Love in Jeopardy

By liseyboo

113K 5.4K 148

Can love conquer all? Find out what happens when a workaholic lawyer meets a beautiful artist. Will their lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

6.6K 300 5
By liseyboo

Taryn loved her studio apartment. It had the perfect amount of light for her to paint. There wasn't a lot of room for her to put her canvases, but she made do. Except for her bag addiction, she did not have many material possessions.

Taryn's parents had died in a car accident when she was six years old, leaving her a ward of the state. She grew up in many different foster homes, never sure if she would spend a whole school year in the same place. She became used to moving around so much that she never accumulated many possessions. Her painting supplies were everything to her. She didn't care if she had to sleep on the floor so long as she was able to do her art. She had learned at a young age that the only person she could depend on was herself. She didn't trust many people easily, but she was trying to be a good friend to Kim. She was surprised by her interest in Gideon. After all, what would a successful lawyer want with the likes of her? She was an average height with a runner's build and long black hair that she kept in a pony tail most of the time. She wouldn't call herself beautiful, but she wasn't ugly, either. She went jogging four times a week and she ate as healthy as she could. She lived quite frugally because she never had many extras growing up. She had learned to be grateful for what she had.

It didn't take Taryn long to clean her place. Her bed was in a niche off the sitting/dining area. She kept her painting supplies in the sitting room so there wasn't a lot of room for her to have friends over. She had a small dining table placed next to a small island where her corner kitchen was. She didn't have much counter space, but she only ever cooked meals for herself, anyway.

After she finished vacuuming, washing the floors, and dusting, she tackled her car. It was an earlier model Honda Civic that she had bought with money she had earned from selling her first three paintings. She was very proud to have her own vehicle, especially since it gave her enough independence to travel to different art galleries.

That evening, Kim called Taryn to discuss their brunch that day.

"I think Gideon liked you," Kim said enthusiastically. "Charlie says he doesn't usually ask women for their numbers."

"Oh, I guess I should feel privileged," Taryn retorted. "I didn't get a positive vibe from him."

"Oh, don't worry," Kim said. "He hasn't had the best luck with women lately, so he's a little shy. I'm sure you can bring him around."

"Why are you trying to set us up, Kim?" Taryn asked curiously.

"I don't know. Honestly, I think you would be great for each other. He needs an independent woman and you're definitely that. Besides, I think you'd make a cute couple. And the four of us could hang out together. Wouldn't that be awesome?"

Taryn laughed. Kim was incorrigible sometimes. She supposed that's why her gallery was so successful. Taryn asked her if she needed any help looking at places for her and Charlie.

"No, not yet," Kim replied. "We're still making a list of what we both want. It's taking forever."

Taryn chuckled. Kim loved to exaggerate.

"I'm sure you guys will find the perfect place," she said encouragingly.

After a few more minutes of chatting, the women hung up.

Taryn was about to run a bubble bath when her phone rang again.

"Hello?" she said, wondering if Kim had forgotten something.

"Taryn? It's Gideon. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

After a pause to reign in her surprise, Taryn replied, "No, of course not. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Sorry to bother you so late, but I was wondering if we could meet for lunch tomorrow."

"Lunch? Sure, what time?"

"I finish court around 1:00. Would 1:30 be okay?" he asked, sounding pleased.

"I can meet you then," Taryn replied. The beauty of her work was that she didn't really have a schedule she had to stick to. She just had her exhibition to prepare for, but it was several weeks away.

They agreed to meet at a coffee shop not far from the courthouse and hung up a few minutes later.

When Taryn was relaxing in her bubble bath a few minutes later, she had to admit that she was glad that Gideon had called her. She was looking forward to getting to know him better. Something about him intrigued her. She felt like they had connected in a brief way at brunch. It was something worth exploring.


The next afternoon, Taryn arrived at the coffee shop early. She had debated over what to wear, finally deciding on a form-fitting blue pencil skirt and a white fitted blouse. She pulled some of her hair back in a clip but let the rest of it hang down her back.

When Gideon entered the coffee shop, he looked handsome in his tailored business suit. He looked even more handsome than he had the day before. Taryn tried hard not to show her emotions as she greeted him.

Gideon smiled at her as he sat down.

"It's great to see you again," he said, putting his briefcase on the floor beside him. "I just got out of court, so I'm a little frazzled."

He didn't seem frazzled to Taryn. He looked like he was in control and very business-like.

"You look lovely," he said, smiling at her kindly. The way his smile reached his eyes made her blush in response.

"Thank you," she replied. "You look very...lawyerish."

Gideon chuckled.

"My suits are like a uniform for me," he said resignedly. "Sometimes I get tired of wearing them."

"That's understandable. All that formality must get tiring after a while," she said.

Gideon agreed as the waiter came over to take their orders. Gideon ordered a BLT and Taryn ordered a chef's salad.

They made small talk as they waiting for their meals to arrive. Gideon was surprisingly easy to talk to, especially since he seemed so preoccupied the day she first met him.

"Do you have to go back to court this afternoon?" Taryn asked, hoping they would have time to talk.

"Not today, but I have lots of phone calls to make," he answered. "What can I say? Lawyers are busy people."

"Oh, I'm sure," Taryn agreed. "You must do really important work."

Gideon shrugged.

"Sometimes it feels worthwhile. Other days I feel like a hamster running in a cage."

Taryn smiled.

"You seem quite successful. I bet you don't have many hamster days."

Gideon smiled back. "You'd be surprised."

Gideon's cell phone went off just as their meals arrived. Glancing at the screen, Gideon said, "I'm sorry. It's my office. Do you mind if I take this?"

"No, go ahead," Taryn replied, gesturing toward his phone. She didn't mind the interruption. It gave her the chance to study Gideon without him knowing.

Gideon didn't spend long on his call, but Taryn could tell something was up when he hung up the phone, looking preoccupied.

"Sorry about that," he said. "I'm always getting interrupted."

"Don't worry about it," Taryn said reassuringly. "You have an important job. Anybody would understand."

"Not everybody, I assure you," he said cynically. "I can't tell you how many dates I've missed due to my crazy schedule."

"Well, I'm sure you must have some free time. I'm glad you chose to spend some of it with me."

Gideon smiled at her with such gratitude she started to blush.

"I can't tell you how refreshing it is to be with a woman who doesn't take my interruptions personally."

"I sense that's been an issue for you," Taryn said, laughing.

"That's for sure," Gideon answered, chuckling. "I'm so relieved you're the easy-going type."

They ate in silence for a few minutes until Gideon asked Taryn about herself.

"There isn't much to tell," she replied evasively. "I'm an artist with a bag addiction. I have an exhibition coming up in a few weeks. Which I would like to invite you to, if you're interested."

"Of course," Gideon replied immediately. "I would love to see your work."

The time went by quickly as they chatted and ate their meals. Gideon had a great sense of humour and Taryn found him to be easy to talk to.

All too soon, their meal came to an end. Gideon had to get back to his office. After Gideon paid the bill, he and Taryn walked outside. Taryn noticed that he was half a foot taller than her. She liked that because she could wear heels if she went out with him again. She liked tall men because they made her feel more feminine somehow.

"It was great seeing you again, Taryn," Gideon said, smiling at her. "Thanks for coming at such short notice. When can I see you again?"

Smiling, Taryn replied, "Whenever you're free, I guess. I'm just a phone call away."

Gideon chuckled. "Maybe this weekend, then?"

"Sounds good," she answered. Taryn was glad that Gideon wanted to get together again. She was still interest in getting to know him a bit better. She hoped he felt the same way about her.

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