Web Warriors: Part 2. Legacy...

nightcrow92 द्वारा

1.1K 74 48

Arash and Peter go back to New York after the events of Persia and Arash have to deal with the consequences o... अधिक

Prologue: Far From Trials
P. FFT: Chapter 1
P. FFT: Chapter 2
P. FFT: Chapter 3
P. FFT: Chapter 4
P. FFT: Chapter 5
P. FFT: Chapter 6
P. FFT: Chapter 7
P. FFT: Chapter 8
P. FFT: Chapter 9
P. FFT: Chapter 10
Part 1. Absolute Carnage
1. AC: Chapter 1
1. AC: Chapter 2
1. AC: Chapter 3
1. AC: Chapter 4
1. AC: Chapter 5
1. AC: Chapter 6
1. AC: Chapter 7
1. AC: Chapter 8
1. AC: Chapter 9
1. AC: Chapter 10
1. AC: Chapter 11
1. AC: Chapter 12
1. AC: Chapter 13
1. AC: Chapter 14
Web Interlude: Doing Too Much
Warrior Interlude: Visiting Hours
Part 2: Legacy Incarnate
2. LI: Chapter 1
2. LI: Chapter 2
2. LI - Chapter 3
2. LI - Chapter 4
2. LI - Chapter 5
2. LI - Chapter 6

1. AC: Chapter 15

23 1 1
nightcrow92 द्वारा

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1. ACChapter 15

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The police and the Damage Control Department were on the OSCORP building and on their way to where the heroes fought the Green Goblin and Carnage, these would be just any normal superhero aftermath if it wasn't because of the fact that the Prince of Persia was with them which could lead to him getting arrested after his sentence of probation given by the jury during his trial.

"Here, let me take you out of here" – said Peter container with the frozen symbiote to Venom – "don't eat it" – he added before turning to his boyfriend

"Peter, it's fine" – said Arash while his helmet materialized over his head

"No, it's not, here, jump on my arms, I will get you out" – insisted Peter

"Peter for real" – said Arash

"But what he can do that will help him get out of here quick enough without being see by the authorities, get arrested and being thrown in The Raft or somewhere else very far way and disclosure from everything and everybody? I just-" – started to ramble Peter when suddenly other boy turned invisible – "wow...wait, weren't you tired with your powers and all?" – He asked surprised

"I am, but Shuri gave this suit the ability of turning invisible to reminiscent of my powers because she wanted to help me not get overwhelmed with the use of my powers and give some rest to at least one of them" – explained Arash

"Oh...I see" – said Peter – "why didn't you just told me?" – He asked

"Because you didn't let me" – said Arash

"You should have let him speak" – said Farah with a smirk

"Everybody, freeze!" – called the authorities entering the laboratory

"What the hell happened in here?" – Asked Jimmy Woo stepping up from the authorities and even the DCD

"We stopped a far-gone Harry Osborn and his accomplice" – said Felicia pointing at both males on the floor

"Isn't that Cletus Kassidy? He was reported missing from Ryker's Island Prision" – pointed out Jimmy

"We actually don't know how he became Osborn accomplice, but he took a part of our friend to experiment and create a different symbiote" – explained Peter pointing at the black alien and the container on his hands

"But he was part of a controversy running around and destroying things as if he was The Hulk or something" – said P. Cleary who was there to represent the DCD

"It was just bad advertisement from the Daily Bugle, I think that after their last report regarding the Prince of Persia and that was false" – said Jimmy

"Yeah, sure" – said P. Cleary crossing his arms and then someone pushed him to the side making him turn to see who was it but no one was there – "who was that?" – He asked mad but the people around him just shrugged

"Anyway..." – trailed Venom – "I'm good then?" – He asked

"Why don't you guys explain to us first what happened here before we can think of letting any of you go" – said Jimmy

"Ok, let me start from the beginning, we-" – started to say Peter

"Actually" – interrupted Farah – "let me explain it" – she suggested and the boy turned to her confused – "you kinda ramble a lot" – she pointed out

"True" – said Felicia and Venom at the same time

"Dang it...true though" – said Peter annoyed crossing his arms

Nobody could see but Arash smirked before finishing making his way out of the hideout lab and into Harry's office to shoot a string of web to the Quinjet to pull himself up into it and once inside he turned visible again to look at his ankle to see how much time he still had to be out and the timer still was marking an two hours and a half making him sigh and relax that he still had time for them to finish talking to the people down in the lab and get back to the Avengers Mansion.

((((((((((((((( Time Skip )))))))))))))))

"Mr. Mohammadi? Are you paying attention" – Asked Mr. Harrington

"Yes, sorry, I just digressed a little" – said Arash just when something made a sound of falling on the floor

"What was that?" – Asked Mr. Harrington looking around

"Probably nothing" – said Arash – "sorry, you were saying?" – He asked

"Arash, where is your mind today? Last time you were much more focus than today" – said Mr. Harrington worried

"Just have stuff on my mind about school and other stuff" – said Arash

"Superhero stuff?" – Asked Mir. Harrington

"Personal stuff, I'm not a superhero anymore" – said Arash

"But you saved us from Thanos, how are you going to leave that life just like that? I still find hard to leave behind when I used to give access to Dr. Banner on the computers on my university to help him look for stuff" – said Mr. Harrington while putting his fist on his hips and sighing

"Sure, because that is just the same thing" – said Arash arching an eyebrow

"Exactly, I knew you would understand your majesty" – said Mr. Hattington smiling while the Persian boy looked at him incredulously – "but I'm just saying, you are training yourself to be helpful somehow, even if you turn into like a new street hero like The Defenders are" – he suggested

"Who are The Defenders?" – Asked Arash confused

"You don't know The Defenders? The "Devil of Hell's Kitchen"...Daredevil? Jessica Jones? Luke Cage? Iron First? Soundtrack and the "Skater?" – Asked Mr. Harrington

"I heard from a friend about Luke Cage and Iron Fist, but I haven't look them up, I don't know the rest of the people you named, sorry" – said Arash

"I thought The Avengers kept track of every other hero that might be around even street level ones or vigilantes and others" – said Mr. Harrington – "well, actually maybe you guys don't, after what happened with Wanda Maximoff" – he added

"Mr. Harrington, you are kinda stepping on the line there" – said Arash getting annoyed

"Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that" – said Mr. Harrington sounding really apologetic and awkwardly looking down

"I know, it's okay, I get that these days is hard for people to trust heroes after that event and the media going on our asses even after we saved the world and restore the universe from The Snap" – explained Arash

"I still should have known better than to say something like that" – said Mr. Harrington

"Like, I said, it's fine – said Arash – "anyway...I just warn you that I have a lot to study, maybe that is why I got distracted" – he deflected – "and not just for school" – he also whispered very quietly to himself sighing as well

"What?" – Asked Mr. Harrington

"Nothing, let's just keep with the lesson, sorry for digressing, I will pay attention" – said Arash

"Ok, so, as I was saying..." – started to say Mr. Harrington before going back to explain the lesson on the blackboard

But what the teacher didn't notice that while the left hand of the Prince was using his pencil to write what was on the board and the words of the man, his right hand was below the table using magic to make a baseball ball to float below the table and he move it around his fingers to make it spin around.

((((((((((((((( Time Skip )))))))))))))))

"Are you okay Cat?" – Asked Peter while his boyfriend rested is head on his thigs and had a freeze gel pad on his forehead

"Yeah, just been trying to do school while also keep learning from Wanda and doing the exercises she suggested for me to practice at home before our next training session, so my head is a mess right now" – explained Arash

"Maybe we should hang out some other time if you need to rest" – said Peter

"Nah...I'm good" – said Arash

"You don't look good though – said MJ while PB&J sandwich

"Good we have Miss Smiles here with us" – teased Arash turning to give the girl a side eye while she just flipped him off

"Maybe we can watch something lighthearted like a Disney movie instead of that new Star Wars show then" – said Ned who was looking for something to watch on the streaming service menu

"Hey, come on I was already excited for that" – said Simon who arrived with a bowl of popcorn and sat next to MJ

"I'm okay with you guys talking about Star Wars or the superhero life all day, but putting it on screen for me as well? That could count as brainwashing you know?" – pointed out MJ while grabbing a couple of pop corns from the boy next to her to put between the slices of his sandwich to his horror

"I need to keep my mind off things, fantasy and sci-fi content always helped me disconnect from things, so it's okay we can still watch it" – said Arash while moving his hand to play with his boyfriend's necklace with a smile

"Obi-Wan Kenobi coming your way then" – said Ned excited

"And thank you guys for coming today" – said Arash

"It's been long since last time we saw you, we are happy that you called us to hang out today" – said Ned smiling and the Persian boy smiled back just like Peter and even MJ didn't say anything she smiled a little as well

"What's up with all the smiling? Kinda cute but also kinda creepy" – Mocked Simon making everybody laugh

"Eddie and Felicia are gonna finish fixing their appartment, so they are not coming, anyway I finished what I was doing and I'm ready for join you guys" – said Farah looking at the screen and frowning – "you know Arash, I watched with you and Thor the "Star Wars" content for almost five years and you are here to put me into WATCHING EVEN MORE!" – she complained

\\\\\\\\\\ Mid-Credits Scene //////////

"Mr. Williams" – called a man while the man walking into the waiting area the engineer was waiting in

"Finally" – said Eric standing up and following the man – "I know he is a busy man, but the waiting time is ridiculous" – he pointed out

"I would advise you to avoid talking like that on the meeting, the boss doesn't like people talking like that to him" – said the man

"I come from a place where I got talked as if I was a child, which I'm not, so I will not let myself be undermine by anybody, I don't care how powerful or dangerous your boss is" – said Eric

"Now, listen to me" – said the other man stopping – "I'm just warning you for your own safety, because once you cross that door, you are in our sight and whatever you do, you never speak about the business you are about to get in with us" – he explained – "are we clear?" – He asked

"Whatever, let's just end this to see if you guys have what I need" – said Eric

"The question is, DO YOU have what we need" – said the man

"We will see" – said Eric

"We will see as well" – said the man walking to open the door – "Mr. Fisk, your meeting of 5:00pm is here" – announced the man

////////// Post-Credit Scene \\\\\\\\\\

"I'm sorry that happened, I will find my way to fix the signal and see what's up with it" – said David to the blonde male in front of him

"You better, it should have sent me the alert that someone trespassed our apartment and it didn't" – said Eddie to the man with his arms crossed

"Dwayne and I will take a look at it don't worry Eddie" – assured David

"Hey guys, Patrick is gonna have a training session with Matt and he needs his staff, do you guys finish the new upgrade on it?" – Asked Danny appearing

"Danny Rand, how's going?" – greeted Eddie with smirk

"Eddie Brock" – greeted Danny giving the man a bro hug – "I saw the news about something about Venom relating OSCORP but seems like they are retracting the news after you Spiderman, Felicia and this new chick stopped not only the owner but that Cassidy psycho" – he explained

"I'm glad that I could clean up my name, we just need to help cleaning up Caz's name for the moment" – said Eddie – "what about you? The wedding is getting closer and closer, feeling any nervous?" – He asked

"Nah man, I'm just happy to do it, Patrick on the other hand if he had Spiderman abilities, he will be crawling all over our floor" – teased Danny

"I bet" – said Eddie laughing before noticing an Asian guy with a hoodie and sweat pants walking with an intravenous line in his wrist connected to an IV bag on a pole – "what's up with him?" – He asked pointing at the guy walking around the floor looking around as if he was inspecting the area

"Nothing, he is just...ummm...Dwayne!" – called Danny calling the attention of the ebony guy who was talking with Melvin and Felicia showing the woman her new suit

"What?" – Asked Dwayne looking at the blonde man who pointed at the direction of the Asian guy walking around – "he is just looking around, he told me he wanted to stretch his legs and that he felt better" – he explained

"I'll help" – said Melvin walking towards the wandering male who at first looked confused at the approach but then smiled as the bald man walked with him

"Anyway..." – trailed Danny – "he is just our new resident, he kinda crashed our place if you noticed the big hole on the ceiling at the entrance" – he explained

"Crashed through the wall? And he is walking right now as if it was nothing? Is he an alien or something?" – Asked Eddie confused and surprised

"It's a long story, but he is good and it's been a bit other a month since he is with us and he is doing alright" – explained Danny

"Whatever you said then man" – said Eddie but still turned to see the Asian male confused about how the millionaire was covering up who he was

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A/N: Well, this is the end of Part 1, what do you think guys? Was a good start for my boy Arash and their team? He still needs to work on things as you probably realize, the team is a bit fresh working with each other, Venom, Farah and Arash joined forces on the Thanos fight, Arash used to patrol with Peter, Farah teamed up with Arash on Persia and Peter, Venom and Felicia started the "Web Warriors" while the Prince was in a comma, but the five working together? Needs some polishing.

As you can see we got a little post-credit scene of something that is gonna be cooking for later on this book that involves something named on this chapter as well, sadly not for the next part yet, next part is gotta be something else to let that one cook for a little longer and even next part is gonna wait because I will do some interlude/one-shots for the next chapters, but there is only going to be two...or maybe 3 let's see what I come up with because I wrote one and the other is half written and I have an idea, but let's see if it works to put it right now.

UPDATE 07/26/2023: So, I realize I forgot to put this part that I written for The Defenders little apparence, it was supposed to come before the OSCORP deal, but I scrap it, but I wanted to put it as Post-Credit, however I forgot and left it around until I was deleating stuff from this book that I already post it and decided to update this and change the past Post-Credit into a Mid-Credits and The Defenders apparecence with a little more surprise there into the actual Post-Credit.

Please leave Comments and Votes so I know that you guys are out there and still support this book even with my bad lately bad updating skills lol, I appreciate the support and thanks to anyone reading this, I will see you guys next week for the interlude/one-shot ✨🏹🕷⚫🐱‍👤

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So, I also have two other books, one is called "Phillip Jones: Hellstrom" based on a character brother of Jessica Jones but it follows an original storyline, is not part of this universe or the main ones, but is pretty cool and is my take on doing something less PG. The other book is the start of Phase 2 in the ZET-J Universe "The Phantom Adventures of the Fantastic Four" which is gonna be a fun ride I just started last week so I will appreciate if you guys support it so...yeah just please give some love to them books, ok? Bye 🤗

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