" π˜›π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭 π˜₯𝘦𝘒𝘡𝘩 π˜₯𝘢𝘦...

By dreamy-pink

8.4K 152 200

Yokovina! Au: enemies to lovers and Friends to lovers THEY ARE OLDER THEN THEY ARE IN THE SHOW, PROMISE Dis... More

Get to know Yoko!!!
Get to know Divina!!
The beginning of it all... 1
You don't hate me? 2
Dude, i need help 3
Welcome to da Nightshades Twins. 4
Checking in :) (this is a AN btw)
Pause, who did you just say has a crush on me? 5
You're different I guess. 6
Dawn your too annoying! I will never like you! 7
Wait a minute- My best friend is my crush- 8
Hiiiiii! An!
"Detention" 9
Is that even a question! Of course I'll go on a date with you!! β€’11β€’
Holy- AN
Its first date time! β€’12β€’
Authors Note!
"Why did you just call wifey!?" β€’13β€’
"You really are a vampire, a thirsty one at that." β€’14β€’
"Stay away from my girl." β€’15β€’
"You don't think..." β€’16β€’
"You're the killer.?.." β€’17β€’
"It may be pretty but it doesn't compare to your beauty" β€’18β€’
"So what are your intentions with my daughter?" β€’19β€’
"What makes you think she's into you?" β€’20β€’
"Divina Lillian Carson, you are my will to live." β€’21β€’
"She's alive!" β€’22β€’
"Father." "Mother!" β€’ 23 β€’
Autors note 🀞🏽
β€’ 24 β€’
Last note from me For now..

πŸ’› β€’ Sun fest time β€’ πŸ’› 10

340 4 11
By dreamy-pink

After you know what Yoko helped Divina clean herself up. Bianca came to drop off some of Divina's clothes as per both Yoko and Divina's request. Divina was first to change and she just put on some black sweatpants, a dark blue tank top, and Yoko's black hoodie over it. Yoko helped Divina back to the bed and then went to change into dark red sweatpants and a oversized graphic t-shirt. Yoko joined Divina in bed and opened her laptop so they could watch something.

Yoko: Here pick out anything. Also I'll go get your concealer soon.

Divina: Thank you Yoko. Kinda wish I asked Bianca for it because but it's okay!

Yoko: You know she'd have questions anyway.

Divina: True. Can you pass me my phone though?

Yoko: Yea I was gonna check mine to because the gc has been blowing up.

Yoko grabs both of their phones and hands Divina her phone as they both get comfortable and check the group chat.

Gayvamp: Yoko
Thecalmgay : Divina
Daqueen: Bianca
Ijustworkhere: Griffin
She-wolf 😍: Enid
Thedorkygay: Kent
Thebestvamp 😜: Kelsey

Gayvamp and thecalmgay are online.

Gayvamp: Wth is happening???

Thecalmgay: Yea I'm lost



Gayvamp: Stuff, now what do y'all want?

Daqueen: Such good info ty Yoko 🙄
Anywhooo, are you both coming to sun fest today???

Gayvamp: Idk do you have a brain?

Daqueen: RUDE

Thecalmgay: Yes she means yes. And it's mandatory for me since someone put me in student council.

Thedorkygay: Your welcome overachiever

Gayvamp, thecalmgay, and daqueen have gone offline.


Yoko put down her phone and got up from the bed and put on her boots.

Divina: Where are you going?

Yoko: To go get you concealer and something to wear for the Sun fest.

Divina: Yoko I can just go back to my dorm and meet you in the quad before going to the festival.

Yoko: Divina, you can barely walk, it's a miracle that you were able to get changed.

Divina: Then help me get to my dorm. I'll be fine, besides Bianca doesn't usually go back to our dorm until 2pm, the sun festival is at 6pm and I have to go early anyway because I'm in student council.

Yoko: Then you would remember that Griffin, Kelsey, and I signed up to help with last minute things. How about this, I shower really quickly, grab my outfit, and I do my make in your dorm so I can help you.

Divina: Guess that works. But I'm fine, my legs don't feel too much like jello anymore. Thanks for that by the way.

Yoko: Yea yea. At Least you can say you were banged by a Tanaka. Besides you could have told me to go softer, not harder.

Divina: Yea Yea, whateverrrr. Didn't think you would go that hard. And anyway I should probably head to my dorm for tonight.

Yoko: Bianca will live, trust me.

Divina: Well she's holding my books as hostage so-

Yoko: Alright fine my nerd. Hand me my glasses and then help you sit up.

Divina: Okay. Wait, did you just call me your nerd?

Yoko chuckled as she got up from the bed and put on her glasses. She help Divina up from bed and passed Divina her shoes. Divina put on her sneakers, before she could tie her laces Yoko beat her to it.

Yoko: Just so you don't fall and limp more then you already do. Ready to go then?

Divina: Yup! Let's get going!

Yoko: Alright here just let me tighten up the hood so you're little bite marks aren't so noticeable.

Divina: Yea Okay. Thank you for that by the way.

Yoko: We are both to blame. You didn't let me know if I should have gone softer. And I was to hungry for you since yesterday.

Divina: Why was that?

Yoko: I may or may not have had a very intimate dream about you when I fell asleep in art class yesterday.

Divina chuckled as Yoko finished tying her shoes. Yoko stood up and held her hand out to Divina. Divina took Yoko's hand and smiled softly as Yoko fixed up the hoodie so you could barely see her "mosquito bites" , Yoko kissed her again and held her hand. Yoko let divina take a few steps on her to see how she was holding up. Divina was barely limping now so now they can say she twisted her ankle. Yoko grabbed her keys, her phone, and her bag which had the outfit she was gonna wear for the festival. Divina grabbed hers keys and her phone and she and Yoko headed out and soon left Ophelia hall. They made it to Divina's dorm, Divina unlocked the door and help it opened for her and Yoko. Yoko set her stuff down on Divina's side of the dorm and divina went into her closet looking for something to wear. Classes were going to be canceled tomorrow because of the sun festival happening on a Sunday. So they didn't have to spend the day tired. After a while Yoko decided to help divina pick something out. Yoko picked out an outfit that matched what she was wearing. Divina smiled as she carefully took the outfit from Yoko and took it into the bathroom and started the shower. While Divina was showering Yoko was looking around Divina's side taking in every detail and anything that could show what the siren was into. Yoko saw a lot of different books, paintings, drawings, and everything was very well organized. On Divina's desk, Yoko saw a sketch that looked like it took divina weeks. It was one of Yoko with her headphones in leaning against a wall. Yoko smiled to herself as she carefully picked up the drawing admiring every detail of it. She turned the paper around and saw writing. It is a poem Divina wrote. (Lemme know if you wanna know what it says 👍)
Yoko smiled to herself as Divina came out of the shower in her outfit and was drying her hair with her towel.

Divina: Oh crap. I left that out? You probably think I'm a weirdo now-

Yoko: One more negative word and I'll put you in a wheelchair because I will take away your walking privileges.

Divina: Message received, loud and clear at that. Well, this my outfit okay??
I know you picked out but I need your opinion!

^ Her fit 🖤 ^

(Yes I'm aware that it's summer and she's wearing leather but I'm a weirdo who also wears leather jackets in the heat. Sue me UvU)

Yoko: Quit stressing Divi. You look amazing. You should probably get to covering your neck, I'm gonna head out. You'll be okay right?

Divina: Yes Yoko I'll be fine! Now go! I'll see you in the quad or at the festival!

Yoko: Alright alright! I'm going!

Yoko left Divina's dorm and went down stairs to Kelsey's hall to get ready with her and Enid as they both needed help with their Smokey eye looks. Divina went to her mini makeup station and first started with her skincare and then quickly started applying makeup to her neck and a little to her collarbone. As she finished up her neck Bianca finally entered the dorm and was finally greeted by her roomie! Bianca went to hug Divina and then sat on Divina's bed.

Bianca: FINALLY JESUS. You literally ditched your favorite roomie for miss grumpy bat 🙄

Divina: *she giggled softly*
Can't argue with you there, she is pretty grumpy buttt, I do have a few stories for with B!

Bianca: Okay spill the goddamn tea! Oh and fyi your fit is literally slaying! Please tell me that's what your wearing to sun fest!

Divina: It is! And anyway, so you know how I got Saturday morning detention because if that dumb Chemistry teacher?

Bianca: Oh yeaaa Mr. Stickman, no one likes him 🙄 anyway continueee

Divina: Turns out Y.A.T. also had detention for that same morning!!

Bianca: Seriously??? Holy shit that's fateeee!!!

Y.A.T. = Yoko Akari Tanaka 👍

Divina: I know! So anyway instead of being stuck in detention with weems, dawn, and Yoko, it was literally just me and her alone! Weems had faith in me cause of my clean record and cause I'm in Student council, so she left us stay in there alone! No one came the entire time!

Bianca: Jackpot!!! Also go with gray sparkle instead of the white, goes better with your look, oh! Do that white eyeliner line that you do as well! For a pop!

Divina: Good thinking! Anyway we started playing truth or dare and she literally admitted that she had a crush on me!!

Bianca: OMGG! GOALS! Not even Xavier is that bold! Did you tell her you liked her back!?!

Divina: Duh! I'm not an idiot! But I did it in a unique way 😉

Bianca: Girl how! Tell!!!!!

Divina: Welll, she dared me to kiss my crush once we left detention. So I spilled the beans and told her it was her and one thing after another and she is pinning me to the wall as we were making out!!

Bianca: Oh my fucking god!!! Divina!! Did you lose your virginity in the detention room!?!? What happened after!?!??!!!

Divina: Well detention ended and well we went back to her dorm and their I lost my virginity and my ability to walk for a couple hours. And a few Fr on my neck that will make Kent murder Yoko so- let's not tell him until Yoko and I actually start dating! 🤫

Bianca: Omg fucking bet! Did she take care of you afterwards though?? Are y'all going to sun fest together?? How what do you mean you guys aren't dating yet!?!?

Divina: We are taking it slow! And I'm fully aware I'm saying that after literally having full on s3x with Y.A.T.-

Bianca: Slay anyway your makeup looks fireeee! Mind doing mine and I'll do your hair!

Divina: Don't gotta ask twice!!

Those two kept talking and finishing getting ready! Now for the two vampires and the rainbow wolf! Let's check in on them :)


Kelsey: RUDE!

Yoko: Both of you chill, I'm almost done!

Enid: HURRYYYYY! Kelsey you definitely aren't doing that properly-

Kelsey: Then help!

Yoko: What on earth are you two doing- and Kelsey what on earth are you doing- that's not how you lace up that dress.

Kelsey: Yoko please, how on earth would you now that!

Yoko: Maybe because I have two little sisters who are obsessed with these types of dresses. Come here I'll lace you up.

Kelsey: THANK YOU!

Enid: Okay we are so slaying this festival!!! I definitely think we are going to out slay B this year!!

Kelsey: Okay maybe but what about the literally fact her two besties are kids of the literally goddess fashion designer that is Cecilia Avery Carson?!?

Enid: Okay true! But I haven't seen much of Kent fashion wise and Divina is probably gonna be her usual light blue queen she normally is-

Yoko: What kind of definition is that-

Enid: SHUSH! You know what I meant 🙄

Kelsey: Okay can we pleaseee talk about the elephant in the room!!

Enid: Oh yeah! Yoko we saw you run off with Blueberryyyy!!!

Yoko: Your seriously calling her that? She isn't even in the room, hell the same hall as us.

Enid: I don't care! Spill!

Yoko: Nothing to spill except for the fact I took her virginity.

Kelsey: GIRL WHAT???


Yoko: Yup, her first time too. And you owe me 50 bucks Enid cause she ain't Bi.

Kelsey: I thought she was totally straight or pansexual at most-

Yoko: Nope, she's lesbian. 50 both of you. Or just pay for food at the festival.

Kelsey: I'll pay off my mine with games!

Enid: I'll pay for food 👍

Yoko: Alright, anyway Kels I'm done so move cause I need to get Enid's makeup done then finish off my liner.

Kelsey: Oh speaking of eyeliner you know who I want to teach me?

Enid: Girl no? Tell, cause I need some pointers

Kelsey: Divina, you know she's been doing her own mothers makeup??

Enid: I'm sorry but Divina Lillian Carson is doing the legendary Cecilia Avery Carson's red carpet makeup looks?

Kelsey: Girl yessss! Hell Bianca makeup has been so on point since divina moved here for sophomore year!

Enid: Oh guess what! The twins went to normie school! And since the school didn't understand how sirens go to school the same amount of years it takes vampires, they literally had to switch from school to school all freshman year!!

Yoko: I don't get why ceci didn't just enroll them here in the first place-



Yoko: Jesus fuck, my ears dude!! Ceci is literally my father's best friend. I grew up with the twins in their palace-



Yoko: Uh no? I went to all of the Carson's balls and gala's . But since that's basically out dated, I just go to Cecilia's fashion shows and her charity events-


Yoko: Alright Alright! Just quit yelling god.

Everyone finished getting ready and headed to the buses going to where the festival was located. Here are the girls fit btw!!!

^ Bianca duh ^

^ Enid ^

^ Kelsey ^

Bc I'm quite literally getting lazy I'm just gonna explain how their night went 😁

Everyone reached the festival and had an amazing time, they played games, ate yummy food, won prizes that were gifted to the school by Nevermore alumni, and not to mention saw a beautiful firework show that was a surprise gifted to the students by Nevermore's student council! It was around 1am by the time everyone returned to school. The girls decided to crash in Bianca and Divina's dorm for the night as it was the closest to Nevermore's entry. Divina and Bianca gave extra clothes to the girls and helped everyone get comfortable. Bianca literally kept Yoko and divina separated as according to Bianca " Yoko's had her fun, divi is sleeping in my bed UnU"


I apologize this took forever but I've had the worst writers block ever TnT Ik the ending was rushed but I promise the next few chapters with be better TnT

Byeeeee love you all 🫶🏼

- Retzi

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