Reborn : The Route to Surviva...

By aetherialcrafter

8.2K 267 10

After dying unexpectedly from a traffic accident, Aria woke up inside the body of Cassia Clorance -- the vill... More

i. front matter
ii. must read
iii. visual references
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter twelve

193 9 0
By aetherialcrafter

Chapter 12. Garden of Roses

Mira and I walked back to my chamber. Dinner had gone well, and I had a great time talking with the staff of Clorance Manor. Initially, they were cautious with their words around me, but as we enjoyed the food together, we grew closer.

As we reached the front of my chamber, I turned to look at Mira, who had been following me from behind.

I smiled at her. "Thank you for tonight, Mira. I really enjoyed dinner."

"You don't need to thank me, my lady. It's my job and duty as your maid," Mira replied, returning the smile.

"Well, that's true." I turned away from her and opened the door. "But you know, Mira..." I looked back at her again. "Besides being my maid, you're also my friend."

I noticed that she paused at my words, unable to respond. So I smiled at her, sensing that she was still processing what I had said.

"You can go and rest now, Mira. Good night," I said before entering the room. And just as I was about to close the door, I heard Mira's soft but audible voice.

"Ah yes... Good night, my lady..."

I flashed her a smile once more, capturing a brief moment of connection, just before the door to the room was firmly shut.

As I walked towards the bed, I couldn't help but recall the expression on Mira's face when I told her that besides being my maid, I also consider her as a friend.

"She's so cute. The way she looked at me somehow reminds me of Belle though..." I mumbled, speaking into the air.

I gradually lowered myself onto the bed, allowing myself to lie down. I had never envisioned sleeping on a mattress as opulent as this one. It was unbelievably plush and cozy, providing a level of comfort beyond my wildest imagination.

I've known myself as someone who's hard to fall asleep at night. I kind off have an insomnia back then. But this bed... It didn't even took me long before I found myself comfortably sleeping.

❛ ━━・❪ 🌹 ❫ ・━━ ❜

Mira walked back to her quarters, lost in her thoughts. She didn't even realize that she had reached her room's door until Silvia, her roommate, snapped her back to reality.

"Hey, Mira. Why are you just standing there? Are you okay?" Silvia asked, concerned.

Silvia, a laundry maid, was the closest in age to Mira among all the maids in Clorance Manor. They somehow managed to get along well. While Mira still had noble blood despite her family's fallen status, Silvia was a commoner. She only knew her mother and had no knowledge of her father. They struggled to have at least two meals a day, but unfortunately, Silvia's mother passed away from an illness when Silvia was just fifteen years old.

If it hadn't been for the late Countess Clorance, Silvia would probably have ended up on the streets or worse.

Mira shook her head. "It's nothing, Silvia. Sorry you had to see me lost in my thoughts."

Silvia chuckled and tapped Mira's shoulder. She decided to open the door and enter the room before Mira.

"I sense that something happened. Come on, spill the beans. Was it a good event or the opposite?" Silvia said as she walked towards her bed and sat down, observing Mira as she headed straight to her closet to choose a sleepwear to change into.

Mira wasn't quick to reply. Her mind was still occupied with thoughts of what the young lady had said to her earlier.

Sensing Mira's continued distraction, Silvia approached her and peered at her face, trying to discern the expression she was making while lost in her thoughts.

To Silvia's surprise, Mira was smiling and even blushing as she stared into her closet, seemingly lost in a daydream.

"It must have been a good event, huh?" Silvia whispered on the back of her head, still observing Mira with curiosity.

Mira didn't often smile, so Silvia was slightly taken aback by the sight. However, she had a hunch as to why her roommate was smiling and blushing like that.

"It has something to do with young lady Cassia, doesn't it?" Silvia silently mouthed, bringing Mira back to reality.

Startled, Mira jumped slightly when she saw Silvia's face in front of her. Just moments ago, Silvia was sitting on her bed, and now she was right there in front of Mira.

"I'm not going to force you to share your thoughts with me, but remember that you can always call on me if you need someone to talk to or share with. I see you as my sister, even if we're not related by blood. I'm older than you, so you can count on me," Silvia said, smiling warmly at Mira.

Unbeknownst to Mira, Silvia had always considered her as a younger sister. Even before they met, Silvia had wished for a younger sister, so when she found out that her roommate would be a younger girl, she was overjoyed.

Silvia had anticipated becoming close with Mira right from the start, but as they say, things don't always go as planned or desired.

When Mira arrived at Clorance Manor as young lady Cassia's personal maid, she greeted everyone with a bright smile. However, as soon as everyone left, she would put on a stoic expression and prefer to be alone.

It was a challenge for Silvia to get close to Mira, as Mira seemed reluctant to let anyone get too close to her, except perhaps for the young lady of the Clorance household. Silvia couldn't fathom the reason behind Mira's guardedness.

"A-Ah..." Mira averted her gaze, struggling to find the right words to say to Silvia. Silvia found Mira's shy demeanor endearing.

Smiling, Silvia playfully ruffled Mira's hair. As much as she wanted to hug Mira in that moment, she restrained herself. Silvia wanted to create an atmosphere of comfort and trust, not intimidate Mira.

Turning around, Silvia began making her way back to her bed when Mira uttered something that caught her completely off guard.

"T-Thank you, S-Sister Silvia."

Silvia was utterly stunned, finding it hard to process what she had just heard.

"Am I dreaming? Did you really... call me sister just now?" Silvia rushed back to Mira, attempting to catch a glimpse of her face, but Mira kept hiding it. She was clearly embarrassed by her own words.

"This is so embarrassing," Mira muttered silently to herself.

However, Mira was also overwhelmed by Silvia's heartfelt words. She was still processing the impact of being called a "friend" by young lady Cassia, and now she had a sister figure she could rely on. It felt like a dream come true. Mira was filled with joy and happiness, grateful for the positive changes that had occurred since she started serving the young lady.

But little did they not know, that moments after the happiness they're experiencing right now, will be disrupted by a character coming into view.

❛ ━━・❪ 🌹 ❫ ・━━ ❜

"Eh? Where am I?"

I suddenly found myself transported to a breathtaking garden as I woke up from my slumber. It was a garden adorned with vibrant roses in a myriad of colors. White roses, yellow roses, orange roses, lavender roses, and shades of pink-both light and dark-all bloomed in harmony alongside the classic red roses. The scene was a mesmerizing display of nature's beauty.

I had no idea how I ended up in this place. As I gazed at the mesmerizing landscape, it felt like I had stumbled upon a true paradise. Throughout my life, I had always held a deep admiration for flowers, especially roses. Their elegance and captivating beauty had enchanted me since childhood. Now, finding myself surrounded by these magnificent blooms, I couldn't help but consider this place a haven for my love of roses.

"But... why am I here?" I couldn't help but voice out the question that filled my mind.

"Ariana Lei Valencia."

I was startled when I heard a voice that seemed to come from nowhere.

The voice echoed in my head. What in the world is going on?

But above all, the question that consumed my thoughts was how this person knew my name—from my past life.

"W-Who are you?" I asked, rising to my feet and scanning my surroundings intently.

"And how do you know that name?" I pressed for answers.

"Ah... Well, perhaps it's because I am the one responsible for bringing you into this realm," came the enigmatic, yet sarcastic, response.

My eyes widened at what she said next. Just what the hell did she say?

Yes, it was the voice of a girl. And for some reason, her voice was filled with artifice. It was an irritating, snobby voice.

I raised an eyebrow in response.

"Excuse me, but isn't it rather impolite of you to engage in conversation without even revealing your identity or introducing yourself?" I questioned, feeling a sense of annoyance creep in.

"Goodness! Are you so eager to catch a glimpse of my stunning visage? Very well, if it pleases you."

What in the world is this girl blabbering about? Claiming to possess a stunning face, what a load of nonsense. Hmph!

I was taken aback as a figure of a woman seemed to materialize from the swirling sparkling dust in front of me. I instinctively took a step back in response.

And then, in a sudden burst of radiance, a lady with hair as radiant as platinum and eyes that resembled the gleam of precious rubies appeared before me.

Wait... did I just say platinum blonde hair and ruby-like colored eyes?

It couldn't be...

She arched an eyebrow and crossed her arms, scrutinizing me from head to toe. Her gaze felt piercing, as if she could see right through me.

"Your old features are good, but it wouldn't be compare to how my looks and features are." She said that with outmost confidence.

It was in that moment that I realized I had returned to my original body, no longer inhabiting Cassia's form. However, that was a trivial matter at the present time. I had countless questions that needed answers.

"So, you are Cassia Clorance, correct?" I asked, seeking confirmation even though it was apparent.

She responded with a bored nod. "Yeah, that's me," she replied.

"In that case, why did you claim to be the one who brought me into this world?" I asked, curiosity lacing my words.

She didn't immediately respond to me. She stared at me for a moment, then let out a heavy sigh.

Turning away, she began to walk, and as she did, she started to explain. "You may find my reason strange, but the truth is, I am aware."

I furrowed my brow. "Aware? Aware of what?" I asked, following closely behind her as she walked.

She picked up a red rose and continued speaking. "I am aware that I am just a character from a novel. A villainess who is meant to die in the end."

I froze in my tracks. She... she is aware of that?!

She turned to face me. "Surprised, aren't you?" There was a smirk on her lips. "Well, that is an understandable reaction."

"But how—"

"How did it happen?" She interrupted me. "I don't know either. One day, I simply woke up and found myself back in time. At first, I was confused about what was happening, but then I realized that I had truly traveled back to the past. I remembered how I died in front of the empire's people that day.

I tried altering the events, rewriting my fate... but no matter what I do, it always unfolds according to the novel. My character, Cassia Clorance, is destined to die so that the main characters of this novel can have their happy ending.

I never intended to be cruel to others. Most of the time, my actions were misunderstood. I even attempted to discuss my impending death with my brother, but he dismissed it as absurd and pretended our conversation never happened.

After dying for the second time, I was sent back to the past once again. It felt like an endless loop, as if a book were passed from one reader to another, starting from the very first page. It was a living nightmare. No, it was even worse than that. I had no control over my own actions, repeating the same foolish mistakes over and over again. But then, I heard words. Although I couldn't understand the language, I somehow grasped the meaning behind them.

Those words may have been vulgar and crude, but they held a genuine care for my character, for me. And do you know who uttered those words?" She stopped walking and turned to face me again. This time, her expression wasn't a smirk but a gentle smile. It was a look I never expected to see on Cassia Clorance's face.

Hold on a minute. Why is she looking at me with that kind of expression in her face while asking who's the girl... Oh God! Don't freaking tell me...

"Seeing how the expression on your face changes, guess you already know the answer to my question, don't you?" Cassia chuckled. "But seriously speaking, I really wanted to thank you for being angry to that dumb shit of a crown prince with me. After having awareness of my surroundings, I realized how stupid I was for falling in love with such a type of man. Eww. He's not even that so handsome."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter along with Cassia when she said that. Despite never having met or seen the crown prince, I already had a negative impression of him, so I couldn't care less.

"But what is your real reason for bringing me into this world?" I asked, steering the conversation back to the main topic. Cassia's face turned serious after I posed that question.

"I was about to answer that earlier. Well, you see, I tried praying—"

"You prayed?!" I couldn't help blurting out.

Cassia was taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Lady, you need to calm down. And please, refrain from such behavior in the world you're in now. It's so unladylike. Besides, is it really that shocking that I prayed? Am I not allowed to do so?"

"Now that you mention it, where are we anyway? And it's just so out of character for you. You don't even believe in God - or at least that's what the novel I read stated, so don't blame me for my reaction."

"You have too many questions and talk too much. Geez. We're having this conversation in your dreams right now."

I couldn't help but chuckle. Why does Cassia Clorance exude such a tsundere vibe? She's mad but still answering my questions. It's kind of cute.

"Going back, as I have said, I tried praying. I know that my character from the novel said that I don't believe in God and I wasn't even religious. I am still not that religious, but I do believe in God - after having awareness at the least.

I was really going through a difficult time, you know. I just wanted everything to end, to die. But at the same time, I wanted my character to experience a happier ending. An ending that didn't involve a tragic death. I... just wanted Cassia Clorance to find happiness or live a fulfilling life.

It was already my third time dying, and my head was about to be severed when suddenly, everything froze. Time stood still, and I was the only one able to move. Then, a ball of light appeared in front of me and asked me a question: Do you want to change your fate? That's what it asked for, and I answered, yes.

And in that very moment, I was transported to a different world. A world entirely different from the one I came from. Busy streets, roads filled with vehicles — all unfamiliar to me. And then, I heard a faint yet familiar voice - your voice. I saw you on the verge of death. I couldn't bear to see you die. You were the only person who cared for my character among all the readers of that novel. That's why I chose you."

"But wouldn't it be nicer if you were the one to experience the change in Cassia's fate? After all, you are the original owner of that character," I couldn't help but ask.

She simply smiled and gazed at the orange-colored sky above us. "Indeed, it would have been nice if that were possible. However, it is necessary for me to choose someone from another world to inhabit my body. Only those who are not from my world have the power to alter the course of the story. So all I can do is watch from the sidelines. Even if I were able to change my fate on my own, it wouldn't be easy. I lack the necessary knowledge to do so. To be honest, I'm not that clever. But you are different. That's why I'm asking for a favor... please, change Cassia's fate. It would bring me some solace to know that you will have a happy ending, contrary to what my character is destined for. Of course, I also wish for you to have a happy ending. You are the only person who truly understands me, after all."

"And time is running out! The sun is setting. Oh God! I have to leave now, and you, my dear, need to wake up."

"Huh? But wait—"

"This may have been a short time for us to talk but I'm happy to be able to talk with you, Ariana — or should I now call you Cassia? Haha. Don't worry, you can freely call yourself to that name. After all, you are now Cassia. So I hope you take care of my character. And oh, please take good care of Mira as well. She may sometimes be a pain in the ass but she's cute so take care of her for me, okay? Ah! We're really out of time. Well then, I wish you all the best of luck."

"No, wait! Cassia, don't leave yet!"

"You'll do great, dear. I will always be watching over you, so don't you fear."

After hearing her final words, my eyes opened. I slowly sat up from lying down and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

I looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought. Reflecting on everything Cassia had revealed to me in that dream, I realized that tears had unknowingly escaped my eyes.

She had endured so much, and I had no idea. I felt a deep sense of sorrow for her, burdened with such a predetermined character from the author.

Cassia Clorance... I promise you that I will change the fate of this character. I will strive for a happy ending!

Lost in my contemplation, I was startled as the door to my room opened, and Mira entered.

But why do I have this unsettling feeling right now?

To be Continued...

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