Dark Enchantment

By solaraestelbooks

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Map of Eloria
Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 5.5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5

Chapter 8.5

17 3 0
By solaraestelbooks

The innkeeper's son was waiting for her in the common room, and he led her to the stables, where she was able to find a sturdy horse to take her to the Argent's Bay.

Eira set off from Dur Feardor early in the morning, the crisp air stinging her cheeks as she rode her horse through the winding mountain paths of the Glacial Spine. The rugged terrain was treacherous, and Eira had to keep a sharp eye out for loose rocks and sudden drops. Her body was stiff and sore from the previous day's journey, but she refused to let that dampen her spirits.

As she rode, Eira played her violin, the sound of her music echoing through the mountains. Her fingers danced across the strings, and the notes she played were filled with the passion and determination that burned within her heart. The music seemed to push her horse forward, and they rode on, the scenery changing from icy mountains to rolling hills and grassy plains.

Eira played all throughout the day, stopping only briefly to rest her horse and take a few bites of bread and cheese from her saddlebag. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, she reached the port town of Argent's Bay, the salty sea air a refreshing change from the crisp mountain air.

She led her horse to a stable and paid for a stall for the night.

The stable boy recommended a cozy tavern down the street where she could get a hot meal and rest for the night. Eira obliged, grateful for a chance to rest her weary body.

As she stepped inside the dimly lit tavern, she was immediately hit by the smell of saltwater and ale. The sailors' voices blended together in a boisterous chorus, and she coudln't help but smile at the scene before her.

She made her way to the bar, ordering a drink and settling in to enjoy the show. The barkeep greeted her with a warm smile. "What brings you here, lass?"

"I've come from Dur Faerdor. I'm traveling to the capital to compete in the King's competition. I'm a violinist."

"Ah, the Tabletop Fiddler has arrived!" he exclaimed.

She must have made quite the impression back in Dur Faerdor. Perhaps Lynden would not even need to put in a good word for her, after all.

Eira smiled, amused at the nickname the villagers had given her. "Lydia, please," she corrected him.

The man seemed as though he wanted to continue their conversation, but the familiar melody of a shanty she learned as a child filled her Eira, and she couldn't resist the urge to join in. She took out her violin and began to play along with the sailors' voices. The sailors looked up in surprise, but they quickly adjusted to the new sound and continued their song with renewed enthusiasm.

As Eira finished the shanty, one of the sailors approached her, a mug of ale in hand.

"You're quite the talented musician," he said, a lopsided grin on his face. "How about playing something for us?"

Eira accepted the challenge with a grin, launching into a traditional folk song. The sailors listen intently, nodding their heads in time with the music. As she finished, another sailor piped up. "That was good, but can you play something a little more challenging?"

Eira lowered her violin, intrigued. "What did you have in mind?"

The sailor grinned wickedly, raising his own banjo. "A musical duel. You and me, trading off playing until one of us can't keep up anymore."

Eira bared her teeth at him. "You're on."

The raucous cheers of the sailors filled the tavern as Eira and the sailor faced off in a musical duel. Eira's eyes were focused on her opponent, her fingers flying across the strings of her violin with astonishing speed and precision.

The sailor matched her note for note, his own fingers moving just as quickly as hers. The two musicians seemed to be in perfect sync, each anticipating the other's moves and reacting with lightning-fast reflexes.

As the duel reached its climax, the sailors whooped and hollered, egging on the two musicians to push themselves even further. Eira's fingers were a blur as she played an intricate series of runs and trills, her bow moving so quickly it seemed like a blur.

The sailor tried to match her, but he stumbled slightly on a difficult passage, giving Eira the opening she needed to take the lead. She grinned triumphantly as she played a complicated series of arpeggios, her fingers moving faster than the eye could follow.

The sailors erupted in applause, declaring Eira the winner of the duel. One of the sailors, a burly man with a bushy beard, grabbed her by the ankles and lifted her upside down, causing her to let out a surprised laugh.

"Looks like we've got a new champion!" the sailor cried, holding Eira aloft.

Eira held her instrument up in the air from her dangling position, her golden hair pooling on the floor beneath her. "I could beat you even upside down!" she declared, before bringing her violin back to her chin and launching into another piece.

The sailors were cheering her on, some clapping along, while others were holding their tankards in the air. Her feet kicked in the air along to the rhythm of the music and the man holding her aloft began carrying her around the tavern. Eira's fingers were flying across the strings of her violin, as she played an upbeat melody for the raucous sailors gathered around her in the tavern. She could feel the blood rushing to her face as she continued but paid it no mind.

Suddenly, the door of the tavern swung open, and a group of soldiers marched in. They were wearing the distinctive red and gold uniforms of the Aerindirean army, their boots thudding against the wooden floorboards.

Eira's heart skipped a beat as she saw them. It was all she could do to drag herself from falling into the memory of that terrible, awful day, where everything she had cared about had been raised to the ground by men in red and gold.

As the soldiers approached the circle of sailors, Eira tried to keep her composure and continued playing her violin. She forced herself to appear jovial, and not like she was on the brink of either running out of the tavern to safety or breaking her glamour and scorching the soldiers, mission be damned. It didn't matter if they had been there on that day or not.

They still bore the colors of death.

She hoped that they wouldn't notice her or her instrument and would move on.

The soldiers drew closer, and Eira saw that one of them was eyeing her curiously. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with short-cropped brown hair and a square jaw. Her fingers nearly slipped off her violin, they were so slick with sweat.

His eyes were fixed on her violin, and Eira felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. Her face was likely flushed from the positioning of her body, and she felt grateful for how it hide the emotions her body couldn't hide.

Without missing a beat, Eira finished the piece and raised her bow in a flourish. "Looks like I have new admirers," she said to the crowd, forcing a smile. The sailors jeered in response.

"Well? Can I help you with something?" She meets the soldier's eyes, or, as best as she could. She was still hanging from her feet. The sailor hadn't thought to put her down yet.

"Just passing through," he said, his gaze flickering to her violin. "Nice playing. Are you a traveling musician?"

Eira felt a surge of relief. She decided to play along. "Yes, sir," she said, holding up her violin. "My name is Lydia Lirian. I'm traveling to the capital to join the royal orchestra and compete in the King's Competition."

The soldier raised an eyebrow. "The King's Competition? That's quite an honor." His eyes trailed to her, and she realized how crazy she must've looked, upside down and face flushed the color of a tomato. Eira kicked the sailor that was holding her, and he finally let her down.

She stood up, swaying with how dizzy the world was for a moment before striding for the soldier. "I like to think so, sir. I've been playing the violin since I was a child, and I've won a few competitions in my time."

The soldier crossed his arms but otherwise looked unimpressed. "Well, we'll have to hear you play sometime. Maybe at our next campfire."

"Perhaps I could play for your trope tonight, sir. I'm told that I'm a great traveling companion and I promise you'll be entertained," she gave a sly smile over her shoulder and a wink to the sailors, "Isn't that right, boys?"

The sailor who had held Eira grunted, his cheeks turning red as he looked away. The other sailors chuckled, patting him on the back.

The soldiers looked at each other for a moment before one of them spoke up. "You're in luck, miss. Our unit is heading to the capital tomorrow morning, and we have an extra horse if you need a ride."

Eira's eyes light up at the offer, seeming the ever-grateful traveler. "Thank you so much! That would be a great help."

The head soldier, a tall man with piercing blue eyes and a scar running across his cheek, stepped forward. "I am Captain Rylan, leader of this troop. And these are my soldiers."

He gestured to the group of men and women behind him. "May I ask your name, miss?"

"That's the Tabletop Fiddler!" A sailor roared from behind them.

"Lydia is what I usually go by," she chuckled, smiling politely. "And might I ask where your troop is headed?"

"We are on a mission to escort a messenger to the capital, to deliver a message to King Darian himself," Captain Rylan answered, his tone proud.

Eira's smile faltered for a moment at the mention of the king's name. She quickly composed herself, not wanting to offend her hosts. "That's quite an important mission," she said instead.

"It is," Captain Rylan agreed. "And we could use some good entertainment on the road. We would be honored if you would play for us tonight."

Eira hesitated for a moment, unsure if she wanted to spend the night with soldiers who wore the same regalia as those who had destroyed her home. She let the emotions play on her face as uncertainty. She would have to live within the castle walls if everything went right. She would be seeing soldiers every day from here on out. She could at least try to get on their good side before she even entered the Aerindir court.

"I would be happy to," she said, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Excellent," Captain Rylan said, a smile spreading across his face. "We'll make sure you have a comfortable spot by the fire. And we have some women in our troop who would be happy to keep you company."

Her eyes widened with surprise, a spark of hope flickering within her. Women in the ranks of Aerindir's soldiers— She had not been aware that women were allowed to serve in Aerindir. She had always thought that Caladrielle was more progressive in that regard. Eira's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the path she had chosen was not without its complexities. Her expectations of a backward and hateful society had been shattered, and she had discovered a glimpse of progress within this kingdom she had once deemed conservative.

"That would be wonderful," she replied, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Come, let us show you to our camp," Captain Rylan said, gesturing for Eira to follow him. "We have some food and drink around the fire, and we can get to know each other a bit better. Perhaps you can play the violin for us, Tabletop Fiddler."

Eira glanced at Captain Rylan, wondering if the involuntary emotions she felt played across her face at all. "I would be happy to," she said, her voice steady, though beneath the surface, a whirlwind of uncertainty swirled.

A genuine smile graced Captain Rylan's face, his warm eyes betraying a hint of curiosity.

With gratitude in her voice, she replied, "Thank you," allowing her unease to ebb away, replaced by a glimmer of trust. Eira was surprised to discover she found a flicker of authenticity in the connections she was forming, in the newfound companionship that seemed to await her.

Captain Rylan beckoned her forward, his gesture inviting her to follow him into the camp. Eira stepped forward, her resolve bolstered by the realization that these soldiers were not merely pawns in her mission but individuals with their own stories and dreams. She yearned to uncover their motivations, to understand the complexities that brought them together in this struggle.

As she trailed behind Captain Rylan, the soft glow of firelight danced before her, casting warm hues upon the faces of her soon-to-be companions. The aroma of food filled the air, mingling with the murmur of voices and laughter, a harmony of camaraderie. Eira's fingertips tingled with anticipation, her violin tucked securely under her arm, poised to tell stories that transcended words.

In this delicate dance of intrigue and subterfuge, Eira knew that her violin could be her ally, a tool to weave enchantment and draw hearts closer. She yearned to share the language of music, to unite these soldiers through the melodies that whispered secrets only the soul could comprehend.

As she stepped into the flickering circle of light, her heart whispered a final thought, a promise to herself: Amidst the shadows of deception and uncertainty, she would seek solace in the music, find moments of genuine connection, and navigate the labyrinth of loyalty with grace.

The Tabletop Fiddler would play her part, for the strings of her violin held the power to both captivate and unravel the world around her.


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