By hellhound2356

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this is my first original OC story that's not based on other characters...ok maybe a little More

we got our asses kicked
the wolf and the rabbit
months later
an explanation
ELDD(Eldrid) BIO'S
Vytal Festival
Aries date
Ares date part 2
Fall of Beacon
Managire and Revenge
Welcome to Atlas
The Lab
1k Special
attack on house Belladonna
a visitor
Christmas special
attack on Haven part 1
attack on Haven part 2
attack on Haven part 3
The Lab part 2
train to Argus
Working through some shit
Schnee mansion
attack on Atlas
Dryden vs Lyca
Red Wolf Hunts
assassination of Watts Part 1
Assassination of Watts Part 2
New World

Fall of Atlas

16 0 0
By hellhound2356


Lycus and Lupin had been trading punches for an hour now.  Lupin punched downwards toward Lycus whom met his punch with his own. The ice gauntlets Lycus had shattered and he was pushed back. The gauntlets reformed and Lycus regained his footing.

Lupin:do it! Go to the next level!

Lycus:I don't need that to kill you

Lycus charged once again this time tackling Lupin through a wall that was still standing after Lycas fight. Lupin grabbed Lycus and picked him up over his and threw him into the ground. He then grabbed his leg and slammed him into the ground more.

Lupin:I've been fighting for more than a hundred years kid! If you think you can beat me on skill and friendship your WRONG!

He three him through another wall.

Lupins:give me what I came here for! Your the first Litchen to use the Wolf since my grandmother! I wasn't even able to do it...but you done it this young, you know how much strength that takes? Whatever training Urial put you through is really something else

He picked him up.

Lupin:look at you! Your body as seen more action in a day then most people have in their entire lives! Use that strength and bring out the Wolf!

Lycus looked up at him.

Lycus:go to hell

He grabbed Lupins wrist and twisted it causing Lycus to fall and Lupin to hold said wrist in pain.

Lupin:little shit!

He kicked Lycus across the ground but Frost made armour around Lycus' chest before he was kicked. He landed over to the others who were exhausted.

Lycus:why the fuck are you tired!?

Ares:we can't...keep doing this Lycus

Frost:I can keep making armour but Raymond can't increase the strength anymore

Raymond:no I can...

He was barely standing.

Frost:don't push yourself

Raymond fell.

Ares:shit hang on...nope I'm gone

He fell aswell, followed by Melissa.

Frost:looks like it's just us Lycus

Lycus:any ideas? last all or nothing plan

Lycus smiled.

Lycus:all or nothing? Sounds good right now...what is it?

Frost:I'm gonna need you for this

Lycus:just tell me what to do

Frost smirked and chuckled. He then grabbed everyone except Raymond and threw them onto Lycus' back and he grabbed Raymond.



The two started running and Lupin watched.


He started running after them the ground shaking as he did.



They then saw a sort of gateway appear in front of them.

Frost:that's it!

Lycus:the fuck is that!?

Frost:I'm hoping RWBY done something right for once! If I'm right it leads to Vacuo! The plan was to evacuate Atlas and Mantle via this

Lycus:then we'll be leading Lupin to innocent people!

Frost:fuck! Okay!

Frost threw Raymond on Lycus' back.

Frost:get them in I'll hold him off

Lycus:you don't stand a chance!

They stopped in front of the portal.

Frost:maybe...but you three have been doing all the heavy lifting. You've been carrying me through this whole thing...let me be the bad ass for once

Lycus nodded.

Lycus:good luck...Frost?


Lycus:you held us together...that takes the strength of a leader

He then walked through the portal with the other on his back. Frost turned to Lupin who was charging toward hom covered in Tar.

Forst:alright...this is it. Please let this work

He breathed in and out, his hands began forming ice that ran up his arms.

Frost:LUPIN! You know what killed the dinosaurs?

Before Lupin could get closer Frost held out his arms.

Frost:the ice age...

A blizzard of ice burst from his body freezing the ground and the air itself. Lupin ran right through but was forced to stop.

Lupin:the fuck?


He looked down and saw the the tar was freezing.

Lupin:you think this will stop me?

Lupin ripped his leg out the ice but then noticed that yeah his leg was out but his foot was frozen to the ground. He tore it off.

Lupin:my leg! Dammit!

He fell to one knee.

Lupin:no fucking way ice like this is that strong!

Frost:no...but that tar sure is!

Lupin then realised.

Frost:My theory was right. That Tar works on heat, it only does what it needs to if it's hot...I'm your Kryptonite asshole!

Lupins whole body was being Frozen.

Lupin:I will not be killed by some weak BRAT!

He broke out again this time his left arm crumbled and he started crawling toward Frost.

Frost:weak? I've been hit in the dick by your Grandson over thirty fucking times! Weak is the last thing you should be calling me!

Lupins whole body was being Frozen faster than he could crawl.



Lupin reached out just his arm Frozen in place again. He then smirked.

Lupin:well...fuck. Hundred years of battle and this is how I go out...hey kid.


He looked downnat him. Lupin was smiling as his face slowly froze.

Lupin:Tell Lycus he's head of the Family now...

Then he was gone. A Frozen statue reaching out toward Frost.


He turned off Ice Age.

Frost:fuck you

He turned to the portal and walked through but when he did he saw an uncauntious Ares, Raymond and Melissa falling into black below a golden bridge. Lycus was hanging onto the side looking down with Weiss hanging on to his left arm doing the same.


He started running down toward them. He pushed past people trying to escape but then he saw Cinder walking toward Lycus and Weiss. Before Cinder could strike Frost tackled her out the way letting Lycus swing Weiss up and climb up himself. He panted but then looked over the edge and gritted his teeth.


He punched the bridge and his skin turned black. His hair flashed back and forth from white and red.



One of his eyes changed to black and red.



He held his head and slammed his head into the ground.

Lycus:she killed them...

Lyca:fucking end her!

His voices kept changing aswell and Weiss held her weapon to him. He looked up at her and he lunged forward, Weiss went to strike but instead of attacking he pushed her out the way. She turned and saw Neapolitan stab Lycus through his stomach. She pulled it out and he held his stomach. His eyes, hair and skin turned to normal and he took once last look at the portal.


He fell back but Weiss grabbed his leg before he fell. Neo loomed over her smirking. She kicked her off aswell. Frost was fighting Cinder with Ruby and they were losing. Frost was knocked over to the side and saw Weiss and Lycus fall aswell. The pain he felt, he started to realise what had just happened...his entire team was gone...he wasn't in disbelief, he knew full well what had happened but now all he feels is dread. He was on his knees tears just falling from his eyes. In that time Winter arrived, Neo and Ruby were pushed off and the bridge started to disappear.

Jaune:Frost? Frost!?

He didn't reply. Jaune grabbed him and put him over his shoulder as he ran to the portal. Jaune wasn't fast enough so he threw Frost through the portal as he fell. Frost rolled onto the sand and stood up still in shock. He looked around half expecting to see one of his team mates still alive but he didn't want to lie to himself. He knew they were gone and what he was hoping for wasn't real. He saw Winter looking out at the sand storm with Grimm approaching. He walked next to her sword drawn. She looked back at him for a moment and saw anger. She turned back toward the Grimm and they both charged.

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