Itty bitty imps

נכתב על ידי NottaPossum

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Classification AU: Blitzø didn't have a great childhood, he had to grow up really fast and take on a lot of r... עוד

1. Blitzø's little secret
2. 💙Fizzarolli's Secret Caregiver 💚
3. ❤️Results ❤️
4. 💚Home away from home 💚
5. ❤️Stuck❤️
6.💚Never enough💚
Chapter 7: ❤️❤️🩹Stoles the caregiver Pt 1
Chapter 8: Solutions Pt 1 💚
Chapter 9: Stolas the caregiver Pt 2
Chapter 10: Solutions Pt 2 💙💚💙💚
Chapter 11: I don't love you.
12. My way home is through you 💚💙💚💙
13: Blitzø the brat: 😈❤️💜❤️💜
14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙
15. A new Friend and a new Foe
16: Lost again
17. Two Anxious babies
18. I'll be there
19: Fizzarolli the strong and Blitzø the brave! ❤️🦒🐒🐊💚
20: Birdie the Horse 🐴💛
21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜

22. We all fall down💔 🏥❤️‍🩹

747 15 67
נכתב על ידי NottaPossum


Fizzarolli and Blitzø play hospital...

This doesn't end well.


TW for this chapter: (where do I start?) Cursing, wetting, diapers, flashbacks, panic attack, guilt, lots of guilt, hurt/comfort, complicated feelings, complicated relationship, threatening to cut off someone's genitalia, child abuse, tattoos, sadness....lmk if I should add.

Lately Fizzarolli and Blitzø have been obsessed with Bluey; a tv show about what they assumed to be a blue dog demon who lives in a world where demon dogs had taken over earth and fixed it up for the good of their species. It's quite a clever show, very popular amongst littles.

Fizzarolli was so inspired by the show, he made bluey themed puppy ears for them to wear based on their favorite characters. "Here, Blitzø! I made Mackenzie ears for me and Bluey ears for you." He says proudly, holding up two sets of ears.

Blitzø frowns. "I'm not Bluey, Fizz. I'm bingo." He explains.

"Oh...okay, sorry." Fizzarolli says, making a new set of ears for Blitzø.

Strange, Stolas thinks Blitzø is a lot more like socks than Bingo. "Blitzy, where are your manners?" Stolas scolds.

"Sorry..." Blitzø mumbles.

"It's okay, Blitzø." Fizz says, holding up the new bingo ears he made and handing them to Blitzø.

"Now, what do we say, little star??" Stolas asks him, tilting his head.

"Thanks." Blitzø says, putting on the ears happily.

"You're welcome." Fizzarolli smiles.

"Good boy." Stolas kisses Blitzø's cheek and sets him down to play with Fizz.

"Those are very nice, bug." Asmodeus says. "You're very talented."

"Indeed." Stolas says, petting Blitzø. "Very well done, sweetheart."

"Thank you!" Fizzarolli says. "I made ears for you guys too." He says, handing Asmodeus bandit ears and Stolas calypso ears.

"Oh, thank you, heartling. This is very- nice of you." Stolas says.

"Yes. Thank you, bug." Asmodeus adds.

"You're welcome!" The imp smiles. "Come on, Bingo! Let's play in the play room!" He suggests.

Blitzø giggles happily and follows Fizz.

Once the little one's had left, Stolas turns to Asmodeus, holding up the ears Fizz gave him. "What is he implying?"

Asmodeus chuckles. "Well, you do sing a lot." Ozzie says.

"So do you!"

"Only on stage, I don't go around singing about every emotion I ever have like a disney princess." Asmodeus argues.

"Where's the fun in that?" Stolas asks, putting on the ears. "What do you think?"

"Adorable." Asmodeus says sarcastically.

"Now you have to put yours on!" Stolas says.

"I'm good." Ozzie says. "Fizz isn't even here."

"It's the principal!" Stolas says. "You have to wear the ears." He says, smiling.


"Or I'll tell Fizz you just don't like his fabulous creation." Stolas threatens.

"Remind me, why am I friends with you?" Asmodeus asks.

Stolas shrugs. "I don't know...but, it's far too late for you now. I tend to latch onto people. You're pretty much stuck with me for all eternity."

Asmodeus laughs, putting on the ears. "Only eternity? I can live with that."

~~Fizzarolli and Blitzø~~~

"Let's play hospital!" Fizzarolli suggests.

"I don't like to play hop'itals." Blitzø says.

"Oh, but you like blood, right?" Fizz asks.

Blitzø nods.

"Then you should like it!" Fizz says. "There's a lotta blood in the hospital!"

"Well..." Blitzø thinks about it.

"It's okay, Blitzø. It's not the bad kind, it'll be a good one, I promise!"

Blitzø wasn't sure, but he nodded. "M'kay. I guess."


They started to play hospital, Fizzarolli had a Barbie doll to play the patient, Fizzarolli was the doctor, and Blitzø played the...other doctor? The rules were not made clear.

"Oh no! She's unconscious!" Fizzarolli says in character, "we have to save her!"

Barbie? Blitzø saw something- something horrible flash through his eyes.

"It's okay, we'll wake her up with..."

Fizzarolli's voice faded to the background as Blitzø slowly saw his surroundings change from the playroom to an apartment he lived in...

Oh...oh no.

Fizzarolli hands him the doll-


It's not what Blitzø thought he was holding-

He saw a person, he saw his sister passed out on the floor. 'Fucking damn it! Barbie!'

He's panicking, his sister wasn't okay, she was sick- or hurt? Or something! She needed help!

He felt his chest expand with pain and panic...

This was all his fault...

'Barb, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But, you can't leave me too, I can't loose you! Please wake up?' He begs.

But he did loose her...

She didn't wake up...

She's never going to forgive him!

It's his fault!

He fucking did this!

'I don't want to see you again, get the fuck out of here!'

'Barb, I had no-'

'I don't want to hear it! You had no reason to interfere! I told you to stay out of it!'

'I'm sorry!'

'No, you're not sorry! You always fucking do this!' She shouts at him as tears pour down his face. 'You kill everything you touch and you ruin every good person out there! You ruined me, you ruined my life!'

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Blitzø cries. cries.

"Blitzø?" Fizzarolli asks. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

"I'm sorry, Barbie. I'm so sorry..." he cries.

Fizzarolli's eyes widen and he imidiately runs out of the room. "Ozzie! Stolas!" He shouts. "Blitzø needs help!"

Blitzø was doing fine... what happened? Was he okay? Did he do something?! Was this his fault?!

"Stolas!" Fizzarolli shouts. "Stolas, please?!" Fizz pants. 

"Sweetheart, calm down, please. What is it?" Stolas asks him softly.

"It's Blitzø, he's havin' an attack!" Fizz cries. "He's upset, I- didn't-"

Stolas looks to Asmodeus. "It's okay, Fizz. I will take care of him. Stay here with Ozzie." Stolas says to him.

As Stolas rushes out of the room to go find Blitzø, Asmodeus wraps his arms around Fizz. "It's okay, beetle. You did so good coming to us." He says to comfort his little. "Blitzø will be okay."

Tears fall down Fizz's face... 

He wasn't so sure.

~~~Blitzø and Stolas~~~

Blitzø can't control his breathing, he's in the hospital with Barb now, she wants him to leave!

'Get the fuck out!'


'Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! I'll never forgive you for this, you mother killing asshole!'

"Blitzy...?" Stolas asks, approaching the little one.

"I didn't mean to!" Blitzø shouts out loud. 

"Blitzø, darling. Can you hear me?" Stolas asks.

That wasn't Barbie... "Stowas?" He looked up, what was Stolas doing at the hospital?

"Darling, is it alright if I touch you?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø shakes his head.

Stolas nods, kneeling in front of the Imp. "Alright, darling. Do you know where you are right now?" He asks.

Of course he does! Does Stolas thinks he's crazy?! "M' a' a' hosp'al." He answers.

"You're in the playroom, darling." Stolas says.

Playroom? Blitzø looks around...

He was in the playroom!
But, where's Barbie?

"Blitzy, darling. Can you do me a favor and name five things you can see right now?"

"Stowes, da junga gym, the giffe, da cwown," he looks at some art on the wall of a giraffe and a clown. "An'...da doll." He stared at the doll he was holding that was now on the floor...

"Good job, darling. Now four things you can feel?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø was currently holding onto one of the playground equipment. "Uhm, this fing," he says gesturing to his hand. "I feew tia'' um wet." He answers, feeling a dampness between his legs he didn't notice before, because he was a lot bigger Stolas didn't put a diaper on him. He starts openly sobbing upon realizing what had happened. 

"Shh, it's alright, darling. We'll take care of that in a moment. Can you name three things you can hear?" He asks.

"Yous...uhm' nofing." Blitzø whines, feeling defeated. He's sobbing and hiccuping outright, he didn't want to play this game anymore! "I'm sowy!"

"That's alright. How about two things you can smell?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø thought about it, but ended up not answering, he's already realized where he was...
But, he was embarrassed and frankly deviated, because no matter how tragic that memory was the last time he ever saw his sister...

They didn't let him see her after that. 

"Blitzø?" Stolas asks. "Are you alright?"

He reaches out for Stolas, so the bird picks him up. "It's alright, darling. I'm here."

Blitzø cries heavily into Stolas's shirt, he wanted to make sure Barbie was okay! But, she wasn't here!

"Come on, dear, let's get you cleaned up." He says, heading to the nursery.

"I think you need a bath, love." He says once they arrive, there's a bathroom attached to the nursery with everything they would need.

"No..." Blitzø whines. "No baf." He cries.

"I know you're not used to it, darling. But, I really do think it's necessary. Will you please let me give you a bath?" Stolas asks, petting the little one gently. "I promise it won't take long, I'll be with you the whole time, I'll be very careful, and you'll feel so much better once it's over."

Blitzø sniffs as tears fall down his face, he doesn't feel like fighting. "Mkay."

"That's my good baby boy." Stolas praises.

"Gud?" Blitzø asks. "M' gud?" He asks.

"Yes, so good." Stolas says. "You're always my good little, Blitzy."

Blitzø shakes his head as Stolas helps him out of his yucky clothes and takes him to the bathroom.

Stolas fills the tub up with soap and water. "Alright, darling. In you go." He helps Blitzø in the bath carefully.

Blitzø was very calm, almost unnoticeably there as Stolas cleaned him up, the little was clearly out of it, unable to really pay attention.

"Blitzy?" Stolas asks. "Are you alright?"

Blitzø shrugs, holding his arms in his hands with his eyes distant, not even looking in Stolas's direction. 

Stolas decides not to push him further, he finishes cleaning Blitzø in silence, then he dried him off very gently.

He compliments Blitzø's bravery, then he cooes at how adorable the Imp was, hoping to get some sort of reaction from him...but, he got nothing.

He sets Blitzø on the changing station to put him in a diaper. "Alright, darling. Let's get you dressed into some fresh clothes, then you can take a nap. Alright?" Stolas asks him.

"M...wan' fwen'." Blitzø mumbles.

Stolas smiles, happy he finally said something. "Of course, my darling." Stolas says. "You want your yellow horse?"

Blitzø nods.

Stolas uses magic to summon Blitzø's favorite horse. "What's their name today?" He asks.

"Boey." Blitzø decides.

"That's an excellent name, Blitzy." Stolas says. Putting Blitzø's diaper on, then his horse onesie.

Stolas then set Blitzø in his crib. "Alright, love. Try and get some rest." He says.

"N' no." Blitzø whines.

Stolas hands him a pacifier. "Here, darling. Just settle down." He says. "Everything will be alright."

Stolas puts on Blitzø's pacifier clip when the little one doesn't take it, and he pops it in Blitzø's mouth.

The little one happily suckled on his binkie and was calm enough to fall asleep.

Stolas smiles at him before frowning again.

He walks into the dinning room where Asmodeus and Fizzarolli were.

"Is Blitzø okay?" Fizzarolli asks.

"He'll be fine, sweetheart. And how are you doing?" Stolas asks. "I know that must have been scary to see." 

"I'm okay." Fizzarolli says.

"Do you have any idea what might've caused the attack?" Stolas asks him.

"Well..." Fizzarolli rubbed his arm anxiously.

"We're not upset, bug. We just want to know." Asmodeus adds. "You're not in any trouble."

"We we're playing hospital...I don't know what made him so upset. But, I know why he's sad." Fizz says.

Stolas tilts his head.

"It's because he misses Barbie." Fizz explains. "He said he was sorry to her when he was panicking. He misses her." Fizzarolli explains. "He misses his sister."

Stolas and Asmodeus frown.

"Thank you, bug." Asmodeus says. "You did so good today. You were very brave and very helpful." He says.

Fizzarolli smiles. "Thanks, Ozzie."

Stolas doesn't say anything, his face deflated as his head slumped downward. He felt as if he failed Blitzø somehow.

"Stolas?" Asmodeus asks.

"I'm fine." Stolas says, lying to both himself and Asmodeus.

"Fizz, why don't you go take a nap in your room. You can put on a movie to help relax, alright?" Asmodeus asks.

"Mkay." Fizzarolli says. "You wanna talk to Stolas alone?" He asks, whispering to the rooster.

"Yes." Asmodeus whispers back.

"Mkay." Fizzarolli goes upstairs to his bedroom to watch a movie.

Asmodeus gestures for Stolas to sit down next to him.

"I can't help him." Stolas says. "I dont even know where Barbie is or what happened between them... What am I going to tell him?" Stolas asks.

"Stolas, you've given Blitzø everything you can. You can't disappoint him."

"I know... it's just that- do you know how many siblings I have?" Stolas asks.

Asmodeus shakes his head.

"Neither do I." Stolas says. "They never cared about me, and I never really cared about them. I've met some of them of course, but we never connected. We act more like distant cousins than siblings. Imps are different though, they really care about each other, they have a special bond that I can't even comprehend." He says.

"How do you know about this?" Asmodeus asks.

"Blitzø talked a lot about his sister when we met as kids, but then once he was an adult, it was almost nothing." Stolas explains. "He almost never talks about her. But, he has pictures of her in his office and all over his house."

"I see."

"I want to help him!" Stolas says. "But, I don't know how-"

"Just be there for him." Asmodeus says. "Just be his boyfriend, just be there. That's all you can do, and it does a lot, believe me."

"We're not boyfriends." Stolas says sadly.

"Then be his friend." Ozzie says.

Stolas nods, wiping a tear away. "You're right."

"Of course I am. You're doing a good job, Stolas." Ozzie says.

"Are you sure? It seems I've done nothing but mess everything up...for him and Via." Stolas sighs.

Ozzie places a hand on the owl's shoulder. "Blitzø loves you, I can see it. He knows what you're trying to do for him, in fact you've probably done more than anyone else ever has. I promise, he appreciates it and he knows how much you love him."


Stolas and Asmodeus sat down on the couch while Fizzarolli colored anxiously. They were all worried about their darling gremlin. But, they wanted to give him his space. When he was ready, Stolas knew he'd either call to them through the baby monitor or climb out on his own.

Suddenly, Blitzø walked into the living room and climbed into his playpen, crying softly.

"Blitzø?" Stolas asks, getting up an walking over to him.

Asmodeus signaled for Fizz to stay there for a moment. "It's okay, just give them their space." Ozzie says.

"What are you doing in the playpen, baby?" Stolas asks.

"M' bad, Stowes." Blitzø explains.

Stolas frowns. "You are not bad, darling-"

"But, she hate-is me..." Blitzø cries. "She don' wants see me 'gain. I a ba' brover." He says. "So, I is n' time out."

"Oh, I long will you be in time out?" Stolas asks.

Blitzø shrugs. "Fev'er."

Stolas climbs into the playpen with him. "Blitzø, my love. I do wish I could fix this for you, or help you in some way.... But, the thing is, people try their best in life, but they still make mistakes...that doesn't mean they're bad people." Stolas explains. "If it did, everyone would be in time out all the time."

"Eve' you, Stowes?"

"Even me." Stolas confirms.

"Wha' you does?" Blitzø asks.

"I had a friend and...Well, I'm afraid I wasn't really very good friend to him like I should have been." Stolas explains. "I took him for granted." 

Blitzø frowns, feeling bad for Stolas but he is feeling a little better now that he wasn't alone.

"Blitzø?" Fizzarolli and Asmodeus walked into the living room once they saw Stolas in there.

"Stolas? What are you two doing." Fizzarolli asks. "Why are you two in there?"

Asmodeus almost intervened, but Stolas answers, reasuring Ozzie that it was alright: "Blitzø has put himself in time out forever." Stolas explains.

"What? No! Not forever!" Fizzarolli says.

Stolas nods sadly. "I'm afraid so..."

"But, why?" Fizzarolli asks.

"Cuz' m' bad." Blitzø answers.

"You're not bad, Blitzø. You're good!" Fizz says. "Please come out!"

"Bu'...Barbie...I hur' her." Blitzø explains.

"Oh..." Fizz sighs, looking to Asmodeus who looked sad aswell. "What about you, Stolas? Why are you in the playpen?" The clown asks.

"Well, since Blitzø is in time out for hurting his sister, I should be in time out for hurting my friend." Stolas explains.

"Forever?" Fizz asks

Stolas nods. "I'm afraid so."

"Oh...if that's the case then, I should be in time out too!" Fizzarolli says, climbing into the playpen. "I was mean to you, Blitzø."

"No." Blitzø argues.

"Yeah I was! You said you didn't want to play hospital, but I didn't listen, then you had a panic attack!"Fizzarolli explains. "I can't fix that."

Stolas pet Fizzarolli's head, he really did have such a pure heart. "You are sorry for hurting Barbie, right, Blitzy?" Stolas asks.

"Yea, bu' i' was too ba'." Blitzø explains. "Sowy no fis' dat, wite?"

Asmodeus sighs, deciding he'd better get involved here too. He uses magic to make the playpen bigger so he can fit comfortably inside with them.

"What did you do, Ozzie?" Fizz asks.

"I've been mean to a lot of people in my day." Asmodeus explains. "Never said sorry."

Blitzø's eyes widened. "Neva?"

"Nope." Asmodeus explains.

"Da' is ba'." Blitzø agrees.

"Blitzø, doing something bad and regretting it doesn't make you a bad person, because if you're still sorry, it means you can grow and learn to be better." Asmodeus explains.

Stolas smiles at Asmodeus before turning back to Blitzø: "He's right, darling. You can't change the past, you can only improve the future." Stolas explains.

Blitzø did feel a little better...he guessed. He didn't want to stay in time out forever, not really.

Maybe they were right, maybe he's not that bad, maybe doing something bad doesn't define who you are. "Wew' maybe we don' havta be in time out foreber." Blitzø says.

"What would you like to do, Blitzy?" Stolas asks.

"Can...can a' stays for a lil' bit?" Blitzø asks. "I knows m' no bad, bu' I is sad. An' I wan' jus' be sad now." Blitzø tries so hard to talk correctly, but knows he's failing.

Stolas kisses his head. "Of course you can, Blitzy. Would you like to be alone?"

"Only wif you." Blitzø says, climbing into Stolas's arms and holding him tightly.

Asmodeus pets Blitzø's head. "Come on, Fizz. Let's give them some space." Ozzie says.

Fizz didn't want to, but he knew Blitzø would feel much better with Stolas here. "Mkay, can we play in the play room?" He asks.

"Of course, Beetle." Asmodeus says as he gets out of the playpen and helps Fizzarolli out too.

"Thank you." Stolas whispers to Fizz and Asmodeus.

Asmodeus and Fizzarolli smile back before exiting to the playroom.

Stolas turned to Blitzø. "Are you alright, darling?"

"M'sad, Stowes." Blitzø says, hugging Stolas.

"I know, it's okay to be sad, darling." Stolas says.


"It's a normal part of life. Sadness helps you understand the negative situations we come across, we need to learn to understand bad things so we can move on and learn from them. Once we do that, we can appreciate the good things." He explains.

"Yous a good fing, Stowes." Blitzø says.

"Thank you, Blitzy."

"Stowes, wiw I eva sees her 'gain?" Blitzø asks.

Stolas pets his head gently. "I don't know, dear. But I do know that no matter what happens, you'll never be alone."

"Pwomise?" Blitzø asks.

"I promise." Stolas says, kissing the top of Blitzø's head. "I love you so much, darling." He says.

"I wov yous too." Blitzø says.

Stolas's eyes widened, he didn't mean to say it, but then Blitzø said it back-

"Wiw you sings?" Blitzø asks.

"Hm? Oh, yes. Of course." Stolas says.

Stolas starts humming to the little one, rocking him back and forth while singing: "Black clouds are behind me, I now can see a hill. Often I wonder why I try looking for an end. Sorrow weighs my shoulders down and trouble haunts my mind. But I know the the present will not last, and tomorrow will be kinder."

As Stolas sings, tears fall down Blitzø's face.

He wished he could see Barbie again, he missed her so much...

No one could ever replace her.

~~~Age 7:~~~

"Blitzo, she feels bad." Tilla tells him. "You should go talk to her."

"She broke my stick! I've been taking good care of it for months! And she just broke it like she doesn't even care!" Blitzo complains. "I can never forgive her!"

"Blitzo, she's your sister." Tilla says.


"So, you should accept her apology and forgive her." Tilla says.

Blitzo sighs, arms crossed against his chest. "I don't want to. I'm still mad at her."

Tilla sighs, and sits next to him. "Listen... one day your papa and I won't be here anymore. Barbie is your sister, no matter what happens, she'll always be there for you."

Blitzo sighs.

"The stick isn't worth loosing something so precious." Tilla says. "There's no relationship more powerful than the one between twins. Don't take it for granted."

Blitzo looked over at Barbie who was outside the tent, sitting on a log, she did look very sorry...

Not saying more to Tilla, he walked outside to sit next to Barbie.


Barbie dried her tears quickly. "Blitzo, I'm sorry I broke your stick, I didn't know it meant so much to you." Barbie says. "I was just bored and being careless." She explains.

"I know, it was an accident. It's okay." Blitzo says. "Moms right, it's not worth the fight. It's just a stick."

"I did try to fix it." Barbie says, holding up the stick, it was now covered in tape and bandages, she even signed it 'BW'.

Blitzo smiles. "Cool, it's disabled now! Can I sign it too?" He asks.

She chuckles and hands him the marker she used. "You're so weird." She laughs.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." He says.

~~~Stolas, singing~~~

"Tomorrow will be kinder, it's true, I've seen it before. A brighter day is coming my way. Yes, tomorrow will be kinder."

~~~Age 4~~~

"Hold still." The tattooist orders him.

"Blitzo, if you don't fucking sit still, you won't be able to sit at all for a fucking week!" His father threatened.

"But, it hurts!" Blitzo whines, trying not to squirm, but he can't help it!

"I don't care, stop whining!" Cash demands.

Barbie, who already had hers done, walked over to her brother and held out her hand. She still has tear stains on her face as pain covered her own forehead, but in the moment she was more worried about her brother. "Squeeze my hand Blitzo, it'll help." She whispers.

"I don't want to hurt your hand..." Blitzo says.

"It's okay, we're twins. We can feel each other's pain anyways." She says. "Remember?"

Blitzo smiles and takes her hand.

~~~Stolas, singing~~~

"Today I've cried a many tear, and pain is in my heart. Around me lies a somber scene, I don't know where to start."

~~~Past, age 12:~~~

Barbie opens Blitzo's locker. "Blitzo, who did this to you?" Barbie asks.

" one." He mumbles, as if he didn't just fall out of his own locker and onto the hard floor the moment his sister opened it.

"Lies! You didn't shove yourself in there! I'm gonna find out anyway, so you might as well just tell me." She says.

"Barb, please stay out of it?" Blitzo asks, getting up off the floor.

Barb helps him up. "No! Okay? You're my brother! Someone messes with you, I cut off their dick!"

"She doesn't have one..." Blitzo mumbles.

"Ha! It's fucking Magi cornfuck, isn't it?" She asks.

"Shit..." Blitzo sighs. "Barb-"

"I'm going to fucking kill her!" She says.

"Don't, please?" Blitzo asks. "You're just gonna make it worse!"

"I won't make it worse!" Barbie says. "She can't tattle or get revenge if she's dead, stupid."

"Barbie..." Blitzo growls.

"Okay listen, I'll tell you what. We get her back, If she messes with you again, we get her again and again until she backs down. We're circus folk, impractical jokes are our specialty, we can take a lot, and we have prank and humiliation experience she could only dream of." She says. "We can't loose!"

Blitzo thinks about it and smiles. "Hey, yeah! We do!" Blitzo says. "Let's turn her inside out!"

"Fuck yeah!" She shouts.

~~~Stolas, singing~~~

"But I feel warmth on my skin, the stars have all aligned. The wind has blown but now I know that tomorrow will be kinder."

~~~Age 16: ~~~

"Barb?" Blitzo knocks on the door.

"Go away, Blitzo. I don't want to talk." She says.

It was the stupid winter dance, and Barbie was spending it locked in the bathroom.

This cannot be! Twin code clearly stated, no one fucks with your twin, or they get fucked twice as bad!

"Please come out?" Blitzo asks. "We can figure this out together."

"I don't want to..." She says. He knows she's trying not to cry, but she's definitely crying, he can tell.

"Look, I don't know what those stupid girls said about you, but they're wrong, okay?" He says.

"They said I'm annoying, ugly and unlikeable." She explains.

"Okay, so they're not wrong." Blitzo shrugs. "But they're missing all the great things about you. You're funny, smart, and a fucking badass!" He says. "They lack all those things. Those idiots are far beneath you, and they know it." He says. "You're Barbie fucking wire! You intimidate, you don't let yourself get intimidated by rat faced pig fucking assholes who can't even see what's in front of them."

Barbie opens the door and gives Blitzo a hug. "Thanks." She says. "Maybe I do need better friends..." She says.

"You do, anyone mentally unstable would be lucky to be your friend." Blitzø says. 

Barbie chuckles. "So long as they don't start vicious rumors about me like they did Kiro. Douglass" She sighs.

"Don't worry, they're not going to be saying shit about you anytime soon." Blitzo says.

"What did you do?" Barbie asks.

"I just happen to stumble onto some non suspicious buckets full of hog blood that happened to be delivered here from wrath by complete accident...and maybe I was carrying said hog blood when it accidentally slipped out of my hands on their sorry bitch faces." He explains.

"You pulled a Carrie?" She asks, excited to see her former friends covered in blood.

"Oh fuck yeah! I always wanted to do that! I didn't set the place on fire though, wanted to make sure you were okay first." He explains.

"How very gentlemanly of you to not burn down the school." Barbie laughs.

"Isn't it?" Blitzo asks. "I'm such a nice guy, don't know why so many people have a problem with me."

~~~Stolas, singing~~~

"Tomorrow will be kinder. I know I've seen it before. A brighter day is coming my way. Yes, tomorrow will be kinder."

~~~Past: age 18~~~

They left the hospital and got in the van.

Neither twin said anything for a few minutes, but Blitzo had such a weight on his shoulders, and Barbie was the only person who could understand, the only one he could talk to...

"I'm sorry, Barb, I-"

"Don't! She's gone, Blitzo. It's just us now, we have to just accept that and move on." Barbie says. "Don't say anything else, the fire was an accident, it wasn't your fault. Because for all I know, you're the only person I can trust now. You're the only good one left...don't tell me it's not true. Because I have no hope left for anyone else."

Blitzo nods. "Okay..."


"A brighter day is coming my way. Yes, tomorrow will be kinder." He finishes his song, kissing Blitzø's head.

The little one had fallen asleep in Stolas's arms, regressing to the age of an infant.

Stolas got them out of the playpen and cradled him in his arms. "It's alright, darling. I'm here. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He promised.


Blitzø stayed with Stolas that night, if fact, he didn't leave the owl's side for the rest of the day.


Blitzø woke up big again, it was morning-ish like 3:00 am...

He got up, grabbed his clothes and went to a spare bedroom to change to avoid waking Stolas.

He can't stay here... he just wanted to go home.

Blitzø did his best not to cry on the drive back to the apartment, but it was all in vain, he barley made it back in one piece...

It didn't matter what they said, he did what he did, he can't change that.

He can only hope that once Barbie gets clean- If she gets clean, she can find it in herself to forgive him...

Speaking of...


Fizzarolli was fast asleep when he got the call.

"Blitzø?" He answers.

"I didn't have enough strength to say it in person, especially at the time...but, I am sorry for how I treated you back then." He says, Blitzø's voice was a little shaky, with a tone Fizz has never heard from least not in a long time. "You deserved a lot better from me. You deserved a lot better from everyone actually. I'm sorry any of it happened."

Fizzarolli sits up. "It's okay, Blitzø. We're good." He says. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He says. "I'm sorry about earlier too, I didn't mean to freak you out...or wake you up now- fuck..." Blitzø curses. 

"It's okay, you didn't." Fizz lies. "I know how hard this must be for you...but, I'm here if you want to talk about it. Barbie was my friend, I miss her too."

Blitzø doesn't say anything after that, so Fizz continued: "Look, I appreciate the apology. You didn't have to...but-"

"I did have to, okay? I was never worthy of you, and I think I've always known that. You were always so nice to everyone, always kind, you cared way too much about what others wanted or what they needed. Your heart was always too big for anyone-"


"I didn't mean that the way it sounded." Blitzø says. "Maybe I should've written something down- He'd better be worthy of it is all I'm saying." Blitzø explains. 

Fizz smiles. "He is, believe me. He puts up with too much."

"Good. Don't settle for less than you deserve." He says. "Or at least try to get as close as possible. If he hurts you, I don't mind cutting off his papilla."

"I appreciate the offer, but it won't be necessary." Fizz says. "I know you won't believe it right now, but you are worthy of love too. You're not him, and you're not your mistakes either. It's okay to move on, even though I know it's hard."

Blitzø shakes his head. "Thanks, Fizz..." Blitzø sighs. "It's late, I'll let you get back to sleep-"

"You know, Stolas seems to really care about you!" Fizz says quickly before Blitzø can hang up. "Give him a chance, I promise you're worthy of him."

"Goodnight, Fizz." Blitzø says, hanging up the phone.

"Night..." Fizz sighs.

"Fizz?" Ozzie asks, "what was that about?" 

"It was Blitzø..."

"Is he okay?" Ozzie asks.

"I hope so..." Fizz says. "He apologized."

"He can do that?" Ozzie asks.

"Stop it, okay? He's been through a lot." Fizz says. "I was the lucky one, my biggest enemy was Mammon...and before that, Cash."

Ozzie tilts his head.

"Blitzø's biggest enemy is himself."

~~~Later: Stolas~~~

Stolas woke up the next day by himself, Blitzø must've left early to avoid any awkwardness.

Stolas can understand that, he supposed.

The prince went downstairs and fixed himself some breakfast, the house was so lonely without Blitzø or Via's here.

He hoped he did the right thing for Blitzø last night. He'd feel bad if he made the situation worse...

He wanted to see Blitzø, he wanted to talk to him! They had so much left to discuss...

Yesterday was a lot, so he'd understand if the imp didn't want to talk.

And he wasn't going to, but, he couldn't help himself. He got out his phone to text the Imp:

Stolas: Are you alright?

Blitzy❤️: ya sry abt freakn yall out

Stolas: it's alright. I'm here if you want to talk about it.

Stolas: Maybe we can grab some dinner tonight? Talk through some things?

*Blitzy❤️ is typing*


No reply.


(Song Stolas sings: Tomorrow Will Be Kinder by  Laura Rogers, Lydia Rogers aka The Secret Sisters)

Oh no! This is the last chapter and it doesn't end all sunshine and rainbows 🌈


Anyway, hope you liked this fic. This is the last chapter for part 1, but please enjoy reading part 2 called: Father knows best which will center around Moxxie...That one will be very dark, just warning you now.

Or if not, I will also be posting some one-shots of baby Fizz and Blitzø soon because there's not nearly enough of them in this fic.

המשך קריאה

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