Once Upon a Wolf

By misslibbyj

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Zoey Porter's life is not a fairytale. She isn't your typical love interest or the object of desire - someone... More

PART I: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
PART II: Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 21

334 26 27
By misslibbyj


Another rough night, and this time I remembered everything. An intense itch started on my wound in the early hours of the morning. I had left it open to air out and I hadn't stopped scratching since. I stretched my limbs across the single bed, extending my strained muscles. The patter of raindrops tapped on the window. The sky a blanket of grey clouds. I climbed from under my sheet and sat on the bed, grasping my forehead. It was still burning up, nothing helped to ease it.

Strange things started to happen.

I stood up and sauntered to the bathroom. My eyes widened as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't recognize the woman staring back at me. My tanned, honeyed skin was ghostly pale. My hazel-green eyes looked dim and sullen with darkness beneath it. I looked ill, like I had the fucking plague.

My eyes closed in defeat, and I bumped my back against the door, surrendering to my deadly fate.

I was going to die...

I wouldn't make it out of this alive without medication or anything. The wolves were sealing my death warrant. Maybe that was their sick plan?

But what was worse was the mounting feeling inside me. Something pulled and tugged, every organ inside constricting and twisting. It was painful, like something wanted to break free. An otherworldly power surging through my body, threatening to consume me entirely.

"Fuck!" I blew out a breath, grabbing my chest from the pressure building.

I just needed to make it through this unforgiving day. Hour by hour, minute by minute. My hand reached for the shower, and I turned on the cold water. I needed to cool down.

After a quick shower, I dressed in a dark jeans and a purple strappy top with sneakers. I would've preferred to go out naked with this sizzling heat. I jogged down the steps and tied my wet hair in a messy ponytail, meeting Alice at the breakfast table that I'd missed out on. I didn't want people to see me this way... so sick.

"Hey, how are you feeling this morning?" Alice asked, pouring me coffee.

I shook my head. "How does it look like I feel?" I said, declining the coffee and poured a tall glass of orange juice instead. It was cooler.

"Yeah, you don't look very well," she sucked in a breath. "Bad night again?"

I shrugged. "It's not like anyone gives a damn around here," I snapped and scratched my wound profusely.

Alice flinched. "I care."

I paused and nodded in regret. "Yeah, I know. Sorry for snapping," I sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with me."

Alice grimaced as she watched me attack my wound with fingers and nails. "Let's go outside and take a walk. What do you say?" Alice suggested, grabbing her jacket.

I pursed my lips. "It's raining outside."

Alice nodded. "It's just a drizzle and you need the fresh air. It might do you good. The weather might cool off your fever."

"Okay, yeah." I agreed and grabbed a banana. "Let's go."

"You don't need a jacket? It's cold and wet outside." Alice frowned.

"I'm burning up. I'm hot enough, believe me." I said, and we both walked towards the front door.


Alice was absolutely right. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. The gentle raindrops kissed my face, bringing a soothing sensation. A refreshing breeze caressed my hair, providing a sense of relief. We had walked all morning, and I was damp from the drizzle. My hair was clammy, but I didn't mind. I was back in the kitchen, still expected to do my duties. Poppy chopped up deer meat for tonight's dinner and I sat idly peeling the potatoes at the table. Poppy continued to chat about the pack, gossiping about each member she could think of.

"Oh, Maddox is hell bent the Grey Howlers has got something to do with these rogue attacks," she said, and I shuddered at the word rogues. I was in this shit because of them.

"The Grey Howlers? Is that another pack or something?" I asked and my eyes lingered on Poppy slicing the meat. The raw deer's blood seeping out and I could pick up its salty and iron scent.

"Yes, the Grey Howlers are the largest and most powerful pack from the north, and our greatest competition," Poppy said, raising her brow. "They're our biggest enemy in Maddox's view."

I swallowed in deep, watching the deer's meat hypnotize me. "Why does Maddox think they're the enemy?" I asked.

"There's bad blood between us and them. The Moon Stone has many allies and enemies. But I don't know if the Grey Howlers are our greatest enemy."

I nodded and breathed in the deer blood, savoring the fragrance of it. I exhaled a shaky breath. It smelt fucking delicious!

"What the hell," I murmured nervously, staring at the raw meat.

"What?" Poppy asked with a tilt of her head. "Are you okay?"

No, I wasn't!

Suddenly, I lunged across the table and attacked the meat, sinking my teeth into it. The deer meat was fresh and disgusting! My eyes snapped to Poppy's bewildered ones, and I tore my body away, scrambling off the table. From embarrassment, my hand darted to my mouth, smudged with blood. I was mortified. How the hell could I do that? That was the most revolting thing I've ever done.

"Well... I know about your bite-situation," Poppy said awkwardly, clenching her teeth. "But even I would prefer to cook the meat first."

I swallowed, and bile rose in me. "I need to go," I gagged and rushed out of the kitchen, running past Willow in the passage.

"You look like shit," she yelled as I dashed up the stairs to the safety of my bedroom. I hurried to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. After a moment, I stood up and composed myself, rinsing my mouth with water from the gushing tap. A painful itch bored into my fingernails. I raised my trembling fingers and inspected it. With shaky hands and a panicked breath, I picked on my right thumb. Black edged my nail as I pulled it off with ease, leaving my thumb bloody and sticky.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" I cried. The tears rolling down my cheeks. I sobbed on the floor as I fell to my knees, staring at my trembling hands.

I felt alone in this world.

With no one to help me.

It was the most terrible and lonely feeling as I knelt in the cold bathroom tiles.

What about if this was all true and I was turning into them. Like a vampire bite I read in stories. But this wasn't a fairytale. It was a fucking nightmare! I believed them now. I believed Faye. I was turning into something — something I didn't want to be, and there was no way of fucking stopping it.

My eyes bawled tears as I hugged myself.

After I wallowed in self-pity for a good hour, I got up to my feet. I needed fresh air again from the cool rain.

I marched out of my room and out of the house, evading everyone that crossed my path, desperately wanting to be alone. All thoughts ran through my mind as I walked abruptly across the pack ground. My grandmother, the only mother I've known since my parents passed on at a young age. I would never see her again. My studies, never fulfilling my dreams as a scientist. But everything that happened defied scientific theory. Tears prickled my eyes, feeling the inevitable happening.

The rain stopped, but the wind picked up, carrying my regretful tears with it.

"You're still alive and kicking, I see." A sickly-sweet voice said behind me. I wiped my tears, not bearing on seeing the witch.

"Did I disappoint you?" I griped sarcastically.

Serafina smiled, her emerald green shawl wrapped around her body. "Oh, my dear, you can never disappoint. You didn't so far," she said, and her purple eyes raised to the grey sky. "It appears the weather is on your side." She lowered her gaze to me. "The full moon will be hidden by thick clouds tonight."

I frowned.

"But I don't see it saving you for what will come," she smiled coyly. "But every itch, heat, twist and fall brings you closer."

This witch knew what was happening to me...

"Fuck off," I mumbled and I could hear her scoff behind me as I trudged back to the main house, feeling agitated as hell. I lifted my eyes to the rain drenched clouds. Maybe it will buy me time to find a way out of this mess... maybe?

The day passed on and it left me unsettled. An inexplicable sensation that had been growing, and I couldn't ignore it any longer. My body was twitchy all throughout dinner, and I couldn't keep the vegetables down without a fight that I abandoned eating all together. The rain poured outside as everyone feasted around the dinner table, taking sneaky glances my way. Except for Maddox, who didn't seem bothered by my presence.

Later the evening, everyone gathered in the living room where a roaring fire was lit. Maddox wanted to discuss the rogue attacks to Alpha Lincoln, who sat on an armrest with Faye behind him, holding his shoulders. A checked woven blanket rested over his legs. He looked tired as the flames light danced across his drained face. Maddox requested his family and the betas presence and, per usual, Savina stood by his side.

Alice stood with Brett while I rested against the wall in a corner, listening to the group's conversation that spun into a debate. I turned my head left and looked at Alice. She was watching me with a faint smile. "You're still okay?" she mouthed, and I gave her a thumbs up. Her frowning eyes looked beyond my shoulder to the window and her smile instantly dropped. I turned in her direction and saw it... through the large, ornate window offered the view of the night sky.

My eyes widened and fixated on the full moon, revealing itself behind wisps of cloud, pushing through like a celestial jewel behind curtains of mist. Moonlight flooded the room, its silver light spilling onto my face and my mouth dropped. An unfamiliar sensation coursed through my veins, and I could feel the moon's gravitational pull — summoning out something inside of me. It's silent power — so serene and pristine — drawing me closer. A primal force awakened within.

Engrossed in the moon with a mix of fear and longing, it drew me to its ethereal presence. A strange tingling in my fingertips begun, then spread to my entire body into the depths of my soul, causing my muscles to twitch and quiver. I stumbled backward, gasping for breath.

"Oh, shit!" Mike yelled out. "It's starting." He said, amused and amazed.

"Oh, please let this not be happening..." I begged the moon.

"Zoey?" Alice ran towards me but Brett pulled her back by her arm.

My heart pounded in my chest, matching the rhythm of my ragged breaths. Fear exuded within me, threatening to overwhelm my senses. I glanced around, searching the familiar faces who all stared at me.

Alice released her arm from Brett and ran towards me. But I was fighting to keep whatever was in me from coming out, from attacking her — wanting to kill!

"Get back!" I said but it came out like a low growl. Alice took a step back in shock as Brett moved forward.

I grabbed the near side table and flung it across the room, breaking it on the other side of the wall. The wood splintering it into pieces.

Alpha Lincoln instructed the twins to take hold of me.

"Take her to the basement," he commanded. I watched Zack and Mike stalk forward, both with stupid grins on their faces, and I snarled, twitching my neck. These bastards!

Both gripped my arms on either side of me, tugging me. But I bolted my feet on the spot, not budging an inch. A feral growl erupted within me. I was tired of all the bullshit! With all my strength, I pushed Zack and Mike off of me with my arms, flinging them into the air. Both twins falling onto their backs with a thud on the wooden floor.

"What the fuck?" Zack growled in return as Mike staggered to his feet in surprise.

Savina gasped and Maddox eyes grew, his attention focused on me. I looked at Alice and her eyes were afraid.

Zack wanted to shift, but Maddox raised his hand, stopping him. I walked back, feeling the convulsions in my chest. I stopped when I hit the wall behind me. Suddenly, blinding pain ripped through my body, and I screamed.

My body contorted with tearing muscles, my bones cracked and reshaped themselves as the others watched on. My fingers elongated into sharp claws, and I dug them into the wall behind me, crawling up slowly as white fur teared my flesh, shredding my clothes and skin, spreading like wildfire across my body. I never felt such pain in my life. The pain intensified with each passing moment, but amidst the agony, a sense of power surged within me.

A guttural cry escaped my lips as my spine arched, forming into a lean shape, while my face stretched forward into a snout. Sharp teeth emerged, replacing my human teeth. The transformation was complete. My human form faded away, replaced by a creature that haunted my dreams—a werewolf.

My new form fell to the ground from clawing the wall. My wolf clambered unsteadily up, and I found myself on all four shaky legs.

"Zoey..." a weak voice whispered, and my wolf darted her head up. Something furry was between my legs and I realized it was my tail.

I was frightened as the others stared at me. All of them with different thoughts. I glanced at the twins' smug smirk and Savina's shocked snarl. Brett remained stoic and Maddox stared at me, his piercing blue eyes unblinking. His face swelled with disbelief.

"She made it," Willow scoffed, impressed.

I couldn't face their expressions and Alice's teary eyes. Every muscle quivered with strength and agility, ready to run with the wind. I looked towards the window and leapt through, shattering the glass as I ran into the windy night.

~End of part I~

Hey guys!

That's the end of part one! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Please vote, comment and share! Let me know what you think of the story? Follow me for more details. There's still so much to uncover, and I can't wait to dig into it.

Check out Part II on Ream and Patreon! All you have to do is follow and read for free. Links in my bio. Hope to see you over there.

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