His Champagne

By BrickneyKla

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It's been a year since Aria took a break from the music industry. Ever since her famous pianist brother died... More

Chapter 1: Unsettlement
Chapter 2: Remembering Him
Chapter 3: 10 years from now on.
Chapter 4: One, Two Hearts
Chapter 5: Surreal
Chapter 7: Rei & Lei
Chapter 8: Him, Part 1
Chapter 9: Him, Part 2
Chapter 10: Him, Part 3
Chapter 11: Him, Part 4
Chapter 12: Two, Three Hearts
Chapter 13: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 14: The Beautiful Rain
Chapter 15: Surprised Lies
Chapter 16: Neglect
Chapter 17: Friendly
Chapter 18: Kenzo and Elias
Chapter 19: A Different Side of Him
Chapter 20: Revealing
Chapter 21: A Big Problem
Chapter 22: Surprise, it's me!
Chapter 23: Blood
Chapter 24: The Party
Chapter 25: Chaos and Chaos!
Chapter 26: Giving Up
Chapter 27: Beneath Me
Chapter 28: Second Place
Chapter 29: It's Been A While
Chapter 30: Freedom
Chapter 31: He and I
Ending Note! Reflecting...

Chapter 6: Friends

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By BrickneyKla

'Two shining stars, identical faces, yet different and impactful uses of music - Rei was a passionate saxophone player, known for outperforming competitors because of his unique way of using the instrument - Lei for hitting a world record of the longest high note in the world with no strain! There you have it! The Brilliant Twins of Music!'

"Turn that shit off." The angered man confronted the young girl on the couch from his room.

"I was just curious, Rico." She turned the television off and looked back at her brother with a frustrated expression, "You don't fancy their use of words?"

"Who told them to use Rei and Lei?" He sighed, picking up a magazine of himself.

The girl sighed, "Don't even get me started with our manager full of stupidity! It's all her fault- And you, first of all, for even introducing her to us."

"What do you mean, Lucia? It's not like we were getting anywhere without her. Look at us now-"

"Whatever! Vete a la mierda!" She stormed out of the apartment in frustration.

"... So sensitive over a few words. Stupid girl." Rico threw the book back at the table and went into his room.

There was no other way to describe them but as Yin and Yan. Rei, known as Rico, was already a famous individual for playing the saxophone and got only more famous when his sister Lei, also known as Lucia, exploded charts when she broke the world record of hitting the highest note with her voice. They were both international stars but mainly in Mexico. People would describe them as the perfect sibling duo, iconic and gifted.

I was great friends with Lucia, but we have drifted apart due to my disappearance from the industry and her being sent back to Mexico because of her demanding brother.

She was a brilliant girl, and crazy impressive at her age. Lucia was an international freshman at the music academy I was studying at. Luckily with English, we've communicated amazingly. Last time I saw her, she wore large black glasses and always had a colorful plaid shirt on. Weirdly specific, but that was all I ever thought of her. Though she was not the saddest or depressive type, Lucia was a happy spirit that lifted my moods.

My memory was already giving up. And finally, after a few years, it was my chance to meet up with her again.


Once again, my obnoxious heels tapped towards the balcony. I twirled my wine in my cup as I recognized the long-haired girl. "You've came, Luci-"

"Aria..." She turned around and I was met with such a surprise. The girl I once knew before changed, not in a bad nor good way, but I did not remember that face.

"Lucia? You've changed."

She chuckled softly and hid her smile behind her tanned hands, "You're making me blush! It's been too long, my dear friend."

The orchestra music got louder from the party. I paused, then spoke, "A little too long, don't you say...?"

"Has it been three or four years? I've lost track... And I'm happy you started music again." She stepped closer to me, her eyes glittering with white sparkles.

"... Four years, I'm sure." I turned away, "What's with the new look? I'm not saying it like a bad thing-"

"Thank you, Aria, I've been living my best life with this new change!" She danced across the marble floor, the breeze brushing through her rouge hair. "It feels absolutely amazing. Mexico definitely opened my eyes, for once."

I glanced at her and crossed my arms, "Well, I'm great that you feel happy. How's the adventure of this music world?"

"My vocal coach, Precious, has allocated me to an easier way of using my gift. She taught me not to strain my voice and use my chest voice instead of my head voice." She explained.

"Can you sing a line for me?" Lucia cleared her voice and sang a long belted note from a song I did not recognize. I assumed it was some pop song. But her tone was different yet impactful, who knew what a true performance could sound like from her?

I chuckled in amazement, "Wow! You sounded completely different last time I met you!"

"I do have the tendency to go off pitch, but it's getting better." She smirked, then grabbed my arm, "Show me around your party! I'm quite astonished you hosted such brilliant gatherings in this expensive banquet hall."

"I'm not much of a party person. Alec, she planned everything, just for me to get some friends."

"Haha!" She continued as her eyes lingered at the big glass doors, "She's done a great job!"

"Since you're new to the city, would you like me to introduce you to a few people I know?" I walked inside the hall, almost to the main room. The golden lights brightened our complexions.

Lucia stared at the large chandelier that towered over us then back at me, "Hm, you know people? Most of the peers here have only spoken French here."

I responded, "Well, it is Paris, Lucia."

"I'd thought it'd be more of a diverse country, like New York or, hm, Los Angeles." She replied.

"Thankfully you know me."

"Oh! I forgot." She looked through her black Chanel purse and took out a fancy paper envelope.

"What is it?"

She placed it into my hands and smiled, "I have a performance tomorrow, and you have to come."

I held it in the air and looked back at her, "Is this your first performance in France, with your brother?"

"Unfortunately with him, but this... is a grand opportunity! You must go see me!" She smiled with excitement.

"I will make some free room tomorrow, don't you worry." I chuckled and put it in my bag.

"Thank you, lots! Merci!"

We stopped at the grand entrance after walking up a large spiral staircase to the doors. I took another glance at her to properly see the dress she was wearing. It was more modest than sparkly or glam. The dress went down to her knees and there was a small waist belt that shaped her hour-glass figure. The long skirt was mainly made up of chiffon to match with her black lace and cropped cardigan. Definitely was not chosen by her. Needless to say, it was an upsetting outfit.

"Do you like my dress? My coach picked it out for me." She noticed my unusually long look in her outfit.

"Uh, yes." I held my hand to the door a little guilty, "Ready?"

She nodded with excitement, "Yes, of course."

The doors opened to a large crowd of people, dressed up in their most luxurious suits and dresses. Noise attacked us as we walked in.

"Oh, Aria! You've finally arrived!" An unfamiliar person shouted out.

Another one joined in, "Goodness, your outfit is gorgeous!"

"Quite expected from you!" The crowd laughed.

I laughed modestly, "Heh, yes. Sorry about the inconvenience." Then I looked back towards Lucia, "Oh- just to let you know, I'll be heading to the front to introduce the party."

She was hesitant then paused, "Oh."

"Do you see that group of people in the back? The girl wearing a red dress?" I pointed towards them. "Go, you won't feel like an outcast with them."

Lucia nodded in confirmation then started to walk there. "Thank you, Aria, good luck."

She walked professionally to the designated spot I was saying to go to. Lucia met eyes with one of them and greeted, "Hello! Are you Aria's friends?"

The three looked at her with confusion then one of them spoke, "Yes. Who are you?"

She replied shyly, "I'm Lucia, one of Aria's friends from the Royal Elites. We have just reunited today."

"Oh, you're her. I'm Ethan, if you haven't heard about me." He smiled at her then back at the other two, "Why don't you introduce yourselves already?"

The taller man chuckled then said, "My name is Romeo."

"Oh, I know you!" Lucia bounced up with excitement, "You're that famous Korean pianist! You went viral a few years back."

"Heh, yes."

"My name is Ivy." She held onto Ethan's arm with a gentle smile on her face, "Ethan's future fiance."

"Stop it." Ethan let go of her with an embarrassing laugh.

"I am just joking!"

Romeo shrugged and looked back at Lucia, "They're quite peculiar."

"Heh, it's very nice to meet you all." Lucia glanced at them with a not so good stare.

Ivy spoke, "How's-"

"I'll take my leave now." Lucia grinned then walked off,

"... That was fast." Ethan looked back at her then back at them.

Ivy nodded, "Hm, yeah."

Ethan responded, "Well, no need to worry I suppose."

"Oh, there she is." Romeo faced the front, grinning.

I walked up a long staircase that was pointing straight, with my extravagant long black dress dragging behind my back. It glimmered across the floor, reflecting backwards at the chandelier and lights.

If anyone knew me well, sparkly things were my favorite thing to wear. I dramatically twirled my long train of my dress behind me, facing towards the hundreds of people. People who I don't even know, famous celebrities & influencers, and perhaps rich folks who didn't even want to be here.

My mother would never stand in any of those positions. Anywho, I cleared my voice and confidently put on a smile. And of course, I blocked out everything out of my mind.

"Hello everybody!" I shouted repeatedly across the thousands of voices, "I would love to have your attention!"

The crowd began to turn their heads and direct their attention to me.

I twirled the disgusting wine in my cup and spoke loudly, "I thank all of you for coming to my event. This celebration is solely about my new debut in classical music after my longest break, and I shall go beyond performing music in France but rather compose and cooperate with other talented folks worldwide. At the near end of this network party, I want to showcase my best song to you all." I knew no one was listening, but as the host of one's party, I had to make a boring speech. Terribly boring and forced. I raised my glass to the air, "Shall we resume the party?"

The crowd raised their cups with large grins on their faces.

"Hm." Lucia glimpsed at Romeo as she walked by him, "You must like her, huh?"

He smirked even harder with his glass in the air, "What makes you say that?"

"You're a little too happy." Ethan included with a chuckle.

"Pft!" Romeo let out a laugh and his eyes went back to me. "I am happy."

Ivy smiled along with the others.

"Thank you!" I drank from the cup and let the applause commence. Then I walked down the stairs as everyone else went back to what they were doing. My eyes were glued to a certain part of the large room. Then suddenly my eyes met with his. Romeo gave off a soft gaze towards me, grinning a little with the untouched glass of alcohol in his hand. He made his way through the crowd to get to me as I stood back at the end of the staircase.

"Nice intro." Romeo smirked, finally out of the crowds.

I responded with a chuckle, "Thanks. You look good yourself."

"Heh," He swirled the cup and smiled, "Are you flirting with me, Miss Aldine?"

"Oh, please." My eyes rolled.

He looked towards the crowds, cluttered and dancing. "They seem to be having fun."

"Of course. The point of a party is to leave an impression, no?" I glanced at him, shrugging.

Romeo gave a few seconds of silence then looked back at me with his hand reaching out, "Would you like to dance?"

"You're asking-" I laughed out, "You're asking me to dance- I couldn't."

He laughed back and took my hand, "Oh, try it, Aria! I'll lead you perfectly."

"Woah, woah!" I shuffled back in hesitation.

Romeo pulled my arm towards him and twirled across the floor, "Just stare at me."

"Alright, alright." I exhaled then looked into his eyes as the soft piano music was playing in the background. My hand was placed in his hand and my other on his broad shoulder. I asked, "Did you meet my friend?"

He shuffled his feet slowly and replied, "Yes. But..."

"Was there something wrong?" I followed his feet.

"Hm, she seemed quite down. Though, she must've missed your company." He looked off into the distance.

"That's... unusual." I looked at him then at the large clock on the centerpiece of the wall. "Hopefully she's okay."


Lucia arrived back at her apartment, completely exhausted. The only thing she favoured during the party was my performance. Though, she did feel quite alone at the sidelines as I talked to many other strangers who only spoke french. The lights quickly flickered up as she walked into her living room.

"Where were you?" Rico was leaning against the wall, obviously in a terrible mood.

"Is it your business?" She stared at him then looked away, "Clearly not."

He frustratedly sighed, "You can't just leave the house without telling me."

"I don't care." Lucia chucked her heels into the shoe closet and looked at him.


"Are you my father? You're not. Just leave me alone."

"We're family, Lucia." He walked towards her, "And I think we need to have a talk about you and your rude behaviour that's been occurring."

She sighed then approached her room, "All this talk, whatever, you won't listen to me."

"All you do is ruin yourself. What's the point? I'm trying to help you."

Lucia raised her eyebrows and paused, "Help me? What have you ever done?"


"You forced me to go back to Mexico, you crushed my dreams when I was at my prime, you ruined everything!" She cried out in anger. "You do not deserve to say that you're helping me."

Rico shook his head, "You are misunderstanding everything I do for you! Have you tried listening to what I ever say to you?"

"Por el amor de dios... You have done nothing but ruin my damn life!" She dropped her bag down and glared.

"Look at yourself!" He yelled back at her, "Are you happy that you got all those expensive cosmetic surgeries!? Are you happy about betraying our parents?! Are you happy? Really? As your older brother, I believe we're just strangers at this point."

"... Rico." She huffed out of exhaustion, "Your words do not shame me."

"They should." He scoffed then went back to the living room.

She didn't give up then. Lucia grabbed her brother's arm and yelled, "Have you ever tried to feel what it's like to be in my shoes!? Have you?"

"Let go of me." Rico exhaled, "You do not deserve any pity from me, now."

"Pity? I never needed it!" She pushed him, "My life has been hell living under this roof because of your name!-"

"Get ready for tomorrow's performance." He got the remote control, facing away. "You don't want to be embarrassed, do you?"

"... Hmph." She clenched his fists in frustration then stormed back into her room.

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