A Lovestruck Heart | Mattwoong

By kkczennie

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"I'd give you my heart if I could" Or; Jiwoong is an idol, Matthew is his fan, they fall in love in the most... More

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By kkczennie

They walked along the beach, hand in hand, as they watched the sun set. "Am I allowed to be this happy?" Matthew whispered to himself as Jiwoong clutched his hand tighter.

They got to an isolated part on the beach, with the sand tickling their feet and the waves washing along the shore. Their silhouettes looked tall on the shadows as Jiwoong pulled Matthew to turn to him.

He looked down at Matthew, the person to truly accepted him for who he was- not his idol nor celebrity self. Matthew was a cute, and truthful person who made Jiwoong feel loved.

Matthew stared up at Jiwoong. The elder's eyes staring at him in adoration as Matthew thought about how much Jiwoong cared for him. Ever since they met, it didn't matter that Matthew wasn't a celebrity, or a little bit outgoing, Jiwoong made him feel loved.

"You're staring," Matthew giggled as Jiwoong smiled softly at him. "Ah, I cant do this anymore," Jiwoong mumbled to himself as he covered his mouth and smiled to himself.

"Are you sure you're not the one who's been staring at me since we met?" Jiwoong smirked as Matthew blushed and hid his face. "Hey, are you only hanging out with me because of my face?" Jiwoong teased as Matthew let out a cute gasp.

"Jiwoon hyung is the best person I know!" Matthew exclaimed as he started rambling on and on about how Jiwoong was amazing in every way. Jiwoong smiled slightly, exhilarated from the high emotions he was experiencing.

"Hey Matthew," Jiwoong whispered as he took Matthew's hands. Staring into each other's eyes, Jiwoong asked gently, "do you want to be together?"

Matthew paused, feeling heat rush to his cheeks. Did he really deserve happiness? Was he truly selfish enough to tie Jiwoong down to him, knowing it could cause him pain?

"I promise to make you the happiest person alive," Jiwoong mumbled, gently stroking the back of Matthew's hand.

Together... it's different from boyfriends, or lovers, but Matthew liked that. "Sure Jiwoon hyung, let's make it you and I" Matthew smiled as they both clutched each other tightly. They didn't need to confess, or announce their love, because they already knew how much they meant to each other.

Jiwoong gently gripped Matthew's chin, wrapping his other hand around Matthew's waist as he pulled him in. Matthew angled his head upwards as he kissed Jiwoong, slow and deep.

Wrapping his arms around Jiwoong's neck, Matthew closed his eyes and basked in the emotional kiss, one of love and promises for the future.

Matthew pulled back as they leant their foreheads against each other, laughing and giggling at each other's swollen lips. "You look beautiful," Jiwoong whispered as he stared at Matthew's flushed face, his swollen lips and the way his hair flowed in the wind.

"Ugh- can we celebrate yet?" Gyuvin asked impatiently as he emerged from a bush. Matthew heard someone cursing and pulling him back down, but it was too late.

"Gyuvin, let them have their emotional moment" Matthew heard Gunwook groaning. "It's not everyday my best friend gets his first kiss," Hanbin sobbed as Matthew flushed embarrassedly and burrowed his face into Jiwoong's chest.

"You guys can come out now," Jiwoong chuckled as seven heads popped out of the bushes. Although it was dark, their tall silhouettes were unmistakable.

"Hyung!" Yujin cried as he barralled down to the shore. Hanbin flew onto the sand as he whipped Matthew away, patting him down.

"Seokmae, I heard what happened how are you feeling?" Hanbin mumbled, his eyes tracing all over Matthew body for signs of pain. "I'm fine hyung! See?" Matthew said with a bright smile as he brought Hanbin's hand to his heart.

"Beating perfectly fine," Matthew whispered as Hanbin nodded, content.

"But it does beat a little faster when Mattdu is with me correct?" Jiwoong's swooped in, sneaking his arms around Matthew's body.

"Hyung!" Matthew giggled as Jiwoong put fireworks in his hand. They sparkled in the night as Gunwook gestured them over.

"Come on guys, you're missing the fun!" Gunwook exclaimed as Matthew smiled and went to join them. They played with the sparkling lighters, laughing and splashing each other in the waves.

"Matthew ah, look at me," Jiwoong said as he tapped Matthew. Matthew turned around with an ecstatic smile. "Yes hyu-?" Jiwoong placed a chaste kiss on his lips as his phone flashed.

"Ah- hyung!" Matthew whined as he watched Jiwoong stare at the photo in adoration. "A real kiss," Jiwoong murmured, setting the photo as his new lock screen.

The photo captured Matthew's surprised face just when Jiwoog's lips touched his, and caught the sparkling lighters in the background.

"Perfect," Matthew mumbled as Jiwoong nodded and pulled them in close.

"You lovebirds are ruining the vibes!" Ricky teased as Taerae got out his speakers and started blasting out music.

"Our newest song hyung! You should listen to it, the vocals are insane," Gunwook gushed as Matthew nodded.

The idols stared dancing as Zhang hao pulled Hanbin in to move as well. "Come on Matthew, show us what you learned from Jiwoong hyung's fancams," Hanbin teased as Matthew whacked him.

"I want to see you dance," Jiwoong whispered softly as Matthew nodded and started moving his body to the music.

"Woah..." Yujin exclaimed as they watched Matthew performing. "Mathew ah, you're so good. Have you ever considered becoming an idol?" Zhang hao asked as Matthew froze and made eye contact with Hanbin.

Yes, yes he had considered it.

"No, I haven't. I don't think it would've worked out well for my heart," Matthew said truthfully as Jiwoong wrapped his arms around him.

"But our Matthew is so talented," Jiwoong whispered as Mathew smiled. "In another world, another life then maybe we can perform together," Matthew joked, poking Jiwoong on the nose.

"Hanbin hyung has such a good voice as well!" Ricky exclaimed as they tuned in to Hanbin's soft and angelic vocals. "Hyung is the best singer, seriously!" Matthew exclaimed as Hanbin blushed and shook his head.

"Seokmae praises me too much" Hanbin smiled, whiskers showing as Zhang hao stared at him dreamily.

Matthew shook his head. Hanbin seriously was an amazing performer. Both of the childhood friends had auditioned, and passed, but once Matthew found out he wasn't allowed to perform, Hanbin had put aside his dreams to care and look after Matthew.

"I'm so grateful to have you as my best friend," Matthew whispered over the music as Hanbin took his hand. "I wouldn't have it any way," he replied truthfully.

After their dancing, singing and partying on the beach, they walked back to their tents. As Matthew snuggled into Jiwoong's sleeping bag, and he felt arms enclosing his figure, Matthew decided to come out with the truth.

"Jiwoon hyung, can I tell you something?" Matthew whispered, looking to the side and seeing Gyuvin already snoring away.

"Of course Matthew ah, I'll always be here to listen," Jiwoong whispered shifting so that Matthew was now facing him.

Their breathes fanned in each other's faces as they provided warmth. All Matthew could feel was trust emitting from Jiwoong's face as Matthew opened his mouth.

"I have a heart disease."

Matthew felt Jiwoong stiffen as he gently tapped Matthew's back encouraging him to continue.

"It's called coronary heart disease, where my major heart vessels are damaged. That why i can't dance, or do anything strenuous for a long time, cause me heart will act up," Matthew whispered, giving Jiwoong a soft smile.

"Matthew ah..." Jiwoong whispered, lost for words as the information went through his brain.

"It's not that fatal- unless i get a heart attack, but I just wanted to tell you," Matthew mumbled as Jiwoong pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you for telling me Matthew ah, now I know to treat you even more preciously," Jiwoong muttered as Matthew smiled. His phone lay outside the tent, ringing as his doctor tired to reach him about the last test results, but all Matthew thought about was Jiwoong.

"What's the point of living unless you live with excitement?" Matthew giggled as Jiwoong whispered, "I'll protect you Matthew."

"I'll protect you from everything, and return all the love you've given me" Jiwoong said as they stared into each other's eyes and kissed slowly.

I won't let my heart get in the way of love.

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