By Stupid_purple

15K 444 45

Magnus knew his husband would leave him... permanently... at some point, but he never imagined it to happen s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 9

520 13 1
By Stupid_purple


(Author's POV)

"Damn he's hot...Dangerous but hot".
Leo said dreamingly while Alec turned and looked at him with wide eyes.

'Seriously Leo.... that's all youve to say after this".
Alec said in an amused tone.

"Don't blame me dude he's really hot....Hotter than my first boyfriend I must say"
Leo looked at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

"He was going to French fry your head if i hadn't interfered"

"Oh....I forgive hotties and Angry Magnus is a sight to watch" Leo smirked.

"You're hopeless..".Alec shook his head.
His hand unconsciously went to his cheeks remembering the soft palm of other's his heart felt warm and lips curved a little.

"Ah...ah..ah...dude I think you're getting affected by his charm". Leo grinned.

Alec immediately retrieved his hands and composed himself.

"I'm not..".Alec tried to keep his face natural.

"Yet...." Leo laughed

"What?" Alec raised his eyebrow

"You're going to date him dude"

"It's not a date... I'm just going to spend some time with him.....casually".

"Whatever helps you sleep at night...."
Leo winked."..... Al... jokes apart...He thinks that you're his husband and dude he's not gonna sit still until he proves it. This is actually serious".

Leo straightened his back and his eyes weren't being playful anymore.

"I know but I'm going to prove him wrong... I'm not their Alexander... I'm just a normal 18 year old Winchester boy".

Alec said quietly. Leo walked towards the other and put his hands on the other's shoulder.

"Do you really have to do this...we can just go back to our life... away from this shadow world".
Leo said with a sigh. Alec got up to avoid Leo's gaze

"Don't you get it Leo? We are already involved. This world had already been informed about us. That's why I need to prove it. The best way to prove it is to make Magnus Bane acknowledge that I am not his husband".

"You're going to break his heart".

Leo spoke in a deep voice.
Alec took a deep breath and turned towards another.

"Taking a bigger picture, my face can be a weapon for anyone to use against them. I'm going straight forward and giving them the chance to see the truth. It's better to accept the harsh realities before fake hopes will destroy you Leo". His voice was firm.

"You sound right yet heartless" Leo said. "But What if you will fall in love with him?" He added.

"WHAT...?"Alec yelled in confusion.

"Magnus is known as the husband material in the shadow world. It's impossible for a person not to fall in love with him ". Leo stated as a matter of fact.

"He's not my type."Alec protested.

"Oh come on Al... he's everyone's type" Leo giggled.

"It's just 7 days....nothing is going to change". Alec said more like he was trying to assure himself.

"You'll never know".Leo whispered.

"But don't worry you've your handsome sexy boyfriend to protect you".He pointed himself and laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"Magnus is going to cut off your head if you try to get on his nerves again.So be careful dear boyfriend".Alec mocked his friend.

"He won't... he doesn't want to get on your bad side". Leo smirked

"It's only 7 days... he can always make you his pet lizard.Wait and see". Alec scoffed.

"You sound like you know him very well". Said Leo suspiciously

"Do I?"

"In all block letters YES BABY"

"Don't ever call me B....Baby again". Alec warned his friend who was busy laughing at the other's face.

In the meantime at Max's room

"You don't want to go and meet him?"

Chris asked Rafe who was in deep thought.

"I'll.... after Baba confirms that It's Dad" Rafe replied.

"You don't trust my words?."

Max raised his brow at his brother. His skin was now back to normal color but the horns will take more time to disappear.

"It's not like that Max... I trust you..
it's just....I don't want to create another scene more than that I don't think I can handle myself now it's overwhelming"

Rafe said while his mind was still trying to grasp the situation. Even though he was the eldest he was adopted after Max...Unlike Max he had to spend his early childhood on the streets in hunger. He had no memories of his biological parents at all he remembers that hunger the pain and shabby alleys of New York until Alexander found him. Alexander brought him to their home.. Gave him a family, a name and everything he couldn't even dare to dream of.

"It was you who made arrangements for his arrival right? Then how come you didn't know about him?".

Max asked his brother who seems to be in his own world.

"Yes...Winchesters had a long history with the clave". Rafe began.

"Not a good one I guess" Chris sighed.

"Exactly... so honestly speaking I didnt even expect that they will respond to the clave. When they agreed for this I was expecting their heir. I didnt even know they had another child until they told the clave that their younger son is the one coming to the program".

"Mom told us they sent Uncle Alec....I mean their son with lots of terms and conditions". Chris asked

"I don't know more about that... I'm only aware of one condition saying that they will send their youngest son and that he will stay with another shadow hunter boy from the Tempest family who is also.......... "Rafe's eyes widened in realization.
"Shit... "he cursed on which Max raised his brow.

"..also what Rafe?" Chris asked in irritation looking at the frozen person.

"His longtime boyfriend.. "Rafe dropped the bomb.

"What the HELL/ Holy SHIT" Max and Chris yelled at the same time.

"Who is also.....his future fiancé..."Rafe put his hands in the forehead.

"Chris get your weapons let's go and kill him".
Max tried to get up from the bed."How dare him to come in between my parents". He mumbled

"Max NO".Rafe pushed him back to the bed.
"We will discuss it with Baba and find a solution".

"What solution I'm not gonna tolerate someone else kissing my Dad other than my Baba".

"By the angel...Nobody is kissing our DAD". Rafe roared at his brother.

"Who is kissing Alexander?".
Magnus was standing at the door looking confused.

"Baba....Rafe said dad has"

Chris suddenly covered Maxs mouth for stopping him from uttering more bullshit.

"Has a boyfriend...Yes I'm aware.." Magnus sighed.

"So it's Dad...right?". Rafe asked. He needed a final confirmation from his Baba.

"Yes" Magnus smiled."It's him your dad is back".

Rafe hugged his father in happiness.

"I'm so happy Baba..Hes back my Dad is back.finally...."

Tears fell down from Magnus's eyes. To be frank he is really overwhelmed yet blissful with the fact that his Alexander is back but he knows acting with emotions will only do damage now. He just wants to hide in his beloved's arms and forget about everything else in the world but know that he can't...He can't act impulsively now. He needs to make Alexander as his again in the 7 days. After that he can be weak as much his heart wants in front of his husband like he did in the past.

"But how.?". Chris asked Magnus

"I don't know either...but its him"

"Then why is he acting like he doesn't know us". Max asked in tears

"He's not acting Max... he doesn't recognize any of us...not even me". Magnus sighed.

"Maybe he doesn't have any memories of his past life". Chris tried to reason.

"That's one possibility... but we need to get to its bottom to find out the truth without putting him in any danger" Magnus straightened his back and others nodded.

"Do you have any plan Baba?" Rafe crossed his arms.

"Yes I already made a deal with him to spend 7 days with we can dig into the truth and try to make him remember everything at the same time then we can finally prove to him that He is our Alexander". Magnus explained

"You're gonna court him...?"
Chris asked in half confusion and half exaitment.

"Courting isn't the right word I'll use but yes something similar in context". Magnus put his hand in a defense gesture.

"But what if we fail to prove the truth?" Rafe asked his father .

"Then we will kidnap him and lock him in our house until we prove it"

Max said with full of confidence. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes and Magnus chuckled.

"We can think about that later but first of all we need to do some other things".
Magnus turned and looked towards his elder son.

"Rafe... collect every possible information regarding the Winchesters, use every source legal or not".

"Yes Baba" Rafe replied in a serious tone.

"For now Simon will keep an eye on their family members Chris I need you to help him".

"On it..." Chris replied making thumbs up.

"And I will deal with his so-called boyfriend".
Max said with a very deep tone.

"No...Defiantly Not... I will deal with him by myself".
Magnus immediately interfered as if he knows what was going on the others head.
Max made a disagreement nod with a slight pout.

"Trust me son his boyfriend is the least of my worries. Ive faith in my love. But right now the more important thing is to keep Alexander safe. I need everyone to be careful. Alexander is back means so do his enemies".

Magnus tried to make his son understand the situation.

"We're Lightwood Bane.... dont worry Baba nobody is going to harm dad. We will get our dad back".

Rafe said with full confidence. Magnus patted his sons shoulder smiling.

"Hey....Hey I felt left out". Chris made a fake angry face.

"Want me to adopt you son of Blonde?" Magnus asked

"No I'll pass..."Chris rolled his eyes.

"Your loss"

Max said and hugged 3 of them tightly while smiling. Magnus knew no he had hope... he can bring his family back... this time with full of happiness. His heart felt warm after years.

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