
由 JoonsLftTiddie

35.4K 1.9K 455

After the loss of her mother, Tia is left with grief and a large sum of inheritance. Investing in a very old... 更多

Home Sweet Home...
Sweet Dreams...
Intrusive Thoughts...
Lucky Me, I See Ghosts...
Let's Dance...
My Men...
Wash N Go...
Forever Mine...
Autumn Leaves...
Save Me...
Call My Name...
I Remember You...
I Remember...
I'm Scared...
True Colors...
My Sweet Boy...
Baby Bun...
Are You Lonely...
All Alone...
Fucking Monday...
Wake Up...
Fuck It...
I Need You...
I Love You...
It's His Fate...
Little Bit...
You Aight...
Nice to Meet You...
Piece of Happiness...
You Mean Nothing...


410 28 11
由 JoonsLftTiddie

Chapter 31

Jungkook's POV

Tia has been on my mind since I left her this morning. There's something about that woman that is pulling me, like a moth to a flame, I just want to be near her even if that means I'll be burned. I know that this is fucking insane...I've known her for less than 24 hours but the space she's settled into within my heart is apparent. This is all happening so quickly and I'm not sure how to handle this feeling. A fellow officer noticed the way I looked at her this morning when I introduced myself and warned that I shouldn't get involved.

"Bro, I'm telling you not to get caught up in this shit. It's not like you to act so emotionally or even consider a mark as a love interest. She's just someone that needed help and you've done that. Let it go, man. This ain't no fucking rom-com where the damsel in distress falls for the big, strong hero. What is this, some type of Stockholm Syndrome type shit?"

"No, dumbass, that's when a victim falls for their captor. You're thinking of the Nightingale Effect and this ain't that. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. And, I'm telling you, there's something there...this is different. We just vibed, you know, and talked until the sun rose. She's my type for sure...she's beautiful, funny, witty, and so sweet. And yeah, before I met her, I wouldn't think twice about falling for someone I met on duty, but they weren't her."

"Aye, man...I'm just saying."

"I get it, I hear you, and I know you mean well...Just drop it, okay?"

Even though he's annoying the shit out of me, I understand where he's coming from. I met Tia when I was on duty and me wanting to develop a relationship with her could be seen as inappropriate or unethical, like I'm taking advantage of her while she's vulnerable. I'm sitting here trying to self reflect and distinguish whether these feelings I'm having are real or just sympathy for her. I'm staring off into space, in my own world when my phone rings and it's Tia. I damn near drop it, grabbing at it in midair like a hot potato before I finally answer the call.


Taehyung's POV

When I walk into the kitchen to meet the homeowner, I'm unprepared to see her. She is so beautiful, just sitting there not doing anything special, palming a mug in her hands. My heart skips several beats as I take in all that is her. Having to verify that she is the customer, I call her name which tastes sweet as honey on my tongue. When I shake her hand, it's like a current is surging through my veins, warming me from within. I can't seem to avert my eyes or let go of her hand and I just stare at her with a goofy smile on my face. She must think I'm such an idiot.

I can't hide the way that I'm blushing, listening to her friend picking on her and seeing her reaction. I am, however, curious as to why she would need the police to come over until she mentions something about a text. Maybe she has a crazy ex or something. I hang back, giving her the time and space to say her goodbyes and see her friends off. Outside, we make small talk for a bit before she tells me what happened in the early hours of the morning.

As she's speaking, I'm taking her in, standing next to me looking angelic as the wind plays in her curls. I'm noticing a green and blue bruise on the inside of her index finger when she pushes locks from her face, and another one on the inside of her right leg, just above her ankle. I have never felt this comfortable to be touching a stranger in such an intimate way. Is this love at first sight? Placing her hand over my heart, it feels like I've just slid a puzzle piece into its perfect spot. I feel strange, like I will do anything to protect this woman. This can't be love, right? I literally just met this woman but I'm completely entranced, under her spell, and willing to do anything to make sure she's safe and happy.

I'm not sure what has made her suddenly uncomfortable, but as I go to rush her into the house, a police officer pulls up...I assume this is the Officer Jeon she spoke about. It's weird, the vibes I get from him are akin to comradery and a mutual desire to care for Tia. We sit with her, patiently trying to calm her. Glancing at Jungkook, I see that he's already looking at me, his eyes look a bit misty as if he wants to cry for her. It breaks my heart to see them like this and makes me want to kill the motherfucker that's tormenting Tia. After a while, there is a stillness that comes over her.

"Are you guys hungry? I just feel like I need to be doing something, anything to occupy myself. I can make one of my favorite comfort meals."

Even during this situation they are going through, I feel so happy at this moment, with her and Officer Jeon. It feels safe, authentic, inviting, and loving...like home. Is it wrong of me to feel this way at this moment?

Once Tia is done cooking, I wash up and go to join them at the dinner table. The food smells heavenly and looks amazing. We chat and steal glances from each other as we eat, the hardy meal is perfectly seasoned with just a touch of spiciness. It is delicious, warming my belly, and filling us quickly. The glow of the 'on' switch on the coffee maker catches my attention out of my peripheral, causing me to notice something small and square just under the lip of the countertop. When we've all had our fill, I collect the dishes to wash, wanting to help Tia in any way that I can and to show gratitude for the meal.

"Would you like for me to turn the coffee maker off?" I'm running dish water and placing our dishes in when she answers.

"Fuck...yes, please. I don't know what is going on with my brain lately, I completely forgot about that. Thank you, Tae."

Jesus, hearing the new nickname coming out of her mouth has me about to melt into a puddle. My heart is racing and my mind is thinking of ways to hear it everyday for the rest of my life. What is wrong with me?

After I reach over to turn the coffee off, I feel under the counter for the mysterious object and after looking at it, realize that someone has planted a bug. Not wanting to cause Tia to panic, I drop the device into the water with a bloop.

I know that it's time for me to leave being that I have another job to get to, but I really don't want to leave her...to leave them. Going to say goodbye to Tia, I react off of impulse, touching her cheek then pulling her up to hold her and kiss her full lips. I'm not understanding why I feel this way and why I'm so bold to act this way with a stranger, but she feels nothing like that...she feels like I've known her forever.

When I hesitantly release her, I make sure to give her my number so that she can reach me at any time. At this point, I'll do anything to make sure she's okay. I go to show Jungkook some love before I go, and make sure to slip the now defective device into his palm. I have a feeling that he will understand my sentiments without having to speak a word, keeping this from Tia as to not spook her any further.

Tia's POV

Trembling in the corner, on my bathroom floor, disregarding the fact that my screen shows it's well past midnight, I call Taehyung. I'm not sure why, but I have this overwhelming need to hear his voice. Not in the mind frame to analyze my feelings at the moment, I just press the phone to my ear, listening to the rings until I hear his velvety smooth voice respond.

"Hello? Tia? Are you okay?"

"Tae, I'm scared. Someone is outside the house, just standing in the front yard, watching. JK is still downstairs, what if something happens to him." I'm unable to continue speaking as tears begin to cascade down my cheeks and I cry into my shirt.

Without hesitation, he responds with, "I'm on my way. Stay where you are."

"Don't hang up!"

"I'm not going to hang up, baby... I'm coming, okay. Everything will be okay."

I can hear sirens outside the bathroom window accompanied by yelling.

"See, the police are already there so Jungkook isn't alone. You both will be safe, just stay there until one of us gets there. Okay? Tia?"

There's an uneasy silence on the line which makes Taehyung's heart leap into his throat. "Answer me, Jagiya!"

"Okay, okay, I will."

I'm sitting here, still, hugging my knees with one arm, pressing the phone to my ear with the other hand, unable to stop the tears from falling...so afraid for my loves. My loves? The thought comes and goes just as quickly and I continue to focus on the sound of the sirens and the faint sound of Taehyung's signal light clicking. Suddenly, there's a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM at the door that causes me to scream and drop my phone.

"Jagi... are you okay? What's happening?" I can faintly hear Taehyung still on the line.

"Tia! It's me...open up." I hear Jungkook call from the other side of the door.

I grab my phone and run to the door, opening it as fast as I can. When I finally get it unlocked, Jungkook rushes in, taking me into his arms.

"It's okay, baby, it's ok. We got him. Shh, shh, shh...it's okay," Jungkook consoles me while I cry into his chest.

"I'm here," he disconnects the call and I can hear his deep voice resounding from downstairs.

Taehyung rushes up the stairs to find Jungkook and I still in my bedroom. We are accompanied by the officers over the case, as they're asking us more questions. He rushes over to me and I stand, allowing him to envelop my short frame into his arms, pulling my face into his chest, heart beating hard against my cheek. Reaching behind me, he gently rubs Jungkook's shoulder.

"I got here as quickly as I could. I'm so glad you two are okay."

Once seated on the bed, I allow myself to fall deeper into Taehyung, enjoying the kisses he places at the crown of my head.

"Ma'am, is this your boyfriend? Husband?" The officers are obviously confused, looking from Jungkook to Taehyung then back. "We just need to know so that we can exclude him as a suspect."

I look up to stare at Taehyung as if looking for an answer behind his eyes. What is this? Better yet, how will we explain this to people? My mind is racing but thankfully, Jungkook steps in with the assist.

"Um, he is a friend of ours. You can exclude him as he's not a danger to Ms. Monroe and has been nothing but helpful," Jungkook offers, looking over to Taehyung to flash a sullen half smile.

During this interview, I hear about the listening device that was found in the kitchen and that someone will be coming in the morning to sweep the house for any additional surveillance devices.

"Yes, I found the device in the kitchen, under the lip of the countertop. I immediately submerged it into water and then passed it off to Officer Jeon."

"That is correct, I received the device from him and stepped on it outside in the drive, shattering it into pieces. It's in an evidence bag downstairs with my things. I wasn't surprised when he showed up suddenly, knowing that he could no longer listen in on her."

The officers continue with their questions and I'm feeling like I'm in a fog...like an out of body experience. I hear everything they are saying but I don't feel like myself. My hands feel cold, I'm freezing. No...I'm burning up. What the fuck? I'm going to pass out. Oh my God, I'm going to be sick. I sit up abruptly, startling both Taehyung and Jungkook, before I jump up and stagger towards the bathroom, bumping the officers on my way.

"T...what's wrong?"


I hear the men calling for me, their voices echoing through my ears. Making it to the toilet just in time, I release everything I ate today, which wasn't much. My body continues to heave though there's nothing left. Maybe I'm still not over whatever illness has been kicking my ass this week. Is the wine affecting me like this because I didn't eat enough? The last thing I remember is reaching over to pull a few sheets of toilet paper to wipe my mouth then my world goes black, yet again. Fuck.

The light is blinding when I attempt to open my eyes. My head is pounding and my heart joins the race. Gathering all of my strength, I sit up on my elbows then push myself to sit up. My brain is on a merry go round as the room spins and twirls.


Someone gasps from across the room before they speak, "John! She's awake!"

I turn my head in the direction of the man's voice. He frantically wakes the man laying across his lap and they both rush over to my bedside. Within a few seconds, we are joined by two other men, one wearing a white coat, I'm assuming he's a doctor.

"What's going on? Why am I in the hospital? What's wrong with me?" Fuck, I'm sleepy. I just want to go to sleep but I need to find out what is going on.

"Tia, honey, lay back down," the man next to the doctor advises.

I compose myself for a moment, just long enough to take in the faces of these people surrounding me.

"What the fuck is going on? Where is my mom?" The panic in my voice must be evident, causing one of the handsome men to try to hug me. "Get off of me! Who the fuck are you people?"

The look in their eyes makes me wish I hadn't just said what I did. When tears fall from one of the men's beautiful doe eyes, I assume that I should know who they are. The man standing next to the doctor turns his back to compose himself, but ends up walking away when he is unsuccessful.

"I can't..." His whimpers and sniffling gives him away before he disappears out of view.

The doctor clears his throat before he speaks, "Tia, my name is Dr. John Alexander. Your friends brought you in because you passed out after getting sick. Do you remember that?"

"No...no, I don't." My blinks feel longer than necessary, the burn behind my lids is enticing knowing that sleep is its accomplice.

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"My," my reply is stuck in my throat in my attempt to hold back my tears. "My mother. My mom brought me, I think. She told me that I would be okay and that I wouldn't need a shot. She said my 'love' will protect me. And something about the number seven meaning completion. I'm not sure but we're supposed to go have pancakes when we get done here." I try to recall our conversation for the doctor, but I'm only remembering bits and pieces. Something like a wave inside is repeatedly crashing against my heart, telling me that my mom is not here. "She's paying because she obviously lied," my voice cracks as I try to joke the heartache away pointing to the IV still in my arm but the tears escape without permission.

"It's okay. It's okay, Tia." The doctor helps me to lay back down and the room's pirouette finally comes to a stop. When I finally focus on his face, the doctor's eyes look somber as tears trace his waterline but he places an annoyingly fraudulent smile on his face.

"Thankfully, your friends called us and brought you in. We had to perform a life saving procedure due to you ingesting a high dose of Metoprolol which is a prescription medicine used to treat hypertension and other cardiologic issues..."

He's really pissing me off because he's speaking to me like a child...fucking mansplaining.

"No, I don't take any prescription medicines. I only take vitamins and tylenol when needed."

"You were poisoned, Tia. We had to pump your stomach and administer an IV to try to get it out of your system quickly. This explains why you've been feeling bad all week. It also explains the confusion and loss of time you've been experiencing. Some side effects of the drug are delirium, confusion, hallucinations, psychosis, temporary amnesia, and vivid dreams, that get progressively worse the longer they are in your system. When healthy individuals, like yourself, consume it, it can also cause your blood pressure to plummet causing weakness, dizziness, fainting, nausea, and even death."

"No...where's my mom? Could you ask her to come in here with me?"

"These side effects are exacerbated when combined with alcohol. Another side effect is aggression, Tia."

Is he trying to tell me that I imagined my mom? So, I'm crazy now? He's trying to make me out to be the bad guy, too. Poisoned? What is he on about? I'm too tired for this shit.

"Sir, please...can you please get my mom for me?"

The doctor runs his hands through his hair, looking defeated, and steps out for a moment, leaving me with the two mystery men. They both remain by the bed, heads hanging. Their eyes are bloodshot and swollen.

"Ummm, thank you both for helping us get to the hospital. I really appreciate you, but we can make it home from here," I announce with slurred speech.

"Noona," the man begins but is cut off by the other, placing a hand on his chest.

"Okay, Jagiya, we'll leave once your mom comes. Is that okay?"

My eyes feel so heavy. I nod my head, giving consent for them to stay before I lose the fight to the drowsiness. Darkness.


Thanks to @moonleeai for beta reading this chapter 💜


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