The Bullies' Slave 2

By shirldee_

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Sequel to The Bullies' Slave 1 "The fact that everyone seemed to love you, initially got me intrigued as well... More

The Bullies' Slave 2
Chapter 3- IT'S NOT EASY, SAM.


128 9 0
By shirldee_

"Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world."
Acts 15:18 KJV


"You're all getting weeks of detention!" Grace said, her eyes wide. I had never seen her this upset at anyone.

It was no surprise that the school authority eventually found out what happened. The ignorant boys had forgotten there were CCTV cameras in the hall way and the teachers had checked them out due to the fact that there was tension among the bullies and of course Carlos and Ryan's obviously bruised faces. Although they didn't know the full details, because as expected none of them spilled and I didn't even have the strength to say everything.

The fight between Carlos and Ryan had been brutal, Ryan getting most of the beating. His face was still swollen and his lips busted at the corner. Carlos barely got a bruise on his face. He had been consumed by his anger and he seemed to have not yet gotten a hold of himself, even as he sat staring at his fingers as the teachers addressed us. He had been more quiet than before and this was disturbing seeing as he was naturally a reserved person.

"You're joking! Carlos was the one who charged at me first!" Ryan snapped. Grace winced.

"Ryan don't make me change my mind and give you guys your full punishment. You all deserve suspension! What were you thinking?"

"Obviously, they weren't thinking!" Crystal said angrily.

My friends had found out yesterday, considering the chaos Ryan and Carlos caused. But I was sure it was Shayne who alerted them. It took all the boys, including James and Jackson to separate the two guys. Carlos had pulled himself away roughly planning to head out only for my friends to charge in. Some other students came around too but of course the bullies were not willing to talk there and then and neither was I.

I eventually got to tell my friends all that happened when we had all gathered together later on. Crystal had been furious while Cecilia held on to my hands, like she was afraid to let me go. I had assured them I was alright but Crystal didn't have any of it. She had confronted the bullies later on after dinner, and things escalated from there, prompting the teachers to check the security cameras and summon us this morning.

"I'm honestly disappointed in you all. You are seniors for goodness's sake and ought to be leaders by example. Thank God no juniors are here." Mr Ravi rebuked.

"We're sorry sir." The boys mumbled.

"You're not sorry, guys. So save it. I really hope you'll change." He shook his head and walked out. Grace sighed glancing at Mr Grant who was glaring hard at us, especially the athletes.

"I am HIGHLY disappointed. I will personally see to it that you all observe your detention and if you do push me to the wall, I'd make sure you get suspended!" I almost rolled my eyes. Weren't these coaches and teachers aware of their players' irrational behaviors? Here they were, pretending to be shocked. Even Grace is aware that these kids are dangerous but of course, there wasn't much she could do. At least that is the way it seemed.

And I really hope they didn't mean I was also getting a detention! Wasn't I the victim here?

"Leave." Mr Grant said, sending us out with a scary glare.

Immediately we stepped out of the room, I hurried after Carlos who was walking away very fast.

"Carlos, wait." I said, making him stop after a quick glance at me.

"What's up?" He said in a rushed voice.

"Um, I can talk later if you aren't in the mood to talk." I said, treading cautiously. Carlos sighed.

"I'm all ears, Sam." He said, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Um, I don't know whether to say thank you or what were you thinking. But I'm grateful." He shrugged, forcing a smile.

"You don't have to say anything. It's nothing."


"Yes, Sam. And if you don't mind, I don't want to talk about this again."

"Carlos, you're upset."

"Yes, I am, Sam." He said, almost immediately. "That idiot had the nerve to mistreat you!" He choked out.

"I'm fine now." I said as calmly as I could.

"Well, I'm not." He said. "I just need some space." He said and walked away from me. I stared after him, not knowing what to say or do.

"Wow." Someone spoke up behind me. I turned around to see Caleb.

"What do you want?" I said, sidestepping him.

"You asked a question and you're walking away?" He called after me.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"You're focusing on the wrong things though." He said and I stopped in my tracks. I walked back to him so fast I surprised myself.

"You know what? Your entire crew has done nothing but piss me off since my first day in this school. I despise you all. You're terrible people and very disgusting! You act like you own everything and everyone but guess what, you don't own me. I have God that fights for me and vindicates me! And soon you all will be payed your wages!" I spit through gritted teeth. I was angry and my mouth got the better of me. I could barely even recall anything I had said but I meant every word. I was visibly shaking in anger. All the while Caleb held my eyes, searching through my eyes.

"You're upset but like I said, you're focusing on the wrong things." He said and walked away but I wasn't having it.

"Where do you think you're going?" I said, rushing forward and blocking his path. "What is the right thing to focus on, huh?" I glared.

"Your studies. Your friends. Your family and your future." The way he said 'and' bothered me.

"What about my future?"

"Start focusing on these right things. Because somehow Samantha, if you don't, our paths will cross in future and God knows what has been planned for us."

"What're you saying?" I yelled.

"I'm saying you should be realistic, Samantha and not live in denial!" Caleb snapped back at me. "You act like you don't know our parents' history and what my father is capable of. You act like you don't know Carlos is still in love with you yet has to marry Delaine. You act like you aren't in love with Shayne when you actually are and he likes Cecilia."

"Shut up." I whisper, in shock at his speech.

"You act like all these aren't there, the possibility of both of us being "match-made" by my father too. Oh you think he invited your family to the Christmas holiday at the Island for fun? It was for the same reason Delaine's family was invited. Yeah, our parents are friends, but my dad wants more in everything. Everything!"

"I said stop!" I yelled. "Just stop! You're not making any sense. You're simply rambling!"

"There you go, living in denial!"

"And you are living in illusion! I can never be with you! You and your father should get it into your heads!" Caleb 'tsked'.

"Good luck with that." He said, walking away. I tugged at my hair in frustration, holding back my scream.

The truth is I believed everything Caleb said. Yes, he is a manipulator but he definitely wasn't joking about his father. Charles Brown is the most dangerous person I know in Portland Oregon and he has the most subtle way of doing things.

I was suddenly worried for my father.

I would inform him about all Caleb said after the boot camp. Hopefully he takes it seriously and stays vigilant over all that pertains to him. I leaned on the wall but soon slid down to sit.

Almost immediately, I heard footsteps and I looked up to see my friends. It was obvious they had heard everything Caleb and I had said, so I didn't even bother covering up. With tears, I spoke up.

"Guys, I feel so weak." Crystal and Cecilia both knelt down beside me while Shayne and Lucas stared down at me with worried looks. "I don't know why I am scared. I don't want to believe him. He has to be lying."

The girls both pulled me into a hug.

"I know you're usually the one always reminding us about this, Samantha. But I really do think you need to pray. I would have gone ahead to fight for you, Sam. But your mental health is more important, right now. Your emotions are everywhere and you need to recover and be stable." Crystal said, encouragingly.

"Yeah. Let's pray." Cecilia said and my friends all crouched down beside me. Holding our hands together, we prayed, not knowing exactly what to say but unashamed and trusting in God our Father to hear and answer, nonetheless, as we prayed in the Name of Jesus.


The day finally came for us to leave the camp. I rejoiced as I received my phone from Grace. I wonder how long our generation can stay away from the internet. It was indeed a problem, I observed as I saw the relief in everyone's face as they received their phones.

I put on my phone and soon a number of messages started to flood in. It was clear the school authority would have informed our parents and guardians about the submission of our phones as I only got one text each from Theresa, Cory, Dad and Anya, wishing me a productive and fun time. I smiled as I sent a text to the family group page my dad had created several weeks ago. Strange, right? I know. My dad could be unpredictable at times.

I spotted Natalie and her group few feet from me and my friends. Thankfully, she and Alex had both stayed away from us in our dormitory. In fact, it did seem like something else occupied their thoughts as they were oftentimes in hushed whispers.

Still, I didn't let my guard down. No one knew with these kids.

Something caught my attention when the boys joined them. I noticed Caleb try to talk to Natalie but she visibly walked away from him. The hurt look on his face shocked me despite the fact that I knew he loved her. I couldn't believe he could be so desperate for someone's attention. He soon frowned and pulled out his phone.

"Somehow I feel sorry for him." Crystal said. I looked at her and saw she was also staring at them. I sighed.

"Same here."

"I don't think anyone ever thought their separation could happen." Lucas said.

"Things happen." Shayne responded. "He'll be fine." He said, looking ahead at his cousin.

"Ugh, can't believe I'm going to miss this camp a little. It was quite some adventure for me. Trying out new things and all." Cecilia said, smiling a little.

"Yeah, same here." Shayne said, smiling down at her. She returned a brighter one to him and I just had to look away.

I felt it. That sting. I knew what it was but I was too ashamed to admit it.

I hate this! I hate this!


The bus pulled up to a stop in front of our school. I saw a number of cars parked, which belonged to either the parents of my school mates or my school mates themselves. Like Cecilia, I had mixed feelings. I was for once happy to be away from the bullies and be back to my personal internet service. But also, I had indeed learnt a lot and I had developed a little interest in science and technology.

We all got down from the bus and literally stretched out.

"Finally! It is all over!" Crystal exclaimed. "Never again, no matter what, should we be away from technology! By that, I mean our phones! Never!"

"It is at these times you understand that we all have an addiction problem with our phones!" Lucas said, thoughtfully.

"It's alarming!" Cecilia concurred. "But hard to curb, really."

"Yeah." I mumbled.

My generation needs help but we not only are a number of us unaware, the ones that are aware are mostly unwilling to admit it or get help. We problem do not understand the gravity or we do not really care as much? I ruminated on a number or reasons before my thought got cut off.

"Shoot!" Shayne said suddenly, looking up from his phone.

"What's wrong?" I said, immediately but he was already walking away. My friends and I hurried after him all the way as he marched to Caleb.

We met Caleb glaring at his phone. He was silent although the bullies were busy whispering among themselves.

"What's going on?" Crystal asked.

Caleb suddenly hurried to his car and before I could say Jack Robinson, the dude was already speeding away.

"Quickly, hurry after him!" Ethan said. Ryan and Drew immediately hurried into their cars and zoomed off.

"Come on guys, let me drop you off." Shayne said to me and my friends, since we had all come together in his car.

"What's going on, Shayne?" I insisted. He glanced at us before sighing.

"Nona's very ill."


Happy New Month Guys!!! I pray it's a blessed one for us in Jesus' Name!!!

Hi guys!!! How're you all doing? Been a minute! I've missed this space so much! Hope we've all been good?! Like always, you can share how you've been here or in my DM, will love to hear🥰.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Seems to be getting more and more interesting, right? 🤗 Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I always love to read them 💃 and I do appreciate all of them.

Also, thank you all for your love, support and constant check ups. You're MVPs and I love you all very much!

Of course, God loves you more and showed this by sending His Son Jesus to pay the price for your sins so you can be saved and have eternal life through Him! Accept His love today and be saved!

In fact, it says, “The message is very close at hand; it is on your lips and in your heart.” And that message is the very message about faith that we preach: If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved. As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced.” Jew and Gentile are the same in this respect. They have the same Lord, who gives generously to all who call on him. For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Romans 10:8‭-‬13 NLT



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