieve the precious anklet outweighed any discomfort. Khushi watched with a mix of worry and admiration as Arnav struggled to navigate beneath the surface, searching for the anklet.
Khushi get worried as water is cold and arnav is not a good swimmer till now,she jump in the pool
After retrieving the anklet, Arnav swam back to the edge of the pool, triumphantly holding out the precious item to Khushi. However, before he could even say a word, Khushi’s worry took over, and she couldn’t help but scold him.

“Arnav! What were you thinking? You know you aren’t a great swimmer yet, and this water could have harmed you! I can’t believe you would take such a risk for a mere anklet!” Her voice was filled with concern and a tinge of anger as she carefully took the anklet from him.

Arnav’s face softened with remorse as he realized the validity of Khushi’s words. “I’m sorry, Khushi. I know I shouldn’t have been so impulsive. I just couldn’t bear to see you upset, and I had to do something.”

In that moment, as they stood toe to toe, water softly cascading off their bodies, a spark ignited between them. Their scolding turned into a shared realization of the depths of their love.

With Khushi’s heart still racing, she reached out for Arnav’s hand, a mixture of anger and affection in her eyes. “You scared me, Arnav. But I can’t deny that I’m also grateful for your bravery. Promise me you won’t do something so reckless again.”

Arnav nodded, his eyes locked onto Khushi’s. “I promise, Khushi. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and to never cause you worry like this.”

Feeling a wave of relief wash over her, Khushi allowed herself to soften. The tension between them transformed into an intense desire, an urging to be closer. Arnav’s grip on her hand tightened, drawing her towards him, their bodies now just inches apart.

In the hushed atmosphere and the soft ripples of the pool, their lips slowly met in a passionate kiss. Time stood still as their mouths molded together, their tangled emotions flowing freely between them.

Under the moonlit sky, surrounded by the gentle murmur of the water, Arnav and Khushi lost themselves in the depths of their love. Their bodies pressed against each other, their senses heightened by the coolness of the pool. They shared a connection that transcended words, where their souls intertwined and found solace in one another.

As they pulled away, breathless and filled with a renewed sense of love, they gazed into each other’s eyes. The pool became a sanctuary, a place where their worries melted away,
Arnav and Khushi stood in the dimly lit room, their lips passionately locked together. Their desire for each other had reached a fever pitch, their every kiss growing more intense than the last. Lost in the moment, they found themselves moving towards the bed, their bodies yearning for the next step.they continued their passionate display of affection, each touch and caress driving them further into the depths of desire.

But as Arnav’s hands began to unbutton Khushi’s  Black short dress , a wave of realization washed over him. He abruptly pulled away, his eyes widening with shock. Reality hit him like a thunderbolt, reminding him of the major betrayal that was unfolding in that very moment.

He took a step back, his heart racing with a mix of desire and guilt. Khushi looked up at him, her lips slightly swollen from their fervent kisses, her eyes hinting at confusion and longing. But Arnav knew he had to end this before it spiraled out of control.

He ran a trembling hand through his hair, his gaze fixed on the ground. “What am I doing, Khushi?” he whispered, his voice laced with regret. “You’re  akash s sister, my best friend’s sibling. This is wrong. We can’t continue down this path.”Struggling to find the right words, Arnav’s voice quivered, “Khushi,It’s not fair to Akash and to our friendship.  We need To respect the boundaries and commitments.i can’t do this. ”
“Why arnav?? Why are you stopping yourself when I’m ready ,i have no issues to spend such moment with you in lust. I’m enough mature to take my decision for myself I’m not going to ask you for commitment or i will take protection after”

THeir desire, once a blazing fire, quickly transformed into an overpowering sense of remorse and regret. They had allowed their emotions to cloud their judgment, forgetting about the consequences that their actions could have on the people they cared about.

Arnav walked towards Khushi, his voice filled with genuine remorse. “I’m sorry, Khushi. I never wanted to hurt anyone, especially not you. We need to stop this. We can’t betray the trust of our loved ones like this.”

Flashback ends.

Khushi remember how the relationship starts and after that night in resort arnav is start ignoring her.she feel ashamed how despo she was behaving infront of arnav to f@ck her.
Arnav and Khushi sat side by side in a dimly lit bathroom, the soft glow of candlelight dancing across their faces. The room was filled with the scent of their favorite bath oils, creating an ambiance of relaxation and intimacy.

As the warm water gently cascaded around them, Arnav traced the outline of Khushi's delicate fingers with his own. Their eyes locked, sparkling with desire and affection, a silent promise of unspoken words.

With a tender smile, Arnav reached for a sponge and began to lather it with fragrant soap. He carefully lifted Khushi's arm, his touch as delicate as a feather, and started to softly caress her silky skin. Khushi closed her eyes, surrendering herself to his loving touch, feeling every stroke ignite a fire deep within.

His touch lingered, trailing along her delicate collarbones, his fingers gliding over the curve of her shoulders, providing her with a soothing tranquility she had never experienced before. Without a word, she reciprocated, her hands exploring the contours of his muscled back, feather-light touches leaving trails of tingling sensation.

Arnav leaned in closer, his breath warm against Khushi's ear. He whispered sweet words that only the two of them could hear, words that conveyed their love and longing for each other. His lips gently grazed her earlobe, causing a shiver to run down Khushi's spine, intensifying the connection between them.

Their hearts beat in sync as they leaned into each other, their lips finally meeting in a passionate, hungry kiss. The world outside faded away as they lost themselves in each other, the water around them echoing their desires. In this sanctuary of love, their bodies intertwined, creating a symphony of pleasure and tenderness.

The steam from the bath rose, enveloping them like a veil of secrecy, adding an air of sensuality to their intimate embrace. Their movements became more urgent, the intensity growing with each passing second, as their love took them to an exhilarating peak.

Time seemed to stand still as they held each other, their hearts pounding as one. Their eyes met once again, filled with an unspoken understanding and an eternal love that transcended mere physical desire.

Shyam is trying to call arnav but his number getting ringed,he just don't pick up the call, shyam thought what the hell arnav doing..
Khushi and Arnav lay still on the bed, both catching their breath after their passionate physical activities. As they wore their clothes back on, Khushi's eyes fell upon a love bite on Arnav's neck, a visible mark of their intense connection.

A mischievous smile played on Khushi's lips as she gently traced her finger around the love bite. Looking up, she locked eyes with Arnav, who seemed a mixture of satisfaction and surprise at the visible evidence of their wild lovemaking.

With a teasing tone, Khushi whispered, "Arnav, you were absolutely wild on the bed."

Arnav's eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and desire as he responded, ". You bring out the wildness within me, awakening desires I never knew existed."

Leaning closer, Khushi whispered into Arnav's ear, "You know, seeing this love bite on your neck excites me. It's a reminder of the passion we shared, of how you unleashed your wild desires upon me."

A sly grin appeared on Arnav's face, as he pulled Khushi into his arms, their bodies intertwining once again. Their playful banter fueled their desire, as they lost themselves in each other's embrace, the love bite serving as a reminder of the intense connection they shared on the bed.

In that moment, they both embraced their wild side, knowing that together they could explore the depths of their desires and create a world filled with untamed passion and love.

Precap:past continue and shyam is in mission to know what is wrong with Arnav.

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