Ghost bc oneshots english

By Shadowgirl0306

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Hi! this is the english version of my oneshots! I hope you'll enjoy them! <3 More

Important Information!
Swiss-No wind resistance
Sodo-My Father's eyes
Rain-Life Eternal
Aether-Life Eternal
Mountain-Life Eternal
Phantom-Life Eternal
Swiss-Life Eternal
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 1
Sodo-Life Eternal Part 2
Swiss (x Sodo) - Toxic
Sodo x Rain - war of hearts
Sodo - Thunder
Sodo - Burnings
Terzo - Soldier
Requests & Questions
Primo - Elizabeth
🔞Rain x Reader - High Enough
Rain - Mama's boy
Terzo x Omega - Stressed Out
🎄Wonderful Christmas Time🎄
☃️ Swiss-Snowman☃️
Secondo - Idolatrine
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Primo, Terzo, Secondo-I'm with you always
🔞Swiss - Yellow🔞

Rain - a willow on the lake

470 4 2
By Shadowgirl0306

TW! not being good enough

I hope you'll have fun (And I hope my english isn't that bad xD)

We sat in content in the garden of the Ministry and talked while laughing. Sodo and Swiss sat arm in arm on a bank and talked to Copia and Terzo, who leaned against Omega. Primo and Secondo sat a little bit apart, playing Uno and it looked like Secondo would lose again. Aether and Cirrus also sat on a bench in the sun and flirted with each other while I sat on the table together with Cumulus, Sunshine, Mountain and Rain. The four other Ghouls were drinking beer while I had a Rum Coke with limes. The Sun was shining right into my face and warmed it a bit. Somewhere I heard birds chirping in competition.

"And then I told her not to go too far because she could fall into the water but guess who didn't listen to me and fell into the water!" Cumulus told a story about when she went to a lake with sunshine. "I guess it was Mountain." I said with a smile onto the Earth Ghoul who was looking at me a little bit angry"Hey! Leave me out of this!" he said drinking a bit of his beer."But it also Could've happen to you!" sunshine stared at the big Ghoul with her sunniest grin to tease him."At least I can reach the top shelf, Sunny." he said teasing Sunshine which made us laugh all together. "You can't say much Moon." I heard Rain say who looked at me with a shy smile. "You are even more tiny than Sunshine." I was a bit shocked hearing him saying something like that, because he was our Shy-Guy but I had to laugh immediately while boxing him on his shoulder."Dumbass!" I said in a teasing way"But he's right. Even Sodo is a Giant against you!" Cirrus shouted from her bench and I rolled my eyes."Yeah alright you got me." I said giving up. I laughed a little bit ashamed because I used to be a little bit insecure about my body height but it's getting better. Suddenly Sister Imperator walked into the garden, looking at us with a warm smile.

"My Dear Ladys and Gentlemen, we have guests." She said pointing at the door. I was on my way drinking something of my Coke when my view flew to the guests and I nearly spicked everything on the table. I got a coughing fit and Couldn't breath because of it. Rain immediately helped me with patting my back until I could breath again."Mom... Dad..." I said between two caughs and stood up to welcome them. What are they doing here? "What are you doing here?" I asked while I gave both a kiss on the cheek."We wanted to visit our youngest daughter" my mom said in a happy way and I looked at the Ghouls who just sat there shocked and not knowing what to do. I formed the word "Help" with my mouth so my parents wouldn't notice. I needed to get out of this situation before it even could start. But I guess I'd have to introduce them to the band. "Ehh... Mom, dad this is the band and few old members who are still living with us." I told them before I introduced them to everyone. "Do... You want to drink something? Or sit down?" I've asked because I couldn't just ask them to leave again. I looked at the table. There already were two new chairs so someone already had placed them.

"Oh no, we didn't wanted to stay that long" my mom said still smiling. But my Father didn't care about what she said so he sit down. I had to smile a little bit. My Dad does not argue with my mom 'Cause she always was the leader of the family but dad always was a "quite rebell" so he sometimes just did the opposite of what mom said. When we all sat down we started talking. I told my mom jokes and told my dad about how amazing the last concert was. The others -all Ghouls and Papas- came nearer to listen to my mom who told a few stories about my teenage-years. It was embarrassing but my friends could laugh about it so I was fine with it."Oh and by the way, your sister is alright. She had another child and they are moving into their own house" Mom said with a proud smile and i nodded."I know. I'm calling my sister from time to time" I said with a smile. I actually get on well with my sister even though she is nine years older than me. "But do you talk to her that often? I don't know why you aren't ready?" she said and I looked at her in horror and felt the mood change.

"Excause me, what?" I asked in calm voice and mom looked at me with a soft smile. "Oh my dear, when will you be ready to have children? When are you going to be finished with this whole Tour shit, and find a husband to love and care about? When will you grow up and give me a grandchild?" "I am a grown-up! And I can do whatever I want to do!" I said, mad. Why did I even allow her to stay? I knew this could happen. My mom shook her head. "Oh my little one. Even as a child you were the complete opposite of your big sister. She was a good student with good marks and she helped me with cooking and cleaning and all you wanted was playing your stupid guitar while your room was chaotic!"

"Nothing has changed" I heard Aether say and looked at him very mad before I looked back at my mother."Well if you just visited me to tell me how disappointed you are, then you can go right now." I stood up and wanted to go to the door but my mom stopped me by grabbing my hand. "Oh my dear, you are 26 years old and don't have a husband or childen, or a real job, not even a real home!" She looked around and I slapped her hand away from mine."This IS my home! And This is my family! And I want you to go, now!" I yelled at her and my mom looked at me shocked. "That is your Family? No! We are your family!" She protested but I just shook my head. "No! In a family you support and accept each other how they are. Now leave this place!" I continued to yell at her and was a bit disappointed that my Father stayed quiet. Even now when I needed him. When my mom didn't moved I heard someone standing up behind me."She said that you should leave so please do it." I heard Rain's shy voice. I wondered why he of all people was the one saying something but he stood there with a confident face. "But we are not leaving!" My mom yelled at Rain and I saw how he flinched a little bit. That was enough. She could yell at me but not at my friend!

I took her arm in a rough way and pulled her to our door. "You are really the biggest disappointment I've ever seen!" My mom said while I still pulled her towards the door. "I wished I'd have stopped having children after your sister!" Her sentence hurt so much. My heart felt like it would break. But I used the pain and turned it to anger so I pushed my mom who slammed against the fence"You know, maybe I'll get a husband and children someday. And do you know who is never going to meet them? You're right: YOU! You will never meet them and yeah maybe I wont have children, maybe I'll just go on tour until I'm 80 years old and die on stage! But then I can say, I had a good life! At least I have lived instead of being at home all day, cooking and cleaning the house for my children and my husband. I don't want to die in a boring way like you will! You will die alone on your couch but I will die on stage with Thousands of fans around me!"My Mom wanted to say something but I interrupted her."Don't ever call me again! And don't you dare visit me again!" I pushed her out of the door and my Father, who followed us, right after her and slammed the door.

I leaned my hands against the door and tried to calm down my breath. I was shaking very badly because I was sad and angry at the same time and I just had the wish to destroy something. When I calmed down a little bit I turned around. The Ghouls and Papas looked at me and I felt uncomfortable. "Is something wrong?" I asked angry and walked straight to the door. As fast as I could, I ran to my room and slammed the door behind me.

I looked around.My room wasn't even that chaotic! I let out an angry scream and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I took the first thing I could grab and threw it across my whole room. The book fell on the ground and I heard it bang. The next thing I threw across my room was an elephant that was made out of porcelain and it hit the ground and broke. My parents gave me the Elephant a few years ago because I love elephants but I was Happy that it broke. Hearing it break was a satisfying sound. When I turned around to grab something new I accidentally hit a photo of the whole band, including Alpha, Omega, Ifrit, Mist, Terzo, Secondo and Primo, and it fell down on the ground. I heard the glass breaking

"Fuck!" I screamed angrily, but actually I was very sad that it broke. When I grabbed it to pick it up I rammed a shard into my hand and let the picture fall again. I screamed because of the pain and blood flowed out of the wound. I felt that the shard was still in my hand while I held it. I knelt on the ground of my room and started crying because of the pain. The Pain from my wound and the pain from my heart. I just let the tears fall. Suddenly I heard someone knocking at my door and then open it.

"Moon?" Rain said with a worried voice before he turned on the light. I didn't even want to know how I looked at that moment. "Oh gosh! Moon!" He ran over to me and knelt down before me, softly taking my hand and looking at my wound. "Come with me, I'll bandage the wound" he said while picking me up from the ground. I just let him do it while I was still crying"Shh... Everything is alright" he said with a calm voice. He softly stroked my back before he left the room with me. We went into his room where he sat me on an armchair. Rain immediately walked to his wardrobe and got out a first-aid-kit. He came back to me and sat onto the stool in front of me. He turned on the light of the lamp that was standing Next to me and made the light shine on my hand.

"I have to get the shard out of your hand and if it is bleeding to much, I'll have to take you to the hospital" he said with a concentrated face and a calm voice. He took my hand into his and with the other hand he took tweezers and placed it on the shard. "It could hurt but please don't take your hand away because of your reflexes" he told me and I nodded. He laid two fingers around my wrist so he could make sure i wouldn't take my hand back. Rain grabbed the shard with the tweezers and pulled it out. I flinched because of the pain and felt his grip tightening. Because of reflex I laid my hand on his knee and squeezed it. I noticed that he glanced at my hand but I ignored it. It was just so painful. Then he pulled out the disinfectant and dumped it onto a cloth. With that he dipped it onto my hand.

"It hurts!" I whimpered because of the pain. It burned like fire. "I'm sorry" he said in a calm voice but still looked at it. Then he pressed a compress onto my wound and bandaged it so the pain got less and less over time. "That is everything" he said, packing his stuff away before he stood up and brought the kit into his wardrobe again. I stayed where I was and stared at the ground. I had a chaos of feelings. I felt so much pain and nothing at the same time. It was just strange. Rain came back and sat in front of me. He took my face into his hand and wiped my tears away. I hadn't even noticed that I started crying again.

"Does it still hurt?" He asked shyly but I shook my head. "I don't feel any pain. Better said no Pain you can heal." I mumbled and he took me into his arms to comfort me. I hid my face in the crook of his neck and just cried my eyes out. "There's nothing left for me" I cried and he started stroking my back."You still have us." He said. "You already called us ur family, do you remember? And you're right. We are your Family and nothing can change that. We're not going to leave you" I nodded but I didn't want to move. I needed him so much."Moon, you are a very beautiful girl" he said in a soft voice. Maybe he hoped he could help me with that and actually he did. "You are not a disappointment. And if your parents are thinking like that, then it is their mistake. You don't have to have children if you don't want to and you don't need to marry if you don't want to because that is not important. What's important is who you are and you are... The most beautiful person I've ever met" I had to smile a little bit and felt a bit better. But I was so tired because of crying that I yawned.

"Thanks" I whispered and felt how my eyes started closing. I enjoyed his warm body and the sound of his strong heartbeat so much that it made me even more tired. "Come on I'll take you to your bed" he wanted to stand up but I stayed in his lap so he couldn't.

"I don't want to be alone right now" "If you want you can sleep in my bed. I mean if you want. Do you want?" He asked and I nodded."Yes. I'd like to stay here" I said and just felt better because I didn't have to be alone. I felt him slip one hand under my knees and grab me under my arm with the other. He tried not to touch a place of my body that I could be uncomfortable with, which was very sweet. So he slowly walked to his bed with me in his arms. I didn't know what came over me but I began to kiss the crook of his neck. He cramped a little bit, I felt it but I hoped that it wasn't because he felt that uncomfortable. When we got to his bed, he slowly laid me inside.

"I'll help you with your shoes if you are alright with that." he said while going down on his knees. I just nodded and let him take off my shoes. After he did I tried to open my jeans but it was very difficult with my bandage. "Am I allowed to help you?" he asked and started helping me when he got my permission. He tried to take it off without touching me in uncomfortable places, again. If he touched a place that didn't feel that nice he immediately apologized and turned red. When he finally finished taking off my clothes I laid down on his bed while he put the blanket over me before he walked to the other side of the bed. He took off his shirt and I couldn't resist looking at him. He looked so good! When he started taking off his pants I finally looked away. He deserved that respect."Do you... want a shirt that is more comfortable?" he asked and took two shirts out of his wardrobe. When i nodded he gave me a simple black one and took on the other one which was completely white.

"If you need help, just tell me" he said and turned around so I took off my shirt and bra and took his shirt. It took way longer than usual but it worked somehow. His scent immediately surrounded me. He smelled of vanilla and cinnamon which I secretly loved. "You can turn around again." I said in a tired voice before he came into the bed. The nearer he came, the safer I felt. I couldn't even count to ten before I fell asleep.

-Rain POV-She already was sleeping for a long time. Two, maybe three hours and it seemed like the bandage on her hand would help. The Glass wasn't that deep inside her hand but it could've been a lot worse. I watched her sleeping all the time. She looked so peaceful like nothing happened but I knew better. She had a very bad day and maybe she had so much bad luck that she can't even play guitar.

My view flew over her body very often because I thought she was so beautiful. Actually she was the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I knew that I was in love with her from the moment I first met her but I couldn't tell her. I was to scared. I am scared that she doesn't like me in the same way. And this kisses a few hours ago felt so good that I actually never wanted it to end. But was that really what she want it or did she do it because of how bad she felt? I sighed. Actually I didn't want to know. The truth could hurt so much. She was the complete opposite of me. Moon could talk to every stranger she met on the street and she could even do some silly stuff without getting embarrassed. I was way to shy for that. I never want attention from strangers. And I would never do some silly stuff outside. It wasn't like I didn't wanted to do it but I just couldn't I was too scared of other people.

Suddenly the look of her face changed. She didn't looked peaceful anymore. She looked worried. It seemed like she was having a nightmare. I slowly put my arm around her and tried not to wake her. I pulled her closer and layed her head on my chest. I just layed my head on hers and hoped to make her feel more comfortable. When she started pulling me closer I got goosebumps and my heart started racing. She flinched again."Everything is alright. I'm right here" I said with an calm voice and just cuddled her until she looked peaceful again. That was the moment I got tired and fell asleep too.

-Moon POV- I felt that i slowly woke up. I've heard the birds chirping and felt the blanked that warmed me a little bit. And my head that... Where did my head laid on? It was comfortable and I heard a heartbeat. The question wasn't: "What am I laying on?". The question was: "Who is that person I'm laying on?" I thought about what happened yesterday and remembered it. My mom happened yesterday... I've accidentially hurted myself and Rain helped me dealing with it. And that was the answer... I was laying on Rain! I opened my eyes. Could it be possible? My heart started beating faster and I felt how my cheeks got red like a tomtato.

"Good Morning." I've heard Rain say in a very soft voice. He must have noticed that I woke up. I raised my head and looked up to him."Good Morning." I smiled and laid my head down on him again. I didn't knew why I did that because I usually was to shy to do that but I felt so comfortable that it felt good. "How are you?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Better, I guess?" it was more like an question than an answer."Does your hand still hurt?" he asked and I shook my head."No. Not anymore." Rain smiled"That is good. If you want I can re-bandage your hand." he said and I nodded even if I didn't want him to do it because we'd have to stand up. But what if he just wanted to do it just because he wanted to get me off of him and he was just to shy to ask? Finally I stood up and he slowly got out of his bed and walked to his wardrobe. He looked very tired.

"Did you even got to sleep last night?" I asked and he nodded."Yes I did, why?""It's just... you look so tired" I said. "But... but that doesn't mean you look bad! I mean you still look good!" i got very nervous while I said that and I saw him scratching his arm a bit like he always used to do when he was uncomfortable. "It's alright, I understand what you mean." he sat down on the bed again and began to take of the bandage. There was not a lot of blood what was a good sign."Yesterday it looked way more horrible than it actually is." he said with a shy smile. "That is very good." he began to do again what he did yesterday. He started with the desinfectant before he put a plaster on it. This time it didn't hurt that much what was the reason I didn't even flinched this time.

"Where did you learned that?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "I was in a class someday because I knew we could need it someday. I mean for real which one of the others would care about a wound? Do I have to remind you that Sodo even played guitar with an bloody finger?" he asked and I shook my head."No you don't. I remember." Rain looked at his work again. "I think that is enough. But you shouldn't move your hand that much in the next days." he said and I looked at him with sad eyes. "No guitar today?" I asked and he nodded."No guitar today. You're going to rest a bit today and you should hope that your wound is healing fast." "I will" i said with a sad smile.

Our eyes met and I looked straight into his dark brown eyes. They just catched me. I felt a tingling in my stomach and we slowly came closer. I noticed that he looked from my eyes to my lips and back and so did I. I closed my eyes and wanted to kiss him but in that moment he pulled back his head."Don't." he said whispering and I opened my eyes again and looked ant him confused. Didn't he felt the same way?
"Why not?" I asked. He did wanted it! I felt it!Rain looked at me with sad eyes."I don't want to take advantage of that." he said what even made me more confused."What do you mean with "that"?" I asked and also pulled back my head looking at him with mad eyes"This whole situation. I mean I don't want to take advantage of your bad situation just because I want to kiss you." his voice got more quiet and he couldn't even look at me anymore.

"Do you think that this Situation is distracting me so much?" I asked and he immediately shook his head. "No! That wasn't what I meant to say but I just don't want you to do something you'll may regret later." I looked at him without saying anything. This couldn't be real! I could see that he was sorry but I just was so disappointed and angry that i stood up of his bed."I'll see you at breakfast.""Moon, please..." he wanted to take my hand but I just stormed out. As fast as I could I walked into my room and slammed the door behind me. I also locked it because I didn't want him to come in.

I remembered that I still had his shirt on so I went to my Wardrobe and changed my clothes. I threw his Shirt onto my bed and took on a black jeans and a black shirt. This was how I felt right now. I left my hair open and walked out of my room again. I didn't wanted too look at the chaos from yesterday longer then I had to. I went downstairs and walked into the dining-room where all of the Papas and Ghouls, beside Rain, were already eating.

"Good Morning" I said and tried to smile. Rain wasn't here so why would I have to hide it. I'll just eat as fast as I can and then leave so I wouldn't have to look at Rain. "Good Morning." The others said all together while I took place on my chair between Swiss and Rain, who still wasn't there. I chose to eat a bread with marmelade because it was my favourite thing for breakfast. I felt that the others were staring at me and it sucked so I decided to end it.

"Stop looking at me that way." I said in a calm voice and everyone looked away."How do we look at you?" Terzo asked and I looked straight into his eyes."Like you've seen what happened yesterday. That never happened. I'm alright" I said and meant it for real. I was alright with what happened yesterday, I just wasn't alright with what happened this morning."I haven't seen anything." Cirrus said before she drank from her coffee and I looked at her with an thankful smile."Me neither" Terzo just said and everyone slowly calmed down.

"What happened to your hand?" Swiss asked and I looked at it."Oh, well I just accidentially hurted myself. Our picture fell on the ground and I grabbed into a shard." "Can you play with that?" Sodo immediately asked and I shooked my head. "No, sorry" I apologized"How sad" he said a bit disappointed before he ate a bit of his cereals.

"Good Morning" I heard a familiar voice say and rolled my eyes. Rain. "Good Morning" I said annoyed and felt that everyone looked at me again."Woah." Swiss said shocked. "What is going on here?" he asked and I just shrugged my shoulders."Nothing" I said. "Besides that Rain is an Asshole." with this words I stood up and walked out of the room.

-Rain POV- It was quite in the Dining-Room. Way to quiet. The silence made me nervous and I felt very uncomfortable because everyone was looking at me. It seemed like they would look right into my soul. Without saying a word I went to my chair and sat down. I tried to ignore the others but it just was so hard. It was like they would burn away my skin.

"What have you done?" Swiss asked confused."N-Nothing important." I said as shy as usually."Oh it seems like it is very important. Shy Guy, You don't talk that much but if you says something it seems to be wrong." I rolled my eyes. Couldn't they be just quiet? I felt bad enough and didn't needed them for that. "What have you done?" Aether asked again and I felt tears forming in my eyes slowly.
"I did Nothing! And that is the problem!" I yelled because I couldn't stand it anymore. A tear dropped out of my eyes and rolled down my cheek. I hided my face in my hands. Why did I even came here? I knew that I'd meet her and I knew that I couldn't stand their questions.

"But he has to have done something wrong." Copia said like I wasn't even in the same room. "He didn't did something wrong, but he should have done something" Cirrus said like she knew what happened. Everyone, including me, looked at her."What? I do not understand." Copia said confused but Cirrus just looked at me in a way that told me that she knew what happened."Could you please explain it, so we all understand what you understood?" Swiss asked while he looked at his coffee.

"Rain and Moon fell in love with each other." she said and Swiss nearly spicked his coffee on the table.Sodo started clapping his back so he could breathe again. In that moment I just wanted to leave. My cheeks got red and my body got warmer and warmer every second. "These two?" Swiss asked and looked at Cirrus shocked. "Is that true?" he looked at me. I looked down on the table because I was to shy and uncomfortable to look at him so I just shrugged my shoulders.

"You can't shrug your shoulders! You have to know if you are in love with her or not!" Swiss said a bit angry what scared me. "I-I-I know how... how I feel... but I...I don't know what she... feels." i said and Swiss clapped his hand on his forehead."Rain!" Swiss nearly yelled what made me flinch a bit."I'm sorry to say it like that, because I do respect you for being very intelligent But: ARE YOU STUPID?" he looked right into my eyes."Why would she be sad if you didn't did... whatever you should've did - and I better don't want to know -" He raised his hands to protect himself from the answer."Use your head!" he softly clapped on my forehead. "She is definetely in love with you!" I looked around. Everyone watched me like they want to know what I was going to do next but I didn't even knew.

"And what should I do know?" I asked and Swiss stood up."You follow me! We're going to fix it!" he said and pulled Sodo, who actually wanted to finish his breakfast, out of his chair."Cirrus? Do you want to help me?" The Ghoul asked and she nodded."Of Course! It is always my pleasure!" she also stood up and they pulled me out of the room. Together we went to my bedroom and they placed me on my bed.

"And now?" I asked while they were looking around. "Now we're going to get you ready for your first date!" he said and ruffled my hair."Which Smell does she like?" he asked and turned to my desk. "Smell?" I asked confused and he nodded."Did you ever heard about parfume?" he asked "Of Course" I said and followed him with my eyes."So what smell does she like?" he asked and looked at my very small collection."She likes the blue one" I answered. I knew that because she told me ages ago."That's good." Swiss said and came back with it.

"We need some hot clothes." Cirrus walked to my wardrobe. "Why?" I asked and Swiss smiled dirty "Reconciliation-sex is the best right after the Thank-God-I-Didn't-Die-sex" he said and I rolled my eyes"Dumbass" i told him an he just kept smiling."I just know how it works." he smiled again because Cirrus pushed him out of the way so she could look at me better. She brushed my hair a bit"Alright so when you're talking to here, you look right into her eyes and tell her how sorry you are. You say that you didn't meant to hurt her. Talk as much as you can before she can start talking because now she is still listening to you. And if she calmed down you ask her if she wants to go on a date with you. It can't get more worse so you can't do anything wro-"

"Bloody hell!" Swiss said shocked and we turned to him. He walked around my bed and stared on the ground. I suddenly remembered that Moon forgot her Clothes.
"You've already had sex!" he said shocked and I immediately jumped out of my bed."No we didn't!" I ran to him and he looked at me saying he won't believe me. "She slept in my bed, that's true but just because I helped her with her wound. And she didn't wanted to be alone." I just wanted to disappear. "That's why she has a plaster." Sodo said and Swiss looked at me still shocked.

"Rain I'm sorry but now you are more than stupid. Why can't you see that she is in love with you?" he asked and I shrugged my shoulders."I don't know. Maybe I just couldn't believe it. I just didn't wanted to take advantage out of the situation." I was embarrassed."I guess you told her that, right?" Cirrus asked and I nodded. She sighed."Oh you know what? You don't have to get ready, just go to her. Right. Now!" she pushed me out of my room and walked with me to Moons door. My heart started racing when I stood before her door.

"We're hiding so we can help if you need it." Cirrus said before they walked away.With shaking hand I knocked on her door and waited. She didn't answer. I knocked again but she still didn't answer. I opened her door slowly and looked inside. The chaos was still there but Moon wasn't."She isn't here" I said and they looked at me."Where could she be? It is Rainy so there not that much options I guess." Sodo said but I got an Idea."I think I know where she went."

-Moon POV- I stood under a Willow on the big lake and watched the rain falling into it. My clothes were completely wet but I didn't care. Being here calmed me down and made me a bit happy. I sighed and leaned my head against the tree. What a shitty day. At least there was the beautiful sound of falling raindrops. How Ironic that I love the rain and fell in love with someone that is called Rain. Thinking about that made my heart hurt a little bit. Suddenly I heard steps coming closer to me and I knew who it was. I sighed again 'Cause I wasn't ready to talk to him.

"Moon?" he asked shyly when he came under the tree. I hated myself for showing him this beautiful place because without me he would've never seen it. I looked at the water and ignored him. Everything inside me wanted to run away but also I wanted that he took me in his arms and that he would comfort me a bit like he always used to do.

"Please look at me" he said and I did with an angry face. He also was completely wet. Drops fell from his hair and clothes and I saw the pain inside his eyes.A long time went by without anyone saying something."Listen, I am so sorry." he started talking."I didn't wanted to hurt you." I laughed a bit."You didn't. I was hurted yesterday but today I was disappointed." i told him and felt that it hurted him. It felt good that I could show him how much he hurted me this morning but I also regretted it immediately.

"Moon really I-I-I am really so sorry!" I could see tears forming in his eyes."I... it's just..." he broke up and I looked at him."It is what?" I asked and he sighed."It is... I just... wanted to protect myself." I was confused. What does he mean?"You know... I was scared. I thought that there is something between us... something very beautiful. But I also thought about that it could be possible that this is just there because you needed it." I wanted to say something, maybe even to yell at him but he just raised a finger so I stayed quiet.

"And I was scared that you'd kiss me and then just ignore me like nothing happened. And that would've destroyed me, because... because I-I love you." he finished talking and looked at me while I was looking at him in shook. It wasn't because I wasn't in love with him and felt bad now, it was because I loved him so much that this little piece of hope made me not believing him. Does he really love me?"You... You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met." now he started crying."I could never imagine to live in a world without you and I just can say again that I am so sorry. I didn't wanted to hurt you and.." he couldn't finish talking because i stepped forwards.

I was standing right infront of him and took his cheeck into my hand. I pulled him down into a kiss. Our Lips met softly and i felt that he was a bit confused at the beginning but then he kissed me back. I felt his hands on my waist and i laid mine around his neck. It was a very soft and lovely kiss in the rain. We both were completely wet but we didn't care. The only thing we could think about was each other. After a few Moments I stepped back and looked at him with an soft smile. So did he before he kissed me again. After that he took my hand."Come on, it's getting cold." he said with a soft voice. We walked back to the ministry and he laid his arm around my waist so we could cuddle.

When we arrived in the ministry, I saw Cirrus, Swiss and Sodo standing at the window and watching us while we walked back. They hugged each other and smiled. I looked at Rain with a big smile on my face. He also looked at me with eyes full of love. Again we ignored the Rain around us and kissed again. It was the same soft kiss we had under the willow. My Knees went weak so he pulled me closer. I've heard someon screaming of happiness. It had to be Cirrus but I ignored her. All that mattered in that moment was Rain. We were standing here together in the rain. Just two Ghouls that fell in love. A Boy and a Girl that didn't had much but each other. A Fire-Ghoul and a Water-Ghoul. It was just him and I in the rain

I hope you enjoyed this part!

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