Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

By AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... More

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
Couldn't think of a title, sorry..
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
I Wonna Hear Your Voice
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
Same Mistakes
A Pretty Little Morning

Guts and a burned finger

163 10 6
By AnthemForTheHomesick


Noah's P.O.V.

"Hi, love." Carter greeted me, as I opened the door. "Hello." I answered, making some room so he could enter the house. "Wonna go to my room?" He nodded, a sly smile on his face. "I've got a great idea." He sent me a wink and we walked up the stairs. "GUYS, I'M IN MY ROOM." My voice rang through the house. The boys always wanted to know where I was, don't want'em thinking I'm kidnapped ;) "Tell me about your idea." I begged, as we sat down on my bed. Carter laid his back next to us. OMG, HE'S GOT A MANBAG. THAT'S SO ASDFGHHJKL SEXY. When I took a look inside, I noticed it was filled with crayons and white boards. "You told me we were going to see a concert. Fancy making a banner?" He asked and I gasped at his great idea. "Carter, you're a genius!" I cheered, wrapping my arms around his neck. He was surprised at first, but soon hugged me back. "I know." He winked. "Vain, cough cough, vain." I joked, as he slapped my arm playfully. "Auw, that hurt!" I fake cried and his expression softened. "Want me to kiss it better?" He asked, looking like an adorable puppy. "YOU WISH." I exclaimed, before standing up and turning my music up. Immediately, The Killer's Mr. Brightside started playing. "Bless you and your good taste in music." Carter laughed, as he laid the white sheets on the floor. "Seriously? The floor?" I asked him and he shrugged. "It's more fun." Why not? We lied down next to each other, only a few inches separating our bodies. "What should we write?" He asked and I thought for a second, tilting my head. "I think I know something."

Louis's P.O.V.

As I walked past Noah's door, I heard the Killer's blasting through her speakers. Damn, my little girl has a good taste in music. I stood there a little longer, enjoy the music, 'til a loud girly scream hurt my ears. My eyes shot towards Noah's room, but it didn't came from there. Panic rushed through my veins when I ran downstairs, my footsteps making loud thuds when they hit the ground. "What happened?!" I explained, filing in the kitchen. "I burned my finger." Niall pouted, holding his finger up, which indeed seemed a bit red. "Poor Nialler, let me get the first aid kit." Liam cooed, lifting the Irish boy up and placing him on the counter. I would've done exact the same thing if he was one my little sisters. Liam came back, a small box in his hands. "I'll take a look." He announced, as he started inspecting the wound. "Woah, you did get burned pretty badly." I sat down on a chair, watching their little moment with an amused grin. "It hurts." The blond whined, as tears rushed to his waterline. "Shh, the pain'll go away soon." The older boy pressed his lips on his forehead, before searching a bandage. "This'll sting for a second." Liam warned him and I took a step forward. "Here, hold my hand." I suggested, extending my hand which he took thankfully. His puppy eyes were the cutest thing ever, I swear. Niall peeped a little, as the brunette covered the wound with the white bandage. I send him a reassuring squeeze, which he returned. "It's almost over." He nodded softly, desperately trying to focus on something else. "Done." Liam cheered, as he helped The Irish lad of the counter, leading him to the couch. "Let's watch a movie." I suggested, while walking towards the closet full of DVD's. "Which one do you wonna see?" I ran my fingers across the boxes, slightly stroking each one of them. "How about... Peter Pan." Niall said, his eyes lighting up. "Peter Pan?" I asked and he nodded vigorously. "Sure. Everything for our little Irish boy." Liam stood up to get some blankets disappearing in the kitchen, meanwhile I put the DVD in the DVD-player. When he came back, he held a plate with three cups of hot chocolate. "Here you go." We snuggled up in the blankets, each one of us holding a cup. Niall buried his face in Liam's chest and I laid my arm around him. I quickly pressed a kiss on his forehead before my attention to the screen.

About an hour an a half later, Niall was sound asleep, soft snores leaving his mouth. "He's so cute." Liam whispered, stroking his dirty blond hair. "Yeah, he is." I admitted, still gazing at his beautiful features. "Almost as cute as Noah." He said and I chuckled. "Almost." We heard footsteps on the stairs and looked up. "What happened to Ni?" Noah asked running to the couch, Carter hot in her heels. "Is he just tired?" The boy asked, tilting his head. "He burned his finger." Liam explained and Noah frowned. "Poor, Nialler." She whispered, as she pressed a kiss on his forehead. "Isn't this a bit of an exaggeration? I mean he burned his finger, it's not like he broke his arm or something." The teenage boy muttered and anger flashed in the girl's eyes. This was about to get interesting. "He's Irish, he can do what he wants. Plus, I think it's cute, so if you don't, feel free to leave." She crossed her arms over her chest, looking at him with an unimpressed expression. Woah, someone's getting protective. I wish I had this on tape. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." Carter apologised, his eyes pointed at the floor. "It's fine, but remember, touch Niall and you touch me, okay?" She asked and he nodded. Her smile reappeared. "So, you said you were hungry. What do you wonna eat?" She asked, as they walked to the kitchen. Damn, this girl was impressive for a thirteen year old. When they left, Liam and I bursted out in laughter. "Bam, that's our girl." He cheered and I smirked proudly. "I obviously taught her that, I am the Swagmasta from Donchasta after all." He laughed even harder, clutching his stomach. "Whatever floats your boat, Lou." We were almost rolling on the floor now, but the little Irish boy didn't even stir. "What's so funny?" Harry asked, filing in the room with Zayn, both of them carrying grocery. FOOOOOD. "Noah just owned Carter." I said, their confused expression making me laugh even more. Liam explained them what happened and both of them started smirking. "We raised her well." Harry winked, plopping next to me on the couch. "What time is it?" Zayn asked and I checked my watch. "Half past three." Liam's eyes widened and he stood up, waking the Niall up in process. "Time for rehearsals." The Irish boy muttered a little, still half asleep. "I'll go get Noah and Carter." I said, walking to the kitchen. The corner's of my mouth twitched into a smile when I saw them.both of them had whipped cream on their face. They froze when they noticed I walked in. "Time for rehearsals, be ready in five." I took the can and ate some of the delicious food. Noah sent me a quick nod, before eating everything of of her face. I winked before filing out of the room. "They said they'd be ready."


Noah's P.O.V

I laughed at the girls behind me, who were screaming at the top of their lungs. Carter and I were standing on the front row of the boys' concert. "Guess what happened today?" Liam asked in the small pause between two songs. "Our little Nialler here burned his finger." The boy nodded heavily, holding his finger up. The crowd went crazy when Liam pressed his lips on Niall's forehead, rubbing his back. "Is it time?" Carter asked me, a sly smile on his face. "Let's do this." I answered, matching his grin. He took the banner out of his bag, just as Kiss You started playing. "NOW." I yelled and we lifted it above our heads. We were jumping and screaming now. It wouldn't take much time 'til one of them would notice it, 'cause they mostly looked at me while performing. Even though I didn't wear a mask, they somehow always found me. Suddenly, Harry bursted out in laughter, nudging Louis. "What a wonderful banner that is." He joked, the camera zooming in on us."Fuck me Niall." Zayn read out loud, Niall turning crimson. "Errm, I don't think your parents would appreciate that." He muttered, still bright red. "Ohh, just give the girl a little of the your charms." Liam said, patting his back and Niall walked closer to the edge of the stage. "I love you." He whispered in his mic, blowing me a kiss. Now I was blushing too, though I didn't look away. "I love you too." I mimicked.

"Bye." I said, waving Carter goodbye when we dropped him of at him. As soon as I stepped back in the car, Louis turned to me. "Fuck me Niall? Seriously?" I bit my lip, thinking they would be mad. "THAT WAS AWESOME." He continued and I let out a relieved sigh. "Thanks, Queen of Sass." I joked, his eyes lighting up when he heard his nickname. "That makes you the Princess of Sass." The boys bursted out in laughter. "Watch out, lads. We're dealing with a royal family here." Harry said, ruffling my hair. "How's your finger, Ni?" I asked and the Irish lad smiled. "It's fine, love. Thanks for defending me this afternoon." He planted a kiss on my cheek, before pulling my closer to him. "No problem. He needs to know his limits." We chuckled at her response, as pulled up on driveway. "Hey Li, can I cook dinner tonight?" She asked Liam, tilting her head like a puppy. "Ermm, Niall burned his finger this afternoon, so I don't think it's a good idea." He explained, earning a pout. "Please, Lili? Pretty pretty please?" She pleaded and we noticed him hesitating. "No." He simply said, she didn't give up though. "And if I ask one of the lads to keep an eye on me?" Liam bit his lip, his gaze shifting from boy to boy. "If I can pick who." He finally decided and she nodded in agreement. "Sure, who do you pick?" "Louis." My face lit up, when everyone looked at me. "Do you mind?" Noah asked, grinning from ear to ear. "Of course not." I said, while lifting her up in my arms. "But." Liam continued, as he took a step towards me. "No jokes. If she gets hurt, it's your fault." He warned me and I gulped. "Okay." I nodded quickly before carrying Noah to the kitchen. "Jesus Christ, it's not like I'm gonna walk on a rope hundred feet above the ground." She rolled her eyes, jumping out of my grip. "You know he only acts like that because he cares about you, right?" I asked and she looked up to face me. "Yeah and I love him to piece, but did he really just threaten you?" Well, when you put it like that, she does have a point. "You're right. Now come on Princess of Sass, what're you making?" She opened some random cupboards and to be honest, I didn't really believe she was capable of cooking a meal. "I'm gonna make... RISOTTO." She said, immediately getting all the ingredients. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. "Wait... Does Niall like risotto?" The corners of my mouth twitched, as I tried to fight my smile since she was death serious. "I'm sure he does, love. Besides, he loves everything you make." Her face lit up. "Risotto it is then." She continued looking for everything she needed and pointed at a high cupboard. "Lou, can you get that for me?" She asked and I nodded, glad I could help her. Even though she was rather tall for her age, I was still taller. "Here you go." "Thanks." She beamed. I leaned against the counter, watching her every move. "Lou, stop staring at me." She whined and I chuckled. "Sorry, Noah. Liam gave me strict instructions."

"GUYS, DINNER IS READY." By the time she was finished, I was gobsmacked. "Thanks for helping me, Lou." She planted a kiss on my cheek before placing the food on the big dinner table, there were six of us after all. "Helping you? I didn't do anything." I said, ruffling her hair. "Damn, that smells wonderful." Zayn filed in the room, his nose in the air. "I hope it tastes as good as it smells." Harry joked, sitting down next to me. We were just about to take some food when Niall ran into the room, followed by Liam. "FOOOOD." The first boy yelled. "IS SHE ALRIGHT?" The second asked. "Calm your unicorns, people. I made Risotto and I didn't cut, burn or hurt myself. Right, Lou?" Noah defended herself, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Yep. Without my help." I said, pretty proud of my little girl. "Enough talking, I'm hungry." Niall whined and Harry chuckled at him. "It's self service though." Noah raised her hands in mocking defence, causing all of us to chuckle. We took some food, immediately shoving some of it in our mouth. Content moaning could be heard from every single person and Noah blushed a little at our reaction. "It's truly delicious." Zayn quickly pecked her cheek, before eating some more of the dish. "Thanks." She muttered, as Niall pulled her close, so she was almost sitting on his lap. "Damn, you guys are like magnets." Harry said, gazing at the two blonds. "What's wrong with that?" The Irish boy asked, his mouth full of food. "Eww, Ni. You're spitting." Noah laughed, leaning back. "Sorry, dear." He pouted, inviting her on his lap. "S'fine." She beamed, gladly accepting his invitation. "Watch out, Carter might get jealous." Zayn winked and she gasped. "Carter is a friend." She said, now blushing crimson. "I'm sure he is." The Bradford boy cooed, as he patted her head. "Stop teasing my little angel." Niall pulled her in an embrace, so she could hide in his arms. "You're devil in disguise you mean." Liam joked, causing him to gasp. "I knew she fell from heaven from the moment I saw her." The blond boy whispered in her ear and she blushed even more. "You mean when I knocked you over?" She raised an eyebrow, smiling at the memory. "No, I knocked you over. But hey, I did catch you." He said, his hand unconsciously moving to her thigh, where the branch had made a cut about a month ago. It had faded now, but so many cuts replaced it. "Yeah, you did. You even carried me to your hotel, where I first met the boys." We were the one blushing now, we weren't that nice. "You were so cute, hiding behind Niall." I said, remembering every single second. "I thought you guys hated me." She confessed, now burying her head in Niall's chest. "Who can hate you?" Zayn asked and her smile faded. "I know a lot of people do." She whimpered quietly, Harry looking down in shame. "You know I'm sorry for bringing Julie here, right?" He asked, pain apparent in his voice. She looked him straight in the eyes. "Don't ever say sorry for falling in love, Harry." We all stayed silent, 'til Niall decided to break it. "That's why you're my little angel." He whispered in her ear and her expression softened. "I love you." She answered while gazing in his perfect blue eyes. "I love you more."

After dinner, Noah had gone upstairs, probably chatting with her friends. I wanted to knock on her door, but stopped in my tracks when I heard her singing. She never sings. I focused on the voice and noticed she sang along to the Killers. She didn't hit all the notes, but it wasn't that bad. Why didn't she sing more often? I softly knocked on her door, that was one of the most important rules since she came here. "Come in." Her voice rang through the wall and I slowly opened her door, only to find her sitting criss crossed on her bed, her tablet on her lap. "What's up?" She asked, making me chuckle. She was starting to learn all the English expressions, even her accent had changed a little. "I have a surprise for you." Her eyes lit up like the ones of a seven year old on Christmass morning. I stepped in the room and sat next to her on the bed. "What is it?" She asked excitedly. I pulled two pieces of paper out of my pocket. "Fancy a The Killers concert?"


I made a new book, though it's not a real story. It's a collection of one shots based on lyrics. I would REALLY appreciate it if you could go check it out. Pretty pretty pretty please? It really won't take long! It's called Whispers Of Divinity.

Anyway, here's what you asked for :D Some Noah and Louis and there was a girl who asked for Niam. There'll be more Noah & Louis in the next chapter though :) Hope you liked it!


xxx Astrid

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