A Lovestruck Heart | Mattwoong

By kkczennie

9.3K 558 144

"I'd give you my heart if I could" Or; Jiwoong is an idol, Matthew is his fan, they fall in love in the most... More

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2.1K 99 27
By kkczennie

"It's Zerobaseone day!"

Matthew groaned as he woke up, slamming his phone aggressively as he sat up instantly. A frown grew on his face as he glanced up at the calendar and noticed today being circled in bright red by his best friend.

"Seokmae if you don't wake the fuck up now I'm going to hit you with an album!" Hanbin screamed from the phone as Matthew mumbled "I'm up hyung."

Matthew lay in bed, his heart pounding at the sudden wake up as Hanbin babbled on and on about his agenda today. "- so you have to get his autograph, on all the albums, and a personalised note saying 'to Hanbin'," the voice paused.

"Matthew ah, are you listening?" Hanbin asked as Matthew nodded.

"Look, as my bestie, you really don't have a choice in this matter so its best that you give up now," Hanbin said over the phone as rustling could be heard. "And then, you need to tell them how amazing and life changing they are-"

Matthew stopped listening as he sluggishly started getting ready, taking his medicine for the day. He looked to the side and winced, noticing the piles of albums Hanbin had bought just to win a fan meeting with his idols.

"This stupid compulsory exam just had to be on the day of the fanmeet!" Hanbin whined over the phone as Matthew started to regret agreeing. "Hyung, I don't even like them?" Matthew muttered as he heard Hanbin suck in a large breath.

"Seokmae ah, are you really going to let all my albums go to waste? SEOK MATTHEW IF MY TICKET GOES TO WASTE IM GOING TO-" Hanbin cried as Matthew heard his friend's head banging on the desk.

Man fans these days were really something else. "Ok, ok I'll go get their autographs, have a minute to talk with each of the members who I don't even know," Matthew mumbled as Hanbin thanked him profusely.

"Yes, there's only seven of them so it shouldn't be too long," Hanbin said sadly as Matthew felt himself feeling bad. "I'm sorry you couldn't go today Hanbin hyung," he mumbled as Hanbin let out a pained laugh.

"It's ok, I'm satisfied with you meeting them in my steed, although you have to greet THE Zhang Hao for me!"

Matthew rolled his eyes. "Yes the Leader, Main Vocalist, centre, your bias blah blah- I got you hyung," he said as he pulled on simple jeans, a sweater and called it a day. Who was there to look good for? It's not like the idols were ever going to remember him.

"Thank you Matthew ah! Now I can complete this exam in peace knowing that you're giving kind words to them," Hanbin exhaled as he added in a small voice, "but remember if it gets too much for your heart- just bail okay?"

Matthew teased Hanbin as the older man laughed. "Hyung, I'll be fine! Those men are going to have no effect on me!" He exclaimed as he massaged his heart slightly. "Just remember to stay safe Seokmae," Hanbin said fondly as Matthew nodded enthusiastically, opting to take the train to the fan meet.

He stared at his timetable in disgust, wondering what classes he had to skip in order to fulfil his best friend's fantasies. "Wait- I should do some research shouldn't I..." he mumbled to himself as he begun the quest of not making a fool of himself.

"Let's see, eight members... wakeone? Yeah no, wakeone is already a red flag, I feel for them," Matthew mumbled to himself, wincing at the company they were under.

His eyes stopped to stare at a particular member's face as he paused, tilting his head as an attractive gaze greeted him. "Kim Jiwoo-?"

Matthew got distracted as a message from Hanbin popped up on his phone.

Your script for the day.

Handsome member soon forgotten, Matthew laughed as he told his friend to focus on his exam.

Maybe Matthew should never have underestimated their popularity. He stood in a crowd of hundreds of screaming fan girls, each with posters and banners of member's faces plastered on it. "I'm going to propose to Taerae today, say will you be my maid of honour?" A fan said to her friend as Matthew held in his laugh.

"I'm only here to collect my husband... the kids miss him," another girl sighed as Matthew side eyed her and choked on his water. He shifted uncomfortably, checking his watch as the line slowly got less and less.

Matthew felt out of place, with no banners and gifts, only his humbled self and a few albums to get signed. "I should just get them to sign all of them and sell it," Matthew laughed to himself evilly as his smile fell, knowing Hanbin would murder him.

Matthew grew more tired as he waited for his turn, not bothering to survey the members due to the onslaught of posters covering his view. "I spent two thousand dollars worth of albums to get here, can you please move?" A girl said behind him as Matthew perked up, realising he was about to fall asleep standing.

Matthew realises he'd reached the front of the line as their manager stood there emotionlessly. "Remember, one minute each, don't do anything weird," the manager repeated as Matthew nodded, remembering the very questionable things he'd heard.

"Hello there!" A voice chirped as Matthew locked eyes with the first member. The boy had a pretty face with a beaming smile that seemed strained. The name tag read 'Taerae' as Matthew bit back a laugh. Seeing as Matthew didn't have anything to do, he decided to loosen the idol up.

"Did you accept your proposal?"

Taerae seemed shocked as Matthew sighed and covered his unfiltered mouth. Seeing Matthew's serious expression, Taerae started laughing profusely as he looked up at Matthew. "No, I didn't- I'm not allowed to... fortunately," Taerae said gently as Matthew finally knew why people liked them.

They were charismatic, professional and kind. "Well that's nice! You can relax you know, it must've been a long day for you," Matthew said gently as Taerae's expression settled into a comfortable one.

"Thanks..." he mumbled as he leant back. "No problem," Matthew giggled as he stood there silently. Taerae raised his eye brows. "Nothing? No weird requests or heart poses?" Taerae asked, seemingly confused as Matthew shook his head.

"Nah, just here to tell you that you're doing well," Matthew said softly as Taerae smiled. "Next!" The manager called out as Matthew yawned and bowed politely.

"Well, Taerae, we'll never see each other again but it was nice meeting you! Keep it up," Matthew chirped as he moved on, leaving Taerae half speechless.

"- thank you for supporting me and loving my music," the next boy mumbled as he seemed close to falling asleep. Matthew muffled his laugh, realising the boy probably repeated the phrase one hundred times that day.

"Park Gunwook?" Matthew hummed as the boy looked up. "Gunwook then, you can use the minute to rest," Matthew mumbled kindly as the boy stared up at him with gleaming eyes.

It continued like that for a while, Matthew met each of the members and exchanged casual conversation with them, like they were old friends. Each one had been surprised by his lack of enthusiasm and his polite words as Matthew only gave them compliments.

"Eh? You're an idol and you can speak English? You're talented man," Matthew told the blonde boy as Ricky beamed. "Yeah, it's pretty intense out here, but speaking another language comes in handy," Ricky laughed as they spoke back and forth in English.

Matthew moved on to the second last member as his eyes lit up in recognition. The face that he had seen everywhere- on Hanbin's wallpaper, his key chain, his photo frame. So this was his bias, the one that Matthew was forced to listen to about everyday.

"Ah! Z-Zhang hao?" Matthew asked as Zhang hao laughed. "Yes that's me," Zhang hao said as Matthew beamed and bowed. It felt quite unreal that someone he'd only seen in pictures was sitting in front of him right there. He didn't blame Hanbin, Zerobaseone's leader had a natural charisma, handsome smile and a sweet voice like honey. Not his type though.

"What can I do for you today?" Zhang hao asked gently as Matthew gasped and pulled out his phone. Matthew breathed in and out, as Zhang hao sat there expectantly.

"Zhang hao, the joy of my life. Your dancing makes me want to levitate and you singing comes truly from the heavens. Your stage presence shines brighter than the stars and your handsome face-" makes me want to look at it everyday because it was sculpted by the gods.

Yeah there was no way Matthew was reading that end part from the paragraph Hanbin texted him. Matthew heard someone snickering nearby as he turned to Zhang hao's co worker who sat beside him, having listened to Matthew's (Hanbin's) whole speech.

Matthew's eyes widened as he laid his eyes on the most attractive man he's seen. Now he- he was Matthew's type. Sharp features, outlined by strands of jet black hair and a smirk outlining his lips as he watched Matthew stare at him.

Matthew turned red from the attractive man's attention as he turned back to Zhang hao, who was staring at him and his teammate in amusement. Matthew shook away his heating face as he passed their leader an album.

"Can you please write 'to Hanbin' for me please?" Matthew requested as Zhang hao nodded, scribbling down a note. "Is your name Hanbin?" He asked as Matthew awkwardly shook his head. "Ahh, your friend then. I figured from your attitude," Zhang hao smiled sheepishly as Matthew felt strangely bad.

"I mean- I'm not a fan but you all seem to be really good people? And singers?" Matthew tried as Zhang hao burst out laughing. His teammate also chuckled as he reached over to grab Matthew's album, cocking his eye brows at Matthew.

After saying his farewells, Matthew nervously shifted to the last member, wondering why his heart was pounding so fast- in a good way.

Maybe this is what it felt like to be in the presence of someone who was too perfect to be true. The idol stared at him deeply, before he held out his hand. Matthew took it as they both paused, feeling electricity spark at the contact. The idol held on for an extra second, as he then let go, causing Matthew to shake off the disappointed feeling.

"Kim Jiwoong," Jiwoong said as Matthew nodded to him. "Hello," he waved shyly as Jiwoong hid his mouth behind his hands and mumbled "cute."

Matthew surveyed the idol, noticing his intimidating expression that melted as soon as they made eye contact. "Hey, assuming your not here for the same purpose as other fans, should we do some things together?" Jiwoong asked as Matthew hesitantly agreed.

"Heart?" Jiwoong asked as Matthew curved his hands into a heart at the idol's request, their hands meeting to create a heart.

Matthew's mouth dropped into a little oh shape as he watched the man's hand swallow his small fingers.

Jiwoong stared at him adoringly as Matthew learnt that the idol wasn't like his exterior. He was warm, fuzzy and kind. "You know, Jiwoong hyung- can I call you hyung?" Matthew asked as Jiwoong nodded over enthusiastically.

"You're really kind and gentle. I can tell why fans love you," Matthew whispered as he watched Jiwoong's smile grow wider. What a fluffy bread roll.

Matthew glanced at the timer as he beamed as Jiwoong, "Hyung, it was nice meeting you! I hope you enjoy the rest of your life," Matthew stated, giving himself closure for the fact that he'll never see this handsome face up close again.

Jiwoong snapped out of his trance as he scribbled something on the album and handed it back to Matthew. Their finger tips touched as Matthew stared at it quizzically, marvelling the ways Jiwoong's warm hands held his like it was a precious item.

Matthew heart thumped dangerously as Matthew turned away to hide his red face. "Have a good day!" He exclaimed as he hopped away, taking one more look at Jiwoong's heart warming face as he bounded for the exit.

"Woah- that was close," Matthew whispered as he fanned his face, shrugging when he realised it was probably an instinctual reaction to when he meets someone so handsome it hurts.

He whipped out his phone as he shot Hanbin a text, smiling as he took a look back into the fan meet, then went on with his casual life.

Hyung, they were all very like you what you said. You should've ranted more about Kim Jiwoong.


"Earth to Jiwoong hyung!" Zhang hao said as he waved his hands in front of their eldest member's face. Jiwoong look dazed as he glanced out the door at the pretty boy he just met.

The boy had a bright smile that rivalled the sun, and his cute energy that made Jiwoong want to cuddle him and treasure him forever. "He's the prettiest person I've ever seen," he mumbled to himself as he played with his fingers, where they'd touched beforehand.

Jiwoong thought back to the fan's- was he even a fan? What kind of fan didn't know the member's names?

Jiwoong shrugged it off as he went back to think about his smile, and the boy's cute blush that arose whenever Jiwoong teased him.

"And the way he called me Jiwoon hyung- argh," Jiwoong slapped his hand over his mouth as he laughed and slapped the table. His members stared at him as if he was crazy.

Jiwoong so desperately wanted to see his cute rosy face again. "Jiwoong hyung is so definitely whipped," Gyuvin teased as they all gathered around their eldest member.

"That boy was definitely a unique one," Zhang Hao commented as Jiwoong hummed. "Guys... I think I'm in trouble," Jiwoong whispered as a striking realisation came to him.

After years of being chased and confessed to by nameless celebrities in the industry, no one came close to how Jiwoong was feeling for this strange boy.

"You have a crush..." Yujin mumbled as Taerae burst out "after one minute?"

"You can tell it was the best minute of his life," Gyuvin laughed as they teased him. "It was..." Jiwoong muttered as he sat back and beamed at nothing.

"You're down bad, did you get his name?" Yujin asked worriedly as Jiwoong paused, eyes widening comically.

Shit, he was so focused on spending the one minute wisely that he forgot to ask for the pretty boy's name.

"It's Seok Matthew. He's Taerae hyung's age and he's Canadian," Ricky said calmly as he fixed his hair. "You know, the things you learn when you're having a normal conversation instead of making gooey eyes at each other" Ricky shrugged as Jiwoong's wheels turned around in his mind.

Zhang hao shifted so that Jiwoong's next words and expression wouldn't be caught on the multitudes of cameras around.

"Matthew might be the Kim Matthew one day... or I can be Seok Jiwoong, I don't mind," Jiwoong giggled.

And just like that, Matthew and Jiwoong met for the first time, as an idol and a normal person. But the heart works in the most unpredictable ways.

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