
By Zpade_Xx0

3.4K 113 25

Your an average person, with average abilities to mimic anything you see, from clothes to powers. One day on... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

454 22 10
By Zpade_Xx0

You wake up, feeling rested and refreshed. You look around and realize that you fell asleep on the couch. You remember the events that took place last night and you blushed. Realizing you fell asleep in his arms.

Speaking of which... you look around and he is nowhere to be found, you're disappointed but you expected it. He never said he would stay...

———————a month later—————————

You continued your routine as usual, except for hanging out with Gabriel and maybe a few more dates with Miguel.....

Okay, maybe a bit more than a few. You too were hanging out every other night, sometimes he would stay the night at yours, and sometimes you would go to his apartment and stay. Nothing was going on though, no sex, just sleep, and cuddles.

Miguel was now part of your routine, you cooked together, walked home together, practically living with each other. He made you happy.... Happier than you've ever been.

You loved him. You were sure, you liked the buzzing feeling in your chest whenever he was around. And even though he was around 24/7, it never went away. And you wanted to think he felt the same about you.

You would catch him stealing glances at you from the corners of your eyes. The way he looked at you with so much affection when you were just ranting about something dumb.... There had to be something there right?

Miguel walked into the door, your sitting on his couch, you smile and wave.

He just got back from one of his dreadingly long work days... it was already very late.

You two had decided you were going to have a movie night at his tonight. So you just met him at his place. He gave you a key.. which was fair because he had one to your apartment.

It was like you guys were already dating... honestly, you should be, you already play all the parts, all it needs is the confirmation, the words.

You were going to wait for Miguel, you didn't want to force him into a relationship. One night you asked about It and he told you about his fears about being in a relationship, which you completely understood.

One thing you weren't too fond of though, was how he worked tiredly long days. Sometimes he would even stay up all night at work, just to work through the day again!?

You took it upon yourself to make sure he got to rest. He always comes home earlier when he knows your waiting at his apartment, so you stayed at his often and forced him to take a break.

Miguel smiled back, before walking into his room. You sat patiently waiting for him. He came back out in no time in a more comfortable-looking outfit.

He sat down next to you and immediately opened his arms to you, offering. You smiled and with no hesitation crawled into his arms. He held you tight like he would lose you if he ever let go.

You didn't mind... you liked the way he held you close. You snuggled into him, as he put something to watch on.

You loved these wholesome moments with him. You considered yourself a funny person. You liked to tease and could be was- a brat sometimes. You loved to tease Miguel, his reactions were amazing.

But you found yourself enjoying these moments just a bit more.. so you put teasing him off, you still did it, but not as much, so you wouldn't ruin the moments.

You felt him shift and you looked up at him, to find him gazing back at you. You smiled, which he returned, but there seemed to be something on his mind.

"Miguel? What's up?"

He tilted his head in confusion.


"You have that face on that you get when you have something on your mind?"

His eyes go wide and he laughs softly, and you just smile fondly at him

"Do I?"

You nod. And he looks away, considering something.


He looks back at you, and you tilt your head as if to ask him what's up.

"I think.... I think I would be open to a relationship now... if you are- I've been thinking about it.."

He mumbles out quietly, looking away nervously. You notice the tips of his ears are pink. Another thing you love about him.  He tries to hide whenever he is flustered or embarrassed but his ears always give it away.

Your eyes grow wide, but so does your smile.
You wrap your arms around his neck and tackle him into a hug. He grunts in surprise as he falls back into the couch.

You laugh quietly, face buried in the crook of his neck as you pinned him to the couch in a hug. It wasn't much pinning though, you were sure he could easily get up if he wanted to.

He hugs you back tightly after he regains his head.

"Of course, I'm open to one"

You whisper in his ear, and he holds you tighter in response. You stay like that for a while. Just laying on top of him as he holds you, and he didn't mind one bit.

The steady beats of his heart and the sounds of his calm breaths relaxed you. You felt you could fall asleep right now and doubted he would mind, but you wanted to stay awake with him for longer.. at least finish the movie.

You slowly say up and crawled off him, and he let out a whine of disappointment, something you never expected to head out of him but god. Why was it hot? You sit comfortably on the couch, turning to face him, seeing him sit up at gazing at you.

You reach towards him and do a grabby hands thing. Earning a soft chuckle from him as he moves closer and pulls you into another comfortable cuddle. The movie was playing the entire time in the background so you had to rewind it.

You stayed like that with him until the movie was over. You yawned but it turned into a yelp when he suddenly stood, swooping you into his arms. You blushed red, he was carrying you bridal style.


You ask curious. He just smiles down at you, not responding. He carried you into his room, settling you Down on the bed before crawling in next to you.

He pulled you up close, and you gladly accepted it. You found he was a very cuddly person, and liked being close, which was something you never would've expected from someone like him, but in no way were you complaining.

You snuggle closer to him and slowly drifted off to sleep.

When you woke you were still held tightly in the others arms. You slowly opened your eyes, greeted by the sight of Miguel gazing at you affectionately. Your heart almost stopped at how cute he was.

You smiled up at him, and he ran his fingers through your hair. His arms were currently wrapped around your waist and yours were resting on his chest, your whole body pressed up to him.

You shifted to wrap your arms around his neck, to hold him even closer and he responded by holding you tighter.

The two of you just laid there for a while, No words were Said, because no words were needed. 

Suddenly you heard a faint ding, but you ignored it until Miguel shifted.  You heard him sigh before he started pulling away, getting up.  You whined at the loss of his warmth and moved to sit up. Looking up at him who was now looming over you.

"I'm sorry,  have to go to work.. it's important... I would stay if I could."

You gave him a sad smile. A bit disappointed but you understood.

"It's okay, I get it. You can go... I'll probably end up staying here if that's alright?"

He smiled, reaching out to ruffle your hair causing you to frown.

"That's fine, I'll try to be quick, okay?"


You hummed in response, and he walked into the bathroom, before rushing out the door.

As soon as he was gone, you're Watch started beeping, you groaned and got up off the bed. You hit the button to put on your suit and you hopped out the window.

You started heading to the place your watch pulled up before it started beeping again.  startling you.

It was loud and frantic, going haywire. You paused. Next thing you know you hear a slam and hear people scream.

You run towards the commotion, hopping from building to building with practiced ease.

That's when you see it.

"Holy shit."

It was Rhino... but not at the same time?
You've seen Rhino before, but this one was bigger and seemed stronger.

Your watch is blaring loud at this point. You turn it off and as you do, you see Spider-Man swing in, wrapping his webs around the rhino, but it wasn't enough, as rhino broke free.

You didn't know whether to help, or just stand by just in case.. it seemed spiderman had it handled. You look and see civilians running around panicking so you decide to focus on them.

You jump off the building with ease and immediately start getting them to safety. When suddenly you heard more screaming from the people you were helping.

You turn around and find a huge bolder being flung over towards everyone, you started pushing the group of people you were helping out of the way before suddenly, the bolder stops.

The Spider-Man had flung his webs out just in time, stopping the Bolder before it hit you. But in the momentary distraction, rhino uses the opening to attack.

He grabs Spiderman and slams him into the ground. Everyone gasps, and you usher them away before running back to the scene.

Spiderman and Rhino are still going at it. Rhino is flinging things while Spiderman tries to subdue him while dodging.  You scale a building quickly, planning on jumping on rhino from behind when he grabs a piece of metal from behind him.

You jump, using your ability to mimic one you knew would do damage. You soar above his head before you come crashing down. You twist in the air, gaining more momentum and flinging yourself forward, kicking him.

Rhino hits the ground and rolls but soon stands back up, his attention turns towards you, which you are glad about. This means the spider might be able to get him off guard.

Rhino charges at you quickly, and you duck and roll out of the way. You see Spiderman coming up at him front behind.

You try to keep rhinos focus on you. Mimicking multiple abilities at once, you summon a portal underneath a nearby car, it drops into it as another portal appears above rhino's head.

You use gravity control, an ability you stole thanks to some scientists capturing you and locking you in a cell with other people with abilities.

You use it and the car comes crashing down, its force is about 10 times harder than it would've been thanks to the extra gravity you added.

This weird stronger rhino recovers way faster than you thought and flips the car off charging at you again. Spiderman starts wrapping webs around him trying to get closer to him, and he pulls him back as Rhino is about to crush you.

This is when you realize he is still holding the piece of metal. Right before he is pulled back your stabbed, right in your lower abdomen by the huge chunk of sharp metal.

It feels like a pinch and everything is in slow motion.

Everything is fuzzy as you reach your hand down to the wound, finding you have been skewered. You can barely feel anything, including the blood pouring out of your body, when suddenly the metal is ripped out. Leaving a huge hold in your abdomen.

Your world erupts in pain. You can't hear anything but screaming. You can't feel anything but your whole body on fire, your throat raw. Oh. It's you who is screaming.

You drop to your knees. Your hands clutched the wound as you bled. You see a portal open in the sky and people shoot out of it, but you are in way too much pain to care.

You drop to the ground. You see rhino subdued. You see Spiderman looming over you. He is saying something but you can't hear what over the ringing in your ears.

There is a couple of people surrounding you that you don't know, but they are all masked and in suits that kind of look like your Spider-Man's... you feel your mask being pulled off as your picked up into strong arms.. arms that somehow feel familiar.

You hear your name, you reach out before your vision goes black.

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